I got an invite to the Nioh 2 Closed Alpha should I do it?

I got an invite to the Nioh 2 Closed Alpha should I do it?

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It looks meh, but try it out.

Its literally 1 but better so its perfect

Give it to me.

It looks meh, so I won't try it out.

It's unbelievable how much assets they're reusing from the first game. They didn't even bother changing the GUI or the fucking tutorial mission. Even Fifa and Borderlands ain't that lazy


A sequel that's the same but more is the best kind of sequel.

give code op

gibe if you don't want

Nobody cares. This shit is looking like a DaS2-tier blunder and Sekiro has turned Nioh into a footnote.


keep seething, basedlsbabby

can't wait for this turd to flop

cry some more

I wonder if you’ll be able to get to retarded levels of tankiness again, I see they reworked armor and the damage reduction stat. Getting to 90% damage reduction was so busted in Nioh 1, though it was the only way to actually tank in WotN, other builds will literally get 1 shot by everything.

ok bro
enjoy your 1 weapon 0 replayability soikiro

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have sex

Nioh 2 made me want to replay 1 before it launches, i never played the DLCs, i heard they are literally impossible unless you have NG++ gear, is this true

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you first

nioh was fun, and more replay value than sekiro desu

nah just finish base story on NG

No, unless you're a jack ass who hasn't geared yourself properly
I beat all the DLC on NG

Sekiro sold the same amount in 10 fucking days though, cockroach. That game at least understand the value of quality over quantity which is ironic considering nioh has neither of those.
Enjoy your LITERAL nioh 1 rehash

NG+ gear, but yes
But I’ve never understood that complain considering how fast you’ll get the gear. No, you don’t need to beat the game again to get it, also beating NG+ is MUCH faster than NG, because you already know everything and you don’t need to do every single mission to open the new area.

>every from game isnt a rehash
nigger soikiro is a rehash with even LESS than the other games lmao

>this level of rehashing
I never expected much improvement considering it's team ninja but this is just embarrassing

not sure why sekiro didn't copy nioh's stance system, or add multiple weapons

main issue with sekiro is it lacks variety, and the parry spam.

you just need NG+ gear since the dlcs came out after the fact and kinda expected players to be geared well going into them
first time i did the dlc's i got my shit slapped by the first boss until i came back after halfway through NG+

>meanwhile Dark Souls 2 changed even less compared to DS1 (and everything it did change was a downgrade)

I like how you ignore all these new mechanics and enemies just "go rehash lmao"
jump off a cliff

>got an email invite to closed alpha
just screencapped and texted it to a friend

dont type like a retard

>same animations
>same sounds
>same UI
>same visuals
>same weapons
>same loot
>same graves
b-but they added two new things after 2 years of wait... t-thanks koei...!!

Nioh was fucking amazing. If Nioh 2 is just DLC, I will be satisfied.

>i want a sequel after 2 years to change everything people liked about the original
ok bro

cope shill

A sequel should be more than an expansion pack at least

I'll probably end up buying this game, but he's got a point. Nioh 2 rehashes more than the average sequel.


>>same animations
>same sounds
>same UI
>same visuals
So you haven't watch on footage? ok they've clearly added a ton of new shit
>same weapons
Literally showed off a new weapon type
>same loot
>same graves
Why should they change core gameplay to appease fags like you? fuck off to dark souls or whatever shit heap you come from
In conclusion PLEASE jump off the highest cliff you can find

It looks like the same exact game.
Sequels should shake things up, and don't give me that "it was already fine as is" bullshit because if that was true there is no reason this shouldn't be a DLC.

Key for 5

Rolling like a tumbleweed

>It was an actual code
Holy shit user based! Thanks for posting that up!

It does but ok whatever you say


5 dollars

Enjoy, I appreciate you saying thanks in return.

through what? paypal?

In case no one believes me here is a screenshot of it downloading

Attached: IMG_20190524_040753.jpg (4032x3024, 2.59M)

Adding in new weapons and enemies aren't "shaking things up", none of that requires a new game to implement and you know it.
Everything they have shown so far could have been done in the nioh 1 engine.

>closed alpha
Die in a fire Koei Tecmo

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rollin for that 5

>Oni forms
>oni powers
>new weapon types
>new moves
>new enemies
>character customization
>new story
>new local
>new UIs
I honestly don't know the fuck else you could want of course a sequel will be similar and won't change too much of its core, sounds like you might as well play a different game at the rate you're going, that or you're some autist who upset the game didn't a graphic overhaul even though the graphics look fine


Again 90% of the shit you just listed is what every DLC for every modern game brings.
Should call of duty get a new game every time they release a new map? I am curious were you cross the line from DLC to sequel because it looks like the threshold is pretty fucking low.


The best part of all of that is, yes, it introduces new weapon types, but it ALSO takes away old weapon types!

Are you one of the retards who likes it when sequels are totally different?

Yeah I realized afterword it wasn't an actual "screenshot" was too excited to notice before I posted

alpha for the first had 3 weapons
game launched with 5, ended up with 7

I'm curious what your definition DLC or sequel because none of this qualifies as DLC nioh 2 seems to add a ton of shit (and this just the alpha mind you) without compromising the game's core, that what we call a sequel, sounds to me like you wanted to be an entirely different game that's similar in title alone

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>first time i did the dlc's i got my shit slapped by the first boss
Holy shit is that why I can't manage to kill him?

My two biggest gripes with the game are the level design (it's just okay) and the awful loot system.

/dsg/ is here to laugh at you.

Not him, but aside from a couple of new abilities, these skill trees are only different in aesthetic from the first game.

We don't know if it's better yet, the alpha might have every enemy in the game again, the endgame balancing might be completely fucked again, etc

No, I am the one laughing.

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>balance in a singleplayer game

>singleplayer game

Yes retard

Let's not pretend anyone played that tacked on pvp mode and they shouldn't try to balance the game for that trash

is quite important. otherwise you get poise.webm or sloth talisman

i guess dark souls is singleplayer as well then

don't lie to yourself,it is.

Correct, it is

I loved Nioh. I'm not sure if I like Nioh 2 or not.

It LOOKS almost exactly the same, but somehow it FEELS different. And not in a good way imo.

If you don't like it just don't use it.
The idea of "balancing" in a game where you're the only one determining what kind of experience you'll have and where there is absolutely no point in minmaxing is a joke.

by definition it isnt

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Nah, if only 2 things are viable then that's shitty balance.

I play these games to minmax alright? And I expect to still find some challenge with perfect builds. Diablo 3 can do it, why not Nioh?

The game can be played 100% through and through without any needed assistance in order to progress
By all terms and definitions it's a single player game

It's a single player action game, everything is viable. Trying to make everything equal just means less variety and fewer ways to choose your own difficulty.

i guess all games that have multiplayer modes are actually singleplayer games then

I'd argue not everything is even close to viable in WoTW.

>but somehow it FEELS different
Maybe because of retards who got a hold of the alpha and streamed it.
I saw a guy who was decent and actually executed different attacks, changed stances and had a play style I'm familiar with, and it all looks extremely similar. The major differences being these new Yokai attacks and Oni forms, which are essentially like Living Weapons with a different skin.

>And I expect to still find some challenge with perfect builds.
Doesn't that negate the point of minmaxing? It's supposed to trivialize the game. That's the reward for figuring out the broken stuff.

If you make minmaxing a requirement you end up with fewer viable ways to play. But if you make the game "balanced" then there's no point in minmaxing at all. Why do number crunching over optimal builds and figure out which attack to spam if it's all equally strong?

The way Nioh handled it was perfect. At least until they started nerfing everything.

the addition of some new cuties would be most pleasant

don't play coy motherfucker, name one instance in dark souls where another players help is absolutely needed to progress
Summons are just a tacked on feature to be used by bad players as a crutch

You can kill the hardest bosses at level 1 with every weapon type even on WotN. Some things are just far better than others but that's how it should be. You can gimp yourself and fight in a varied fashion for a challenge, or you can minmax and focus on just 1 attack and wreck everything. Why get rid of this?

I actually got a code and played it myself. Haven't watched any streams or videos.

im not talking about dark souls, i said all games
if it has a specific multiplayer mode then by definition it isnt a solely singleplayer game

>who was decent and actually executed different attacks, changed stances
He wasn't decent then. Stances and all the different attacks are basically just a noob trap.

Why not make an attempt to make things useful. Why have 50 useless skills and 5 good ones. What possible advantage are there.

I'm not saying have everything perfectly even. But keep the gap reasonable. If the best build wins in 1 minute maybe the worst one should win in 5-10 and not 50-60.

Doesn't matter in the eyes of Koei Tecmo, Nioh is their most successful western released game.

Because it's up to the player to separate the broken stuff from the middling. Figuring out what's good and what's bad is kind of the entire learning process when playing a video game. If you make everything good, your choices mean nothing.

If you don't care about that and just wanna have fun, then how effective those different options are shouldn't matter to you anyway as long as you get to do cool shit.

I don't get it, what are you even complaining about?

I'm sick of 99% of options being useless.

sekiro fucking sucks s o y boi

I actually haven't done a regular 1kat playthrough of 1 yet so that might end up what I'm gonna go for in 2.

Why people still support koei tecmo is beyond me, it's the EA of japan even konami are better then them

But that's the case in every video game. There will always be something that's better than everything else. Either you enjoy minmaxing and make it your goal to figure out what that is, or you stop worrying and just do whatever you think is cool. But "balance" is a worthless goal to aim for.

Ok, and? why even bring up other games with separate multiplayer modes?
The discussion was about rather single player games with tacked on multiplayer feature should balance themselves in occurrence with said feature, which they shouldn't since the main attraction of the game is its single player mode
the previous poster bought dark souls up as an example a multiplayer game which it clearly isn't nor is it designed with multiplayer in mind

>if it’s not insanely overpowered it’s useless

Don't bother, all you do is basic mid stance combos, parries and iai quickdraw. That's the entire weapon.

Let's flip this, what possible negatives could moderate balance have?

The other weapons aren't any different though. You don't play Nioh for varied combat.

So what do you think is different from what you have played?

>Stances and all the different attacks are basically just a noob trap
>a noob trap
>when most people don't even bother with anything other than mid-stance and as a result fights drag on for too long and they have to play defensively like a bitch
Have fun poking on a yokai whereas I just switch to heavy stance and deplete all of their ki with a single overhead strike.

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Own the first one on PC, Gonna wait for the second to come out too if its good.

It diminishes the benefits of making correct choices.

So no good reason then. Gotcha.

you don't minmax to stomp content, getting stronger is the sole goal. I was saddened to learn 999999 damage in one hit was the limit in Nioh, even though
the strongest bosses have maybe 200k health

How is that not a good reason?

Trap skills are not good game design.

No. You played through the game, you know it gives you gear for the level during the level itself and that you have a ton of tools and effects available. Anyone that tries to say otherwise didn't learn the base mechanics because the first DLC boss is a heavy refresher on them so they defaulted to "must grind" just like how Onryoki's first form has a little bit more defence and that broke their will instantly despite how the game just gave them stances and Ki Pulse.

Suboptimal skills are not trap skills.

Can you still endlessly chain knockdowns on human enemies with 1kat iai? That was the dumbest shit and made the weapon incredibly one dimensional

My whole point is suboptimal is fine useless isn't. That's part of balance.

To everyone who got the invite: make sure you whine like tiny little bitches about the difficulty like you did with the first game just because the game doesn't play by itself after you push a button.

Only japan really cried.

So... like Nioh 1 then? Nothing was "useless". Spamming 1 overpowered attack was just optimal, like in every game ever made.

>soulscucks still seething about diablo loot and mission map

>endgame balancing
Endgame balancing was absolutely fine. It allowed all sorts of broken fun builds including a fucking stone thrower.

I like the Diablo loot, I just want them to put more of a limit on how strong you can get compared to the enemies, and to get rid of hyper specialized "builds" that can only do one thing.

>no matches

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>I want every action game to be a slogging war of attrition vs a massive health bar

I never understand this meme. It'd be like saying "who cares if the music it trash, if you don't like it mute it and play your own". Are you telling me that a game having shit balance or a bad difficulty curve doesn't lessen your enjoyment of a game?
Having conducts during subsequent replays of a game is nice and can be very fun but at least during the first playthrough I expect the devs to have bothered to balance the game a minimum to make it fun and challenging without me having to adopt a specific conduct or playstyle to work around bad game design.

>have a complex combat system
>the game's end goal is to completely invalidate said combat system

There were plenty of useless skills dude. And some weapons just had nothing going for them compared to others.

Yes? What's wrong with that? At the start you have to work your ass off to kill anything, but as you work to get stronger, you have to do less and less, and by the end you only really use 1-2 moves and comfortably coast through even the hardest challenges. That feeling of growth is the entire point of games like this.

Games are made to be broken.

I honestly hate that we can't discus these games without retards spouting this bullshit, like shit if you want it to be so similar to dark souls just fuck off to dark souls

no one said ever

Break with skill not with stats.

Congratulations on missing the entire point. The brokenness and extreme specialization are good things. Every build focuses on a few moves or tools and makes those as strong as possible. That's how you get actual variety, compared to just having one general build for each weapon.

Nothing is invalidated, retard. You can play as you always play and use your entire moveset. If you've built your character to literally use 1 attack ever then don't complain. I went up to the final difficulty with my clumsy ass ninjutsu tank without any bother for optimization and using all fun stuff i wanted.

>If you've built your character to literally use 1 attack ever then don't complain.
Except that's literally every single optimal build.

I'd rather have combat variety over build variety.

Then don't play an optimal build?

Of course optimal play isn't going to be fun. You have to choose between effectiveness and fun, like in every game.

If they haven't fixed the garbage loot system then its trash.

>You have to choose between effectiveness and fun, like in every game.
Not in good games

100% gun resistance is one of the optimal builds and it's not focused around 1 attack.
Neither are onmyo, ninjutsu and general weapon builds.
All of them are extremely good.
Get fucked you minmaxing autist, it's your fault for ruining the game for yourself.

So do we get this at a discount if we already bought the game or is it a free download?

In DMC3 Beowulf jump kick cancel was the most optimal way of playing.
If you're saying this made the game bad then your opinion is literally irrelevant.


not him but dmc is godlike.

That completely neuters variety in actually playing the game which is what is far more important than pidgeonholing yourself and doesn't restrict build variety where it actually matters due to the actually interesting effects taking centerstage alongside the core as intended like the stone throwing.

But no one seems to understand that outside of a very few outlying situations the game's imbalance was nothing to do with the skills. The damage values, Ki damage values, enemy count and behaviour are all so out of balance that all the core mechanics are completely masked. If you can do high stance damage in low stance and nothing touches your Ki or reaches your back, you don't need to think about Ki, or stances, or positioning, or learning how to use each skill for it's strengths. And if something does get a little hard you just die and think grind is the only answer because god forbid you play the videogame itself.

Those builds aren't as varied as you think. Unless you can prove otherwise?

>still no key
Why have I been forsaken?

This seems like a super expansion rather than a big numbered sequel. It seems so fucking identical.

>a tanky build with good overall damage output who negates 90% of projectile attacks in the game
>a build that has access to 2 ninjutsu centric weapons on top of entire ninjutsu arsenal and status effects plus stronger firearms
>a build that can set chaos on any enemy in his path, instantly recharge the spirit gauge and refill the talismans through the living weapon
>not as varied
Start taking pills already, autist.

>The damage values, Ki damage values, enemy count and behaviour are all so out of balance that all the core mechanics are completely masked. If you can do high stance damage in low stance and nothing touches your Ki or reaches your back, you don't need to think about Ki, or stances, or positioning, or learning how to use each skill for it's strengths.
Not him, but this isn't really true.

You didn't address my point. How do those builds actually play in practice?

How is the loot system in this one?

I just told you how they play in practice you brain damaged moron.


No you didn't. How much of your given weapon's movepool do you actually use? Which ninjutsu do you actually get any use out of in practice?

It is to a point. Learning to Ki Pulse will help anyone get better at the game, as will knowing proper stance usage, going for back attacks and taking full use of their low Ki to pressure, break it and maximize damage. But if someone grabs an odachi and can waltz up to most enemies and tear through them in a standard mid combo without their Ki even moving, then something isn't in tune. The nerfed horns make this even worse and you only have to look at all the morons who sloth and grind to beat Onryoki, who think the only viable or possible method of play is 1shot builds and things like how LW went from strong yet risky to "50%HP? I just won".

Any word on whether they removed the dogshit loot system?


nope sorry looks like you'll be joining the ranks of soulsbabs filtered by colored loot bye

Do you have to have Plus active to do this?

Right, but we need to make a distinction here. When it comes to Nioh's starting difficulty/first playthrough, no one's going to think of one-shotting enemies, or making builds fully dependent on LW. Obviously, if you level up and get better gear then come back to early missions you're going to destroy everything, but that goes for virtually every other game with RPG mechanics. The biggest oversight was not making bosses resistant to Sloth. Although, if you're going to tackle dual boss and gauntlet missions, things will still be difficult.

I wanted to focus more on your previous point though, so I went back to one of my save files in the early game and tested a few things out.
First off, you can easily find yourself in a situation where you're surrounded by enemies and they hit you from behind plenty. Also, since this is an early level character, having low Heart makes a huge difference in managing Ki, especially when enemies knock you into a zero Ki stun.
Low stance absolutely does not deal the same damage as heavy stance. Not to mention the utility of weapons and stances goes well beyond just damage values, like the difference in animation speed, range, wide vs vertical attacks in narrow spaces/close to walls, heavy attacks going through blocks, and so on.

My conclusion is that your criticism is largely because from the lategame loot and RPG progression (Divine gear and above).
I think they shouldn't go overboard with multiple difficulties because that's where things start going out of whack. Perhaps more importantly, it fractures the player base, on top of making things too repetitive.

>get Nioh 1 on the PS4 pro
>try movie mode for better graphics because I'm used to 1440p/ultra on PC
>it plays at apparently sub-30 fps
holy fucking shit whats up with the optimisation? is movie mode actually 30 fps? it feels like 20 fps

>Low stance absolutely does not deal the same damage as heavy stance.
it does if you just spam your skill of choice instead of using normal combos

There is a 60fps option on the ps4.

>holy fucking shit whats up with the optimisation?
It's KT.

yeah I know, i'll switch to it next boot. Just saying movie mode doesn't feel like 30fps at all, it feels really choppy for some reason.

that's what 30fps loos like

not him but no it isn't. 30fps in Nioh is considerably choppier than any other game. I noticed this too. I don't know if it's framepacing or what it is but it's insanely choppy. Same thing happens on the PC version.

Well, that would be obvious. Skills generally require more commitment and Ki investment than regular attacks. But good luck spamming it in every single situation.

in what situations would I want to use regular attacks with 1kat or 2kat?

Is mostly used for applying debuffs fast.

>But good luck spamming it in every single situation
Isn't the standard strat in WotN and Abyss running around waiting to bait enemies into unsafe attacks and then punishing with your strongest skill? At least that's what every single person does if they're not just rolling all over everyone in LW

so far the guarden spirit bonuses arent on the same level as Nioh 1

especially firedog

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Are you going through the game killing every single enemy with Iai? This doesn't make sense to me. If you're going to spam the same skill, you should at least properly set it up with normal attacks first, like stunning an enemy beforehand. But you can't just walk up to them and spam mindlessly.

Having said that, the AI on human bosses can be retarded sometimes and there are ways to keep them in a loop. Those things are worth pointing out way more so than damage values or enemy count. Those things are just plain tweaks.

>WotN and Abyss
This is what I was criticizing. While it's in the nature of loot mechanics to make things messy, I don't think Nioh's lategame progression is handled well.

No the problem with DaS2 is that it was made by a different team with entirely new assets and thus was too different as a result. Nioh 2 is just more of what we got with Nioh.

GOOD, don't fix what aint broken

Balancing for multiplayer was unironically the worst thing about DS3. How many fun builds got ruined because "boo hoo it's too OP in duels"?

Not him and maybe balance patches changed it from when I played (it was pre-dlc) but I could eat through an enemy's ki in low stance just relentlessly attacking and spamming the cross slash attack so they didn't even get a chance to fight back.

Is there going to be some kind of reward for participating in the alpha like there was for the first game?

>How many fun builds got ruined because "boo hoo it's too OP in duels"?
Literally none of them and the balance patches actually improved variety because the vast majority of weapons started out nearly unusably weak and there was only one build worth using

Most of the PvP nerfs were to make certain things no longer inescapable combos against other players or reduce some tracking which doesn't affect PvE at all

How do I beat the snake?

Hit it until it dies.
Very proven tactic since ancient times.

>Literally none of them
Wrong, RIP for the fallen. I miss my Hollow bleed build.

Attached: carthus_curved_sword.png (187x276, 15K)

>never played Nioh
>got invite anyway


that wasn't nerfed because of PvP it was nerfed because it deleted bosses in literal seconds

>that wasn't nerfed because of PvP it was nerfed because it deleted bosses in literal seconds
Literally no one complained about it until it became the weapon of choice for killing scrubs.
And as for the pve issue, why is that a problem? Should players not be allowed to make broken builds? If so then other oneshot builds still exist.

>Should players not be allowed to make broken builds?
Why should they?

I'm not referring to builds specifically but the prevalent damage causing that mindset. When people start the game they don't think about it because by all rights they're already doing it. Learning how to play exposes the damage even further, as do most things people call OP like LW, but it all comes back to the terribly low time to kill at the lowest level of play, in a game entirely designed around a higher time to kill. I don't care about grinding, that's unavoidable. When your damage is so extreme as to make the game's main systems look superfluous, that's an issue.

If you try hard and purposefully let an enemy get behind you in one of the rarer than originally intended moments where more enemies show up, you can be surrounded. And swiftly sidestrafe out of harm's way without spending Ki anyway. Plus I'm not even talking about just group fights, the glitchy awkward looking sidestrafe shockingly was never intended. Heart adds very little Ki overall and it's softcap is 15, plus you still have movement after spending it all, like the circlestrafe. Since damage from you ans them is so high though, most of the time everything is dead and if Ki breaks it's just a faster death. I was not only exaggerating for effect, but I didn't say "the same as". Everything that should do comparatively low damage like kunai, low stance and kusarigama benefitted, especially due to the removed enemies. You don't have to tell me about all the actual uses stances have that are still very useful despite everything, but learning them flies over the heads of people who don't get to learn they need them, and means we get less climactic fights and watered down gameplay.
All this first came from the beginning of the game, due to changes made before release to break their game. The extra difficulties are obnoxious on the surface but aren't an issue when played. This is at the core of the game. It won't be fixed. Well anyway I need to go for now.

It doesn't even come close to retarded damage output of buffed sellsword twinblades and those are not only not nerfed but were indirectly buffed by the buff of sharp upgrade path.

Because they have the freedom to do so. If a player wants to have a hilariously OP build then the game should let them, just like there's nothing stopping the player from leveling past the 120-125 pvp meta. The insistence to constantly nerf anything that's too strong just reminds me of the autistic Darkest Dungeon devs who will nerf into the ground any strategy that can make the game easy because "NOOOOOO MY GAME IS SUPPOSED TO BE HARD, STOP DOING THAT!" It just shows how much the devs want to control how the players play.

While that's true (sellswords/warden blades especially, holy fuck) it was really because PVP shitters whined about it

dual blade weapon still shit all over bosses though, do 80dex, infuse with sharp, then get pontiff rings and OWCS and buff with carthus beacon so you get the stacking attack combo buffs which boosts your DPS to a ridiculous degree as long as you keep attacking. Honestly the overall DPS with that setup is way higher than bleed ever was, bleed was just higher burst damage when bleed procced

Dark infused LSS never got nerfed and it's OP as fuck in both pvp and pve since dark scales so well and very few things in the game resist it.

That's because soul cores provide you with their bonuses too.
Kappa is really fucking good because he has yokai force from amrita absorption in addition to a really good special skill.

>muh freedom
If you just want to do whatever the fuck you want, why play a game with pre established rules and an intended level of challenge?

Because the best part about a "hard" game is finding out how to can break it in half, showing the difficulty was always a paper tiger.

Dark LSS only became popular after support for the game ended.

its time

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.png (720x480, 323K)

Imagine getting pissy when you notice a flaw in something someone made and then they go and fix it.

No it got popular after a patch buffed dark infusion massively and they decided to never do anything about that before ending patches.

>a flaw
Why do you perceive it as a bad thing?

>they will most likely give you the second guardian spirit at some point
>which means 4 core skills total
>plus two guardian spirit attacks
>plus all the new cool onmyo like "explode the enemy on fire" one or "magic arrow that hits enemy weakness" one
>plus the oni form with its own perks

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I played it for 20 minutes and dropped it, they didn't listen to any criticisms. It's DLC for Nioh but they replaced 2kats with gay fucking hatchet's

Because it trivializes the intended design in a usually extremely low effort way.

And even if I didn't perceive it as such, the developer will, because the ability to insta-delete almost every boss in the game without even overleveling certainly was not part of the game's design.

Again if that's the case, why don't they they make the level cap lower to stop players from reaching level 500 or some shit and being completely invincible? The only people who stay at the 120-5 meta are people that pvp. The very fact that you can just level up and gain more stats means that there will always be a way to defeat the challenge in ways other than skill.

Because there's a significant difference in effort between grinding hundreds of levels, and applying Carthus Rouge to your weapon.

>Because it trivializes the intended design in a usually extremely low effort way.
So? In the end it comes down to people being butthurt that someone is playing in a way they don't like.

Just came to say I didnt get invited

It's not like the CCS is good right off the bat. You have to farm for upgrade materials, build your character in a very specific way, get through most of the game just to even be able to hollow infuse in (unless you use cheat engine to replace an item you threw on the ground with a +10 hollow CCS), etc. It's not like no effort was put into it, you still have to get to the build's requirements to have the build.

>Because there's a significant difference in effort between grinding hundreds of levels
What effort, you can cheat and give yourself the soul items needed to reach that level and they don't even ban you for it anymore. The only way you get banned these days is for blatant character modification, you can give yourself as many items as you want.

You said it yourself. You enjoy breaking apart what a developer created and showing how easy it is to trivialize their intended difficulty. Now imagine that from the perspective of someone who was looking for that level of difficulty and finds a piss easy way to trivialize the entire game. What's even the point in playing anymore if that's the case? Then the difficulty is no longer legitimate.

>you can cheat
Oh fuck off, you know that doesn't count. You could apply that argument to literally any game.
There is a clear difference between using actual cheats or hacks and abusing strategies within the game itself.

>Now imagine that from the perspective of someone who was looking for that level of difficulty and finds a piss easy way to trivialize the entire game. What's even the point in playing anymore if that's the case? Then the difficulty is no longer legitimate.
Not my problem.

No singleplayer game in the world is difficult. If you want difficulty, play PvP games.

>The biggest oversight was not making bosses resistant to Sloth
they get insane resistance in higher difficulties
in wotn i don't think that thing lasts more than 3-4 seconds

i saw it gave you their shell, but what does it do exactly?

>t.never played operation falshpoint

Shell provides complete immunity to damage from the back for limited amount of hits or time.
Also provides total immunity to damage when activates.
It's bullshit.

And yet here you are bitching when a developer takes your toys away as if anyone else should care.

I gave the code to me friend.

>There is a clear difference between using actual cheats or hacks and abusing strategies within the game itself.
That wasn't my argument, my argument was that you can just cheat to remove the effort required to reach the abusive strategies.

>Hmmm I COULD play the game all the way up to Cathedral of the Deep, get through the Ariandel dlc which is really overleveled for me at this point, somehow manage to beat Sister Friede with weak gear and stats, get to the Ringed City, then run like hell to get the RoF +3
>or I could just stand here in Untended Graves and replace this faded soul I threw on the ground with it

Of course. Why should I care about the concerns of anyone other than myself? I only care if I benefit.

All the reused menus, hud, training area etc could be a alpha phase situation? Like, the game unironically feels and looks like a dlc right now, they can't be that stupid right

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>It's ok when From does it

Fuck this bitch, she's the reason Nue exists.

Again, WHY FIX WHAT AINT BROKEN. I don't want something new, I want what already worked given to me a second time.

What's a good and armor set for NG+? Been using WotW because it's so easy to craft, but I've been getting my ass beat and I prefer spear so I'm sure it's not ideal. Is Raging Bull any good, or is there anything easy to get divines of?

Damn, I sure love all these streamers getting keys while people who played through all previous alphas and betas and platinum'd the game don't even get a whiff. Thanks KT.

Any porn of the tiddy snakes yet?

Nioh cucks have nothing to talk about other than souls. The original Niph was a Lords of the Fallen tier knockoff and now they are knocking off themselves. Nioh is a poor imitation and its 5 fans are just contrarians who want to seem interesting. shit game for boring people

>"I dont want something new, just sell me the same game for $60 again"

lol what a fucking cuck. enjoy your asset flip

Do you need to have active Plus to play the Alpha?

>game industry has shown time and again that they consistently fuck up when they try to be too different from what they did right the first time
>"lol why would you want the same thing a second time?"
Same reason I buy Super Robot Wars every year, they have the formula figured out and they've stuck to it for 20 years now.

Attached: mako uh huh.gif (234x280, 1.03M)

>All the reused menus
I don't mind. Nioh's menus are aesthetic and cool. Hope they keep it hat way.
What menus are you talking about anyway? can you show me a picture? I mostly saw new menus in the game. user couldn't be lying, right?
And in case you still haven't noticed, the general consensus from Nioh players who didn't get filtered by Umi-Bozu is that they -want- a giant DLC sequel. Nioh is great, we want teamninja to keep it that way and just ice the cake. We don't want a revolutionised sequel. Nioh 1 was amazing and the only major problem with it was that we couldn't get more of it/it had too little. They're apparently aware of that too and working exactly to fix just that.

>they didn't make new menus waaaaaaah unplayable

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>filtered by Umi-Bozu

>Hey guys what
>*takes hit from bong*
>what if
>what we gave a boss a giant death laser that
>*gasps for air during laughing fit*
>that doesn't have a telegraph
>*koei techmo devs burst out of room in cackles*

Attached: 1502063975558.jpg (1280x720, 268K)

Git gud

How much is this code worth?

>diablo loot

why does it look like its nioh 1.2? If you told me that trailer had gameplay from nioh 1, id believe you



>3 people co-op, at least for every main mission
>no stupid timer in a lobby
>drop-in during missions
>increased enemy count besides regular scaling
Neat, they fixed literally everything that was wrong with co-op before

>some revenants spawn as oni

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didn't get a code, week is ruined. suppose this is what I get for renewing my PSN+


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After 90 minutes, I now remember why I decided not to buy the first game after beta, and why I generally avoid Souls-like games.

Perma-losing "souls" pisses me off more than just about anything in video games. I can redo insane platforming challenges over and over until I finally succeed god knows when with little frustration. I can get killed by the same guy in multiplayer games over and over while enduring insults and laugh it off. I can see my favorite franchises get buttraped and just sigh and move on. But when I died without touching my grave and lost that 6k of amrita, I saw fucking red and had to shut the playstation off right there.

You get used to it.
Also lmao git gud scrub

>Good luck just spamming Gun Tonfa on everything
Wait, I needed luck to do that?

Ugh, Team Ninja is using the same engine of DOA6 that was created by Omega team for the shit Musou games, it has worse graphics than the first Nioh or DOA5 LR.

>I'm not referring to builds specifically
If you're not building your stats and equip. attributes towards LW use, then it's not really OP. You can get easily knocked out of that state and it doesn't last that long even if you don't get hit. It's not anywhere near the "press button to win" strategy that you make it seem. From what I've seen, beginners tend to not even make use of LW, let alone rely on it.

>low time to kill at the lowest level of play
Not really. On the save I've just played, even a medium-sized spider can eat a full spear mid-stance heavy combo and still live. I didn't hold back on getting new equipment or raising stats either. Unless you think that's not enough for whatever reason.

>in a game entirely designed around a higher time to kill
a) Says who? Of all the complaints I've seen of Nioh, enemies dying too fast definitely wasn't one of them. And b) even if that's true and enemies were more resistant than they are now, the game as a whole would become more tedious (more so than it arguably is already).

>I don't care about grinding
I wasn't talking about grinding. I said the progression for the lategame as a whole is busted, whereas the default difficulty is not (for the most part).

>If you try hard and purposefully let an enemy get behind you
I'm not trying anything. Those situations simply happen. Even more so if you're playing gauntlet missions. Just because that isn't always the case at every corner, doesn't mean that dynamic is absent from the game.

>Heart adds very little Ki overall and it's softcap is 15
Perhaps so. My point is that the more Ki you have (regardless of how you get to that, including stacking a million buffs), the easier time you'll have and the less need there is to manage it, that is particularly the case in the endgame stages.


>the glitchy awkward looking sidestrafe shockingly was never intended
I'm not sure where you're getting your inside information from. Honestly, I think you're basing your whole argument on assumptions like this. Sidestrafing looks "awkward", therefore Nioh was originally meant to have completely different balancing? Nioh has a strong focus on moving quickly, canceling out of animations, things of that nature, which also might make movement look "jerky". The added loot attributes and skills which increase movement speed push those aspects even further, and I don't see any indication they were never meant to exist.

>especially due to the removed enemies
What enemies were removed? Are you talking about the Alpha of the original game? You're judging the whole final release on a couple of missions available at that time. A poor comparison. Why do you assume the original intent was to have 30% more enemies on all mission or whatever, instead of the devs putting them there for stress purposes? Maybe they needed to remove enemies for the game to perform better. Maybe they felt like the game needed more breathing room and downtime (also important in game design, it's not just about throwing obstacles at you every minute). Maybe in the long run, more enemies would make the game overstaying its welcome, since there are way too many missions already. I mean, one of the biggest issues is that Nioh is quite bland; environments (which look somewhat generic to begin with) are reused too often, and a large portion of the enemy roster is spread across most regions, instead of each environment having its own unique creatures. And your main solution to Nioh's problems would be to increase the enemy count and make them more resistant? If that truly was KT's vision, then I'm glad they decided against it.


Anyone know where I can read the manga for the first game? Raws are fine but if you know any english translations that would even better

I imagine you’re also playing shit like DMC spamming stinger or the hat or whatever the fuck because it’s the most effortless way. Boring.

Nioh has far more issues than just LW boosting builds. The core game mechanics and weapon skills are degenerate before we even get into gear and stats. Humans don't even function as an enemy type while you have options like backwave and downed combos in the game. Half the skill tree of most weapons are pointless, defensive options and movement for the player are far too strong with no risk, healing is excessive, knockdown options from things like daiba washi are abusive. Toughness is retarded but Before you even put a piece if armour on the game is already a mess.

From the trailers, the game looks a lot more "cartoony" than the first. The small Yokai have a stupidly big head. Looks like they ruined the aesthetic of the first.

>get used to it
How? That frustration is too big to swallow.

didn't read lol

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Finally beat the snake. Fuck me that was a hard fight.

Did you completely miss the shrine spirits from the first one?

don't respond to obvious bait

i got through the tutorial with my preset 4 waifu. got to the first time you can summon an NPC after big dick swordman patrol. went to fight alongside npc against the guy and big dick swordman and realized i die fast as fuck. i died in two hits and shut it off because i was tired as fuck.

i dont know what happened. i beat nioh and didn't touch the dlcs, but playing this just didn't feel, fun?

>preset 4

they outright removed the spirit stat huh?
that was my fuckin build in nioh 1.
pretty neat though with the new mechanic though. absorbing amirita to charge up your "super" like ninja gaiden shit. forgot the name of it.


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I don't necessarily disagree with your points on their own. I just think it's an exaggeration to say the entire game is completely broken and that people have an easy time spamming the same OP moves and win without any issues.

When it comes to new players particularly, their gameplay is so fucking slow and boring because they don't try out different things. It's not because what they're doing is the most powerful or effective tactic, because it isn't.

So what are you supposed to give to the little purple guys?

drop item


Probably. We still don't know the release date for Nioh 2, so a lot could change between now and the release date.

Keylet detector sounding off

>chest size
yep, that's a team ninja game alright

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think they will make stats a bit more impactful? my first playthrough of nioh i just got my spirit stat up the most and eventually i could just have 20 in each stat and just use everything to beat the game
i didn't even use the magic to make enemies bleed amirita to make my living weapon last forever. that build carried me through the game just basing my build on living weapon

Man, that boss in the forge is kicking my ass so hard.

You can't dodge away from the fucking shockwaves

I'm looking forward to the build diversity Yokai transformations and skills are going to bring. The Abyss was excellent endgame so I hope the base game has an equivalent and future DLC just adds more floors.

Probably going to replay Nioh after the Alpha is over now that it's got me in the mood again.

Apparently, closing the game the instant I died got me in before the autosave. I reloaded and the grave was still there.

Feels cheap, but fuck it.

6k is nothing and easy to reacquire though. It's only equivalent to like a level and a half by level 5. One level in a skill is not going to change anything if your struggling to beat something and keep dying. You need to rely more on your skill than your level.

People think their level has some huge impact in these games like a JRPG where you can break the game by leveling up constantly, but gear and skill is far more important.