You excited for Bowlbo Yea Forums?

You excited for Bowlbo Yea Forums?

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it's just a new Heart of Darkness type game, could be neat if done right.

Why not?

Yeah I’m excited for you to Bowlbo deez nuts! Gottem!

I’m indifferent. But I’m excited for the new sleepycast episode coming out today.

gay tuba frog fetishists are in shambles

any gameplay yet?


I’m expecting oney to have a torrent of complaints about why his game has problems that he’s criticised previously.



No, the artstyle is lame and I have no faith in a game made by a guy with horrendous and autistic tastes

I hyped not gonna lie

it's funny because this is exactly the type of thing he'd say about any other game

I’m ready for it to seek like hot cakes between the 8-16 demographic, and everyone else to completely shit on it, but Oney will be the one walking away with everyone’s money

Meanwhile us true gamers will love the complex sophistication of Tough Bippy

oney may be autistic, but his taste isn't THAT bad.

why you lying bro?

I was excited for a brief moment when I thought it was going to be a 3D platformer
But no, just another indie, my first game, 2D platformer

Check Mick’s twitter and see for yourself.

Ding Dong's game doesn't look great either and will probably never come out


it's not a generic traditional 2D platformer, Oney has said it's based on Heart of Darkness/Out of This World.

Attached: 300px-Heart_of_Darkness_cover.jpg (300x305, 20K)

Ah yes, these two dark, spooky and hard as balls games. This game with a smiling playdo character and his cute dog friend running in a sunny field does remind me of it

Just go play Flashback or Blackthorne of whatever instead

>new sleepycast
>sans stamper
>and niall

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Are we sure Chris is not a boomer? New games Bad, Old Game good

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Stamper has completely gone off the deep end lately, it's probably better off with him not there

How so?

Bippys character design alone is fucking fantastic, I believe he's mentioned there will be a dash mechanic and the combat will borrow a bit from melee. Regardless of how you feel about him it's got the recipe to be a hit.

>This game with a smiling playdo character and his cute dog friend running in a sunny field does remind me of it.

Yeah it really reminds me of the intro to heart of darkness as well.

Fell into drugs harder than before and started being a prick to everyone even those that were trying to help. It got to the point where even Mick had to call him out on his shit.

It doesn't matter what recipe it has if it never comes out.

It'll be a day one buy for me as long as Chris doesn't say anything left-leaning between now and release

>Voice actor
>Can hold a note pretty fucking well
>3D modeller
>Now game maker
I cant help but give props to Chris for being an absolute powerhouse. Finding the motvation for doing just one project can be fucking tough but this guy just cant stop.


Fell into drugs, hooked up with a druggy girlfriend who has druggies over and they steal his shit, she got into a fight with one of them and they put a hit out on him so he has to sleep with one eye open.

Half his art shit is gone, his house looks like garbage now, I remember a video of fucking needles and shit laying around.

His twitter has a good deal of that shit up too, or the other twitter, I forget which one, you can find a video of him screaming at his girlfriend cause they stole shit from him and said they was gonna kill him.

He's got severe depression and looking to OD and die, thats about it.

You're right.

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I will support this retarded boy by pirating his game!

>got fired from the behemoth because apparently he didn't graduate from highschool and that was a problem or something
>casually tweets about waking up in the middle of his home with head wounds and has no recollection of why he split his fucking head open
>lets a homeless crackhead whore into his home for no fucking reason, gets him into all kinds of trouble
>spends 60% of his time nonsensically rambling on twitter, spends the remaining 40% doing stupid shit
apparently he finally fucked off and went to texas to live with his sister, I don't know if it'll help but being away from california can only be a good thing, this shithole of a state makes everyone miserable and needs to get nuked off the planet

>Stamper is the undertale skeleton now
worst fate

fuck off dingdong

disgusting designs.

The worst part is how much his behavior was encouraged by "fans"

It'll become vaporware

I am not, because there's nothing shown so far to even look forward to. I looked up this game not knowing what the hell it was since there's been like 20 threads about this game and that single render in OP is seemingly the only thing shown of it. But due to the e-celeb circlejerk, it will sure to be a hit even if it is some shitty flash tier jigsaw puzzle game I am sure.

once i see how it actually plays, i'll tell you if i'm interested

>this game has a certain visual style therefore there's no way it could be hard

fucking retard

if this is how you decide what games you play you're the biggest autist of all time

Are you seriously telling me you'd buy a game by someone who supports libtard shit?

Holy fuck, look at this faggot. The future is brown, white boi.

Oney doesn't support libtard shit though?
He's anti-PC. Pro speech and thinks saying nigger and faggot is fun.

8 years, faggot
Exactly. That's why I will buy his game on day one.

what left leaning shit has chris said? from what I've seen and heard he's a moderate and mostly anti-SJW

chris is alt-right according to dingdong

dingdong is a retarded centrist and an eternal contrarian
being affiliated with anything remotely popular disgusts dingdong on a core level

>what left leaning shit has chris said?
None. That's why I'm going to buy his game. All I'm saying is I won't support him if he betrays us.

I don't see chris doing that and even if he did start doing it I'd know it would only be lip service to "break into" the industry that's run by insane SJWs.

Man. Kind of like Yea Forums huh?

Could be neat if it's what is saying, especially knowing Oney's sense of humor and the fact that he never let his animation chops rust and rot off of him there'll probably be some pretty gruesome ways to die.

little goblin fella

oh man I am HYPED about silly words being read in a silly voice
but then again I have autism and the mental capacity of a child

Is it like gonna be a flashback prince of persia heart of darkness type of game or something?

based and redpilled
libtard cuckpilled

Oney's said in like everything that he loves momentum based platformers and that's what he wants to make

Chris' taste in games is garbage, so no.

How tall do you guys think goblins are?

6 inches

Taller than dwarfs

I just invented [Food] and [Unothodox food] And you bitches don't even know! [Insert Stock Gif from Blade, Fight Club or Avengers]