Why does this game suck?
Moero Chronicle Hyper
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>dude sex with children lmao
I just completed it, it's nothing special but competent enough. Of course there are tons of better dungeon crawlers out there.
go back
>Why is this game great?
Fixed OP
>I just completed it
Postgame too?
It's a good game. Coco is best girl.
>Of course there are tons of better dungeon crawlers out there.
Name 10.
Hard mode: no Etrian Odyssey
>why does a Compile Heart game suck?
Truly a mistery
Yes, I got done with the sealed areas and beat the last boss again so that Ranju and Coco would get added to the ending CG. I also got every monster girl and all the panties, the only thing that's left is grinding intimacy and watching all the remaining intimacy scenes. I've got like 1.3M gold and over 100K rub points so I should easily be able to do it by buying gift and doing bumping scratch.
Also I was autistic about fully completing maps so I made sure to walk on every tile including harmful terrain and pitfall traps.
Just play dungeon travelers 2 instead
All of their games are good desu.
I'm making my way through the sealed areas now, playing on hard mode. I hear the last few are really difficult, but it's been manageable so far.
I hate the paralysis rush attack so much. Twice now I've got a game over because all of my mosnter girls got paralyzed simultaneously.
Censored to shit. No more sexy children.
Same here. I love seeing "Complete!" on the maps.
I wouldn't have minded playing this weeaboo filth, but the controls on PC are simply dreadful and broken
I hope you look forward to the fast AOE units that hit for 2K dmg AOE.
Has anyone figured out the egg system? I want some attack boosting accessories, but I can't figure out how to make the thing work.
>Uses the word Weeaboo wrong
>Plays dungeon crawler on PC
Absolute cancer.
Kek, are you me? I got fucked twice because of that a couple days ago. Don't worry too much as only monsters in the region 3 and 5 sealed areas have them. In fact it really annoys me that total paralysis is an instant party wipe in this game, they should've just made it petrification like it usually is.
>I hear the last few are really difficult
I kept playing in hard mode until the monster girl in the sealed area of the 6th region (which is the fifth out six sealed areas you visited), she was a huge difficulty spike and I really didn't want to grind even more so I lowered it to normal and kept it there through the end.
Give them better quality egg.
Oh god. The bimbo makeup dinosaurs with the magic boosting support were annoying, it can't be much worse than that can it?
I still can't figure out the crafting system.
Typical Switch retard right there. Let people play games where they want to play them, dumb fanboy. Manchild.
It doesn't faggot.
It's worse actually. I can't remember anymore though, what I did was give everyone +speed accessories that were +9 so they could outspeed them and kill them before getting pwned.
I never bothered with the accessories since I could always make do with neat ones I found in dungeons, but there's an amazing secret use of the system which saved me quite some hassle. If you mix up any pantie (aside from a strawberry pattern pantie) with any Octopus H-Monster, you get that girl's pantie that is otherwise a monster drop. I never had to grind monsters in sealed areas thanks to that function.
It's packed full of pedo fanservicing is the reason.
Stay mad foreigner.
How do I kill Octopus fast? Fuckers keep running away?
>thinks he gets to make authoritative grammatical comments on Yea Forums
>expects anybody to give a shit about any beliefd he has
I hope your life never changes
>Gets butthurt over being called out as a retard
>Doubles down on being a retard out of spite
As expected of cancer.
My fix for it was to use a healer that had party recover, and give her a paralysis resistance arm accessory. Works well so far.
>I kept playing in hard mode until the monster girl in the sealed area of the 6th region
Who, Vampire? I'm enjoying the sealed monster girl boss fight so far. Griffin had her own personal healers and buffers, actually felt like they were using a proper strategy.
If you can get a single decent hit in before they run away (or if they don't run on their first turn if they outspeed you), it's enough to bring them down.
>Who, Vampire?
Yes. Not sure if my party setup was bad for the fight or what, but she whooped my ass while everything else up to that point had still been manageable.
Ok, so how it works is like so
>As the card shows different panties give different items.
>For an item that will potentially have attack boosts you'd want to only use T-Backs, Tanga or Tie Pantie.
>From there you need to pick a H-monster, note that the h monster you fuse the panty with will always give the same item.
>If you don't want to look up a chart or save scum, its more likely to get an ATK boost from a H-monster that has a support attack if it was a pet. Fire element monsters are slightly more likely to yield said result but if it has an elemental or just assist attack in general it will likely give you at least some level of attack boost.
>every moero thread is lolis
Show us some cow tit monsters, this game is supposed to have some right?
All I can do is 1 damage if I connect.
This is the octopus in the Jar, right?
Problem ?
Don't like what is cute and funny ?
Not him, but thanks.
Yeah, there are some great titty monsters. Lemme find some pics.
Minotaur is a literal submissive masochist cow maid with big tits. Slime has delicious shoulders and chest. Orc is thicc, think someone already posted her.
Why does the translation feel a bit off thought? I can't seem to pin point what exactly but it just feels "rigid" for sine reason.
Are you still in the first dungeon? If so, don't worry about it until later. The octos have much higher defenses than anything else in Mushroom Forest, but they're fragile once you level up to around the midgame point. You only really need a few anyway, grinding for panties doesn't take long.
Yes. Really? They have decent defense, but I never had trouble taking them down in one hit with my best skills.
Hey kids
Want the nude mod for Switch?
Obvious lack of proofreading aside, it's high school-tier overly literal, clearly either not done by an expert bilingual or rushed. Sometimes it also simplifies what the characters actually say a lot, which is another trait of school-level translations.
No way, winners don't do hacks.
You don't have it, shut up.
What was your setup? I think attacker mage healer tank free slot is fairly standard, but I've seen people run other stuff just fine.
Probably some guys first real, big paying job after finishing their education.
How do I get lots of damage?
Thanks for the virus, but i'm using a mac so you can't touch this.
How does tanking work in this game?
Kindly stop doubling down on your useless obnoxious Switchtardation, go vent off your penis anxiety elsewhere
It can't be helped.
go back or the dog gets it
There's a skill called Provoke that draws enemy attacks for two turns. You can put girls in the rear guard, where they take and deal halved damage. Team formation helps too. Enemies are more likely to attack girls in the center than the outside, so you put your tank in the center rear, and they'll soak up hits for everyone. AOE skills can bypass it, so you still need good healer support. I find that my tank rarely dies, if ever.
Played this on vita a while back
I'm not sure I beat it or not, but unfortunately my savedata backups didn't seem to work after I hacked my console. Oh well
>Anime about lolis and the best girl ends up being the thicc older sister
MYA-NEE truly is a miracle of the universe
She's adorable. What does "Azuki Arai" mean? I know about Azuki beans, but is Arai just a name? Like Azuki Alice or something? Pinto Polly? Kidney Kimberly? Mung Molly?
Labyrinth of refrain is marginally better than this moe shit.
...so there's a japanese foklore monster whose whole thing is washing beans?
don't kid yourself
I don't know, but they've got a lot of dumb shit.
There is this fellow.
me btw
Slime is best girl. Cute, great tank, delicious shoulders neck and chest.
Any cakes in the game?
>not porn
Yeah, Ellie. Medusa, and leader of the 4th region.
>Tries to be an alluring, mysterious older woman
>She's actually a huge doofus
>Dark History Status usually turns girls against humans
>Ellie becomes a sexual deviant instead
>Tries to steal Io away and get into his pants
>She's so bad at it that she freaks him out
>The party catch up and get mad at her
>Otton (magic penis seal) is disgusted by her because she's too old, calls her granny
>She gets angry and attacks everyone
>Instead of the usualy post-battle recruitment dialogue, the girls deel the need to take her aside and make sure that she's right in the head first
Whole thing was a fucking ride. She's a really good mage once you actually get her, too.
Not a dungeon crawlers expert but so far I find it fairly solid and the most surprising things: well balanced on difficulty high.
Othrus all the way, best butt.
This thread was actually a decent success. Thanks Yea Forums
Thank god for the option to jiggle the girls' breasts by touching them whenever they're on screen, it really eases the dullness of the repetitive dialogue scenes, like the ones when you rescue a monster girl. I especially like the girls with a soft belly you can move around.
>>>>compile heart
shit writes itself ady
>>>>>>>>>>>compile heart with idea factory
like clockwork
Holy shit I didn't know that, I must try it right now.
Which ones have soft bellies?
I'm talking about the Switch version in handheld mode, by the way. Not sure if you can somehow do it in docked mode or if you can do it with the mouse in the PC version. It works whenever a girl's full artwork is on screen, be it during cutscenes or menus. You get different reactions based on where you touch them (head, breasts, crotch for all of them, and then various appendages like tails, animal ears and so on depending on the girl).
Can't remember right now, a fair few do.