Was he right, Yea Forums?

Was he right, Yea Forums?
Also SMT thread

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Persona 3 being under 4 and 5 makes this list instantly fucking retarded.

You literally made the same thread again, it’ll die the same way as before.

Why put in the shitty Persona and spinoff games? This is retarded.

Persona makes a fair amount of sense at least, Catherine is the real head scratcher

If Persona is removed then everything that isn't Mainline SMT would have to be removed as well, otherwise you're just being inconsistent

next thread

>right opinions
Makes me just wonder why:
>DDS2 dropped 2 ranks
>IVA dropped three ranks - I guess anime plot would warrant it, but not with P4 as a first place

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>4 better than Apocalypse

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>Nocturne not in a tier of its own
>Persona 4 anywhere above 3 when it was a step down in every aspect other than level design
>P3P not even on the tier list because he's a salty vanilla 4 fag
>Devil Survivor 2 over 1 while both being lower than Persona games
>Strange Journey being lower than Persona games
>Persona spinoffs anywhere above garbage despite being trash tier in their respective genres

This man doesn't love SMT. Fuck this nigga, I'm mad.

But I am.

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>Persona 4 and 5 above 5
>Nocturne behind Catherine

>FES better than P3P

Away with you, shitter.

Where they are on the rank doesn't mean anything, the letters are the only thing that matters.
>he likes P3 but gimped in every way simply because he can play as a girl

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The girl had much better social links than the guy.

Switch SJ for DESU and EP for P3 and youll have a decent list

>SOUL Hackers first

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It's better in nearly every way that isn't gameplay

That doesn't excuse it being a butchered demake

>P4 and P5 on top

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>Unironically thinking Nocturne is the end all be off of the franchise
>P4 is a step down when it actively improved the gameplay or at least returned to form after P3's bizarre choices
>hating on Catherine

the true patrician list

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and gameplay is the most important part of any game

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I feel like I'm the only person who actually played the snes games. The first one is very lonely.

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What version of Strange Journey should I play?

>Persona 4 had the best characters and music
>Persona 5 had the best aesthetic and gameplay
>Persona 3 had.... ???????

I personally like raidou 1 more but this pretty based

Persona 3 had best characters, music, aesthetic and gameplay

>best characters

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But the gameplay in P2 sucks

>Gimped in ever
>Direct Control is completely optional
>knockdown changes ended up not changing shit because it's a boss heavy game
>added gameplay content that wasn't complete garbage along with another superboss
>VN style also changed nothing because P3 is practically a visual novel outside tartarus to begin with
>NG+ doesn't force the player with Aigis in the ending

You didn't even play the game.

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SMT 1 is great. The atmosphere is top notch and the characters are great as well. Its less accessible since there aren't many official English versions but and there are no press turns but it deserves more love

>best combat
>best S-Links
>best characters
>best story
>best Reaper
>by far the best music

If Tartarus looked and sounded nicer before hitting the fifth block, then it would've been hailed as the best of the three by far.

>can't control party members
>dungeons are all procgen bullshit
>actively cut down elements from previous games
You have to be real deluded to think the dogshit P3 offers is the best gameplay

>Any Persoyna game anywhere above C
No, he is not.

>SMT IV that high
>P4 vanilla over golden
Yikes and nopilled

>VN style also changed nothing because P3 is practically a visual novel outside tartarus to begin with
Now I know you haven’t played the original, just compare any important story scene from the original to p3p and in every single occasion p3p is much worse, like look at the persona awakening, p3p has none of the impact

Persona 4 and 5 would have better combat if they didn't have full party control. 4 and 5 fags insist that they're balanced for it unlike P3P, but the reality is those games get facerolled just as hard because the game simply cannot handle multiple playable characters.

This is the defining factor that separates nu-sona from SMT.

here, I put Raidou 2 on B but it's one of the most disappointing games I've played. While the combat's improved significantly, everything else felt either the same or worse. I expected so much more coming off of Raidou 1. At least totally-not-Lucifer was nice.
I really tried to play SMT1 but got hopelessly lost pretty early until I gave up. I want to go back to it and actually go through it, use a guide if I have to.
SJR has no real downsides and has improvements along with added content so if you're not an autist about the original sprites and ingame achievements, that one.
I did play it but I dropped it after the train boss because I really couldn't stand how worse it felt to play than the original.

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P3P has the awakening cutscene, retard.

Oh, and thanks for outing yourself as a subhuman that needs an abundant amount of cutscenes to enjoy a game. I hear Resetera has a nice God of War 4 thread going. You should check it out.

>persona 3 being under 4
>DeSu 2 above 1
>he’s the biggest persona and smt e celeb

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It’s a story driven game, the presentation is one of the things it lives and dies on and p3p misses the mark

It's obvious you're taking the piss because you can choose to go full ai control in the games of you so desire.

Had trouble with if I was gonna put 1 or 2 in S. Probably should have done both.

>he doesn't know the AI took a nosedive in 4

Playing 4 and 5 with the AI is borderline unplayable. You can thank ATLUS for completely gutted the HP thresholds for healing. You think Marin Karin was bad? You obviously haven't tried playing 4 or 5.

Can someone explain to my why people don’t like persona q I thought the game was comfy

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>rated the dancing games
for what purpose

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