Dauntless comes out

>Dauntless comes out
>absolutely destroys MHW in popularity
And just imagine when the new updates for Dauntless will start to roll out

Attached: next fortnite.png (1042x620, 451K)

Other urls found in this thread:


have sex

based schizo bro


Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-24 Monster Hunter World Iceborne - Gameplay Reveal - YouTube.png (868x151, 125K)

>Playstation Europe

Dauntless is fun. I'm having fun dabbing on behemoths since they fixed the servers!

Attached: I mean.png (214x224, 56K)

>let me not use the main channel, that'll definitely work
Shilling is a dying art


Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-24 Twitch.png (351x303, 149K)

Not in sales

>Playstation Europe

This is actually just sad OP.

>PlayStation Europe

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Imagine playing shittier version of Monster Hunter filled with micro transactions when you could just play Monster Hunter

ayo delet this.


On a scale from braindead to clinically retarded how dumb are you OP?

Fuck off Epic shill

>playstation Europe
>280k members to 47.5k members
>twitch has more viewers for MH currently
Lmaoing @ ur life

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Don't let the dauntless shills see this.

>for a free game
So this... is the power... of Yea Forumseddit...

>using reddit traffic as "evidence" of success
I'm genuinely stunned by just how low some shills will go.

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Monster cucked wirgins on full damage control lmao

Imagine OPs face after all the players leave because Dauntless is a bland soulless piece of shit.
t. Played the beta, and quit after a few hours.

Damage control? OP's pic literally made Dauntless look like shit

Real talk. Pretty pathetic to watch!

Attached: 1546385692191.gif (255x200, 1.01M)

>implying they didn't just buy shilling hours from already popular streamers

>dauntless shills shitpost on Yea Forums while waiting for their turn in the queue

>5.8 user score on metacritic

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Fuck off faggot

Never even heard about this game before today but man that is such a blatant ripoff - way more so than any MonHun clone that has come before.

Also I absolutely hate that art style.

Yeap, MH is pretty much as good as dead.

All the memeing aside, I can understand why they took the epic deal. A game with an already limited appeal that is rightfully viewed as a shitty version of a much better product just wouldn't be able to generate enough money to pay for the years they spent on it. Ironically, they got really lucky that epic decided to start doing their stupid money throwing shit right when their game was about to come out, otherwise I don't think they'd be able to survive at all.

Attached: chrome_i9oiSippem.png (938x219, 21K)

>use severely less popular alternative to the official upload to make the viewcount look smaller
>sceptic anons see through the ruse and post the original upload to expose you

Attached: 1ejevz.jpg (366x252, 13K)

>disprove false claims
>"d-damage control..."
gas yourself, you cringey bastard

Attached: 1535152434518.png (1548x1251, 700K)

>waaaaaahhhhh competition is bad! Dauntless is bad!
>I want monhun to have a monopoly like steam does!

All of you.

point out one post that says anything similar ITT

>competition is bad!
>Dauntless is bad!

p-please play monster hunter fortnite
please white man we need data

Are you absolutely fucking retarded?

>280k members
>47k members
>"b-but look at how many people are curently online!"

Attached: 1382960372618.gif (375x375, 160K)

tiananmen square 1989

This is amazing bait.

Pretty low effort satire but seeing as you're getting all the (you)s regardless I might as well join in

But monster hunter already has tons of competition.
Notice how Dauntless is the only one that gets shit?

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Kinda feel bad for them.
Like, the game is nothing special, but it’s a serviceable Mon Hun clone.
With monhun never going on pc they could have really made that niche their own.
Then that same year World comes along and completely fucks them up

Doesn't China literally have a monster hunter MMO or two?

Dauntless is free. Why are you faggots complaining?

>dauntless cucks get btfo'd every thread

Attached: monster.png (751x704, 990K)

Dauntless is free. Why are you faggots shilling?

>tinelocked item combination
>skin packs
>four (4) currencies

I love how Dauntless immediately became Pointless the moment World was announced.


The absolute state of fucking nu-Yea Forums right here. Who the fuck gives a shit about these services except kids and women?

Has anyone here actually played Dauntless? It's the digital manifestation of pure disappointment.

I'm a complete and utter pleb who's never actually played a MH game before and liked playing Dauntles, so is MHW that be 20x better?

Roflmao the Dauntlessfag is so desperate he's comparing subreddit statistics

Epic is backing Dauntless, just wait til it adds content and surpasses MHW.

Just as Iceborne comes out World will be dead in the water and Dauntless will be the new king. It already has better combat and monster design so it's only a matter of time.

Dauntless shills exposed

Attached: 1523899299708.png (1280x1519, 768K)

MHW is a lot more complicated but yeah, if you like the core gameplay loop of Dauntless then you'll probably like MHW once you wrap your head around it.

>looking at online stats and not members
>playstation europe

so basically monster hunter thread?

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Reminder that Dauntless had MASSIVE login queues because so many people wanted to play it.

it's funny because even then, the monster hunter subreddit has almost 5 times more users, but OP tried to avert our attention from that by shifting focus to the "currently online" statistics instead

no it's because the servers were fucking garbo kiddo lmao

dauntless is unironically a shit game.

Cope steam drone.

>19 monsters

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Go back to plebbit you subhuman faggot.

Yeah I've played it a decent bunch of console so far but at least half of that playtime was fighting the servers. The game is basically just kiddie monster hunter anyways nothing to write home about

Is OP feeling alright?

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>le cope
so in other words you have no rebuttal?
take a leap out of that factory window, bugman

All better designed than monhun.

>new game beats old game

>imagine seething this hard

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Go back

I've played your shit chinese bootleg, that's why I'm calling it trash.

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more like
>free game dabs all over triple A trash

I've played Dauntless and it's fucking awful.
I'm glad it's immediately being forgotten.

You should have played more than that to really see how shitty it gets.
Later monsters are just incredibly obnoxious to fight. The designs are low effort as fuck and only serve to hide the lack of work put into them. And I suppose the devs figured out that having a universal dodge with massive iframes would make the game too easy in the long run, so they designed the monsters to be as annoying as possible.
They move around the field freely and quickly, deal huge damage from attacks that barely look like attacks and have these ridiculous MMO mechanics layered on top.
One of the monsters summons these lightning altars that shoot balls at you and they just keep coming and spamming more lightning at you unless you run around and kill them.
All while the monster itself is just flailing around like a reskinned starter monster with shitty animations.

fuckin gotem

This game still exists? The beta was the dullest thing I ever seen. Who the fuck was even hyped for this?

but that hasn't even happened in this case

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Unironically like Dauntless more.

>tfw you like dauntless but this retard shill of a man's decomposing detached hernial clump keeps making it worse that it can possibly go

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i fucking love MHGU

I do, too. I honestly dont mind the styles too much

stop posting this fucking image I can't keep up

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It very much reminds me of the Satisfactory shilling. Think they're from the same shillfarm?


>"Actually, it won't sell like crazy"
>biggest selling/fastest MH AND Capcom game of all time

geniunely, truly, unironically, makes me thiinky thinky

Attached: DpQ9YJl.png (700x700, 21K)

Exodus underperformed, they won't even talk about Satisfactory, Fortnite is actually losing playerbase and Dauntless is a pile of shit. How much money is Epic hemorrhaging with these projects and do you think they'll up their cut to recover?

Ummmmm sweetie?


>Dauntless comes out
Why do you faggots keep saying this exactly? I remember playing this game last year while waiting for MHW to come out on PC. It's really only sort of entertaining when you're between actual Monster Hunter games. No reason to play it otherwise.

imagine actually believing this. Good thing no one actually thinks like the shitpost you made user.

>There’s a lot we don’t know about the sales numbers – including any actual numbers. Back at GDC, Epic said during its keynote that Metro Exodus had sold more than 2.5 times as many copies on the Epic Games store than Last Light did on Steam back in 2013, but the PC market has gotten a lot larger since then.

>new release garners more attention than expansion to a game that is out a while
you are blowing minds here.

>absolute majority of sales were on console
>but the majority of digital sales were on pc
this means fuck all? we already know that people who play on console usually buy physical versions

Lets also not forget they said it sold 2.5 times better then last light AT LAUNCH. Not lifetime Last Light sales, no LAUNCH sales. Not even the Redux version. Fucking abysmal.

>There’s a lot we don’t know about the sales numbers – including any actual numbers



Attached: WOW.jpg (478x319, 55K)

>world has its own separate community
Can we ever repair the damage done to the franchise?

What do they have in common, user? I think you already know the answer.

Tianamen Square

It's not just that, I was rather referring to the style of the posts. The total buttblasted way of flinging around insults, that is.

Considering how there were separate communities before World even existed, probably not

Are you genuinely retarded?

Dauntless? More like Dauntlet

Attached: TOOT.png (1202x858, 569K)

I really miss Tootbro.

>4U baby pretending like he belongs

Tooting is forbidden

I thought to give it a chance waiting for the MH expansion.
>que to play
>everything feels clunky with god eater feeling less floaty
>time gated upgrading
>everything is ugly
>matchmaking for monsters takes longer then the fight and at the start doesn't let me skip this and go by myself

I quit after the time gating. The game is a bad Monster Hunter clone clone.

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This isn't actually happening but it would be nice if it did. Maybe then Capcom's decision to pander to the casuals would finally come and bite them in their ass.



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>doesn't let me skip this and go by myself
You can't go solo? What the fuck?

still more than mhw lol

mhfu ia the best one, prove me wrong
Which mh games are also worth playing?

>can't even break 1 million views

3U and 4U

I like Dauntless but this thread is just embarassing

>playstation europe vs playstation international
way to be nitpicky you gigantic faggot

It has a battlepass? But why?

Attached: Bochi Crimson.png (852x480, 425K)

Do you really need to ask?

It's f2p.

Dauntless? More like soulless amirite?

FU is a goodman but it's just outdated. Its entire roster has been ported to other generations.

>somewhere out there, in the middle of the night, is sperging like an autist trying to bait random people on a random board
What a sad fucking life

because it's the latest trend and that all this industry really cares about

when ebin learns how to code shopping carts I might be scared
though I do actualy like dauntless, but I refuse to touch EGS for it

free game is a game that was not made for profit
and this game clearly is not free
so fuck off, shill

>PlayStation Europe
Oh, user, the desperation is almost palpable

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Watch out boys, we're in the presence of a master baiter.

It's f2p, has that Fortnite look and crossplay. It's also much easier to get into than MonHunW m

Click on the video, it is actually past 1 mirrion.

>subreddit subs are measure of success

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Reminder that Dauntless fags are just coping Nintendofags still mad at losing Monster Hunter to real consoles.

Attached: mhw sales.jpg (1067x673, 51K)

This is some next level tier of shitposting.

Attached: AEFQ6F.jpg (326x250, 20K)

There are no "Dauntless fags", it's all just baiting and falseflagging.

>he fell for the MHW meme
oh no no no no


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Tianement square massacre
Fuck off epic shill

I saw the OP had picked PlayStation Europe for his post. Good fucking work on this one champ.

Sony won.

Good job picking the exact same artstyle as Fortnite

yea you epic niggers are sad and worthless

>epic nigger and likes carol
you are subhuman kill yourself stream it

it's released and not open beta now, they also killed the standalone launcher and instead run through that security risk known as epic

>Get absolutely fucked by World on PC
>Take Epic chink money

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fuck off epig

I played it all the way through endgame up until it went Epig Games exclusive. It's okay; very shallow by comparison to MHW.
They were also bringing in more greedy practices by the time I stopped. That subreddit you posted was an absolute shitshow after the bullshit the devs were pulling.

uh oh it looks like the chink paid streamer contracts are about to expire soon! woops!
I'll give it a week


oh you mean each fresh batch of stolen ideas / skins because Epic doesn't have a single creative or original bone in its body?

epic aren't the devs, some indie company is

Game is riddled with busy/dropping server issues.

Plus, its free so it attracts tons of shitters. Give it a month. It'll be dead again.

To be fair MHW fans deserve this, after constantly wheeling out numbers as proof that MHW is better than MHGU (even though MH has up until now always been a cult hit). Well, enjoy what you've started!

I like both

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The fuck are you even trying to say LMAO

Yeah, i will enjoy your shitty failed attempt at false flagging, nig

here's the post you boys are looking for

Me too friend, been playing MH since 3U and dauntless is a pretty decent side game.

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