How does one go back to Dark Souls after playing this?? It feels like trying to sit back in a wheelchair
How does one go back to Dark Souls after playing this?? It feels like trying to sit back in a wheelchair
You don't.
Dark Souls is a one-and-dump type of game. You play it for the initial feeling of exploration, seeing the bosses, the levels, etc, but the gameplay is such dogshit, you never go back to it.
Its easy for me.
furfaggotry all over the shop
Dam right. But I also got a thing for this crazy bitch.
it really isnt better than ds in any way...
what kind of date would a to-be yharnam gf like
>You're not the one who impregnated her
why bros?
Personally I like DS3 gameplay better. Good balance between BB fast combat and DS1 slower based combat. Way more varied weapon options too.
It actually has much higher production quality than ds3 for some reason. Maybe has something to do with being codeveloped with sony.
>It actually has much higher production quality
Is that why chalice dungeons were mostly copy-past garbage?
wheelchairs are more fun than walking.
t. wheelchair user with healthy legs
The fact that you could entirely remove chalice dungeons and still have a 10/10 game says a lot about their irrelevance.
Their existence doesn't deter from the rest of the game.
fuckin way she goes
How does one go back to Bloodborne after playing this?? It feels like trying to sit back in a wheelchair
that's easy - bb has the best aesthetics mankind has ever achieved, while sekiro has the overdone japanese garbage
varied weapons in ds3 kek
Pretty easy considering the framerate
>Personally I like DS3 gameplay better. Good balance between BB fast combat and DS1 slower based combat.
Nobody ever says this. Dark Souls 3 is overtuned as shit and the enemy speed is jacked up way fucking faster than Bloodborne. Rolls basically animation cancel into each other too with very little stamina cost so they made all the enemies input read out the ass to counteract it.
It needs serious fucking tweaking.
Sekiro has top tier aesthetics. The game looks really nice. The halls of illusion and the true corrupted monk fight area are fucking gorgeous.
nioh has better aesthetics than sekiro
post more furry amelia
What do saw cleaver users look like IRL?
how can you stand 30 fps at 720p? going back to crisp smooth ds1 is glorious
thats just oof
nioh looks like a very low budget game from level design and detail to animations and special effects
I hated suckiro, easily the worst soulslike if ds2 didn't exist.
>No genuine response
BBfags still seething
One weapon.
>thinking sonybros give a shit about acceptable framerate/resolution
>bloodborne general
still going after 4 years
>suckiro general
dead after two months
perchance is it you who seethes?
Is there a particular reason I'm forced through 2 load screens if I want to go to another area? Why aren't lanterns connected like in DS
its 1080p and it runs much better on ps4 pro with boost mode
after i finished sekiro i got right back to bloodborne, sekiro just nubed my brain i need more insight. now im trying to piece together Viola Odeon Mergo and the song from music box and wetnurse. my mind is bobling
> Playing soulsborne after Sekiro
Lore alone is all reason you need.
>the quality of a game is determined by its threads on /vg/
Bloodborne is a timeless masterpiece, a game the likes of which only happen once in a decade.
Suckiro is a flavor of the month action game with 6 bosses and one weapon, that's already being forgotten.
The staying power of their respective generals is further proof of this.
Pretty much how I feel going back to any of these games after playing Sekiro.
They are only tolerable for the stories and art/music direction now.
ask messengers or amygdala they take care of the all the transporting stuff.
dont forget that sekiro actually have only 5 areas.
What does Miyazaki’s dick taste like?
Bloodborne is the easiest soulsborne game with combat that is infinitely more spergy than the other games. The only thing it really has going for it is the art direction.
I don’t understand why you bloodborne spergs are still seething about Sekiro and the fact that from software is trying new things and not just copy pasting their games.
t. Someone who has hundreds of hours in bloodborne and yes has done all the chalice dungeons.
It used up precious devtime that could have been spend fleshing out the actual game like the shitty npc storylines that just end abruptly. It also locks fun bosses behind the shitty matetial grind. Its very existence makes the game worse.
I keep reading comments in this thread citing bloodborne having a more popular general as meaning it’s the better game.
Just because you autists can jerk yourselves off over baby’s first lovecraft and an intentionally vague story for four years isn’t proof of anything.
>innovative in any way
I suppose the combat is an upgrade. It's still bound to the same gameplay loop of souls games: trial and error, and fogwalls. On top of that, it traded combat variety for a 1Kat parry simulator. It's not interesting anymore.
I recently started replaying Souls 3 after having played through Sekiro seven times. It's like the Matrix when Neo discovered he's the one, everything is slow as SHIT, and my brain is so fast and too smart
Careful next theyll bring up twitch stream view numbers and say its proof of a game being better.
I prefer the world design and fantasy theme of DaS1 but BB excels at bosses
sekiro combat is absolutely streamlined and same shit in every run and you can play defensive posture centered playstyle like rythm game. bloodborne is really freestyleish, damage trade and clutch centered.
>uuuuh so it's a medieval castle
>and uuuh it's full of knights, ghosts, demons, skeletons
>shouldn't we put something less vanilla in there boss?
>oh yeah dragons, nobody ever expects that in fantasy!
insightless fool, miyazaki and japanstudio stuffed all lovecraftian elements in one package and maid it better piece that lovecraft himself have ever wrote.
>Bloodborne is the easiest
I'm sorry I thought we were talking about quality not difficulty. Easier != worse, Harder != better.
But let's look at how Sekiro achieves its difficulty: it does it by making you fight multiphase bosses. The final boss of Sekiro is basically three completely different bosses stringed together. If you could fight them one by one it would be easier than any Bloodborne boss, even without the charm, even with increased HP and posture.
The other way it creates difficulty is by making you fight the camera, there's a bunch of bosses that just keep backing away from you to recover stamina, no matter how big the arena you always end up fighting them against a wall, where the camera freaks out.
>I don’t understand why you bloodborne spergs are still seething about Sekiro
Because I wanted a good game and I got Sekiro.
>not just copy pasting their games
like the four copy pasted Jouzo, the five copies of the lone shadow, the two copies of the corrupted monk, the two copies of guardian ape, etc etc? Suckiro is "copypaste: the game"
>uuuuh so it's a gothic city
>and uuuh it's full of townsfolk, wolves, mutants, hunters
>shouldn't we put something less vanilla in there boss?
>oh yeah aliens, nobody ever expects that in lovecraft!
bitch dont even know how "space" works in bloodborne.
that doesn't make the ayy lmaos not ayy lmaos
shit happening underwater and ayylamaos are pretty much just useless telephones.
I would completely disagree with the gameplay. The different weapons and character builds compliment the gameplay pretty well
The little bobble heads are actually ascended humans.
Fuck off with this "DAE LE BLOODBORNE IS SO MUCH LE BETTER THAN DARK SOULS XDD" shit, Dark Souls 1-3 are all better than Bloodborne.
Yes I do, and Bloodborne was one of the most disappointing games I've ever played. It's not a bad game, hell I like it, but all the people that hype it up to be the second coming just because it's PS4 exclusive really piss me off. It will never be as good as Dark Souls.
I like the first dark souls and bloodborne fairly equally. Building a character is more satisfying in souls and the covenants are better.
When you combine:
Three of the already most annoying and ridiculously overzealous and apologetic fanbases,
You get Bloodbornefags.
BB also has one weapon (saw spear)
everything else is worse
you spelled kirkhammer wrong
that's like saying dark souls only has drake blade. it's there for game j*urnalists to beat it with.
DS does not give headaches
Demon's Souls: Calzone
Dark Souls: Pepperoni
Dark Souls 2: Hawaiian
Bloodborne: Funghi
Dark Souls 3: Diavola
Sekiro: Jiro's overpriced sushi
Don't @ me
>playing meta weapons only in singleplayer
Ah, yes. I, too, am a pro video game player
Rare for someone to call 2 the best.
its your own fault if you are insightless nigger who dont undertand whats happening around you.
Proof that only contrarians consider DS2 the best.
I don't understand why people hate hawaiian, it's pretty good for a pizza topping.
>Bloodborne 2:extravaganza pizza extra cheese
pls give some nice sliders for BB, i only have eustace