Is this game any good? What are the best Metroidvanias that aren't Metroid or Castlevania?

Is this game any good? What are the best Metroidvanias that aren't Metroid or Castlevania?

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Aliens: Infestation is fucking great.

It's ok for one playthrough. Pirate it. Protag is annoying as hell, but the story could've been superb if it had a decent writer.

It's an okay Metroid clone.

I never played Axiom so can't say, but as for your second question, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.

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It's decent enough, at least worth a playtrough.

If you want a great Metroidvania you should check out Hollow Knight. It's easily the best Metroidvania in recent memory. Guacamelee is also good and Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon is a decent Classicvania. Ritual of the Night is looking really good as well.

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I've heard more people about this but I will never be able to get over that artstyle.

The enemies are very overused slime things and the bosses are decent but the game just feels like style over stubstance

It gives of the alien planet vibe really well.

I had a hard time buying the game myself, but after seeing it shilled all the time during one of the Steam sales I finally caved in and bought it. And I'm damn glad I did.

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It's a solid, decent game. Nothing groundbreaking but its a good game. Lots of weapons and secrets, cool music .

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One of the devs who made Baba Is You also made Environmental Station Alpha earlier. I wasn't a fan because the powerups and weapons weren't interesting (also that artstyle), but it's definitely a bit more challenging and has a fairly extensive postgame with puzzles.

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What the fuck is this? fucking atari 2600 had higher pixel res

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Motherfucker I already told you. And yes, it sometimes gets bad enough when trying to tell apart different layers.

The art is bad, but I don't mind that. What I do mind is the floaty attacking and the fact that the bullet hell boss style leaves you waiting for openings to attack and whittle down their bloated health, which they then supplement with a defense boost when near death. The gameplay just wasn't fun to me. Nice music though.

It looks like shit, but it's pretty great. You end up deciphering an alien language and shit to do postgame stuff. There are like three endings, each with progressively more ridiculous puzzles and shit to figure out. It also has the bonus of starting off inoffensive enough but gradually getting a much darker and more serious tone.

Play it, it's good. Great soundtrack too.

Good game. Actually ran into the dev when doing my groceries a couple of days ago.

ori and the blind forest and shadow complex

>shadow complex


fuck these devs/publishers.

pirate the game if you have to.

quick rundown?

Valdis Story
Salt and Sanctuary
In no particular order with AM2R as a special mention.

Probably the best modern ones desu. Not even mentioning three of those games are getting a sequel.

I had it backwards.

but its a fucked up situation. not sure buying the game even helps.

Someone on Yea Forums recommended A Robot Named Fight to me some months ago, but I'm not sure how it is. Looks like Super Metroid with rougelite and proc gen stuff.

What about Ori though?

heres a little quicker version

He asked for the best metroidvanias mate.

I liked Axiom verge but i can see why many people didn't really care for it. Worth playing. It is a Super metroid with interesting music but the artistic style can annoy some people

-Momodora reverie under the moonlight is pretty great. Short and a bit easy but enjoyable. I love how it rewards you for beating bosses without taking a hit and achievements that are actually interesting to try like but not too tedious since it is a short game. Gives it some replay value
-La-mulana remake and 2. Absolutely love them but they can be a bit infuriating at times
-Not sure if salt & sanctuary counts
-vvvvvv, ori and blind forest, aquaria (didn't particularly enjoy it), dust:elysian tail. Shantaes if you like those kinds of things
-Hollow knight and enviromental station alpha as well i suppose


sale when

Pretty much this. If you like Metroidvanias, you'll like Axiom Verge.

I liked it a lot actually.

If you liked that, play the mummy demastered

There’s a newish touhou game by ladybug on steam which is good

If you like 2D -vanias check out Blasphemous, its has a medieval, religious Catholic vibe to it and should hopefully come out this year. Sprites are actually hand drawn and animated. It's multi-plat, even for the Switch (which is surprising considering the imagery and themes)

inb4 shill

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god I can't wait to play this

>Popular user-defined tags for this product

is guacamelee still free? get that if you haven't already. Touhou lunar nights is also great. don't get hollow knight, people just like the aesthetic but as an igavania it's mediocere at best

Good idea, don't touch anything someone else might have mislabelled or misrepresented. Truly a mantra to live by.

But HK is a metroidlike not an igalike.

It does look rather good, but I keep remembering it and then forgetting about it because it feels like it will never come out.

Looks great but I hope it isn't too short. Art like that takes effort.

It’s actually closer to castlevania 2

metroid is not as focused on combat but more on exploration, whereas HK is combat focused and less exploration focused, like the igavania's

I know what you mean but seeing as they have limited funds and already working on the game since 2017 if not 2016, it can't take them much longer. Keep it on your radar

I like this game much more than Axiom Verge and even Metroid
I just can't into games where the combat is basically just spamming long-range projectiles

Dead Cells with a designed experience rather than procedurally generated levels is something I want, so this goes on the wishlist.

I've always seen it on a discount during a Steamsale, and it should be no different for the upcoming Summer Sale as well.

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>this game
>Love Bunny
>ESA 2 whenever the fuck that comes out
>Ori 2
Good times ahead.

Has anyone played MegaSphere? It looks visaully beautiful, but i'm wondering if the game play holds up.

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anyone heard of EITR or Ghost Song?

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Axiom Verge is pretty good, great art, nice music, maybe too many weapons.
While closer to castlevania than metroidvania, Odallus is quite good and has a decent CRT filter.

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It's mentioned time and time again, but if you haven't played Hollow Knight, you're missing out.

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I could never really get into Shadow Complex. I didn't get super far (I remember a part about running from a helicopter) but all the upgrades I got were weapon based, nothing that made the movement better.

>flashy style to get nu-males into buying it

Just looking at the trailer gives me a massive headache.

Guacamelee is very fun but the constant Nintendo references can get kinda tiresome.

based and redpilled

Can you fuck off? This is actually a good thread and we don't need you shitting it up.

Guacamelee 1 and 2 are great.

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>dark, low res pixel style
>bright, high-res, monitor filling visual effects

Don't like it, not a bit. It's way too much visual effects, completely drowns out the background and it just contrasts too much with the low-fi pixel look.

How's the Messenger? I know people generally liked it but apparently it fell off during the second half?

go drink your söymilk and hyperventilate in your safe room you oversensitive retard

Okay dude I'm emailing the mods now to prevent another one of your faggy raids on this board.

Apparently the later levels aren't as good as the earlier ones but that doesn't make it bad in any way. Good game.

It would have been Shovel Knight-tier if they just stuck with great linear platforming all the way.

Instead it went for maximum gimmick with the metroidvania shift.



A sequel was teased, but is a sequel in development? Was this ever confirmed?

Don't play dumb with me. You're done kid.

I love Guacamelee, because it's a game where you can tell the gameplay was designed first and everything else came later. It's got such good core mechanics that combat is just fun. Characters, world, whatever are nothing to write home about, but the random combat with trash mobs is actually fun.

Pirate it. Do not give money to Sekai Project.
Rabi Ribi's developer is cool, but the game's publisher is pure undiluted cancer.

>Valdis Story
My man.

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It's probably the least 'metroidvania' game in the genre but it's still great.

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>sekai project
aren't these the guys that just straight-up removed content from maitetsu and other shit?
i know they're shitty but if they haven't fucked with rabi-ribi does it really matter?

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You get wall jumps, high jump, double jump, super Sprint, and some other stuff. Nothing super unique, the usual you expect from most metroidvanias.

This game is not as good as they say. It's basically Metroid 1, but modernized to the point of being playable today. But it's not that modernized.
I dropped the game when I got the hook power up. Physics is so bad with this gimmick that it gave me the impression of playing an amateur flash game. Honestly I do not know how that powerup went through the testing phase.
I'd say it's better than Metroid 1, but the game can not be compared to Super Metroid or any other Game Boy Advance game.
Detail: the main character has an unfriendly appearance and the story is cringe as far as I had the patience to follow it.

Odallus is great. Much better than Oniken. It's a far better blend of Classicvania/Metroidvania than Order of Ecclesia was.

phenomenon 32 is unknown gem, too bad it's so fucking hard

>i know they're shitty but if they haven't fucked with rabi-ribi does it really matter?
It kind of does unless Rabi-Ribi is the only thing you care about. But even in Rabi-Ribi's case, it'd benefit a lot from having a non-fucked up publisher.

Sekai Project are lying, disingenuous scum. Frequently lying to both their consumers and business partners alike. They use kickstarters/crowdfunding for the vast, vast majority of their releases even though they most certainly are no longer a start-up and haven't been for ages. In spite of this though they have unironically not fully delivered on a single kickstarter ever.
Their in-house staff are also, for real, skill-less rejects that either got fired or failed to get hired by their competition. This is also reflected a lot in their products with how absolutely terrible the quality is for all of their products that weren't handled by a freelancer. But even in the case of freelancers, they usually hire poor ones, but even when they manage to get a hold of a skilled freelancer, Sekai Project usually fucks it up somehow anyway.
We're talking incomplete products, censored products, unfinished translations, releases with zero or otherwise incomplete editing, bugs and typically no quality assurance (officially stated to not be worth it by them). Of course this is assuming they even deliver at all. And of course, with Sekai Project lying about all of this any way they can to save face, but don't be surprised if they find an opportunity to literally and unironically, directly insult their audience and or related business partner(s) along the way.

In addition to all of this they have been the one party that have attacked the fan translation community of doujin game, eroge and VN scene the most.
Having stopped and killed tons of translations of great titles that we would have already gotten years ago if it weren't for them. Uncensored too unlike if Sekai Project got to decide.

But it's not just the fan translation scene. They also buy up licences like mad, even if they don't do anything with them, just to cock block their competition that could have actually done timely and unfucked releases unlike Sekai Project that just hoards and hoards these licences while they continue to totally fail with others.
Speaking of the kickstarters mentioned earlier though. Another fun tidbit is that the money donated to their kickstarters, often don't even go towards said kickstarter. It's not uncommon for them to launch a kickstarter for one project, but use the funds for said kickstarter in an attempt to deliver on older, still not fully delivered kickstarters instead. Leaving the project that people donated to kickstarter for, without funds, unless they do yet another kickstarter for yet another project, just to acquire funds to invest in their old project yet again. And they often use these kickstarters to advertise these other kickstarters, so it's all just one giant fucking mess of crowd funding money. With Sekai Project themselves, ironically being in the red more often than not instead of in the black. Banks won't grant them loans due to their terrible financials, which is why they rely on kickstarters instead.
It's all ridiculously disrespectful, disingenuous, and all around just a sham where they do not deliver. Deliver terribly when / if they do. All while sabotaging both the fan translation scene, their competitors, throwing their business partners under the bus, etc, etc etc.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

I wouldn't shill this game outside of dedicated threads. People on Yea Forums are awful at vidya and blame the controls giving Rain World a bad rap despite being one of the best games in the indie scene.

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i actually backed this ages ago, completely forgot i did
the simple fact that it isnt using a stamina system gives me hope it wont be another death's gambit, god fuck that game

Hey, I'm on board. When I first got notice of it I wrote it off thinking it has nice sprites but would never be finished. Looks like I was wrong, and I'm happy about that.

my thoughts exaclty

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It's the definition of pixelshit visually but goddamn does it nail the atmopshere and feel of Super Metroid.

Music especially. It's cheap as heck too, go try it out.

Hey come on. At least the interdimensional wizard and Thalamus were "fun" boss fights.

How about metroidvanias you regret suffering through to completion?

This game becomes such a snorefest so quickly.

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>wanted for the WiiU physical release for years
> caved and got it on sale elsewhere
> finally getting that WiiU release way past the point of anyone caring
Man what a clusterfuck that whole situation was

No! :)

Mediocre take on metroidvanias. Better than Hollow Knight but that's not hard to accomplish.

*tips fedora*

I just beat Guacamelee and it's got to be one of the best Metroidvanias. The style is charming, the music is great, the plot is simple but perfect and the combat engine is fun. It doesn't ape the Metroid or CV aesthetic like so many others. The powerups are just about all actually useful and they're implemented organically in the combat AND the exploration. Plus it's not padded or overly long, it lasts as long as its good ideas.

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agreed Guacamelee is great
>it's not padded or overly long, it lasts as long as its good ideas
This is the problem with Guaca 2. In a side by side comparison it's clearly better than the first, but for the most part it's just more of the same and it gets a bit old by the end

guacamelee seems good but a little short.
hollow knight is ok but certain things could turn you off.

Actually this.
I hate "indie pixel" art

>it's already been a year and I still can't beat PoH on full bindings
I'm not going to make it bros.

>don't touch anything someone else might have mislabelled or misrepresented

Guaccy is perfect length.

I find Ori pretty overhyped. It was polished enough to be good and half-fun for one playthrough but I will never feel the urge to return to it, and it didn't leave me with any lasting impressions.

User tags are dumb, more news at 11.

>Axiom Verge
basically a super metroid clone. cool weapons, drags a bit in the last third. good overall
melee combat is ridiculously fun. platforming challenges are good as well. it's a bit short, but it's quite intense so i think it actually benefits from its length. it's very guided - you're always told where to go next which makes it less interesting to replay
>Guacamelee 2
basically the same as the first one, with a few new abilities and slightly longer. better overall than the first, but doesn't do much to differentiate itself so if you played them back to back like i did the novelty wears off by the end
>Ori and the Blind Forest
visually it's the best looking MV out there, and the game itself is really fun. combat isn't really a thing - even the 'bosses' are just platforming sections, but they are really well done. if you're ore into platforming this is probably the best MV you can play
>Hollow Knight
really great. immersive atmosphere and has a fucking huge map. very combat focused, and the soulslike checkpoints can be frustrating, but that just depends on your tastes i guess
>Steamworld Dig 2
pretty nice but very short. not really memorable but worth playing once

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what about Chasm?

It's not indie pixel art per se. It's moronic design and style decisions by a gorillion studies. Obstructing your complete vision with unnecessary things like over the top bloom, lens flare, screen shake, screen dirt/blood and other "immersive" effects, muzzle flashes that are over the top, bright explosions, eye adaption and so on. It's retarded.

Pic related. It gets worse when you look into a fucking torch. Your entire screen goes black.
Whoever thought this is fine, should be shot dead and fed to cats.

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Would be put in meh probably.

kek seems about right

Did they ever fix it?

This game somehow reminds me of slain: back from hell. I hope im wrong because that game fucking sucked.

The first 75% of Axiom Verge is fucking great, but the final 25% just shits the bed. Considering most people don't finish games, this shouldn't be a problem for you.

That's good to hear. I may go back to it then.

Even after the update? I haven't played it before the update but I liked and enjoyed it when I played it

It was 45% off in April.

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Eternal Daughter is severely underappreciated.

am i going to enjoy this even though I hate anime?

The game is still receiving regular updates, some with new content. I'd rather just buy it than wait for somebody to upload every new version. Also, there's like 200 achievements, they're pretty fun to hunt for.

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>chievo hunting

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There's a LOT of dialog and it's all like, well, this.

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Alright, thanks for clarifying.

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Salt and Sanctuary is entirely too good. The story is fantastic too.
>made by 2 people

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Momodora RUTM

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You can skip all the garbage writing but the gameplay is great.

>tfw all the glorious games I listed were made by at most three people

great game, it's like Mega Man Zero x Bloodborne

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>less clothes means stronger armour

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I like this metroidvanias general

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At this point they're making an obvious joke of the 'big tittied girl with no clothes is okay at doing the battle' but even then I just see it as poor taste.

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Is it wrong if i want to put my penis inside her anus?

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Anyhow, Rabi-Ribi is definitely the kind of game you don't want your gf see you playing. It's pure shameless fanservice.

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The fact that we never get to see Syaro in the swimsuit is the REAL problem here.

This game has some pretty fun achievements though. Like requiring to fight one specific boss before another that initially sounds like a simple enough challenge, but then you realize you have to traverse tough areas early and/or look for hidden paths that makes for a fresh, unique playthrough.

Syaro wouldn't dress like a whore.

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I find her attitude problematic.

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Axiom Verge is pretty short but it feels like a literal Super Metroid hack except with an experimental soundtrack (love it or hate it kinda thing) and IMO really ugly visuals. The game also has some very weird design decisions such as:
- Common enemies are a lot more dangerous than bosses (which you will defeat mostly on your first try).
- AI is generally very bad, either the enemies get stuck on platforms, or you just stand in place and shoot at them, occasionally jumping over the projectiles.
- There's like 15 different weapons most of which you will never use as they're very poorly balanced and ultimately useless.
- Shitty story with a shitty plot twist.

I know it was made by just one dude with a disabled kid, but still. It's extremely derivative of Metroid (it's got same blocks, same basic enemies, even same doors etc) and whatever new stuff it adds to the formula is mostly poorly thought out, e.g. the hacking thing where you have to debuff an enemy first before being able to damage them.

>weebshit is posted
>thread immediately dies

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The only thing I remember about AV is that it had interesting power-ups but never really took advantage of them well.

Has anyone heard about dark flame, or is he even still working on it? Fuck man, it looks so promising but stuck in development hell.

big surprise

It's a Taiwanese game.

But yeah, the script is so bad and the translation is so poor and riddled with typos it really does feel like you're watching seasonal trash fansubbed by high school kids. Very authentic weeb experience.

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>riddled with typos
I think I recall seeing just one or two

There's tons, even in the main menu (e.g. there's one when selecting a difficulty.) Mostly it's just the usual its/it's but also some omitted letters, bad grammar etc.

Have sex.

I never understand the combat in Rabi Rabi. I can't figure out how to do any of the special magic moves or how the little fairy really works besides just shooting projectiles. I just jump around and avoid attacks and use nothing but my hammer. But the hammer feels so weak and pathetic...

>when selecting a difficulty
I don't see anything wrong there? Granted, english is not my first.
Maybe watch some videos on youtube? There's some amazing things you can do when you chain different attacks together. Even endgame bosses on highest difficulty can be killed in just a few minutes when you truly master the mechanics.
Play Rabi-Ribi.

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>Difficulty Select
oh, maybe it's that?

Axiom Verge was alright, but damn a lot of the bosses were so easy to cheese on my first playthrough

sounds like Metroid

Bosses are shit. All of them are really easy on a highest difficulty. There are a lot of weapons, but most of them are useless. The game tries too hard to differentiate itself by not using tropey metroidvania powerups, it's mostly successfull in doing so, but the address disruptor weapon is horrible in my opinion, it's cumbersome to use, but it's needed for most secret areas. The code sheet or whatever it's called was a dumb idea too. The level design is very solid overall, but it might be tiresome to navigate older locations without having some late-ish power-ups. The game is still good.

If it looks, acts, and sounds like weebshit then it's weebshit regardless of region you stupid newfaggot.

Run of the mill metroidvania. Not exceptional, not overly generic, but also pretty flawed.
The soundtrack was the highlight.

Has anyone here beaten Goibnui mode?

Only thing I've yet to do. Speedruns usually kill my motivation.

Play Guacamelee 2.

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Fuck meant to post this too for context.

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The typo was in one of the difficulty descriptions, I forget which and I don't have the game currently installed, sorry user-kun.

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Bought this for $1 on a key site recently.

Is this a good game? Seems pretty hard.

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So does my dick but maybe you should try it out anyway.

Wings of Vi? Yeah it's amazing.

>still no conclusion to Erina-Irisu picnic subplot that would serve as excellent pretext for more yuri fanservice
The writing is truly subpar, maybe Gema could attend a course or something...
Ah, ok. Eh, I don't feel like booting the game again to check. I kinda want to stay away from it for now, after 100% it, and save my strength for the new achievements once playable Cocoa dlc arrives...

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More like Guacameme.

Can confirm. It's really short, though, and you can easily cheese the final boss.

The platforming seems really autistic so far. It's like what if Celeste was a metroidvania.

Playing as a big boobed angel chick is kinda cool though. And seems like you can completely customize her look too.

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Forget Celeste mate. That game is autistic.

Boshy levels of autism even.
Prepare your ass.

I think the messenger is a pretty neat game.

>still no co-op Lost Vikings style Metroidvania
what the fuck

Owlboy is the closest I think. But it's a shitty game.

I didn't like it and I usually love every Metroidvania, then again I didn't play more than 3 or 4 hours so that's not too fair of an assessment. To me nothing has been better for the genre in recent years than Hollow Knight but Momodora 3 and Touhou Luna Nights are also really good (both are pretty short though).

>didn't play more than 3 or 4 hours
That's over half the game, might as well just man up and finish it. The plot twist is really shitty though.

>Momodora 3
Why not also play 4 then? It's a massive improvement.

>Touhou Luna Nights
The final content update is releasing in just a few days, the achievements are already up on the store page. The new boss is Reimu.

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The Messenger should be in Great tier.

>Not Mima

It really shouldn't.

>over half the game
What? I beat this shit in 3 hours and never touched it again. It was pretty disappointing idk why it gets memed on here are being good so often

>Axiom Verge
Metroid clone. Gay story and some bad controls. Play for the retro graphics and music.
>Salt & Sanctuary
2D Dark Souls. Ugly as shit.
>Dead Cells
Best for action-platformers. Marred by being a rogueshite.
The most visually impressive, does things differently than other games in the genre. Widest appeal (i.e. for babies).
>Hollow Knight
Best balance of exploration, platforming, combat. More reminiscent of Castlevania SotN and related games, than others on this list.

It's trash.

Hollow Fucking Knight

Hollow knight exploration is boring as fuck

Salt and Sanctuary share similarities to Souls but it does many of its own things as well. A 2D game with 2.5D background visuals, exactly like Maplestory which had gorgeous areas.
>being wrong on the internet

>Sex meme
Kek good argument

Can I play with your dick?

Guacamelee... the only right answer.

>Axiom Verge
it's good, ive just bought it, im having fun with it
>Dead Cells
currently sitting on my #1 platformer ever, I cant tell what i love about it more. The soundtrack is bomb
>Slain: Back From Hell
clunky but visually stunning with a soundtrack to bang your head to
>Salt and Sanctuary
1:1 Dark Souls clone but pretty well done, i loved it
>Rayman Legends
just get it
>Death's Gambit
another Dark souls clone, but with disgusting stamina management issues. Otherwise great

It doesn't become a Metroidvania as much as it gives you the ability to backtrack through levels. There's teleporters but you do have to retread the same linear sections over and over searching for ways to progress instead of actually progress.

Basically needs a controller to play properly right?
Tried playing it on a keyboard before but felt like it was made for dual stick gameplay.

La-Mulana shouldn't be that high.

Its pretty fun, the soundtrack is banging. Its straight Metroid though, no CV elements.

Personally I think Hollow Knight is the best metroidvania in years. Hopefully CotM is fun too, I'm optimistic.

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One of the best games I've ever played. It's fun. The story is amazing. The soundtrack is fantastic. Get it.

Woah you entered a thread for the sole reason of shitting on HK!?!? You must be very cool my nibba

>just got Guacamelee for free a few days ago
That's good to hear, I really like the art style and character designs.

Also goddamn Axiom Verge has a good score:

do you think miriam feels embarrassed while she's running around and her tits just keep making really loud sloshing noises

These are the same guys who made Lovecraft kino last door season 2.... I am buying blasphemous just in hopes they make enough money to fucking make a season 3

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I thought I would see objectively incorrect lists on Yea Forums today, but this one is actually retarded

Guacamelee 2 is amazing. That final chicken stage..

Your picture is bugged, m8.

It's a piece of high art. Basically it's put together in a way that makes certain people sperg over the way it's put together due to them being capable to partially reconstruct author's trsin of thoughts.
If you judge it as a piece of entertainment, it's alright, but it some things in it are deliberately unenjoyable in order to convey a point. Which, if the point flies over your head, amounts to seemingly bad, occasionally, gamedesign.

Altogether, this game is a strictly one of its kind, love it or hate it, kind of thing which assumes you to be willing and capable of unearthing what the hell it is all about through your playing experience. Moreover, it is NOT, by design, a typical SuperMetroid/vania. Neither it is a straight Metroid 1 clone. (Although it is VERY much concerned with M1, SM and SotN a bit too.) It's, well, Axiom Verge. I suggest you to try it, I guess.
Oh, and, you know, it's not about le awesome story. If anything, among other things, it is about how, and why this way, you happen to interprete this surface-level plot.

Salt and Sanctuary gets some shit on Yea Forums but the couch coop is seriously fun as fuck. Being able to play with your friend while you both have wildly different builds is quite a unique experience, I had a great time playing a faith-focused spellcaster while my body went full strength. For $15 the experience was definitely worth it, but everyone on Yea Forums seems to focus on how ugly the character's faces are (even though you can just slap a helmet on to fix that).

Nah. Everyone is in agreement that S&S's couch coop is godly.

You're cute, user

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>it's shit on purpose so that's a good thing

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Its pretty average, has some good visuals here an there but instead of making the better of the genere it drags the mistakes of older games instead improving them. Pretty short and most of the weapons are mostly useless. It was fun to play but nothing really good.

It's not even shit as much as it is unconventional.

La-Mulana is not influential or good enough to be remotely close to the top.

Unconventional in what way? That it isn't pretending to be a metroid clone?

It actually attemps to evolve the genre by rooting out several very deeply lodged problems with it (all traceable essentially to Sakamoto's '"gamedirection'"), now that we are at it.

But Hollow Knight its not a Metroidvania

its fun but theres one major downside. you cant get all the weapons in a single run.
the game only gives you the main weapons and all the other ones are hidden in side areas are randomly placed. and then only a handful of them are in the side areas.
theres a subtle scanline effect when you are near a side area.

Requires cheesing(electric gun firing through walls, drone abuse) and generally using leveldesign for cover in combat.
Doesn't mark main progression path in order for player to stumble at as many secrets while looking for the next upgrade, as possible.
Absolutely wipes the floor with completionists by means of a ridiculously multi-step setup the whole purpose of which is to push home the notion "YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME DUMBASS, NOT EVEN ROMHACKERS KNOW ABOUT THE GAMES A FRACTION OF WHAT PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY WROTE THEM, DO - NOR DO THEY ACTUALLY CARE, AND FOR A GOOD REASON TOO".

It's more Metroidvania than it is anything else.

What the fuck are you even saying right now mate?

Hell no. Its more a platform/exploration game with a huge souls inspiration. Not even close to a Metroidvania

The graphics really put me off. Pixel graphics is a big drawback NOT an asset and I wish devs would realize that. Even half asses environments look better than pixel shit.

he's like this in every thread where axiom verge is mentioned
he thinks the game is some subversive masterpiece when really it just has bad world design and shit writing

I feel like I'm being baited here. A 2D platform/exploration game is a huge part of what a Metroidvania is. Hollow Knight is a 2D game with an interconnected map that you explore, just like in Metroidvanias. It has powerup items that you discover, and that allow you to progress through the map, just like Metroidvanias.
What is your definition of Metroidvania?

You're actually retarded if you think HK is not even close to a Metroidvania.

That it's OG_Pathologic/Riven/I|OrevisionII/Ico sort of a gameat its core. It's meant to be treated seriously, and you are meant to reflect upon your actual playing experience, derive conclusions from it, and use those conclusions for drawing further conclusions. It's literally a game made for sperging over it. It has a point, which can be understood, provided you are willing to decipher it, and are at least somewhat acquainted with the subject matter.

He's not wrong.

HK is a 2D open world game.

Lmao, every single thread.

>It's meant to be treated seriously, and you are meant to reflect upon your actual playing experience, derive conclusions from it, and use those conclusions for drawing further conclusions.

How does this not apply to literally every fucking game ever made?

>Progressive discovery and exploration of the map. Optional buying/unlocking of the map.
>Powerups most the time located on the spot that the zone had those obstacles to overcome.
>Distinct zones to avoid being confused. Proper setting for every area (for the most part)

HK doesn't have those points clear or lacks them. Its a solid game but not a Metroidvania.

Can you elaborate faggot?

I liked it a lot, tons of secrets, hidden weapons and shit.
>Hollow Knight
>Ori (kinda, more action platformer)
>Cave Story
>Steam World Dig 2
>Toki Tori (1 and 2, again, kinda. No abilities learned, just taught different ways to use your given abilities. You can really use them from the get go.
>Dead Cells (Roguelite x Metroidvania, would recommend)

It really doesn't. Also, WISHING to express something doesn't mean HAVING something to express - or even being capable of expressing it. AV is a case where all three of these points are in place.

this. Honestly I just found myself wanting to play Metroid while slogging through Axiom Verge. Can't believe how much Sony fans hyped this game up when it was their console exclusive.


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What do you guys think about Dead Cells? Playing it and enjoying it right now, but the exploration aspect is weird to me. Feels like you can easily skip 60% of the game and go the same route every time and win as long as you get good drops. I wonder if it's just that rogue lite elements don't work as well in a metroidvania concept. Although I liked Rogue legacy a lot.

Axiom Verge kinda sucked. Boring af combat, tons of backtracking with NO fast travel, retard tier easy bosses etc. It's like a bad Super Metroid romhack.

The art style was also pretty repulsive IMO, but I suppose that's subjective.

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The problem is that your are asuming that any 2d action plataformer with exploration has anything to do with Metroid, Symphony of the Night director Koji Igarashi stated that the game wasnt influenced by Metroid at all and that game its one, in not the best castelvania (What you normalfags would call Metroidvania for some retarded reason).
Still would be cool if you atleast list the supposed changes instead of just saying nothing. As far as i can see there is 0 inovation and Axiom is mostly rooted in nostalgia gameplay and visually talking.

You haven't played HK if you think they're missing these points.

I have 5 hours in it and wish I could get a refund

Very fun roguelites. Hides their severe lack of content by falling for the procedurally generated meme.

But still a great action game. Would have been better if it was actually a metroidvania.

Expanding on this, I think the problem is all paths lead to the same place. I think there should be 2 or 3 final bosses and your path determines which one you encounter and they are varying difficulties with different rewards. Since Hand of the King is the final boss no matter what, I can't find a good reason to not go the straightforward path every time.

He's just retarded. Ignore him, user. HK is my favorite Metroidvania.

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My point is that even if HK doesn't hit all the marks of a "perfect" Metroidvania, to think it is not even close at all is retarded. You're just saying shit to say shit.

>Since Hand of the King is the final boss no matter what
Heh :^) so you think...

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Come on user.

Good for you, that doesn't change the fact that HK is not a Metroidvania, just stop that meme.

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You're right man. Fell for obvious bait.

>falling for the procedurally generated meme
Is there such a thing as a roguelike/lite without randomly generated features? I thought that was a core aspect of the genre.

Oh minus the final boss that you beat after beating him like 5 times wooooow. My point is that the game needs to give more incentive for taking different paths, I see 0 reason to not just go prison>promenade>ramparts>stilt>clock>castle every time. If other paths took me to a different final area and boss it would feel much more varied but as of now the lack of boss variety just makes it not as interesting. Like I just beat the Hand, but apparently he is still the final boss until I beat him 5 times and then it's just one new boss and that's it. The game just doesn't do a great job with progression imo I was pretty disappointed when the Hand was the last boss, I thought I was just getting but started.

Just grind the boss cells bro.

I don't believe this. Why? Because of the inverted castle and - what? Richter's? playthrough. They are basically, among other possible purposes, a meta-commentary on you doing a second full sweep on the normal castle after acquiring all the essential upgrades, by means of pushing "let's sweep over the whole castle AGAIN" to absurdity.
Besides, Igarashi wasn't only peraon involved in making SotN. That he wasn't influenced by Metroids doesn't mean someone else on the team wasn't.

As for Axiom Verge, I have provided my analysis here several times, and I don't feel like repeating it. Use some sort of Yea Forums archive in conjunction with google, if you so fancy (here are some keywords "collectathon", "reinterpret"/"re-interpret", "unmarking").

>Stop that meme
Holy fuck user you literal retard. Stop baiting and let us enjoy a thread for once without spergs like you shitting up every thread you can for some fucking reason.
Here, I'll use the "points" you said HK was lacking.
>HK has extremely distinct areas; greenpath, crossroads, soul sanctum and the city, fungal wastes, fog canyon, and kingdoms edge.
>Progressive discovery of the map and optionally obtaining it. HK literally lets you decide not to buy the map system at all, and rely on your memory. You can also buy the small shitty maps of the beginning areas of each zone, and unless you buy the quill, they won't update at all. When you do buy the quill, you can fully explore and fill the map with each room you've been to.
>Powerups. Need dash to even somewhat explore greenpath and to unlock new areas? Defeat the boss in greenpath. Need desolate dive to fucking leave the city? Go though the city and kill the sanctum boss, using the skill to leave faster. Need to get to the top exit of the mines? Defeat the mines boss. Need the wall jump to explore and get through the mantis village? GO GET IT IN MANTIS VILLAGE.

>stop don't liking what i like
I guess having a different opinion is not allowed here with retard faggots like you.

He's not asking you to like HK. Now I know you're baiting like a fucking retard.

I love how you panicked and replied with something I wasn't even fucking talking about. Does pretending to be retarded get tiring? Don't you think you could enjoy video game conversations for once?

I'm primarily a RTS and Turn based game kinda guy and this game was my first experience in metroidvania styled games and boy was it "meh". Most boss fights consisted of just spamming arrows and rolling away, whenever a boss countered this strategy I'd just hope it would shit itself into doing a retarded attack pattern and win

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I dont really care if you believe FACTS, this has been well know for along time, learn to research moron.
>As for Axiom Verge, I have provided my analysis here several times, and I don't feel like repeating it. Use some sort of Yea Forums archive in conjunction with google, if you so fancy (here are some keywords "collectathon", "reinterpret"/"re-interpret", "unmarking").
Then you probably should shut the fuck up if you are not adding anything to the current conversation, pretending that someone on an anonboard has to look for archives that are mostlikely not yours just because you are a lazy retard that actually doesnt have anything to say is fucking hilarious. Good fucking Retarded Normalfags

since this guy is a tard i'll correct it.
>Game creator has a son who was born with a severe degenerative disease
>doesn't want to make a big deal out of it so doesnt mention it
>mentions it later when company working with his publisher had previously promised to donate a % of the profits to a fund to help his kid, but they bailed with the money
>legal battle happens and the primary company he worked with makes the physical copies at a loss while they try to get the money back in court
TLDR Dev got screwed over, not by his publisher, but the company they worked with. Dev is a good guy

>Ritual of the Night is looking really good as well.
>30fps @ 720p docked and undocked

>maybe too many weapons.
Probably my only complaints too. Once you get the Kilver you don't need much else.

would online -vanias work?

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I believe I possess a recognizeable enough literary style for you to get an idea as to whether those analyses were or weren't written by me. That's for one. Second, I highly doubt Igarashi has psychic abilities to confidently speak on EVERYONE of his team back then. SotN's main achievement is bitchslapping SuperMetroid by showing that it's basically two different games: a "story" one and a "collectathon" one. This is the exact point Axiom Verge starts from.
This absolutely did NOT happen all by itself. Someone on the team knew what he was doing. That Igarashi personally didn't get it, just shows him personally to be a retard, and, as such, doubly unqualified to speak for people smarter than him.

There are exactly four games significant in terms of evolution of "Metroid-likes" genre: Metroid, SuperMetroid, SotN and Axiom Verge. And it's a big question, actually, whether SuperMetroid was a net positive or net negative experience.

>harmony of despair

>or net negative influence.

Depends on implimentation.
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror is called a Metroidvania by some and it allowed four Kirbys to walk around the map completely independent of each other.
Sure it was in the age of the link cable but it could probably translate decently to an online thing if you added something like a side screen to see where all your allies are beyond the map.

As i said, hilarious to see some moron with nothing to say trying to be "smart" and "literary.

>No more sperg replies

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Yeah, could be also that I am actually smart and literary - and you are a projecting simpleton.

I have a masters in computer science and make $300k a year at an age of 26. How about you senpai :)

Also, could be, that I value my time high enough so that not to waste it on being banal, by means of producing a wall of text I have already written 3 times over at least.

Anyone tried Dark Devotion? I feel like 20 euro for a few hours of really low res pixel art is too much.

So what? That you are a successful one-trick pony doesn't mean you are any good outside of tricks you are financially valued for. And we certainly weren't speaking about anything directly related to your specialty, so, no, you don't get to blatantly change the topic to better suit your fancy.

>platform/exploration game
So a metroidvania then, based retard.

>I value my time high enough so that not to waste it on being banal
Because evading the conversation instead of having an argument about the topic at hand is certanly the way smart people do it, good god, the fact that you "value your time" and browse Yea Forums its a joke itself. This is your last (You) enjoy it retard-kun

t.jack of all trades HVAC artist

Way too much, its also janky as fuck.

I'm hyped for Bloodstained and Indivisible, lads.

The soundtrack is fucking fantastic. On point with the thematic usage of slavic myths and folk music.
Compare for example to see what I mean

Bloodstained cant be good
>Stay true to the castle vania games
You piss off the zoomers who cant handle old mechanics
>Overhaul the gameplay for modern times
You piss off the boomer nostalgiafags who will review bomb it out of spite

>hyped for Bloodstained

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I don't consider learning to tell freaks off a waste of my time.
And by my tactic I am actually exemplifying that I have actually learned something useful from AV in particular, now that we are at it.
Also real deals tend to be only very moderately concerned with how other real deals behave, since each of them, myself and AV's author included, have a head of their own, and they tend to make as full a use of it, as at all possible. They compose their own tunes, and they dance to them.


And yes, on one hand, I claim to dance to my own tunes, on the other, I demonstrate having learned something from AV. You see, there is this thing, it's called "communication". You should maybe try it sometime, instead of your petty bickering, it's pretty awesome actually.

>Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is an upcoming action-adventure game developed by ArtPlay, DICO and WayForward Technologies, and published by 505 Games. The game is led by former Castlevania series producer Koji Igarashi, and is considered a spiritual successor to the series.

>quality of a game is the same thing as inability for Yea Forums to bitch about it
Go outside from time to time, your brain melted.

Theres nothing for me out in the real world. I live on the internet.

I've only ever really played the Metroid series when it comes to games like this, what else should I try out?

I can't get past the art style

Did you reply to the wrong post or something?

Castlevania is a no brainer.
>w-which ones?
Every 2D game since Symphony of the Night minus The Adventure Rebirth.

I like it!
I've been thinking about Dead Cells as my next game, but perhaps it's gonna be Axiom that gets the honor. Thanks!

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lol. fucking wrong from the start, great compilation.

holllow knight isn't a metroidvania

I enjoyed it enough to finish it. I was gonna be a completionist, but I kinda gave up near the end, but I still finished the game with huge majority of the upgrades/weapons/zones explored.

Never felt like replaying it though.

This shit again

it's not much different from super metroid in length either. You can beat the game in under 2 hours.

Was looking for Shadow Complex on here, great game.

eat shit and die.

That's pretty much the correct way to play (not replaying included) this game.