is pillars of eternity worth picking up? Any other party management/dungeon delver games like this or darkest dungeons you guys can suggest?
Is pillars of eternity worth picking up...
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PoE has shit dungeons though
M&M6, or Might and Magic Merged, also M&M9 has great dungeons
>is pillars of eternity worth picking up?
No it's trash, wait for Pathfinder enhanced edition instead and get that one.
Isn't M&M9 the half-finished one that's almost completely broken?
I've played 6 to 8, but I'm afraid to touch 9 because the reviews are so bad, and it feels like it has been on a decline ever since 7
It's a mixed back, but for someone who can't get enough of blobbers it's a god send since I was postponing my playthrough for 10 years.
Even at its lowest MM9 is still better than most shit we have nowdays like Grimrock or Grimoire or god forbid MMX
>Any other dungeon delver games like this?
Where did you get the idea pillars was a dungeon crawler? It's a fucking crpg. You spend 90% of the game talking to npcs. Dungeons last about 15 minutes.
I liked MM9, but you shitting on Grimrock makes me believe you don't know shit about videogames
Also I never completed MM9 because the game would always crash at the same point during a cinematic
It's pretty decent. The ending is a little disappointing, but the DLC is 10/10. The second is in kind of the same boat, the baseline game is only alright, but the DLC is amazing.
It's like my opinion man dont get offended by it. I hated Grimrock because it was a bad fantasy game and a mindless tilegrinder
> PoE 1
The main campaign is average at best, White March is the shit though.
PoE is very mediocre. If you're OK with that go for it. CRPG genre is the haven for talentless writers and developers.
Pathfinder is just slightly better. Storywise is much worse and you'll probably end up being bored or sick of the companions and hiring custom characters like in PoE.
It doesn't even really have a story to be called "bad fantasy", and is focused on puzzles and secrets. I fail to see how it's mindless.
M&Ms on the other hand are generic elves & dwarves & dragons games where you blast lazors at hordes of monsters inside huge empty rooms.
The scale of M&Ms is of course much larger so I prefer them, but still
I'd say yes, the two DLC are hell of a ride.
MM7 is the best, what the fuck
I'm afraid I can't let you say that, friend
Mechanically, yes, it has the best class system, and the skills are better, BUT it has a moltitude of problems, the story is terrible and lacks the depth of 6, music is massively inferior, I'm still playing some songs from 6 in my playlist, while 7 had forgettable songs at best.
Maybe I'm just biased because 6 was a game of my childhood that I replayed times and times again, while I only picked up 7 some years ago, but even comparing the most recent playthroughs, I had more fun with 6
You said it yourself the scale is larger, even in MM9 it is larger than games nowdays, that's what I said in the first place that even MM9 being a mixed back it is, is better. Grimrock has no mystery no plot no wtf moments to keep it going, just dungeons which are not even that good to begin with.
So yes my original point is there're zero games of the M&M class nowdays so if you havent played M&M9 because it had bad reviews - try it, it's better than what we have now anyway
Pathfinder may have scale, and some interesting kingdom mechanic, but its companions are annoying and can never compare to PoE1's companions.
I like any game that lets you visit a succubus bath.
>It doesn't even really have a story to be called "bad fantasy", and is focused on puzzles and secrets. I fail to see how it's mindless.
Not him, but:
I wouldn't say Grimrock is mindless, but it can get really damn tedious if you care about finding secrets, because you have to check every single wall tile.
Some autistic shitstain has been autistically sperging about it since release, and harder again once PoE2 got released. A bunch of low IQ kiddies actually took it as fact and continued spreading their retardation 8/10. 9/10 in the expac.
PoE 1 is very good, Main game is good but Defiance Bay has a lot of shit to do and can get tiring, and the expac is top tier
PoE2 is much better combat wise, but companions are worse, Once again you get too much things to do midgame so a bunch of quest becomes cakewalks because you overlevel them. high 7/10 8 with expacs.
No its shit
pillars so good they had to sell the company