Which should be it's setting?

Which should be it's setting?

Attached: eh4UWhvd6WXwJhXHTCDoE7-1200-80.jpg (1070x602, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Black Marsh
But it will be Hammerfell

Not Tamriel

All of Tamriel
They will apply the tech they’ll be using in Starfield and make a giant ass map size. Then they can keep making DLCs to fill the map with quests and shit. They will not release any other game after this

Attached: 59538E42-3BD3-4215-850E-A9F502CDC865.jpg (668x651, 213K)

Id like Black Marsh. Poison swamps, Hist just imagine. But its gonna be some human centric bullshit in Hammerfell.

i will not buy it if it's Hammerfell. That said, they copyrighted some variant of Hammer-something last year, IIRC. Just go check their holdings because we literally know the name of it. It was like Ebonhammer or some shit, but like I said it's been a good minute. Definitely Hammer-something, though.

Are they still using Gamebryo for making es6?

I think that's called ESO dude

Anywhere but Highrock, as it is the most boring, vanilla place we haven't been yet in all of TES. Knowing Bethesda and their laziness it will be Highrock though. God I wish it wasn't.

Attached: Duskweave.jpg (3508x2480, 1.61M)

Todd' Scrotum

Have sex bethesdrones

I've had sex with both people and animals. Gotta be said, the animal sex was more honest.

I'd suck a Todd Howard desu

>doesn't want to go to hammerfell
ok fag

With Todd? Gladly.


Attached: 4547EE1C-AD79-41E1-B1EC-69087F6C4AAB.jpg (318x240, 14K)

>literal urban gun violence
>constant political aggression
>sand that's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere
>the environment will invariably be super bright because fucking desert, so good luck playing this in a dark room or at night
>literal we wuz kings because they escaped from their reality into ours because they were so shit they couldn't fix their own
Not into it, my guy.

I don't care. Any decision taken by Mr. Howard is a good decision. He will make yet another masterpiece.

>the environment will invariably be super bright because fucking desert, so good luck playing this in a dark room or at night
Valid point, but glad to see the rest is just bait, for a moment i thought you actually had terrible taste

A garbage bin.


Attached: image.jpg (184x184, 13K)

You see those warriors from Hammerfell?
They have 10 inch dicks...10 inch...dicks...

I spent 5 real hours yesterday travelling in Daggerfall on foot without fast travel
I just crossed a little part of one region
Even though map assets are copypasted. The unique terrain, the dungeons and some settlements are encountered really added to the experience. Seeing a town some kilometers away on the plato while you're travelling towards it.
There's something very comfy in all of that.

Attached: man_what_the_fuck.png (1920x1080, 3.42M)

this actually looks pretty comfy


>camera pans west over the reach
>onto a bay where the left coast is sandy and mountainous
gee use your big boy brain and figure out where that is
I'll give you a hint, the capital city is right there

>4 times the size
>16 times the detail

Redpill me on the engine. How much exactly is the game hindered by it? As somebody that doesn't know shit about technology, I would like an answer since I see people argue over Gamebyro.

Wish TES6 has some of that.
TES games never really gave you the feeling of traveling the vast world since you can cross most in 10-15 minutes.

Attached: qjlcmezhfn121.png (1920x1080, 2.1M)


The problem is not Gamebyro but lazy devs unwilling to make things great and making everything just good enough

Morrowind again


As much as I love Argonians, I don't think it should be in Black Marsh. Part of the allure is the mystery of the place. Not to mention the lore reasons why you couldn't travel deep into the country (however given Fallout 4 they may not care about lore anymore).
At most maybe have an expansion take place on an island of the coast of Argonia.

It's probably gonna be Skyrim again. Normalfags don't care about Elder Scrolls, they only give a fuck about Skyrim. Do you think the whole Skyrim II thing is a meme? Think again, that's exactly what's gonna happen.


Attached: 15394247211110.png (1366x768, 836K)

dang, this looks aesthetic as fuck

The problem isn't necessarily with the engine, its required as it meets the very specific needs of a Bethesda game and it is very capable of handling great graphics as it was seen utilizing photogrammetry. The real issue lies with the lazy devs who don't bother having a dedicated bug fixing department

Attached: screenshot_20190329-161134_youtube.jpg (1200x584, 52K)

It will be Hammerfell. Detailing a bleak and empty desert is cheap and easy. All the dungeons will be full of mummies. The voiced protag will be Carl Johnson, and your quest is to retake grove street from the nazi elves, who are like, super racist against redguard brothers and shieeeeeet.

I'm guessing it's the Summerset Isles. They set up a whole Aldmeri Dominion storyline with Skyrim and the terrain in the teaser looks like it'd could fit, based on what the Isles look like in TESO. (The mountains in particular look quite similar to the ones here.)

Attached: DY1wPi5WsAMW4HW.jpg (1200x675, 143K)

It's Hammerfell

Anything else is just delusional at this point

I like that measuring unit

My expectations for the next Elder Scrolls,

>Bethesda bankrupts before release. Purchased by ActiBlizz
>The end

Will the last tower fall before the game starts?

Thanks user. /tg/ shits on me for it but I think it's pretty cool. I use metres in my cities but prefer the "Day/Week of travel" for regional/world maps.

Attached: Tradver New.jpg (3413x3193, 3.81M)

It’s going to be hammerfell for two reasons
They haven’t done a desert biome
And they can add lots of Muslim and kang pandering

Based, keep it up cartographer-user.

>(((Goldtower))) Keep
>(((Merchant's))) Quarter

>He wants to explore that DUNgheap once MER

It will be Hammerfell or atleast a place similar to it since
they made a video where they showed how they used photogrammetry to make
these orange rock formations

The city is literally called Trader but with a v thrown in the middle user. I'm not trying to be subtle.

After F76 Bethesda should unironically get slaughtered

Merchant's quarter seems more fitting to just be
called the docks or something

>After Oblivion Bethesda should unironically get slaughtered
>After Fallout 3 Bethesda should unironically get slaughtered
>After Skyrim Bethesda should unironically get slaughtered
>After Fallout 4 Bethesda should unironically get slaughtered

looks better than skyrim


Fallout 76 is a whole new level. All their previous fuckups or problems combined can't come close to what F76 is. Even No Man's Sky with ME Andromeda can't compete.

Though they both have docks the quarters have very different functions, thus so do their docks.

Think workers quarter = industrial zone
merchant's quarter = commercial zone

It's also cos I was trying to make a somewhat more grounded representation of this map which I originally made for the city like 4 years ago.

Attached: Tradver City Small Size.jpg (1600x1194, 1.39M)

I don't care where they go. Every place in Tamriel is interesting enough. I just hope they don't use the same game engine they have been using for skyrim and fallout.

>new tech