This time because of gaming addiction. Thoughts?
More censorship incoming on Sony platforms in Japan
Other urls found in this thread:
From the company whose brand is named the PLAYstation
>BTFO pedos
>BTFO slot machine devs
Is there a more based company?
How are we going to defend our corporate overlords this time bros?
What do they mean gaming addiction? Vidya or gambling?
Imagine how Ichikyo57 will react.
Why is Snoy unable to touch FGO?
Microsoft believes these guys are full of shit, Sony follows suit, Sony is dead, I'm glad the PS5 will be the last PlayStation, fuck Sony.
Sony wins next gen again
>being a cuck
Go have sex, incel.
>tfw keep snoy 4 for fighting games
>every day i feel worse about owning it
>but i cannot do anything about it
>playing fighting games on consoles
The fuck.
>gaming disorder
>acknowledged by Sony as if it's a real thing
God, why do I live in fucking wacky dacky fucking clown world?
What censorship could even follow from this..?
Gib more info instead of noon runes OP.
Use google translate mate. It works really well nowadays.
I was considering getting a Playstation for Dreams, but seeing the direction Sony is going I just can't justify that kind of investment.
Fug, it worked. I am in shock.
This stinks of Sony being really, really eager of getting into China.
>Decent classy Nintenbros
>Decadent tranny Basedniggers
How could it possibly become worse? They already censor everything
>nice car
>people dressed normally
>just walking along without making a scene
Yes, you posted a pic of how demonstrations are handled by civil people.
>playing too many video games is a disorder
>chopping your cock off, constantly reopening the wound and wearing dresses isn't
Are you me? I thought I could finally get rid of my ps4 but Samsho is getting a delayed release on PC. Fucking SNK.
>We censor everything because gaming addiction is dangerous
>Btw here's PS5 ;^)
>It's okay when Nintendo does it
Imagine my shock at this response.
>censorship is literally OK when Japan does it
Go figure
just play them on pc, it's not like we're stuck in the dark ages anymore where you HAD to play them on console
That was just some lefty employers doing that on their own (which of course Nintendo couldn't refuse unless they wanted to go through a pr hell) vs Sony straight up funding degenerates parades.
Google translate actually has improved a lot compared to the time it would translate the japanese for "cumming inside" into "pie".
>pie (short for creampie)
>cumming inside
enjoy your games with no replayability that force a 4 hour break on you every hour of playtime
I feel terrible neglecting my legitimate console purchases and instead playing emulated versions on pc. Also i don't want to use steam and rebuy everything i play right now.
Snoynegroes still absolutely buttblasted by rationnal arguments, and trying to minimise their degeneracy
>it would translate the japanese for "cumming inside" into "pie"
is that the origin of creampie
They all do this. Microsoft, EA, Activision, everybody.
>More censorship
>Microsoft deal for streaming services
>Even Nintendo
Everything is fucked in like 5 years or maybe even sooner. Japs are finally bending their knees for the fucking jews
>read it
>its because of World Health Organization
Remember that they removed transfaggots but added gamers.
That should tell you all about the calibre of that organisation
Yeah but WHO has more control than you think. It can force countries like Russia and Japan to accept gaming as a psychological disorder, and other conservative eastern countries.
honest question but his the chinnese market the cause of this weird widespread censorship?
Just don't buy a PS5, simple as
Honestly i believe a lot of people won't upgrade to PS5 because launch price will be abysmal and there still be PS4+PS5 multiplatform games for a while.
>500 bux PS5
I'm gonna laugh.
>MFW I opened the thread because I saw something akin to Iwata.
is this nigga nega Iwata ?
uncanny isn't it ?
The average chink mobage is lewder than any non-porn western game.
But they are extremely triggered by anything related to violence and GBT (no L because lesbians are apparently fine over there while gay aren't).
However, they are the common boogeyman used whenever SJW actually manage to censor a game.
And while they do censor lewd, they do so in a lesser extent than what the west is doing.
Not even thinking about getting a PS5 now. I've been a lifelong fan and Sony is killing themselves before me. WHO is literally fucking worthless and should have no say in anything at all. I can't believe this is happening.
I dont understand the outrage of them censoring child porn tier stuff.
Is this ironic shitposting on par of youtube that this video was taken down first time?
>I dont understand the outrage of them censoring child porn tier stuff.
Because it has nothing to do with "child porn". All of the same pieces of shit who cry about "child porn" are rallying to defend Life is Strange, which straight up had an underage sex scene with full nudity and is still being sold on Steam. It's all about hurting straight men. That's the only motivation. If it appeals to straight men with tits and ass then they'll find some warped way to claim it's child porn.
The left can't meme
snoystation is becoming extremely pathetic
Who knew Chris Redfield would be such a good content creator
I’m about as concerned about this as I would be about the WHO saying too much alcohol is a bad thing and can be a sign of addiction. There are definitely a shitload of losers that use their victories in videogames as a surrogate for achieving anything in their miserable lives.
I think it’s more about this borderline racist bias against anime. Probably something to do with this American idea that cartoons have sexual themes is taboo because cartoons are for kids or something.
Microsoft is starting up their bullshit too now.
Next gen is fucked.
fuck you america
Censorship is fine when it's for the sake of morality
>muh hate speech
i hate that fucking concept
there's absolutely no such thing. there's just speech, period. "hate speech" is nothing more than newspeak for wrongthink, just coined differently for its bullshit to be more applicable in modern language and easier to swallow.
this brand is dead to me, the first and second ride where amazing but after that... it hurts to see how something you loved dies this way.
full of fucking buzzworfd
It's just as arbitary as the old lese majeste laws
>look at a king the wrong way
>get beheaded
This about sums it up.
There's a huge difference between a game where two pubescent kids in their late teens have a sex scene and a game that involves trying to fuck someone that looks like an elementary student.
Have sex (with adult women)
There are people out there who cannot separate fiction from reality and unironically thinks everyone else must be the same as them.
He's a pedo. He clearly is not interested in having sex with an adult woman. So he can't be an incel.
>fierce urgency of safety
not about censorship at all you monolingual asshole.
its just a boring pr
That or maybe the problem is the games getting banned are porn games. Notice how Punch Line released uncensored on Steam. Steam is fine with fanservice or a bit of non-hardcore sex scenes. But if it's a pure porn games, they'll be a bit more difficult with what kind of content is allowed.
>Bought a PS4 for EDF5
>A week later the censorship shit got announced
I fucking hate it
Still waiting for a pc port like 4.1
Sure faggot. 0.01$ has been added to your PSN balance.
I'm still buying a PS5 for niche Japanese games as well as some fun mainstream games from the west and Japan. Not all mainstream games are garbage.
i havent ever used that greedy amerimutt service and will never
It's probably not going to affect me in any way so it's fine.
Daily reminder to mod your Sony consoles and download everything for free.
>niche Japanese games
You think next gen will have any that aren't on the Switch?
>500 bux
How about 699 US Dollars?
Yes it will. Yo guys said the same thing about PS3 and PS4 and they have tons of fun niche Japanese games.
PS3 and PS4 on the beginning of their lifespan didn't had censorship agenda on. Now all "niche japanese games" PS5 will have are the ones from PS4 before censorship, unless they start deleting things like Oneechanbara Z2 and Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus.
Nintendo had little to no ports on the wii and wii u nametard. Switch is a port machine. Niche Jap games are always low tech shit. The Switch has the most number of Japs as consumers. Why would Japanese people not make niche games for it? KEYWORD NICHE NIGGER!
>seething cause PS5 won this early
Ignore the tripfag. They are always retarded.
>chinese shekels
>Sony's CEO thinking about doing some kind of regulation due to the WHO meme
>Article also says that the problem is smartphone games
So not only you're dumb enough to understand they're referring to gachashit (which is good), you're still dumb enough to keep passing the bucket on Sony as if it's the cause of all evil in the world.
Remember, Steam is also censoring shit, Nintendo is also censoring shit, and this is only going to get worse and worse, but you Yea Forums, in your infinite wisdom, prefer to make this a ground for corporate wars while american fundamentalists and witch doctors fuck you in the ass.
nigga Iwata
>cracking down Pachinkoshit
How is this a bad thing?
Nintendo wins again!!
The PS5 will be a disaster for Snoy.
See you at PS5 launch bitch
>cracking down on their money maker lol
Man, I am so done with gaming. I am just a simple man that likes anime tiddy. And for that I am treated like the anti-christ. Now they're coming after gacha because parents are too stupid to keep their credit cards away from their children and too lazy to teach them life lessons like basic self-control. Because it's easier to just blame everything on the evil "predatory" video games. Fuck this world.
They're censoring video games.
Get better taste in video games, you dweeb.
>Now they're coming after gacha
I have no sympathy there
Before you know it, they might even have some actual games on their console.
Gacha is GARBAGE
Is sony trying to actually seppuku themselves?
Yes. Get woke, go broke.
gacha and pachishit is not games
Also this literally doesn't affect us
This is the same as Sony wanting to take down lootboxes
Japan wanting to shut down pachinko is like the US wanting to shut down Vegas.
Gacha is inherent shit and I don't mind seeing it go if it means more quality. Why not go to Gelbooru if you want to fap to hentai instead of throwing money at literal slot machines?