The fuck is happening on this board for the last 2 weeks

The fuck is happening on this board for the last 2 weeks
>there's a daily e-celeb thread spammed by one retard about wow
>there's 3 "generals" that should clearly belong to /vg, like wow classic, lobotomy etc
>goddamn nintendo threads who cant contain single topic in one thread

Are you fucking lazy mods or what, new rules? Shouldnt generals belong to /vg? What about obvious e-celeb shilling, that in most cases doesnt involve vidya more than "this e-shit plays games and thats all". Streamers and other bullshit e-celebs shoudl get their board, because most of this threads are about these perosnas themselves, not about games. /v culture is getting shitter and shitter every year, but this is a fucking new height of shitness
>inb4 thread is not vidya
There's 1 thread allowed about board state

Attached: 1491257254775.jpg (235x215, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You mena pic realted when some autistic faggot after 3-4months of supposed ban spams his shitty overlord again? he shitted out around 30 threads in a span of like 5-6 days

also e-celebs thread should get their contaiment board. In mot cases people post about streamer and not about games

Attached: asmonfucker.png (1228x1304, 346K)

No point in complaining, mods literally do not care about the state of any board and only remain on this site to get their daily powertrip

no point in moderation since even slight interaction like moving threads will be met with protest threads and autistic spamming. and bans dont mean anything since people just evade. my advice is to leave Yea Forums for smaller imageboard communities. this site is unsalvageable.

Summer's here already, huh?

That would just be letting the shitty mods win
What really needs to happen is them being removed and the entire moderation team getting replaced with people who give a shit

Not summer, i know how a shithole of attentinon whores /vg is, just these threads starts to look like /vg ones with their daily refresh, sitting here 24/7

If a game isn't out yet mods generally ignore /vg/ topics.

I believe he's calling you summer because you type /vg instead of /vg/ like a newfag who doesn't post here often.

>There's 1 thread allowed about board state
No there isn't. Of course I wouldn't expect whinging trash like you know that "rule" was rescinded.


what are you implying with this picture of a delousing agent?

We've been a containment board for 4 years. Their is no quality control anymore and former mods have posted on other sites saying Yea Forums posts way to fast to moderate by hand.

>a general
Only because some faggot keeps trying to false-flag it over there.

you're the one that has been falseflagging lobotomy corporation threads by posting with the word 'general' on the title and shitposting in it aren't you.
Can't you just let me have this game in peace? Wasn't SCP:SL enough? I don't know what kind of eceleb cancer is happening in wow threads but if you think the thread is breaking the rules just report and fucking move on. If it is truly deemed inappropriate the mods will remove them. You know like how /tg/ pulled quests out to the new /qst/.

>there's 3 "generals" that should clearly belong to /vg, like wow classic, lobotomy etc
VTM:Bloodlines 2 faggots and their vampire trannies with 2 gender sliders stronk wamyn and leftist propaganda, shitting up the board on the daily like there's no fucking tomorrow giving Biodrones a run for their money.

I feel your pain OP

>thread was moved to /qa/
>user was banned for this post
thats what you will get for complaining about moderation on Yea Forums

Mods and jannies don't actually give a fuck about this website unless someone says nigger.

And you think that's the only and/or most important problems this board has, OP. What a fag.


Mods are too busy deleting eroge threads.

>talking about video games on Yea Forums is a problem that needs to be addressed.
>not pol or other off topic threads


>retard can't even refer to boards properly
>retard argues against vidya threads of all things in this board
>retard repeats a rule that has been revoked because he saw that one image when he first arrived in the website
Go and stay go

You forgot the costant OneAngryIncel shilling threads, sometimes even 3 at the same time (with different topic). Funny thing is everytime I've been trying to point this out, I was warned/banned.

Attached: 1557750518201.png (435x759, 512K)

>muh /pol/ boogyman
/pol/ hates video games and calls it degenerate. stop confusing trolls/false flaggers pretending to be /pol/

The awnser is politics. It's allways frustration with politics.

ah yes the good old I'm an oldfag so I can shit up this place as much as I want argument. really did wonders in 2010.

If it makes you feel better I purposely falseflag and make shit threads because I want people to stop coming here so Hiro will fuck off already. He has damaged the heart of this site.

>/pol/ hates video games and calls it degenerate.
This is why they shit up Yea Forums eith their political bullshit.

>have fun dynasty warriors threads for years
>the occasional koei 3k strategy threads too
>lots wished for a new 3k strategy game or a tw adaptation
>post election
>reee chinks
>ree tiananmen


Don't go to any threads of games that have anything to do with China.

Same with turks, even butterlord threads have these retards
You can't talk about arabic or persian themed shit as well, good luck having a proper prince of persia thread nowadays
India?Good luck etc.

Nothing is being done about Aceman's spam so why should other spam be treated differently?