Favorite Vanilla levelling zone and least favorite levelling zone

Favorite Vanilla levelling zone and least favorite levelling zone

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Elwynn favorite
Durotar least favorite
Honorable mention: Wetlands for being underrated and very pretty

Ironically enough I play Horde

favorite duskwood( lots of quests, great atmosphere
least favorite badlands/alterac (very little amount of quests, boring)
alterac is pretty though

Favorite: Eversong Woods. Possibly the most beautiful location in a video game, ever. Fun questing too.
Least favorite: Deepholm. A mess visually and design-wise.

Lmao, that island at the left looks like a dick and balls.

Where do I go to skip Alterac Mountains and Arathi Highlands levelling? They're infested with dirty Horde
I dont mind PvP but there are groups of 60s babysitting the Horde levellers

Why is there six 1-10 areas?

starting zones for all the races duh

i like westfall, deadmines is one of my favorite dungeons too.

not a fan of arathi highlands

Night Elf

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Favourite:Loch Modan
Least favourite:Badlands

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favorite? that's a threeway tie between Elwynn forest, Westfall, and Duskwood
Honorable Mentions: Barrens, Feralas, Winterspring

least favorite: tie between Un'goro and STV (Gurubashi Arena is useless in STV, the whole goddamn zone is an arena pit)
Honorable mentions: Wetlands

I didn't know Blood Elves were part of vanilla.

B A S E D, duskwood was so good

Look at the map and pick any spot in your level range.... STV, Dustwallow Marsh, Badlands, Desolace....


Favorite is Winterspring, snow zones are max comfy and the color scheme makes it perfect
Least favorite is Dustwallow, fuck that stupid swamp

>Favorite: Barrens
It's comfy and probably the most efficient quests exp wide.
>Least favorite
Desolace, looks like shit.

Ashenvale (everything is too far away)

favorite ungoro
least favorite arathi

Favorite is Darkshore. Least fav is Silithus.

Hillsbrad should be higher just because of world PvP shenanigans.

Hillsbrad Foothills was when WoW felt like WoW to me.
Fuck the Magram, Fuck the Gelkis, Fuck Desolace.

Watching Preach play the game actually makes me pretty hype again. Favorite is Winterspring and Tirisfal. I fucking hate Silithus, Stranglethorn and the Theramoore zone.

What do the dragon symbols represent on that map?

world bosses

Favourite: Thousand Needles
least Favourite: Thousand Needles when it's crowded

Maybe sharding will actually make vulture bones not take literally fucking day to get.

The biggest redpill is these are the UK.

>Alterac Mountains
>great grinding zone with heavy leather for fucking years is bad
Nigga what?

favorite: hinterlands
honorable mentions: feralas, winterspring, desolace

least favorite: burning steppes
dishonorable mentions: wetlands


The Barrens, comfy feel, lots of banter killing pigmen
>Least Favorite:
Desolace, Stonetalon, Dustwallow marsh,Tirisfal glades
Shit quests, especially those in Stonetalon that require you to backtrack to different areas, Desolace is just a shithole and Marsh has too much water and quests are too spaced out.
Tirisfal glades - All undead areas are shit and undead players are mongoloids



Elwynn, Westfall,Loch Modan,Redridge, STV
First 4 are just too comfy to ignore and STV for the Vietnam experience

>Least favorite

Duskwood,Hinterlands, Southshore,
Duskwood because its another spoopy undead/worgen are thats just too bland

Hinterlands because nothing happens and faggot trolls.

Southshore favours Horde too much to be able to quest efficiently there.

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Favourite: Feralas, such a pretty zone with great music and a real feeling of wonder, huge trees and great lore.
Lest favourite: dustwallow marsh. Fuck that zone.

WoW is for faggots

>go to a real zone with actual content (quests)
nah alterac is basically a filler zone

>durotar, barrens

least Fav:

what zone is that 30-40 on western kalimdor? i don't remember it

At that level, the questing options were pretty shit as far as I remember, unless you had a group for STV or were something faggy like lock who didn't afraid of anything. I like grinding though.



all of the night elf zones fucking suck dick

Kodo graveyard aka "has anyone spotted Rexxar?"

>kino zones:
durotar, barrens, tanaris, STV

>shit zones
desolace, dustshallow marsh, Deadwind Pass, Azshara

What is North of Stormwind and the other blank spaces nowadays and how was it back in the day? I remember trying to explore such places by swimming etc but aside from an oil rig near Tanaris I don't remember much.
Also something Emerald Dream but I don't think you could get there in a legitimate way

tanaris and winterspring are best zones, they have the best quest hub and cool stuff.

I love Desolace, music there is very nice.

Least Favorite: any map with long lasting poison/disease/debuff shit with no way to heal
Most favorite: Stranglethorn Vale because it's always a party

winterspring is so fucking amazing and comfy. i like how its on the very edge too.

My favorite is Eastern Plaguelands when I'm minding by own business and suddenly I get gangbanged by a group of the Scarlet Crusade

I'm a sucker for the night elf zones. Teldrassil was my favorite starting and I also loved Ashenvale. There's just something so magical about them.

Hinterlands and Feralas were top tier.
Swamp of Sorrows for alliance is shit.

favorite: durotar
least favorite: any one of those zones that have few quests spread out over a big level range.

Favourite: Aszhara, because of that unfinished zone flavor.
Least favourite: Felwood. Was ok for actual leveling, ok for furbolg massacre, and absolute AIDS after that. Fuck Whipper Root Tubers, fuck Night Dragon Breaths, and fuck them being on separate cooldowns to other consumables.