Other urls found in this thread:
It was a genuinely neat moment. Why shitpost about that part in particular?
Toby is the Citizen Kane of videogame writing.
I bet you like rick and morty
This moment felt really undeserved. All you really did was walk through a cave. I get they were trying to ape Mother 3 but that game had significantly higher stakes and a time skip.
Did you just roll out of r/thedonald, buddy?
What are these weak-ass attempts at insults? You sound 15.
It means chara did not assume control, though many brainlets think otherwise.
Game sucked dick. The only thing it had going for it was the soundtrack and the combat. Story sucked hard
>the pretentious part
>kino first and last boss
>everything in between was meh
god I wish I were me
You can't post pictures of shirtless little girls on Yea Forums bro
oh.... I agree with this.
Lots of potential though.
People like it though so meh.
Chara's a boy name tho.
there's no proof it's a girl
this confuses the janny
We agreed to this, Kris is the dude, and Chara/Fisk is the girl!
is that a spec ops the line reference
dude this writing is just so deep and WOAH...
I actually haven't played it, is undertale really as bad as Yea Forums says?
Imagine being a little girl and having SEX with MUFFET
because people dont like the furry fanbase they need to shit on the game rather than just ignore them
Depends on your tastes. I personally thought it was pretty good but it's not for everyone.
Yea Forums always had polarising opinions on undertale aside from first 2 weeks when everyone liked it
It's an okay game but extremely flawed, and assuming you don't fuck up and kill someone, you're pretty much only getting one playthrough out of it. The writing isn't all that great though, it's okay but comes off as very try hard. Just play something else. I recommend LISA.
I cried bitch tears
Them feels man, them fucking feels
furry onions shit
I think that's my main problem with the story honestly. They expect you to care about all these characters you've interacted like once or twice with and build everything up to be a big deal when all you've really done is gone on a sightseeing tour.
I'm usually a gameplay autist, but UT story really got me engaged and feeling feels.
The gameplay could be better, but it isn't offensive or boring, just simplistic and reflex-based.
imagine being this fucking guy
Never played Undertale, so what's the significance of that?
What did they mean by this?
Seriously what did they mean.
I watched Undertale a couple times.
All the "emotional" moments come across as very formulaic, contrived and intentional. It's really not a good story but it plays the same music when the sprite is making the sad face, so people like it.
The endgame location is a mirror of the starting one.
The main character is in multiple ways a parallel of character that died before the game started. Including being mistaken for them.
There is ambiguity with naming: you are asked to name a character at start, but only learn that you named that dead one by the end.
Plus the whole usual stuff, where you went through an adventure, met friends and probably changed a lot. There is an implication that you go to the game location because you have some serious issues in life.
In the evil route, the message is that you're now that character who died.
it's not supposed to be a huge moment, just a little thing to the side
at the start of the game you enter the house and when you interact with the mirror, a dialogue box comes up and says "It's you!"
at the end of the game you go back to the house and check the mirror again it says "Despite everything, it's still you."
ignore this flaming retard
>I watched
god I fucking hate this board sometimes
Why are you so mad at me for noticing more than you?
I mean seriously, what's your issue?
>playing a game with almost no gameplay
Yeah OK.
>We agreed to this
No, we didn't.
They're all boys.
As opposed to all those stories that didn't wanna have any emotion at all. You sound like a 12 old who just discovered game analysis ecelebs.
>almost no gameplay
literally what are you even talking about you fucking autistic ape?
you walk, you initiate battles, you dodge obstacles, you make choices, you buy items, you use said items
how the fuck is that not gameplay you absolute retard?
tell me a single portion in this game where there is no gameplay, go on
Not him but it has plenty, it's a fucking rpg or do you just take issue with the whole genre, you retard
>no gameplay
Nigger Im now convinced you only know this game from hearsay and shitposting. Are you actually retarded or just trying to fit in?
I'm not so good with words, so suffice to say that all the emotional moment in Undertale feel very self conscious and artificial. The game tries very hard to pull on heartstrings and generally fails.
Although the braindead Tumblr fanbase seems to fall for it hook line and sinker, so I guess you could say it succeeds.
It's essentially a text adventure.
>epic meme enemy looks sad
>pat him on the back
>now he's happy you won the fight
It's hardly a game.
The point of that line is to provide a frame of reference for when the ghost of the fallen child possesses you at the end of the Genocide path, because the line changes to "It's me" instead.
I've watched two playthroughs of this game, and most of it blends into one, and every battle is a variation on
>gay furry guards wanna fuck each other
>select make them fuck each other
>ok you win
Good end is canon so Frisk must be male.
Chara is probably a cunt and loves chocolate, so must be female.
Kris isn't obvious, but sounds male so far.
The only female thing about them is that they didn't try to FUCK the goat like any warm-blooded male would.
>>epic meme enemy looks sad
>>pat him on the back
>>now he's happy you won the fight
I love how you completely skipped the whole bullet hell part inbetween to stay consistent with your false accusation.
You sound like an unsufferable faggot.
based retard
I want to fuck undyne
At least I'm nowhere near as socially retarded as you.
Don't know what to tell you at that point user. Every game you'll ever play has an author intentionally manipulating your feelings through a narrative. Might as well give up on the concept of storytelling.
>this game is shit.
>what makes you say that?
>well I watched some gameplay and-
every time
>thinks pl*bbit: the game is genuinely neat
>calls anyone reddit
You don’t belong here you limp wristed cock sucker
Weird, because you sound like the kind of guy with 0 friends because you can't literally stop sperging about shitty game no one but tumblr cares about.
>dodge a bullet shaped like a floppy cock that doesn't really even try to hit you
>woah this game is hard I'm sure glad I don't actually have to fight the enemies to win battles
I feel like "bullet hell x turn based RPG" could be a really interesting genre fusion, but Undertale is a lazy game more concerned with meme references and tumblr pandering than actually doing anything interesting with it's """combat""" """""""system""""""".
user I've watched two playthroughs of Final Fantasy 6 and most of it blends into one and every battle is a variation on
>enemies attack you
>you attack them
>ok you win
>can't tell a game is bad by looking at it
Are underfurries really this stupid?
>have to drastically reduce the battle system of Final Fantasy to make it sound dumb
>only have to give a 1:1 recount of an Undertale "battle" to make it sound dumb
>"you don't belong here"
>he says while falling for the "le everyone hates undertale" meme that every post-election tourist fall for and being a phone poster
thanks for the hearty chuckle, user
>why is Gone Home bad?
>I watched a play-
>HA! You haven't played it! You can't say it's bad!
>Yeah, but it's literally just walking an-
>NO! You have to actually touch buttons and move in the game to know if it's bad!
>meme references and tumblr pandering
Do elaborate.
This should be good.
Go back.
When have I said anything about Gone Home, you flaming faggot?
Not him, but
>posting that unintelligible word salad
>calling anyone else socially retarded
>"hurr if you like thing you probably also are all these buzzwords"
>thinks he's in position to call anyone anything
You will address me as sir, you mentally stunted shitskin.
This is why I'm always wary of people recommending Undertale, because instead of talking about the gameplay they always say things like 'I was going through a tough time when I played it' or 'It really spoke to me and made feel feels in the feels'.
Then you have lines like the one in the OP, which seem purpose-built for moms everywhere to share on Facebook after their second divorce. If that isn't a hollow platitude designed to flatter the player by speaking to a great, presumed pain then I don't know what is - especially considering it happens at the start of the game so it really is directed at the player and not the character.
Here, I even made a mock-up so you can share it with your mom's best friend.
You see, I'm using Gone Home as an example of a very simple game that can you can experience identially by either watching or playing.
Undertale is similar in many ways, in that the game itself doesn't really exist and it's simply a walking game with a small number of very simple puzzles.
Undertale is the kind of game that puts story first, and unfortunately the story is absolutely fucking shit, so it falls flat on its face in every respect.
I mustered up the strength to play it last year and really enjoyed it
It's really short too, you can basically dedicate an evening to 1 playthrough
music is easily the best part, I still have certain tracks stuck in my head from time to time
He's just posting an example showing how dumb your logic is, furfag.
>there's no proof it's a girl
This artist only draws Chara as a girl.
They swap Frisk from boy to girl at random though.
90% of the game is being in battles and dodging bullets you shit eating moron.
>literally ignores all of combat mechanics
>"nah brah its 1:1"
Suck my dick user. And google irony while at it.
>90% of the game is being in battles and dodging bullets
90% of the game is being in "battles" and figuring out the puzzle based on a pun that automatically wins the fight by making the enemy embarassed of their pants falling down or some retarded shit.
>emasculates wh*toid likes effeminate tumblr games
Checks out
Within the first hour of the game, you encounter a mirror. Looking into it, it says "It's you!". You then proceed on a short journey taking a few more hours. You enter what appears to be the endgame area and it looks exactly like the area in the start, but gray and drab, and the mirror says that instead.
Ignore the anons who simply whine and say the adventure wasn't long enough for it to be meaningful.
Were you even around when Undertale came out? This board was flooded with threads.
Undertale is the perfect newfag filter for Yea Forums.
Sure not every user prior to 2015 will say they like it, but they'll usually just say something like "I don't get the hype, it was pretty mediocre." as opposed to "HEY GUYZ DO I FIT IN YET. WE ALL HATE UNDERTALE DON'T WE?"
>Undertale is the perfect newfag filter for Yea Forums.
Pretty much. You can tell who's a reddit crossposter by how much they salivate over the game.
>n-NO! I was told everyone on teh epic chanz hated undertale! did reddit lie to me? why are people disagreeing with me? I'm doing everything by the books!
Checks out.
>poor grammar
Checks out.
>no argument
Checks out.
Don't know why people want a filter, underage phoneposters out themselves without prompt pretty easily.
I’ve been around since 2010. I’ve also been around when this board was flooded with blacked porn, what’s your fucking point?
i thought it was really fun and i enjoyed it
Oh nonononononono ahahahahaah. At least read the entire post before replying to it zoom zoom.
tranny thread
Yea Forums says it was pretty cool, nu-Yea Forums says it's bad because that's what they were told to say
This. I also liked how short it was.
>OH god toby fox please FUCK MY ASS sans is so EPIC lol i wanna fuck ASRAEL toriel is pure mommyfu
What did you expect.
>this is your brain on gen-z
This game came out in 2015.
What appeal does this game actually have?
user, that is not what nostalgia game means.
You already fucked up, kiddo. This is an 18+ website.
Yea Forums only hates it because it's way more popular than it has any right to be
That said, it's a good game. Probably a bit too sappy for some people but if you're looking for some good vibes with light-touhou gameplay, this game might just be right up your alley.
You brainless idiot. It's a nostalgia game for people who like earthbound or other NES/SNES rpg's.
If it was good then it wouldn't be popular
Genuinely impactful moment. People in here are just looking for something to complain about
Shit like this is why I envy /tg/. Underage shitters and political snowflakes can't find any foothold there the way they have on other boards. Threads like this would not get a hundred replies.
Earthbound is my favourite game but i have never played it.
How the fuck is that in any shape or form an answer to what I just said.
I never really cared for earthbound and I'm too much of a zoomer to have experience NES/SNES RPG but I enjoyed it.
It’s alright. The gameplay wasn’t spectacular, but it’s the whole package (music, personality) that really ties it together and makes the experience enjoyable.
I liked this part of the game
Undertale and Minecraft.
>I watched Undertale a couple times.
that too
minecraft is probably the easiest pitfall for newfaggots to fall into
>People still get mad at Undertale
>go from "it's still you" to "it's me"
so what the fuck does that mean?
With it I assume you mean undertale right? Your favourite game can't be something you haven't played.
Maybe because the earthbound formula is good enough for people who don't have nostalgia boners to enjoy.
based, fuck underfaggot
Earthbound is just such a quirky game. I love it, but I don't have time to play old RPGs.
i dont normally go out of my way to defend undertale but i played it, didnt like it, and also know you're completely retarded. unironically have sex my dude
>kino middle boss
>everything else was meh
You're just as bad as those faggots who say that Undertale is their favorite game but they haven't played it.
Undertale was liked by Yea Forums when it was a demo about a fuckable goat mommyfu, but then the game came out, turned out to be a cringey memefest and tumblr got their claws into it and our opinion changes completely.
No it didn't. Undertale was unanimously beloved here until it got popular on tumblr.
I watched all through a "good end" playthrough and Metaton was really the only interesting part of the game. Kind fo annoying when he was just making cringey jokes as a robot, but then in the boss fight he became more interesting.
>our opinion
speak for yourself nextime, faggot
>Yea Forums liked it when it was furrybait
>Undertale was unanimously beloved here
You can't change history by just saying something like this.
Undertale was only liked when it was a demo, then the full game came out and people here changed their minds.
shut the fuck up
Yea Forums has always been closet furry central, you cocksleeve
you can't say that all those 90's mascots didn't do a number on people
if you think any one person belongs here and others don't you're genuinely retarded
I cried so hard at the end of this game.
It just hit me right in the feels so bad.
Anyone who says a man shouldn't cry hasn't played this game!
Neither can you. I wouldn't have played the game if Yea Forums hadn't gushed for weeks when it came out.
All the Undertale threads after the release were still generally positive though.
It was around Halloween when shit started to go south when the game's popularity was really starting to pick up.
This part made me cry. This whole game calls back to retro games in my youth, yet somehow children today aren't excluded from it. It embraces forward progression, keeping what good we had before but removing the bad. Despite everything... It's still you.
It's the best game ever. Think about that.
I like that it says that no matter how you Play it
There is a lot wrong with undertale but nothing Bad about this scene
More like if tumblr hadn't gushed about it
This part of the game made me cry. My wife's boyfriend cried too, and his wife's son called us faggots but it was still a powerful moment in gaming history.
It's good. Writing has its ups and downs, personally really liked the bullet hell mechanics.
This game makes me proud to be a gamer.
No movie or book has ever reached this peak of emotion and depth.
It means that you didnt change into a murderer to see something special or into a pacifist not to harm the characters you like but that was the perdón you where all along
A man should cry, but son....you are 2.
>figuring out the puzzle based on a pun that automatically wins the fight
Or you can just hit [Fight] and stab them without doing any of that shit.
Thats the entire fucking point of the game which you would know if you actually played it or took two more seconds to actually learn about it.
The dead kid is the narrator.
They effectively possess you if you murder everyone, signified by the text turning red and changing slightly.
After killing the final boss in that route said kid is now basically a demon, hellbent on genocide, and they know about the save/load shit of multiple timelines so they want to just keep going, destroying timeline after timeline.
Includes a stinger where if you complete the genocide route before completing the pacifist, demon-kid is blatantly shown to be present, if not in control of the character.
Dead kid comitted suicide so their adoptive goat brother could use their soul and go through a magical barrier, dead kid's plan was for goat bro to use the power boost to grab a few more souls and break the barrier completely.
Goat-bro didnt want to do that, and returned dead kids body to their village.
Villagers promptly attacked the monster goat carrying the dead child, and he fled back to the underground.
His wounds were too bad and he died in that field of flowers you start the game in, monsters turn to dust when they die and that spread on the flowers.
Dead kids soul was put in a bottle and experimented on, along with some of the flowers they died in, this caused the flower enemy to be born.
Each human soul has unique properties, dead kid had a "red" soul which is the same as the one the player character has, allowing some ghost shenanigans when combined with the aforementioned experiments.
By playing pacifist, you convince dead kid that humans aren't all a shit.
By playing genocide, you push dead kid off the deep end completely.
It's a game made on the basis of being a giant Earthbound reference.
The combat system is interesting, but he never really does anything very inventive with it. The writing is pretty bad, again, just one big Earthbound reference that tries a bit too hard to pull on heart strings.
It's interesting as background noise to put on some streamer playing this, but I wouldn't bother playing it myself. I don't think this game has anything in it that really makes it stand out as something with experiencing.
Kino, unironically
Made me laugh. If you hadn't put Gandhi I might actually have seen this shit on facebook or instagram in a week. Maybe some generic author name that doesn't exist like J. R. Summer or something. Anyway yeah I've played the game and you're completely right, it's pretty standard if you've played a lot of games, neat little game but absolutely nothing life-changing or worth sperging about. But of course those artificial feels and gay characters resonate so well with everyone these days.
Im probably the only perdón who liked him more as a robbit
This is like saying that you listened to a movie. You’re doing it wrong.
Surely this is bait, no one on Yea Forums actually thinks like this right?
Would you have preferred the generic it's a reflection of yourself
>surely this is bait
what do you think?
hey so i played undertale a while back and it was ok
has its crigne and some issues but overall reasonably charming
also great music
now i read that the guy's made another game and if it's decent i might play it too
is that one any good?
I cried at this part. Really powerful moment in gaming right here.
Anyone who hates this game didn't have a childhood.
>Game is about as serious as a Paper Mario game
>Game has similar comedy to a Paper Mario game
>Somehow it got the rep that it's an edgy cringe furry game
>The combat system is interesting, but he never really does anything very inventive with it.
>Toriel actively tries to avoiding killing you when you're on low health.
>Asgore destroys the mercy button.
>Sans fight has bones appearing in menu options.
>Sans fight requires you pushing down to the fight button when he refuses to take his turn.
Pretty sure there's other shit, this is from the top of my head.
A bonus fact is that you literally cant die to papyrus, his attacks stop instantly if it would kill you.
Ties in with the fact sans literally has only 1hp.
i want to fuck the gote
ITT: reddit supreme gentleman DESPERATELY trying to fit in are unable to cope with the fact that their favorite game is unambiguously for poufters, furries, and outcasts
Part one is out and free, it's called deltarune.
Seems pretty decent expansion on the first one's mechanics so far.
There's only a demo now, but it's pretty good, albiet short. The full game isn't coming out soon.
I thought I heard a girl's name,but that kid looks like a boy!
The edge is from the fact the genocide route exists.
Probably bait here but I've actually seen that shit on other websites unironically
I was the same way. I refused to get on the Undertale bandwagon for years until I finally gave it a shot last year and lived it. People are shitting on that one user for saying he watched it because it’s the type of game that you have to play to understand why people gravitate toward it. The reason why some who end up playing it don’t like it is because they are looking for a combat system like other RPGs where they can min-max and customize to fight enemies with, which isn’t a goal of Undertale. Undertale is more about telling an interesting story by using meta video game concepts than it is about providing a gameplay experience divorced of the story.
I'm going to be 100% honest here, I still love this game. I still listen to the soundtrack to remind myself of better times.
It's just a demo at this point but it's still a couple hours long, definitely longer than Undertale's demo.
The combat is a lot more refined, the negotiating system has evolved beyond just being a passive alternative, it now actually feels like a part of the combat.
The humor and writing has a little more edge to it which I think is an improvement because Undertale felt like it was trying to hard to sound like Earthbound a lot of the time.
Undertale is not like Mother 2 though.
If we were in some faggy tumblr game I'd spare you. But we're not in one right now, are we?
what’s with zoomers these days?
>undertale is the accumulation of aspects taken from
>breath of fire
>live a live
This is literally /ourgame/. Why the fuck do people call it tumblr?
Because it's full of post-modern try-hard self-aware tumblr bullshit.
kill yourself faggot
Why dont you try it for yourself and make up your own opinions faggot.
What does that even mean?
Could you bring up a few examples?
It’s the greatest game of all time, I’ve cried so many times playing it... I just can’t get over how amazing the chiptunes soundtrack is, Nintendo needs to hire this man!
Undertale is basically ripping off Earthbound and Homestuck at every moment.
Because it gets (you)s
I literally had to pause the video every 5 minutes because I was so overwhelmed!!!
>ignore fighting
>ignore bullet hells
>ignore overworld minigames
Also prove you know the story:summarize all the characters
Could you bring up a few examples?
How do you even put on your pants on your own?
Undertale does diversity as a matter of course. The game casts no judgments on characters who are attracted to characters of the same gender and indeed the protagonist remains famously ungendered, being identified only as “a kid.” The Underground’s leading scientist is a queer woman dinosaur, with a crush on the (also female) general. The game explores the ethics of violence and genocide.
>By playing pacifist, you convince dead kid that humans aren't all a shit.
>By playing genocide, you push dead kid off the deep end completely.
This is perhaps the most understated but correct understanding of Undertale's story.
The fact it wasn't realized until a fuckhuge tumblr post came about with a collection of text from the game put these things together shows that Toby has a understated ability to be ridiculously subtle with what he wants to be subtle.
you're the one who has to go back electionfaggot
>sojboj picture
>implying Yea Forums didn't like undertale when it came out
>"I'm not new you are!"
fuck off retarded electionfugee
>Also prove you know the story:summarize all the characters
The main character is a small kid who falls in a hole.
Goat mom is the queen of the underground and has a dead evil gay goat kid.
The final boss is the king of the underground and has a dead evil gay goat kid.
You either kill a bunch of people or talk them into letting you win the fight.
Skeleton puns etc. comic sans lol
There's a gay dinosaur who wants to fuck a fish lady and built a gay robot. There's a transgender ghost and gay DarkKnut furries.
The little yellow kid falls over a lot and wants to be lesbian fish lady.
LMAO temmy xD so randumb and quirky lol it's basically just a fucking shameless rip-off of Mr Saturn but it's funny because it's randumb!
The dog shed it's skin lol!
I think there was an evil scientist who made experiments with dumb soul bullshit and also Ness is Sans.
idk what most of those words mean
>Letting tumblr ruin a game that says "fighting for real is bad mkay" when there are plenty of games like that
You're weakminded if you let retards ruin something for you
But undertale has gameplay and choices and shit
why does this game cause so much seething lmao
Undertales story is good
Yeah. Nah. I knew nothing of the game when it came out and only tried it out blindly during the first few days of release when most of Yea Forums liked it. Then the rest of Yea Forums saw people liking a game and called it trash. Which is understandable because the fanbase really was obnoxious.
Why do people seethe so badly when you criticise this game?
Its a game about interaction,figuring out how your opponent acts and the puzzles behind that
Are you saying puzzle games have no gameplay
Also dont say the bullet hell is easy if you havent played the fucking game
Shame they didn't release it for a wanilla NDS. The game was made for it.
Your a disgrace to the zoomers
We are demoting you to shit-zoom
It's mindboggling that people still refuse to believe in narrator Chara. It makes perfect sense.
I platted it but didn't do a genocide run on ps4. Did the Genocide run on PC. It was enjoyable for what it was. Then again I'm playing through Arcania right now so I don't have the best of tastes.
it's bait, calm down retard
>muh reddit
>muh tumblr
>hurr i watched it XD
Where’s the criticism?
Someone post the screen cap of Kermit going nuclear. This thread needs a reminder.
Your fucking retarded
>Merely pretending
Literally what is neat about it
>prove you know the game by describing the characters
>proceed to describe the characters
>h-haha... you retard...
Just admit you're stupid and move on.
Thanks user, can't believe it's almost been 3 years already.
niggers that try too hard to fit in are truly scum
circlejerking cocksucking faggots who hold no opinion of their own
>Didnt like Mettaton or Undyne
Gayer than Alphys
>The dead kid is the narrator.
There's barely any proof about and it makes no fucking sense if you think about it for a minute.
What a wicked suplex!
Yea Forums was fucking full of goat mom threads for weeks on release of the demo, people couldn't stop talking about how great the demo was and how they wanted to fuck the goat
>Undertale was only liked when it was a demo
I beg your pardon?
t. dumb goats
learn to read
You can't be gay if you don't have a gender
Don’t forget the Whole souls changing colors thing and the Omega Flowey fight
The Blue attack was a kino moment and always will be
Metaton is clearly a flaming flamboyant faggot stereotype in the Japanese style of thinking of gays as clown people.
Which is odd from a game that claims to be so progressive and SJW centric.
Yes we did you faggot
it's 9gag - the game
>Which is odd from a game that claims to be so progressive and SJW centric.
when does that ever happen?
One of the boss fights is based on hooking up two gay dog men, and the protagonist is genderqueer.
The dogs are male and female you retard
>two gay dog men
are you okay?
Also the main character just has no specific gender:its male if the player is male and female if the player is female
no, it's pretty good if you can stomach jrpg themes.
>Which is odd from a game that claims to be so progressive and SJW centric.
Lol? Did you read the interview where someone was trying to ask Toby a bunch of sjw questions and he basically just stonewalls them. Toby just wanted to make a game.
>Thread almost halfway over
>No one talking about the superior Toby Fox game
Bet y’all niggas can’t even do anything
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
I mean these dudes. I thought one of their helmets came off an it's a dog, or something.
Because you did a shit job at it
>I thought one of their helmets came off an it's a dog, or something
holy shit you haven't played the game, have you?
Oh yeah. This part exists. Only part of the game I hate desu
>did a shit job
What did I get wrong? The game is about a little genderqueer non binary transbian who falls in a hole and has to escape through a magic barrier by killing the gay goat king and an evil flower.
Friends you may meet on your adventure include a gay dinosaur, Ness with no skin, Mrs Saturn and a fucking faggot skeleton retard.
It’s really fun on a BLIND FIRST PLAYTHROUGH
it’s all downhill from there, but that first play is magic. It’s really a great deal for 10 bucks on steam, and the sequel(?) is looking to blow it out of the water quality wise.
I don't remember that guy from the Earthbound Halloween Hack.
Dude I watched it twice, you can't espect me to remember every part of each retarded boss fight.
Their armor comes off, right? And they have big sweaty man tits and then they go off and fuck ice-cream because it's a progressive game.
There's nothing to talk about until we will get rest of it
For example people can't talk about genocide we committed against Dark Kingdom without knowledge if it looks like Ralsei's kingdom or if it just disappeared
And for some reason people don't accept that it's Chara singing the ending song so we can't talk about that either
none of this matters
One of best check texts in the game and you hate it
Do you just hate literature?
>I watched it
I'm so fucking done with this thread.
The goat king isnt gay?
The kid isnt lgbt he has no specific gender for self inserting
Ness was never sans
Tem is a refrence to a game dev
And the skeleton is dumb on purpose
No, I just hate the immense fagness of those guys
so kill them?
people complain about this game being tumblr but you get to massacre gay people, I don't get it.
Asgore is a gay transman, Toriel is a non-religous pan-muslim trans-mom, and their xirson Asrael is a gay non-gender-binary transflower .
None of that is canon you retard
>Hasn’t played the game
>Insists that his opinion is worth anything
is this what it's like to have mental illness? You start rambling fanfiction nonsense convinced it's real?
Why are you even in this thread if you didn't play the game?
Being a contrarian faggot isn't a good look.
Alphys is a lesbian trans-queer ghost-sexual.
>watch a full playthrough of a walking simulator
Can you tell me which parts I might have missed? Because I've seen every part of this game from start to finish.
can't even spell poofta right fuckin gay cunt
>has the right to call me anything they want
You will address me as one of the following, Riddler, The Riddler, Nigma, or Mr. Nigma, sir.
Richard Spencer is a hindu crypto-bi anteater transvestite.
>Richard Spencer
Actually who?
There’s literally nothing wrong with being a spectrosexual you retard
I’M one. Fuck you.
I’m not going to make excuses for myself. I just really like booooooooobs.
>I just really like booooooooobs
some dude with a punchable face
You missed the part where you’re actually sitting down playing the game, solving puzzles, interacting with the world, figuring out how to spare enemies, and doing the bullet hell sections.
user is retarded. They probably meant those two roided up guards you encounter in hotland.
I'm not calling it a tumblr game. I'm just saying I looked like pic related when doing the pacifist run
>You missed the part where you’re actually sitting down playing the game, solving puzzles, interacting with the world, figuring out how to spare enemies, and doing the bullet hell sections.
But if I've watched all that happen how is there a difference?
It's not like a game like DMC, or Dark Souls, or Metroid or whatever the fuck it might be, where you actually require some amount of skill and the gameplay is rewarding. Undertale is essentially a text adventure.
The experience of playing and watching is identical, like a David Cage game.
>Toriel threads leading up to release with one of the team members shitposting with Yea Forums
>He doesn't leak anything but (claims) to have taken some advice and gave it to Toby
>It's genuinely hyped up among the few that care (and those that just wanted more Toriel lewds)
>Undertale comes out
>Everyone on Yea Forums loves it
>That one stream of someone doing genocide route with all of Yea Forums watching and like 3-4 devs all in chat giving him tips
>Weeks of people praising the game, fanart coming out
>Dataminers find out about Gaster a couple days in and hype just gets reborn thinking something would come from it (It doesn't)
>Some discord tranny gets upset that Yea Forums is loving a video game and keeps screaming that they'll have the last laugh
>As people run out of things to discuss discord tranny is losing his mind still screaming about how he won he won he won
>Eventually he does win because him and his friends are the only ones making threads
>Try to rewrite history that Yea Forums never loved undertale, no one really gives a shit and UT becomes another trigger word over time
>Couple years later anytime mentions UT and how Yea Forums liked it for awhile some retard tries to pretend that wasn't the case
>"Everyone hates undertale no one liked it no one is interested and everyone is happy it's gone!"
>Delta Rune drops out of nowhere and Yea Forums gets fucking consumed all over again
>Shitters get annihilated on the spot for weeks as the hype train is back in
Really, how fucking >seething do you think the guy who made the old discord is that his years of trying to revise history failed spectacularly thanks to a 1-2 hour long demo?
>But if I've watched all that happen how is there a difference?
Yeah man
Being in a war is totally the same as watching a documentary
History Channel fans totally can lead armies and run circles around ancient kings
Wrong. I thought it was gay furry bait because of you faggots so i avoided it. It was only after actually credible sources started to praise it that i got into it.
Are you genuinely comparing fucking Undertale to the emotional torment and terror that a soldier experiences in war?
Holy shit, this is like a super-evolved form of autism.
Either that or you're just a fucking idiot making a fucking idiotic analogy.
opinion discarded
That happens with alot of games as well
>Using Yea Forums to form your opinions
How's it feel to be retarded?
I repeat - why would Frisk need to be told about their actions and feelings?
It’s different for the same reason you wouldn’t watch someone else play a Pheonix Wright game, a Professor Layton game, or maybe even a game like Grim Fandango. The gameplay centers around you interacting with the game yourself and figuring things out for yourself. Watching the game instead of actually playing it destroys that experience. I’d argue watching most games instead of playing then destroys the experience unless they’re not a fighting game or something. To use Dark Souls as an example; don’t you think you’d feel different during that part of the Sif fight when he starts limping if you watched it? In that instance, you aren’t the one who just beat up a wolf respecting its master’s last wishes; the player is. Plus, you won’t be feeling the difficulty spikes, and you won’t be thinking through any problems you might encounter; you’re just watching.
Also, to call Undertale a text adventure is to ignore the parts of the game with active gameplay. Every boss fight in the game with the exception of the first Mettaton fight and Asgore throws something new at you; part of the difficulty and fun from those fights is figuring out what to do before you die. Which is yet another reason you shouldn’t watch the game instead of playing it, because now, you know exactly what to expect from those fights.
Frisk doesn't you fucking idiot you the player does. Holy shit how can you be so stupid. You obviously failed school or the concept of a fucking narrator wouldn't be too hard for you to grasp. Jesus christ just google narrators and you will find chara easily fits into the 'all knowing narrator' type which is as old as fucking literature. You are so fucking stupid oh my god i'm so angry at how dumb you are
>I’d argue watching most games instead of playing then destroys the experience
I agree if it's a proper game, but can you really say you need to play Undertale of Beyond Two Souls to have a good understanding of the game?
...but I thought the whole "Chara=narrator" theory required the narrator to not be omniscient?
>"I agree"
>continues to bash game he watched instead of played
the irony here is delicious
It will turn you into a gay tranny, have sex instead
You said it yourself. It is nothing but a theory. Not a bad theory, mind you, but a theory nonetheless
...and you missed that this argument started by people asserting it as fact?
That's not what happened, Yea Forums liked the game but then everyone else started to like it too so that means everyone has to act like a contrarian jackass now and start spouting "LE PLEBBIT YOU NEED TO GO BACK" for (You)s
>but can you really say you need to play Undertale of Beyond Two Souls to have a good understanding of the game?
Yes. You haven't played the game so you wouldn't know. I haven't played Beyond Two Souls so I don't know what it's like to play the game, I can't experience the tension of making any decision because that's out of my control if I'm watching someone else play it.
>I can't experience the tension of making any decision
There's no such thing as a decision in a David Cage game.
Yes, for the exact reasons I just outlined.
Of course, this argument is rather pointless anyway, as there’s no way for you to forget what you’ve seen and go in fresh. You’ll never have a deep understanding of the game by my own logic, but this is why people highly reccomend you go in unspoiled.
It's no second coming of Christ but it's a good game. I liked it
Literally this
I never said that. Chara has knowledge of the player and everything in-game.
Undertale is really good and worthy of the hype in my personal opinion
Then what about the water sausage bit that everyone loves to uses as proof, despite non-omniscient non-character narrators being fairly common?
Is the advice "Make them your slaves"?
Trying way too hard to fit in.
And then make them your slaves
>Underfaggots and SMTfaggots are the same people
It adds up
I like Megaten as a whole but I'm starting to see Personafags as the annoying ones
Is Undertale any good? It looked like furry shit from what i seen of the character design so I have avoided it.
I would have imagined that Persona would be the closer comparison all with the anime and power of friendship and such.
>why x bad?
>cus u like y
It's a five-to-ten hour RPG that costs ten bucks. It's worth a try at least.
It's definitely above any typical furryshit.
Undertale hasn't gained worldwide popularity for nothing.
read the thread, it's a pretty polarizing game. I think most people will enjoy it, but considering this is fucking Yea Forums and there is a decent chance any user went down the retarded /pol/ rabbit hole, so if you're one of those fags, avoid this game because it's pretty progressive.
i like undertale for the porn
user there's crossover fanart of Undertale with practically everything
same reason we like your mother and grandmother
you have some shit taste in pornography bro
they make scatological porn as well? Damn, what freaks.
The fanbase is cringy as fuck but the game is pretty enjoyable.
Deltarune is going to be a significant improvement on Undertale, but it will never be as popular as Undertale which means Yea Forums is allowed to like it.
Do you perchance have the image? I love how he answers like "yeah sure whatever" to anything the interviewer says.
It's a good game with obvious limitations and a very simple presentation. If you don't mind that go for it, if you like classic RPGs this game should be a safe choice.
>is undertale really as bad as Yea Forums says?
Look at the archive, everyone on Yea Forums liked the game after it released, when it still wasn't very popular, but after a week or so when it was everywhere on Twitch and Youtube the expected happened and people started becoming hipsters or just shitposting about it.
Toby Fox is based.
what a god
lmao nice
is it wrong for me to suspect that toby fox used to browse Yea Forums?
This fills you with determination
Unironically based
Maybe he still does. I wouldn't ever admit it to anyone either.
Why do people do this
notice how he never replied to that post lmao
>starting to
They always have been
>Pixel RPG with a realtime gimmick in its turnbased combat with a more modern setting is not inspired by *repeat what I just wrote*
I wish it was true for me too, instead i have to deal with a souless husk that is myself every day.
There can never be another undertale.....
Except there already is one in the works
Literally wrong
>you've interacted like once or twice with
>He didn't call Papyrus, and later Papyrus and Undyne, in every single screen of the game
Is this satire?
>implying he isn’t a starman.net fag
Reminder that the legendary heroes are the Discarded Vessel, Noelle, and Lancer, Kris kills Susie, and Ralsei is evil.
It's just something that happens
People like crossovers
I only liked Undyne.
neck yourself resetera tranny
>dark prince
Nah I'm sure he's totally not evil
I remember the threads when it had just come out and it was unilaterally loved by everyone around here, it lasted for a good couple weeks too
Honest question, as we don't know it's gender, it this ok to post?
His games really feel like he browsed a "cool shit/tropes you love in games" thread and tried to cram as many of them as he could into his game.
Lies. It was hated from the day it came out for being garbage normie tumblr SJW trash.
>it lasted for a good couple weeks too
It didn't last that long, it lasted for about two weeks. Then mods moved them to /vg/ because retards kept formatting the threads like generals. When Deltarune came out it was the same atmosphere on Yea Forums as it was when Undertale came out. And then the same happened, people just started baiting.
>limp wristed cock sucker
yup trying so hard to fit in.
No it wasn't and you'd know if you were here. Too bad no archiving sites archived the threads when Undertale came out because they were offline so you'd never know unless you were here
>I have no emotional attachment to a game I haven't played and truly experienced
I hope this post is satire
I know you're just trying to make a shitstirring thread but that moment hit me pretty hard
Everything from the moment the Undertale theme starts playing was absolutely fantastic
He probably browses /jp/
I hope Toby doesn’t browse Yea Forums. He might have seen my shitposts about wanting to fuck various things
Then again, he also might have seen my Jevil shitposts, which would be a huge honor
It's an 8/10 that tumblr trannys treat like a 50/10 and Yea Forums shitposters treat like a -2/10.
Good thing we're discussing Undertale here, where there are PLENTY of major and minor choices that the game will adapt to. Try eating the snow the snowman gives to you in his face.
based. Keep good taste alive user
>i-if I keep saying it long enough I'll revise history!
Because that only appears if you've played without killing anyone, implying that a person is MORE themselves if they practice virtuous actions than if they practice vicious ones.
As an Aristotelian I read that as a very organic implementation of his points in the Ethics, and thought it was really need to have that represented in vidya.
And you know, you're literally possessed by an evil spirit that grows stronger the more people you kill. It's an interested nod to the Genocide route.
>press talk
>press alt talk
>rip off better games (shmups)
>press end
whoa... just whoa
you're trying too hard
not by Yea Forumseddit.
hence this thread.
You talk like one of those pedes I've heard so much about
What even made Chara so evil, and how does he control Frisk in the genocide path?
I didn't vote for orange man bad mr /pol/ strawman cuck.
I just don't like undertale and these threads are always just furry bait bullshit.
Go on, post the "I wanna fuck midna" vocaroo again and talk about which characters you most want to yiff on.
>and how does he control Frisk in the genocide path?
Oh it's almost like YOU are the one playing the game and controlling Frisk
>rips off better games
The funny things is, Toby actually went out on the night to have drinks with the creator of Touhou: ZUN, and he reckons Toby has a great understanding of video games and what makes certain things work. Same with Yoko Taro, who Toby also hung out with.
How does it feel that this game is impressing these masteful nipponse video game directors and the creator is forming all these connections?
n-no... that's impossible! th-the game is bad!
>Having food taste
>he thinks I play touhou.
no, pellet maze is trash. Not as trash as undertale though.
But Chara isn't the player, that's why you converse with him at the end of genocide.
user, he’s a dumbass. Nothing you say can convince him. You could say his favorite dev likes Undertale and it wouldn’t phase him.
I pirated it day one.
it's subpar indie trash at best.
If you'd like to discuss it further without criticism then I can recommend a website called reddit.com
Like I said, it confuses the jannies
It makes you realise how sex actually matters regarding nudity therefore proving sexual equality does not exist. It makes you realise how stupid it is to fuss over whether nipples are male or female. It makes you realise that it should be okay for little girls to be topless, it shouldn't be an issue at all.
I pirated it day one as well, and I think it's the opposite.
What now?
>growing up to be a liberal instead of a Yea Forums shitposter is somehow a good thing
I hope his parents are proud
art = artist
good meme. Also Toby isn't the only person who worked on undertrash.
nothing. You just have shit taste and are probably some sort of sexual deviant.
He and Temmie Chang are responsible for the vast majority of the game
Wtf? You interact with everyone like a dozen times each.
If Frisk is evil dickbag Chara is also evil dickbag
Chara doesn't control anyone until the very end
>Yea Forums can’t like Undertale
You’re not just new, you were proven unequivocally wrong last year.
Hahaha I can guarantee you my taste in video games is leaps and bounds above yours, you stupid child. Now shoo off back to r*ddit so you can gush about how your wife's boyfriend sculpted an N64 logo or something.
Duh, it’s only called murder when you kill people.
>Because that only appears if you've played without killing anyone, implying that a person is MORE themselves if they practice virtuous actions than if they practice vicious ones.
There's no way anyone would notice this in a first playthrough, tertiary wikifag
Yeah? You like deltarune too huh?
Gone home? Life is Strange? Pokemon?
Masterworks all.
>stupid child
Please remove yourself tran*y
>the only way I can prove he has shit taste is if I make baseless assumptions
You're adorable.
I was a troll too thinking it was funny. Laughing at people like Chris-chan and posting their shit on Yea Forums and links to their deviantart was fun for a second but I realized I was making people miserable. I was there during the Habbo raids and hung around to fuck with people more. Plenty of us are in our thirties and don't take pleasure in laughing at internet weirdos because we were/are internet weirdos as adults.
>le "can't speak of Undertale in a positive light" meme
and you're a simp
>no u
The odds of someone getting Pacifist on their first run are low anyway. The game is meant to be played multiple times for full context.
>amazing music
Same recipe as final fantasy games
>says the 40%
kys. I've derailed your cuck thread. enjoy
It's gets better when you realize who is it that's saying that line.
>ad hominem fallacy
you running out of steam there, little guy?
>watching playthroughs
Your opinion is worthless.
Are you one of those "Chara narrates everything, even the minor shit" people?
>accuses me of being underage
>doesn't know what logical fallacies are
checks out
>>doesn't know what logical fallacies are
Well it's a good thing I said ad hominem fallacies instead, ain't it, retard?
>user says "ad hominem fallacy"
are you okay?
fr*ck yeah! Undertale is awesome! :^)
It's unique. Fresh. Objectively, it's not a good rpg but for what it's trying to do, it's a great experience.
Yea Forums only hates it because reddit and tumblr like it. And as everyone knows, if anyone else likes it aside from the Yea Forums only club it's bad.
>Sans cucking someone even in an alternate universe
Its light hearted if you let it be.
Then there's the genocide route which basically ends with you sitting on a throne of baby skulls while the entire world tells you what a cunt you are and how everyone you know is dead and you did it all.
Basically, you choose if the world is going to be edgy as fuck or not.
logical informal fallacy. Look it up brainlet redditors.
Ad hominem fallacy is name calling without any relevance or connection to either the topic or the opposite party, simply just schoolyard insults. Pretty much just going "yeah well you're fat" in any kind of debate.
That's exactly what you did by just going "uhhhhh 40% lmao ur a tranny".
Try finishing school first before you start internet arguments, okay champ?
>le reddit boogyman
Shutup faggot.
Fireden goes back to late October 2015, people were still positive on it then.
it's been a while since I've seen this level of retardation on this board
so congratulations I guess
>still on the hook.
Almost at bump limit queers.
>I was just pretending to be retarded!
Sure you were
because unironically having fun is cringe, everyone needs to remind others that they aren't having fun so they can fit in
I want to believe but when I found out that people like MichaelDoesLife exists, there were no longer any doubts for me. This place has genuinely fucked up and retarded people browsing it.
Why did u call him a simpson
>kino mid area
>xir's still at it.
It doesn't matter if I'm pretending because it's working. Did you enjoy being baited for your entire undertrash thread?
Pretty much this, admitting to unironically having fun with something is the quickest way to prove that you have no higher thoughts beyond base entertainment. Fun is irrelevant, nothing about fun is good, important, or meaningful. It's no wonder the current trend is to be viciously ironic, cynical and dismissive of anything.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Sure you were
>haha you idiot! you've just been giving me (You)s this entire time!
pot meet kettle
>It's no wonder the current trend is to be viciously ironic, cynical and dismissive of anything.
I feel like an old person for saying this, but I preferred Yea Forums years ago when everything wasn't quite so cynical. Sometimes it feels like half of every thread is just falseflagging or trolls
It's better this way. Filtering out fun is the first step you can take towards improving your media consumption.
how would you know what the fuck Yea Forums was when you clearly got here in '15 or later?
It's always been bitter.
They're still fucking GOING. Ok now this is reddit.
I can smell your neckbeard from here.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Sure you were
Noelle has game text that basically guarantees she'll be a party member, and "Prince from the Dark" is ridiculously ambiguous.
>It's always been bitter.
You couldn't have outed your self any harder.
>Be a dumb baited faggot
>continue to be baited
>get mad
>namecall and accuse of underage
>still baited
Even old Yea Forumstards used to be smarter than this. Which explains a lot seeing as you're redditors
Holy shit you ginormous faggot. Shut up. No one gives an ounce of a mouses dick about what you have to say. We're just humoring your autistic ass because it personally pisses you off and that's funny.
I replied to you exclusively so you’d stay this entire thread, feeling like you were “owning undertards.”
I just couldn’t help it! The (you)s felt so good. I derailed the thread, but it’s what i do. I’m a god. A god of chaos, and i can’t- sorry, hold on a sec
I just can’t help it. Every time you nerds respond, thinking you’ve trapped me in the thread, not realizing you couldn’t leave if you wanted! It makes me so happy. Ohhhh so happy.
You’re certainly right; we will hit the bump limit! And you’ll still be here. I love it, I love it so much
>I-I was only pretending to be retarded!
No John, you are the redditor.
You are all 12 year old redditors.
Please, for your own sake RETURN
Even more autism
>Merely... Pretending...
game made for 12 year olds with anger issues
my little sister played this game and is a ragin sperg who watches yaoi anime and when I point it out she throws a furious tantrum screaming that I ruined her life
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Sure you were
>w-well these mspaint comics I saw get reposted on /r/Yea Forums said...
all mspaint comics are an exaggeration of something, you slowpoke
Oh, here it goes. Here it goes. I’ve told you exactly what I’m doing, but you’re still biting. Come on. How far can we take it? Only about 60 more posts til the limit.
>le mspaint meme comic
who did I know that's exactly how you were going to respond
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Sure you were
The goal of shitposting is to post less than your victims, you're real bad at this
>looses whatever shitty argument he had
>"w-well I was merely pretending! Now you're falling into my trap."
Nah you're a raging frog faggot that needs to be put in his place.
I thought the goal was to bait idiots like you?
Checked, also that pic reminds me of Goldfish
Please enlighten us on what you think isn't an plebbit game then.
that's what he claims after he lost all arguments and had to resort to "haha I was only pretending to be retarded, thanks for the (You)s"
Well then you've been baited rather magnificently I'd say
Do you even know which side I was arguing for, copemaster? I’ll bet not, but keep on throwing me those sweet (You)s regardless. Maybe you’ll feel like you’ve won after you send me enough! Maybe I’ll back down! Wouldn’t that be just great?
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Sure you were
>Maybe you’ll feel like you’ve won after you send me enough!
The ironing
>thread ends with phone filenames, frogs, and "I was merely pretending to be retarded"
Every time. You fags give up so easily the moment you start losing.
>winning or losing arguments
>on the internet
You're actually retarded. My goal from the beginning was do derail the thread and half the fucking posts are my god damn (You)s. You have fun discussing undertale in your undertale thread sweetie?
>He wasn't here the week the game released
way to out yourself lmao
What did Toby mean by this?
See, this man understands. As long as you try to have your silly little threads, we’ll be here.
Cope harder, please
Actual non larping oldfag here, I never stopped because I felt bad, I either stopped caring or had better things to do. And shitposting on an anonymous image board is useless. I'd rather post about shit I actually care about or anything that's actually fun, because either way when the thread dies its all over anyway. Nobody will remember you, as if they ever did to begin with. So no, its never because of my ethics or whatever the fuck. I think it was about a year ago when there was a thread with Billy Mitchell posting while also streaming a world record attempt. I still had fun shitting on him because he's a faggot.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Sure you were
>See, this man understands.
Stop samefagging
You only say that in hindsight because you got BTFO every which way and so now you're just trying to convince people that you were never serious and instead you've just spent 6 hours of your life pretending to be retarded simply for the lulz. Yeah that story is definitely going to go over well with everyone, it's very convincing.
Remember, he doesn't care about it so much that he'll hang out for literal hours telling everyone how much he doesn't care
>yeah bro i've just been sitting back and pretending to be retarded for 7 hours haha
It's a total cope for lost time.
I-I was only pretending, I swear guise! T-thanks for the y-yous...
This thread and this game are gay.
as I am a true, enlightened, wizened, ancient poster I suggest you take your unironic enjoyment back to where it belongs.
take these retards with you.
>it's the same guy every single time
get absolutely got I don't fuck with frogs lmao
guys I think the bot broke
guys I think the red*itor is outed
you're so fucking mad lmao
Has the fanbase slowed down enough that I can finally finish this and not feel embarrassment for liking it?
not at all. I've shit all over this thread and now I'm basking in that after-dump relaxation.
>I've shit all over this thread
but it's just been 7 hours of you getting btfo
>happens at the start of the game
Chara and Asriel are best friends
I already told you I haven't been here that long.
Threads about to die. Any last (You)s for me reddit-chan?
>I haven't been here that long, I-I swear!
sure you haven't, despite your claims of using bait since the start of the thread
god you're so retarded you can't even stay consistent with yourself, keep seething you lost an argument about undertale
Man, modern Yea Forums is like modern Family Guy: constant cynicism and shitting on trannies even when no one is talking about them.
>Y..You wasted your time
At least I didn't waste it posting fanart/fanfics and talking about a shit game dumbass.
the fact that you've been in this thread implies that you have infact been talking about this said "shit game"
otherwise you wouldn't be in a thread where the "shit game" is the main topic, ya dunce
no I don't think you understand.
Half the fucking thread is people replying to one shitposter, the other half is replying to me. The game was really best discussed.
go to reddit if you want to talk about your furshit game for zoomer brainlets.
just accept that you're obsessed with undertale m8
this game usually lives in the heads of loser like you, rent free
Because the people who are shitposting about it likely never played the game, and if they did sure as hell never made it to the end.
>>t. person who watches a star wars trailers