Cringe thread

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Either ironic or made by a literal 12 years old. Nothing cringe if you take the time to think this through and ignore it

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lmao zoomers are so fucking dumb, can you imagine this dumb fuck trying to operate a VCR or telegraph?

There are mansions in GTAO now?

dumb ass

haha yeah total-

Wait, what?


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Shut the f up


i bet you can't even write cursive or watched bobby's world

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It's ironic you fucking redditor moron.

t. reddit


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Attached: Zoomers.webm (640x640, 1.79M)

What do you mean it's actually quite funny if you see the bigger picture

how is it ironic?

Not even a zoomer shes whatever the fuck comes after them

Is that an Amish at a videogame store? How?

Shut up gay ass bitch

It's still cringe. Just becouse something is ironic it doesn't mean it can't be bad.

haha if i shit in my hands and eat it in front of a crowd it's fine because it's ironic lol fucking epic upvote me

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>not exclusively writing cursive
Do they not teach that in schools anymore?

Think he meant the thingamagic used to send morse code

Idk. They taught us cursive in 2nd grade and i havent used it since

I god damn hate Americans and Americans schools so much. Macdonald’s at school? Sure, I had that when I was at Sixth-Form when I could go outside of school for lunch but at that age? Fat fucks.

The abSOYlute state of the modern zoomer

Attached: stops.jpg (265x190, 7K)

Why boomers are such annoying faggots?

Aww cmon that’s just a Mennonite being outside for the first time

>still no reflexion shader

got me hard

This one got me. Fucking hell.

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BRUH Moment

They are bitter old men
most likely still virgins lmao

Only retards write in cursive

there have been cringy ass theater kids forever

t. zoomer who cant read cursive

Attached: 1551641499246.webm (720x1280, 2.93M)

that's too much

stupid little bitch

>There are mansions in GTAO now?

That'd be way comfier than the shit tier apartments.

you think these fuckers did anything but hide when they were kids?

Can confirm. At my school 2 gay theater boys got caught having gay sex in the ticket booth for the theater one day

this is just a normal day in the UK

Why is this supposed to make me angry?

0 cringe

Attached: Gigabyte applying thermal paste.webm (540x540, 392K)

needs a filename

It gets stranger the more you stare.

When they reach a certain age they have to leave the community and decide for themselves if they want to come back AFAIK. Most of them decide to return.
Guy might not even be Amish though.

Attached: console gamer builds a gaming pc.jpg (2448x3264, 545K)

These are the people that post how much they hate america

Attached: cringefest.jpg (841x1176, 231K)

Belle is pretty good at ahegaos 2bh

Oh jesus fuck, that's hard to watch

>A kid who is born to the era of touch screen everything goes for first intuition on using a device
>Virgins seething

You people are just like pic related.

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Attached: basedzoomer.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

none of those people posts on Yea Forums

That's fucking amazing, would hang out in.

This is why we need school shootings

Bully me starter pack

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Bar of broken heroes secret cutscene?

>even a smaller
Thought that reading books was supposed to make you smart.

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Being a bully on social media is so grown up. This kind of shit really grinds my gears.

everyone has to encounter physical buttons for the first time in their life, that just tends to come a bit later nowadays

>Cyber bulling in 2019

you dumb looserfag, this nigga will be smashing a lot of puss

Rim lickers

Is the irony in this image supposed to be that you can get hundreds of thousands (even millions) of movies, music, games, books, and so on, on the phone?

The phone has more on it than any library probably ever will.

underrated due to stupid userbase.

i dont get it

this is hilarious

>haha look at this loser
>that's awesome!
Based ambiguous commenting girl.

do you have a PC

In my country the phrase is "window lickers"

>display from the mobo instead of the GPU

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Stick to consoles, kiddo.

Let me guess you want to fuck her?

What is that cancer shit dog turd on his face

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Someone does this everytime and thinks they fly for it
Be gone fag one

The image is made by someone who is bad at using modern technology, so they make these kinds of comics to feel better about themselves.

Please explain what you mean by that phrase.

What am I looking at here?

First we prepare the meat, then... we game.

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He was tossing his wife's boyfriend's salad and got a little on his face

a bad game with garbage netcode

Didn't ask.

dizzy and sin kiske

Imagine the smell.

Rim lickers = anus licker


What? Why?

Glory to Ukraine!

>this thread

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The misdrawn bed is what makes me cringe the most

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That's not cringe, that's cute, you idiot.

where's the cringe?

>muh secret pc gayman klub
You are a stupid faggot. It's an experience thing, not an intelligence thing you dumb boomer

She can't even type coherent sentences. Does she have brain damage?

why is he always crying

It is an intelligence thing. If it's your first computer build, you should absolutely RTFM first.

Putting this in the game was an extremely based decision. All the seething (and thus, publicity for a good game) is delicious

Never saw that, god wtf.

fucking little bitch i would beat her

>the joke

>your head

Fuck can't unsee

>Tfw your mom is actually 3-8 years old.

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name a more cringe reaction image that isnt a wojak or pepe than the

Not everyone has built a computer though

>heh heh, guys I’m totally not actually a discord tranny
>just an epic ruseman like all of you xdd

Holy fuck I'm a vampire

That's actually ok, because it's in a store and you don't need GPU connected while it's there.

damn it must be hard living like that, thinking about trannies all the time

Nintendo/furshitter reaction images

Day drinking is a whole other game compared to night drinking.

holy shit

Attached: 4chanin2019.png (815x665, 1.11M)

Excellent cringe contribution

i just can't look at this guys face.

Computer build =/= building your own

That is way too general of a category you fucking idiot

alt-rite coping hard
Democracy has to defend itself.

>the actual state of americans schools
This retards are the future if they don't die in a school shooting

If you're a man why are you playing the persecution card so much?

What is cringe here? The people in the comic? The point that the artist is making?

Depression probably.

Have sex

>meanwhile in britain

Attached: trannys when you play jp games.jpg (529x579, 52K)

Inshallah, then you must marry her and lay 50 camels

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I remember having my little mind blown when I first encountered a touch screen on this arcade machine that let you use a fill tool to colour in pictures of looney tunes characters as a kid pre-2000. Sometimes I forget how far we've come in the last decade or so.

>imagine being mad at a little girl for trying to play something she's never even seen before
Why are boomers so fucking retarded?

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These guy will end up in Yea Forums as social outcasts. Hell, they might be around here already.

>Blend S on the bottom right

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Not sure how this is cringe. A kid who grew up with a gameboy would be a bumbling retard using a touchscreen.


Thanks for the pic fellow Wario Chad

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Trannies are the ones playing jp games though




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yeah they are really ugly user.

Seething, obsessed, have sex, etc..

>I hate kids so much
Good, at least you won't be procreating and spreading your autism

>Implying I would be able to share a room with a woman without contemplating suicide in the first place

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What is that guy reacting to? I need to see the original.

I think it's the star wars movie trailer. the new one.

Spongebob reactions

Hope you guys realize he is doing it just for retards like you to click his videos that he get's the moneys and the bitches.

That second guy is literally THE stereotypical old British man.
I feel bad for him.

Library Card? Why not a pail of water?

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Trannies play JP games much more, they're heavily obssesed with anime AND asian women don't care about crackers/nigs/spics

applied chemicals to his frog face

What is more intuitive, touching the thing to move it or touching some object below to move the thing above?

if you are using the gpu for things like machine learning and bitcoin mining then you don't really need to use the gpu display output

Attached: TWO SCOOPS ULTRA.jpg (800x700, 90K)

Touching some object below to move the thing above.

Wait... what is going on?

Attached: 156.png (464x464, 330K)

Just looks like kids having fun to me. I must be getting old.

Bullies are a necessary evil.

>merely pretending to be retarded LOLOL


weebshit is custom made for trannies

no, they're custom made FROM weebshit

I don't know who is this supposed to be dunking on, both?

Name one thing that has buttons that don't do anything at all.
It's only common sense that when you press a button something happens. Even for kids, as that shit has been in cartoons for eons.

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>I hate kids so much
>at least you won't be procreating
are you implying he should procreate with children

I find it pretty hilarious that boomers think smartphones are used exclusively for entertainment.
Don't they realise it's a fucking PHONE?
As in, the thing you use to call 911.
The thing you use to keep in touch with your family.
The thing you use to speak to your wife when she nags you.

>"Hurr durr you can just use a nokia 3310 if all you want is communication"

I'd like to see them use their library card to look up important information when they're miles down the highway or use the library card to pull up a map of london so you, your sister and her dumbass boyfriend don't get lost in elephant and castle.

I hate this era of smudgy ass screens full of finger prints

That's not the point. There's already something visual there that she knows can be interacted with, usually. And she's probably seen that sometimes it fails (wet screen or sweaty fingers) so she keeps trying.
My grandma had a hard time grasping the idea of computers, because she had to keep looking up and down to see if her input was accepted. She's had more luck with smartphones. Meanwhile, my mom isn't very fond of those because she became used to normal keyboards.
Whether traditional keys are better, more efficient, more aesthetic, etc. or not is another issue; touchscreens are as intuitive as it gets.

This one doesn't do anything for me.

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I hope they washed their hands

Jokes and editing aside, there are people who genuinely reacted in a similar way at the Mario Maker 2 Direct, we had hype threads for a few hours after it.
Those are the people ruining Nintendo

I concede, trannies grow on weebshit

Fuck you. I hate modern times.

Well maybe you just assumed you would get pussy by pressing it, perhaps it just increases your the amount of jizz you can cum and the rest is on you. We're never gonna make it, user.


tbqh this looks really believable and also super repulsive, why would someone post something like this to get views, this is extremely hard to watch. that guy has literally tears flowing down his cheeks goddamn man, even women just get their eyes wet and only get that when something really really sad happens and that guy is dropping full blown tears for a video of a movie goddamn man its pathetic and wierding me out

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I didn't say I liked it, dude. I'm just explaining why the kid doesn't do what you expect her to do.

>food analogy
>shit analogy
>eating shit analogy

>zoomer tries to come off as intelligent but really comes off as a retarded faggot

Yeah, sorry about your retardation bruh

>get inside bed
>you become bed


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This is so sad

That shit's cute as fuck.
>I know how to use this
>Wait a minute, wha--
>I'll be right back
>How the hell...?

>freaks the fuck out right when the slopes start
kek, this was well-timed

I'm glad you left the EU.

golem get ye gone

>rim licker

This. All these reactions to just kids doing stupid shit shows how most of Yea Forums are underage.

Those "memes"

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He could be using an APU because his gpu is broken, what seems to be the problem?

And the best part is that she's at the perfect age

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he's right still

Every few months I forget about this series of images, then somebody posts one again.

Fucking damn it user.

does that still actually matter nowadays with newer mobos?

I'm honestly glad it exists. It's so absurd and bizarre.

>that left kid's faggot little hair bouncing when he dances
He'd be the first target

Its a girl

When you go through childhood and your teens always making sure your devices have pristine clean screens and then suddenly you have to start fingering everything. I do like using my ipad its very convenient but if i actually wanna watch something on it god damn the smudges.

thats the reason for school shootings

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gets me everytime something about the weird obsession with forever and permanence.

lmao, as if all the people here hadn't acted like retarded shitters when they were kids.

Cant you fucking use a telegraph son? Nor knowing morse code? What the hell did you do during your army training?

What a piece of shit. I bet she wasn't even born in the 80's. Fuck off little poser.

Not even him but I got like 50 of em those bologne ham cheese n tongues

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>Sure, I had that when I was at Sixth-Form when I could go outside of school for lunch but at that age?
Those kids ARE that age. Those are high schoolers.

Dance off bro, me and you.

>Hype threads = breaking down in tears over a fucking Disney movie
Sasuga user

ffs user, just go and get dicked by a tranny already, it's okay, you don't have to fight it anymore.

Jesus titty fucking Christ, this is genuine cringe, way worse than kids having fun

The absolute fucking delusion of this person wew

Imagine throwing your grandmother's money around like that, what a fucking piece of shit. I really hope this is satire.

This is why twitch needs to be removed from the internet, or at least making any sort of donation option a bannable offence. These guys have absolutely 0 self-awareness.

Someone get her a phone or a switch good lord.

>match begins in 10 seconds.webm


Attached: 1552956182405.jpg (842x720, 179K)

>crying over a soulless blockbuster
>being hyped about a full price enhanced port of a level editor
Both seem equally exaggerated and autistic

>guy doing a tag team dance with two girls
Hahahaha what a virgin i bet he has no friends haha no girl will ever love him

That guys has a deviantart accoutrements Rafe15 but he's not active on it anymore, I think he hates being associated with the foreverial delitized stuff but it's all people ask him about so he's very bitter. You can see the bizarre rants on his new deviantart page.

look at this retard

Why does resetera hate jap games so much and why do liberals hate white male/asian female? Are they hypocrites?

Sorry about my autocorrect

Not since that child was born.

Plus the chair that's supposed to be next to the bed against the wall is actually half behind the bed, as a really amateur perspective error
Pic is shit. That bed is so bad.

it's like a greentext about zoomers was made into live action

I would the girl

Do you just take meme shitposts as fact?

are you?

How many more of these posts am I going to have to see before people realise that (((democratic))) capitalism was a mistake

hahaha ironic humor amirite guys xDD im not retarded i just pretending LMAO

Attached: 1555327400418.jpg (500x346, 53K)

Sadly you are wrong. Only his Star Wars reaction blew up. He has been doing nerd cringe videos like toy reviews on Youtube every week for YEARS now and they all have 100-200 views. It's a genuine onion (married of course).

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Attached: water3.jpg (420x315, 72K)

My boys have seen me using pads and keypads since they were born, so they never acted like that. It's like those videos of little kids trying to swipe the pages of some books like they were tablets or phones, I was like wtf. Are American kids really THAT retarded ?

That's a yikes from me, dawggie

Attached: wi0ug4k4qri21.jpg (750x750, 57K)

There are a lot of incels in this thread LOL
Grow up manchildren


Attached: water.png (2400x1812, 3.38M)

That kid is German.

he was reacting to the new star wars movie and thats all.

That meme shitpost is based on reality.

Lmao fuck no the first time i encountered touch screens it was braindead as fuck. Also touch screens suck fucking cock i wish smart phones would have physical button versions jesus fuck

That being said even smartphones and tablets have buttons, she should know what a fucking button is

Attached: water2.png (500x625, 324K)

based waterbro

t. fatty with sausage fingers

Ok that explains everything.
>t. frenchfag.

>I can't breed

What game is this character select screen from?

Get yourself a blackberry android phone then nigger

Yes what the fuck, onboard graphics processing power will never not suck absolute cock

Stop talking about water you fool. We're not here to quench thirst!

Not really. It's just a meme shitpost.

This honestly looks comfy and beanie girl is cute

Attached: 3464772.gif (320x240, 716K)

no as in i would have thought mobos would just redirect it automatically for you by now

Counterpoint, Danay, you have a nigger negress ass name, rise the fuck up


also I find this image strangely captivating, I think it's great. Maybe it's the composition alone, maybe it's a number of things.

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Based Danay telling virgins how it is. I bet she gives some crazy head too

Oh, well, that i do not know

She’s retarded user and you relate because you have autism. Stop projecting and white knighting a fucking 5 years old. Or was this suppose to be a subtle cringe?

Im 6'2" 145 pound skelly acktually

I think it was the NZ mosque shooting, not sure why people are trying to mislead you

It's the orphanage.

where are school shooters when you need them?

post pail of water images

Oh shit i must buy one

God bless pailposting

I think you mean Nintendo Directs in general.

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Retards reproduce the most across the globe. This is consistent throughout history. How odd.

God I want to fuck that qt chubby black girl on the right.

The part that makes me the most angry about this is that he's one of those faggots who makes a huge public donation like he's trying to show off.

/r/woosh Xd

Attached: hm.jpg (716x508, 161K)


This reminds me that even though touch screens are shit for gaming, they are inherently more intuitive.

>that mouth
>that thousand-yard stare
>not even looking at the kid

God imagine being this man's grandmother.

Because it looks like a touch screen thing that she’s accustomed to? Are you brain dead?

British women are disgusting.


I remember reading some user's post who was a school teacher, they were talking about how young kids have a hard time writing the alphabet because they practise writing on their tablets. And then the parents come back confused and say "I don't understand, little sally does her abc's fine on the ipad". Turns out drawing with your finger doesn't translate well when you're using pencil and paper. Anyway I forgot what my point was, fuck parents and fuck kids.

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while a lot of people would agree, there are people who consider you disgusting as well.


If I tired pulling this shit, I would've been shat on to the point I'd kill myself. What went wrong?

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Incels seething

Gonna be real the Gayboi sucked shit. For my money DS and PSP was handheld gamings peak.


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Herbert was never the same after he got back from his deployment, user

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I literally wish this specimen would die

What went wrong? Do you like... support kids bullying each other or something? Are you a mentalist?

this but unironically

It does, but that person probably doesn't even read books anymore.

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Bullying and peer pressure kept me from acting like a massive faggot in school. Nowadays kids get to do whatever retarded shit they want like have futnut dance-offs or have guys wear dresses with padded bras. It's a necessary evil

i dont really get it probably better with sound

>married of course
unlike all the incels on here making fun of him who are actually free wheeling alphas of course

>Bullying and peer pressure kept me from acting like a massive faggot in school.
poor poor child. I was bullied extremely too, but being a "massive faggot" is more rewarding than conforming to what little shitheads consider to be proper.

Mate every fucking normie meme is over applied irony towards stupid shit.

>Conforming by threat of force and ridicule is a good thing
What a tool you are, what a good little worker bee you must be.


You know you are smokin the good shit when you swipe a dollar bill

Pedophiles embody the absolute worst in humanity. I know you probably get this a lot, but you should consider therapy.

And here you are wasting your life on Yea Forums. Truly a testament to how bullying helps people.


Fucking Scotland.

It grammatically correct, just wrong.

It's much much faster

Attached: water5.jpg (1050x1050, 487K)

I'm sure there's a trap thread up for you on or
Hey just because I don't do retarded shit in public doesn't mean I'm not a sperg who can't make friends


Holy shit what a bunch. Why are they drinking at 9 in the morning tho?

>there are thousands of ""people"" that give this literal gremlin tons of money to cake on makeup to hide her man face and stick out her tongue

Attached: belle.jpg (720x720, 70K) too

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Attached: pokisquad.jpg (622x594, 76K)

gas this fucking pea bitch

>Waaaaaah mommy mommy the discord trannies from r9k disagree with me


this isn't cringe, this is Newcastle every Friday & Saturday night

>grow up
>play facebook on her phone
pick one

Luigi please improve your posture.

>implying I wouldn't fuck her without the makeup

Divorce is imminent and so is homelessness

I remember seeing that image years ago and sending that bitch hate mail. I feel kinda embarrassed I went with the effort of doing that. Especially since she just ignored the message.

This guy looks fucking cool


there just kids guys

she looks more like a rim licker to me

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How can wh*te women compete?

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You mean there are 3 autistic whales who give her 5000 dollars per month hoping to become her boyfriend.

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her friend's mom's name is also interesting

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holy based. libtards SEETHING

Yeah, I'm getting the fuck outta this thread.

c*nny is not for 3DPD, you fucking freak. we don’t need the redditors on Yea Forums associating based cute and funny posters with pedophiles


Angry Yea Forums

You can get a mansion in GTA online now? Shit.

I would fuck the SHIT out of Kondo.

>user's humore isn't advanced enough for this masterpiece
Pretty sad really.

I couldn't cringe because I was laughing too hard.
Now I know that no matter how pathetic I get at my lowest point, at least I'll never be this guy or Anthony Burch.

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Usually a picture of Jojo or some jrpg protagonist making a face accompanied by some non-sensical post being confused and complaining about something. I've noticed that a lot. I wonder if it's one guy.

I fucking despise American """""""""""culture"""""""""""""

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this is just cute, you're all mentally ill


Its because they are interfering with reseteras plans to make gaming for traany faggots

he was reacting to the skywalker trailer

I fucking despise your /pol/ influenced lingo. Go honk a shit.

>When all the shit your wife decided was gonna get thrown out, was YOUR shit

Lmao white people

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I always get disappointed when these pathetic reactions are never paired with some cuck porn.

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beating people up who openly talk how they are an existential threat to you because of your beliefs/skin color/whatever is self defense. People saw enough helicopter memes for stormniggers.

Bro, that isn't cringe

Attached: k.jpg (970x545, 75K)

Fellow Geordiebro understands

the only thing cringe here is how shit the art is

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I always get disappointed when they're never paired with Christchurch, because that's a quality meme.


They’re just fucking kids you mentally ill fucks.
That’s some low hanging fruit. Get over yourselves.

That's the shooting with the actors, right?

fuck off and die moralfag

Kids are faggots

>my name is not important

does that blonde at the end have a broken foot... and broken arm? what the hell is going on with these people

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The OP has to be something like "post the most cringe story you can me up", right?

>Alphachads on the left not having a fucking bar of it

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Powerful Webm

idk how i missed the bitch gamers rise up meme but i love it in like a post-ironic way

Attached: f8e.jpg (598x927, 71K)

well she has braces on her left foot and a crutch under her right armpit.

He looks homeless, probably mentally ill honestly

The chinese kid just doesn't know whats going on, and the white kid is a Yea Forums incel

maybe he recently came from some shithole in Africa and is not used to technology like that?


Tattoos are always a warning

Attached: cursed_image-15.jpg (680x509, 49K)

it just bugs me that kids get ipads these days
nu gen is gonna be so retarded

its not JAV

How does getting an ipad as a child correlate to growing up stupid?

Why? Kids are adapting crazy quick to technology and it'll pay off in the future, I wish I got into computers and shit when I was that young.

No reason to learn things when you can just google everything in 1 second

I love tats, but imagine tattooing right wing Yea Forums memes on yourself. Holy shit. The dude who tattood Goatse on his chest is less of a pussy repellent.

Attached: 1111.png (402x340, 211K)

>My friend's toddler babbled "don't forget to subscribe" as he was put to bed. Kid watches so much YouTube he thought it means "goodbye"

Attached: TONDK1B.png (1319x1977, 298K)

not really
that is american culture like this retard says
it's intredasting when those dance contests are displayed in movies all over the world

I kinda feel bad for kids now. I got out of school before every angsty projecting bored kid had a camera and an excuse to be even more petty.

you can guarantee he was one of the retards spamming that shit trying to turn it into a meme

it flopped lol

It's the Star Wars trailer

>efficiency is bad
>holy shit a baby isn’t as smart as I am kids must grow up to be retarded

>screens bad, unsubstantiated blog posts made by technophobic old people say so

Ironic cringe is still cringe, just as ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Yeah it's so stupid how it's physically impossible to retain anything if you read a source you googled instead of from a book.

Kids are going to grow up far better informed than you boomer.

>I don't need to retain knowledge, the internet has everything i need!
Earth is doomed