XCOM is horseshit
>lol just git gud
How the fuck do you get good at rolling random dices?
XCOM is horseshit
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>How the fuck do you get good at rolling random dices?
Control your throws faggot
You need to have a plan b if things go awry, so yea git gud.
Thats funny because you have 0 control over anything unless you have 100% chance to to hit something.
Don't put yourself into situations where everything relies on a single roll, idjit.
Faggot, nu-XCOM is a shitton easier than OG X-com.
Go play it so you can come back here whining that you are getting your asshole ripped apart by the third mission in.
Play an actual tactical game.
Epic ESL, friend
>try to flank to get a better shot
>trigger multiple enemy pods that flanks your flank
risk mitigation
Have Flanks.
why do people get so buttblasted about RNG when the pod mechanic is by and far the most vexing thing
Turn-based combat is the single most fucking retarded gimmick ever put in a videogame.
For all intends and purposes, only card games feel reasonable with it.
it has massive potential to make you rage but if you knew anything about it you'd know that it's actually not that hard to win a campaign. the main problem people face is that they lose the will to play when something bad happens.
>he didnt max luck when being born
Fucking loser lmao
use conceal/stalkers first to check if the flank is clear dumb dumbs.
I know this is a bait thread but i keep responding to every one of them
Risk management is core of any tactics, doesn't matter if it's a video game or a real life, minimizing risk IS tactics, knowing how to manage your odds is being good at tactical games.
If game has no random elements and says it's a tactical game it's just a puzzle game, not a tactical game.
yea bro, when i have a 99% chance to hit and I miss is totally due to the lack of skills.
i'm that cat
>99 isn't 100
wow what an amazing observation. i'm sure you lose your entire campaign and died in real life because you missed that shot
>you have 0 control over anything
nigga u stoopid
Dice is already plural, ESL.
You mean
>2 action points per turn
>broken lines of sight
>broken "stealth"
>random crits/dodge on top of damage spread
Add timers to the shit stew while you're at it.
>when I don't have 100% chance to hit, It's possible for me to miss
wow... deep
just roll better user
You should probably kill yourself.
You are right, it's a retarded mechanic and these incels here will just rationalize their sunk cost fallacy.
Have you tried not being a brainlet?
I fucking hate the line of sight in this game. Sometimes you dont get a shot when you should get one but then again sometimes you get a shot when you shouldnt get one so it evens out I guess. Still stupid though.
don't run right in front of them, and shoot hoping for a critical. Use items(been playing 2 for years, and never used the mimic beacon til recently, the thing is a fucking godsend when you have too many enemies), and overwatch when you aren't comfortable shooting. Also don't be afraid to restart your campaign.
I played a lot of OG Xcom before 2 came out, and I prefer 2 to UFO Defense. Geo Scape was the best part of the game, the tactical combat was pretty weird to figure out.
learn to squad level tactics.
Don't sprint into unsecured areas
Don't commit all your forces to deal with a single enemy position
always have an exit plan
>bring a grenadier and/or a reaper on any mission
>literally all the complaints I heard about the game are irrelevant
It wouldn't be as horrible if getting shot wasn't hugely more meaningful for you than ayys.
That's xcom baby!
99% chance to hit and still a 1% chance to miss, next time don't settle for 99%, shithead
Dropped that game after about 10 mins
>shoot enemy point blank
>2 uses of expanded radius freeze grenade
>one grenadier disables an entire pod for two turns, twice per mission
>what is angular speed
>that webm
OG was easy compared to TFTD though
TFTD is just micro prose saying fuck you
So the way I always explain x com to friends is, imagine you are playing a grand strategy game, nothing makes sense, same way don't try to apply logic to xcom, even tho the game looks like it wants to adopt common sense into the gameplay and the visuals, ignore them, they are just there to look pretty, just like how a grand strategy game is an impossibility in real life (ie you can't actually control a country in real time and watch troops movement from a top view), expecting your soldiers to land seemingly impossible to miss shots 1cm away from a huge alien is not real transference of visual to real life.
Xcom is not a visual game, treat is as a spreadsheet.
Basically this. If you're putting a unit in what will be a bad position if you fail the roll, it's probably not a good move.
My biggest problem is fucking this right here. Anybody that plays the new XCOM games regularly know that you literally can't go for flanks because doing so will activate new alien pods that will just fuck you up. You just pile on the explosives and blow up their cover instead.
Based resistancechads
ITT: Virgins defend shit game
TFTD was made the way it was because the original reset to Beginner after the first tactical mission and no one knew it was bugged until long after TFTD came out
>TFTD is just micro prose saying fuck you
Actually its micro prose thinking that max difficulty in the original was extremely easy because they didn't realize everybody saying the game was a cakewalk had been playing on the easiest difficulty all along due to a bug.
>leaving the shuttle on round one
God these fuckers in Long War's lategame were the fucking worst. The perfect example of how that mod is nothing but a massive pile of bloat. Most missions I preferred taking on multiple Berserkers to fighting these cunts
says the virgin who can't figure out how to play them
oh boy, a XCOM thread
It's even more shit with flank ''crits''
>move soldier to a obvious flanking position
>yellow crit icon doesnt pop up
IF it was just luck and randomness I wouldn't consistently beat the game on the hardest difficulty, retard.
>he hasn't taken the 50/50 pill
you either hit that shot or you don't. literally never put your trust in the xcom hit percentage display, it's never your actual chance to hit. always be prepared to fail because you will
how did you get that G36?
that's beautiful
It really isn't.
the combat is much much easier in nu-xcom, dude.
It isn't and it isn't even close in UFO Defense's case.
>Always have a Plan B (and C): The Game.
>wait one turn before leaving the interceptor
>proceed as usual
The combat in the original allows for funner shit like suicide grenades and moving around equipment but it's not exactly harder. It just has different types of cheese
the laws of quantum mechanics prevents 100% from being a physical reality
you can literally get 100% shots in the game though.
that's just what the game says, but it's not 100.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% since electrons might randomly jump all over your computer and recode the game into a gay porn video as you take the shot
your actual chance to hit is typically higher than what is show. this is because people are generally retarded and have confirmation bias, and they get mad even if they miss as many shots as they statistically should
but yes you should always be prepared to fail because that's how random chances work. for some reason a lot of brainlets seem to think that anything over 50% is a guaranteed hit and anything below that is a guaranteed miss
Post yfw when you line up the perfect shot but the game suddenly morphs into hard drive defragmenting software
Tell me about it.
>have 100% shot
>order soldier to take it
>graphic card fucking dies
It only applies to sub-classical objects such as electrons. Massive objects like beer cans or planets are 100% calculable.
wtf is happening here? Is this one turn?
like ur virginity which is 100% LMFAO
no, it just applies far more to sub-classical objects, like how the discrete translational states of a particle are so numerous as to be effectively continuous for basically any conceivable purpose, yet not actually continuous
>dont scout properly
>get punished for being a shitter
working as intended
>200 IQ alien supersoldiers literally standing offscreen and twiddling their thumbs while watching their buddies engage in a firefight is good design
>scout properly
>whoops, time's up, better not engage more than one pod next time! !
>apply explosives on sight
>gg ez
only faggots play RNG games
>uses up all his time to scout and calls it "scouting properly"
ousting yourself as a shitter
In most situations where I am playing Xcom 2 my shots have a 85-100 chance to hit or higher. I almost never take shots at a lower percent chance than that. Sounds like you don't know how to get it that high.
Yes because they can't see them, just like how you couldn't see them. I know you are a mongoloid so this might be hard to understand but pod aggro is based on line of sight. It's entirely possible to see a pod from far away and not trigger them if you say are on the high ground. They have the same vision your soldiers do though when on the same level so in most situations you will see each other at the same time.
>haha im a retard let me excuse myself with stupid non-sense!
Just admit you're shit at the game and that's that
Apocalypse had an optional real time mode.
I really liked it for routine sweeps as it made those missions go much faster, but stayed with turn based for anything important; as that webum shows, fine control and collateral damage had a tendency to go right out the window in RT.
ah yes the sounds of explosions and gunfire surely would not attract attention
radio? What's that?
by the way, pods aren't hard, they make the game pathetically easy once you figure out how they work
>play with the timer
>have to take massive risks because you have to spend every turn moving forwards or fail
>double the timer
>finish at least 5 turns early
Why even add it if it was going to be that shit?
>Trying to play WotC
>Weird glitches keep fucking up my runs
>Every time I restart I have to go through that fucking scripted recruiting the Reapers mission.
It's just so tedious I can't do it any more.
Pod aggro is retarded both gameplay wise and lore wise. It's stupid to believe an engagement wouldn't trigger an alarm, and it's stupid because it encourages turtling in as little new terrain as possible during engagements.
you have to restart the whole campaign?
I've been trying Ironman.
by limiting the negative ramifications of the outcome, if you have to bet everything on a single shot hitting, you already failed at the game.
also, dice is already the plural of die, dices is the 3rd person present tense of dicing, the process of cutting something in to dice.
oh ok, yeah that sucks. good luck if you try again, dude.
>not backing up Ironman saves
Shit nigger when i did my first I/I Long War 1 campaign I nearly had a heart attack when the game would crash on a loading once. It ended up being a map error but I never forgot to back up after that
You people are fucking idiots. A 99% chance to hit and then missing is NEVER going to happen in a situation that is not tampered with in some way. To say that a truly random outcome ended up with the 1 out of 100 is absolutely ludicrous, yet almost anyone who has played XCOM has had it happen multiple times. It's the same as a 1% chance to hit hitting - IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
The worst fucking thing XCOM ever did was those stupid meld units in Enemy Within. Ruins the entire game because it forces you to rush and play stupid to recover the meld.
Actually enemy within did it right because it was atleast optional. Xcom 2 is literally every mission a forced timed mission.
>if there is any chance component there can be no skill
I'm a brainlet, but in games like this or Darkest Dungeon you just have to minimize your risks. Be it by learning the mechanics of the game(flanking, smoke grenade, etc) or using in-game items (e.g. trinkets) to improve your chances. That's it. Learn the game and don't fuck up.
What are you a retard or something? Do you actually believe that? What if i said i've got a 100 cylinder revolver with one loaded bullet in it? Would you just let me shoot you with it, russian roulette style, a million times? Do you think you're not going to get your head blown off? You must be trolling.
No seriously this may be one of the dumbest things i've ever heard. Please shoot yourself in the face with a gun that has a 99% chance to mis.
XCOM is horseshit in that for some reason the early/mid game is easier than lategame.
you can skip that you know
How many shots do you think you take in xcom? Well over a hundred wouldnt you say? I would say well over several thousand. So a 1 in 100 is an eventuality, you understand how that works right? If something happens in 1 in 100 times, but you're doing that thing several thousand times, inevitably you're gonna get the 1 in 100.
>No sneks ITT
Very dissapointed.
This is true i've seen it happen
I thought that was just the game saying I won.
What are planets made out of?
is War of the Chosen worth? its on sale right now and i havent played since 2017
yes, templars are really fun
Sure, it's fun for a bit if you liked xcom 2. If you didn't like xcom 2 much then it doesn't really help much
xcom is shit but for all other reasons
only good tactical games were Jagged Alliance 2 and Silent Storm
You're either a brainlet or a lucklet if you suck at XCOM. Git gud fgt.
flanking works by 180 degree rule. you can just measure it out yourself ya dummy
>get shot
>critical hit, guy is panicked and shoots another guy
And then I decided XCOM wasn't for me.
Yeah, most of the mods require it too.
I think pods is one of the things they absolutely get rid in this game, it is way too punishing and force you to play extremely slowly, and then when you do that, the game become a piece of cakewalk, because most of the time you are fighting while outnumbering them. Just balance the fucking game and have even fights cover the entire map
I milk explosives and grenades for as long as possible until they are not as effective just so I can minimize RNG to hit.
when you learn the enemy AI xcom becomes a cakewalk since you can predict what the enemy will do every time.
based and nucom pilled
Yeah, shit like
>X will always do this move if it can't get a flanking shot in one turn.
Kind of dumb, desu.
This. Play OG Xcom if you want to see real unfairness.
>start mission
>open ship door
>aliens start taking potshots at your troops from the darkness because aliens have farther night vision than you
>try to move a troop outside ship
>trigger alien reaction moves
>alien throws grenade inside your ship and kills your entire team
that also was actual fun game
>don't fight in the dark
>don't move turn 1
>smoke the ramp
That was hard.
>Scout a group
>They get a free turn
Fucking whyyyy
>scout with your last move
>whyyy the enemy attack first? :(
based retard
Git gud noobs.
>playing XCOM 2 for any reason other than creating autistic squads and loved ones and then sending them to die / save the world in
Git gud
Why are great FPS games always ruined by not being FPS games?
I have never before seen such a fundamental misunderstanding of probabilities. Please never breed.
pods are the worst thing, especially in 2 because they literally path towards you even though they shouldn't know you are there
can't wait for xenonauts 2
>Psi operative
>Mind shield
Hey guys, remember Phoenix Point?
Now that is a good game, this new bullshit doesn't have the same charm.
>chosen uses ability to daze entire squad
>psi operative is shielded
>psi operative uses solace
>scout with any unit at any time
>expose enemy
>they get a free turn
>scout with any unit at any time
>expose enemy melee unit
>they use their free turn designed to allow them to get into cover to run straight up and position themselves in melee reach
>bonus if last move on your turn
I don't remember ever using shield once the entire game.
2ap and the pods and the forced timer in the second game is really gay
>implying the Chosen getting bullied by Resistance isn't hilarious
they don't get a free turn you retard, they just run to cover, which if you are not retarded you can easily exploit and get ez flanks
You make the best possible logical preperations excersizing caution and understanding that nothing will go your way all the time but due to your superior strategic mind you have saved enough resources for plans to go wrong.
still looks good though
Anyone has the video where the guy misses two 99% shot consecutively and starts flipping out?
Use the timer extender mod, scrub
fuck i hate this game
it used to give will on xcom eu/ew which helped psionics a lot
honestly its not worth using in xcom 2 at all
Which is a free turn to get into cover and position themselves often enough close or in flanking position to your units.
play on the lower 2 difficulties where it pushes RNG slightly in your favor so you can usually win in cover shootouts
learn minimize your rng, if person a misses then person b shoots, if b misses, then c shoots, if c misses then d throws a gernade for 100% kill
You know that's not the problem
Based retard.
>game all about losing soldiers and shit
>losing men to rng has dire consequences since a trained soldier is 4 times better than a corporal
>spend 4 actions to get 1 result
fun game
god I really wanted to like this game so bad, but that art style is so fucking bland and boring.
>have the initiative
>gets ambushed
holy shit, how retarded you are?
It's not about rolling the dice, it's about stacking the dice.
Xcom is fun enough.
Too bad I get bored of the sequel after a few hours. Enemy Unknown just felt so much better for some reason and I could actually invest myself in that game.
the new one is going 3D with better lighting effects, and animated world objects, if that helps at all
i've always like the static detail in certain shit though, like when you move through z-levels it slices shit apart and you can see the internals etc, but to each their own
Xcom is an inferior, boring wasteland 2
og x-com is way easier than the new xcom games. The very nature of having a much larger squad that is also completely disposable means that you can recover from setbacks with ease, while in xcom a couple of deaths early on can sink your entire campaign.
>Ambush someone
>Time out and do nothing to give them space to search a nice and comfy position in cover
>Not a free turn
Kill yourself
play silent storm
and what if your recon guy is not in a position that allows him to check that? stupid idiot
>durr I just wanna shoot some ez exposed aliens and break da game
firaxis should just refresh your soldiers moves if you activate a pod
mid combat with another pod would need a different solution though
I don't like xcom 2 as i did enjoyed xcom eu/ew. And I'm not talking about not having proper Long War mod.
But the feel and the whole insurgency gimmick with doom lock and timed missions that have rng rewards, and the meme toy like aesthetic,couldn't made me play the game past the first rescue mission. The assassin's in the expansion made it worse and brought their own cringe with them as well
Meld is a good mechanic. Rewards you for moving quick and efficiently. Still lets you play slow and safe when you need to.
>not having scouts upfront
you know you can overwatch everyone before activating a pod right? That way you get your potshots before the enemy get cover.
man this shit and JA2 was my jam.
I have this on my steam and never really played, is this like a spiritual successor to Jagged alliance?
>you know you can overwatch everyone before activating a pod right?
That's a terrible idea, I hope you don't actually do this. Your active abilities and proper positioning are always infinitely stronger than passively overwatching, unless you are literally on Gatecrasher when you only have rookies who can only shooter there guns anyway.
JA2 is the shit. i wish they'd make a proper remaster and not the shit we've been seeing
I liked panzerkleins
>retarded mechanics are ok because "just scoot lol"
typical virgin who will never get laid
its something i wish the new xcoms could be like, just modernised. it has a lot of autistic yeets like being able to hear enemies and free aim at their general location from below them in a building, blowing the floor out and also them with it etc...and stray bullets can take out windows, individual bricks, hit barrels which explode etc etc
its basically a lot of fun but it was unfortunately left very unpolished...and the final quarter of the game is a massive letdown thanks to a design choice..
it's definitely worth a playthrough if you enjoy turn based games though
ever played 1.13?
I don't, but the crybaby was all "I can't shoot people standing out of cover for free!11!"
>Be extremely bad in simplistic games made for literall children
>Never think even 1 step ahead
>Lose on easy diffuclty
>Blame rng
Choose everything
i did too, i just didn't like how many there were and the fact you practically couldn't damage them without the laser / plasma weapons
its the only version i've ever played, i probably should try vanilla but its hard to go back
>Yes because they can't see them
because the line of sight is artificially super small (14 tiles)
Risk management.
Some of the terrain details are nice, but there's no stylistic choices, like at all. Even the game its trying to emulate: OG XCOM, had a cool comicbook art style
I have bad news for you: real life is millions of dice rolls per day. You apparently can't control any of them so you may as well not try to do anything.
That's because the thin man had lightning reflexes. You can get the exact same ability and have the exact same outcome
it is even more hero unit nonsense than base xcom
>chance to hit dice rolls influenced by what square you move to on which turn
Yeah, no.
>>don't move turn 1
yeah that sound slike great game design, being forced to skip turn 1 every time
lancers will close in on you because they always move toward you into cover, not away from you into cover
>just overwatch bro
you know sprinting units like lancers get like 40 defense vs overwatch shots yeah?
>when your personality is so shallow you will use template memes from subhuman boards to impress others
>two people have a 70% chance to hit
>One guy has a 85% chance to hit
>another guy a 80% chance
>Another guy has 90% chance to his
>All on the same alien
>They all miss
>Meanwhile I almost never miss 30% chance to hits
nice fucking game
I do think they need to change the animations for units that are close but still miss, like having their gun jam or if they're injured, struggle to put their gun up or something.
>beginning is so fucked against you its not fun
>by the middle its so easy its not fun
just because you take 5 minutes on your retarded turn doesn't mean a turn last that long.
If xcom was in real time most fights wouldn't last more than 30seconds.
>activate lancer
>kill lancer
I wish there was a good modern Jagged Alliance game.
ah yes, it's the "dude just take a couple 100% shots at a guy in full cover lmao"
>have constant 90's
>4 people miss even with one at 95
>enemy has 65% chance
>crit kills my favorite hero
nah keep your shit game
You don't, turn based is all about minimizing the odds of getting bad numbers and maximizing the odds of getting good numbers.
bullshit, nobody get crited on cover, and if you got flanked you are a huge shitter.
then flank or blow their cover or use any ability like run and gun to not expose yourself while dealing with it.
>50% chance of hitting
>shoot twice for the 100%
>miss both shots
lol how do you get good at poker
literally just have to rng get better cards than your opponents wtf 0 skill
This but unironically?
>use stun grenades on lancers
>still get hit
I don't understand what the fuck I'm doing WRONG
I'm honestly kind of expecting more delays, or for the release to be glorified early access. Unless they have made absolutely massive progress beyond what the backer builds show, I don't see how they'll deliver all of these features we're supposed to be getting in time.
If you reached the point where your strategy can be broken with a bad roll, then you made plenty of mistakes leading up to that moment.
Uh yeah? Poker literally takes no skill. Its just memorization and luck.
Yeah i still havent finished xcom 2. Started a playthrough a bunch of times but everytime i just give up in endgame because every missions just becomes a a boring slog without any opposition.
>then flank
you can't flank enemies who were just activated because that would require 2 moves so you can't also shoot
>or blow their cover
only if you happen to have a guy still with an explosive and within throwing range of the lancer
>or use any ability like run and gun
*activates another pod*
do you even play the game?
This is the big problem imo, and nucom devs, at least Solomon, think it's good. Ironically long war, which is supposed to be so damn hard, did a really good job of fixing this. Starting with more soldiers and giving them two items lets you actually makes some choices, and the motion tracker was great. It mitigated the horrible design of the pod system to some extent.
Average turn based game
>do A to deal with the problem
>"b b but then X happens!
>then do B
>"b b but what about Y?"
>Then C is for you
ah fuck you, either get gud or buy a nintendo console.
also, learn enemy patterns, sectoids and lancers are the easiests enemies to deal with since they only act in one way.
>bullshit, nobody get crited on cover
That has not been my experience. I vividly remember a muton doing just that, from half the map away. I can't remember if that was EU or xcom 2 though.
>standard get gud drone comment
yeah, I'm thinking you're retarded
L2 roll nat 20s randomly. Op is a faggot
Average shit game