Smash tournament? nah sorry bro, i don't know what that is

>smash tournament? nah sorry bro, i don't know what that is

Attached: 1556801396185.webm (198x360, 2.76M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>this rat showers more often than half of this board

Is that real?

i never it would happen to me. but it did.

Attached: pepe-transparent-high-resolution-4.png (655x509, 25K)

It's not intentionally washing itself, it doesn't know what the soap is so it's trying to get it off. Blablabla animal abuse I don't give a fuck, just explaining the webm.

People who don't like smash are little rats?

>frogposter can't form a coherent sentence

Yes it's real, and before some fucking retard comes along and says it's a Capybara (like in the last thread), it's not.

It's a Pacarana.

Humies best be scared.

Attached: Pacarana.jpg (863x1300, 171K)

It's poison

someone's generous

>It's not intentionally washing itself
Actually it is, they love to groom/wash themselves, like most rodents.

The soap was just someones cruel idea of a joke.

Stop trying to make every animal into a retard. This rat is clearly not desperate and the species is known to wash themselves.

Is South America the land of comfy rodents or something?

>It's not intentionally washing itself


Seems I was wrong. Thanks for educating me.

>washes his armpits and everything
The absolute mad man.

That's one big boy

>there are people who don't shower once per day


the joke was that smashfags don't wash

And the truth is that most of Yea Forums is filthy as fuck, smashtards are just the ones who happened to get into the spotlight. So many lan parties and similar stuff where the room would became unbearable after half a hour.

How new?

I shower once every two weeks. No sense in wasting water.

>original thread idea? nah sorry bro, i don't know what that is

Disgusting amerimutt subhuman

you don't need to shower, you don't need deodorant. It's all a meme made up by beauty companies, a healthy human produces no smell whatsoever!

>not showering daily
>not bathing weekly
>not wet shaving once in every three days

Attached: 1549314615130.gif (436x436, 3.96M)

To do what? Dry out my skin? If you do manual labor every day, of course you shower every day as well. Just doing it every day for the hell of it accomplishes nothing other than to waste water and ensure you kill more skin cells than the normal human being.

I'd love to smell you haha

>friend hosts LAN parties regularly
>all of our friends know what basic hygiene is, except for one couple
>neither of them shower a single time while they're there, no change of clothes, they've clogged the toilet a few times

Thing is, you don't really notice it until you get some fresh air and come back in. Then it hits you like a fucking brick. Thankfully, they don't show up that often anymore.

Pacarana's are fucking based. They're like Capybara's but not autistic.

Smash fags think soap is poison

stay fresh, rato

>You will never have one of these as a pet

Attached: 7b9.jpg (326x326, 16K)

can those niggas talk?
every time I see the OP webm his motions are uncanny

Is this a video of auschwitz shower?

fucking Skaven!

It's fucking Raticate if it wasn't yellow

what the fuck is that

How to spot a smashfag

of course not, the rat showering actually happened

>shaving once every three days
You have to shave more often than that if you're not a basedaboy who can't grow any beard.

Attached: 1536136374832.gif (302x280, 1.84M)


Attached: 1549369813398.png (720x678, 364K)

How is it so fucking big

yanks overshower what the fuck are you on about

Rodents in SA are pretty big.

Attached: Capy.jpg (900x635, 234K)


Attached: ratto.webm (402x720, 948K)

Yeh, just like New Zealand is bird land and Australia is marsupial land, Africa is big cat land.

clean rattos are the best

The mad lad.

poor bloke literally had pesticide poured all over him and that's his desperate attempt to get it out.

What is North America?

Attached: 789.jpg (656x465, 26K)

Land of the big hairy bulls, until they were all shot.

for you

Its not acualy a rat.
Its a baby pacarana.

God I'm proud to be american now. I bet europoors smell like Smash players.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 24K)

You better not be implying capybaras are comfy. Those things will chase you if you get too close


To give you comfy hugs?

No, no mate. To maul you with claws and teeth.

Land of the weirdo moles

Attached: Star Nosed Mole.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

Can you guys help? I think my lobster has autism

Attached: Land Lobster.png (1099x531, 688K)

Bears maybe? I think NA is more like Eurasia with no dominant class

We have some weird fucking snakes

Attached: Texas-Slender-Blind-Snake.jpg (726x362, 56K)

It looks like a guinea pig cosplaying as a retarded dragon.

Capybaras can be violent fucks. If you want a truly comfy south american animal, take a look at three-banded armadillos

Attached: armadillo.jpg (800x533, 62K)

It looks like Groudon

>#1 cause of leprosy
No thanks

Don't these cause leprosy?

Well, it's not intentional

We wash-clean, yes-yes?