Games with the best necromancy feel?

Games with the best necromancy feel?

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ToME 4

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After homm 3, Diablo 2

MTG Arena

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Dominions 5

We don't talk about Ermor

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1500 gold or 2000 exp?


This. I don't think anything came close after those two, maybe HoMM5 but that's questionable.


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don't forget the giant blob of dead bodies that gets stronger with every corpse it consumes

How do I become not shit at Heroes 3? I've only ever gotten good at Arrogance (Allied) at lvl 2 difficulty

Wouldn't the 0/0 token get instantly destroyed before you can put the +1/+1 tokens on it?

We don't talk about the Eater of Dead either.

no thanks

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>no mentions of ToME

See It's literally the second post you blind nigger

How's Grim Dawn's necro? Been thinking of getting the game for some minion goodness

Why would you touch that when PoE exists

Age of Wonders 3 with Eternal Lords expansion.

Because PoE sucks ass.

It's shit, just like the entire game

Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
Disciples II
Might and Magic 7

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Conquest of Elysium 4 by same devs has pretty fun necromancer too.

Disciples 2 had necromancy?

Name a more iconic duo. I'll wait.
>tfw no game with this dynamic

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I'm not a fan of how necromancy drives you insane in that one.

Duh. Full physical immunity units, hueg undead dragons with fat aoe dmg. Shit was fun.

It's not as good as Diablo 2's It's more akin to Diablo 3, you can have like 5 or 6 ranged/melee/magic minions (that you have to keep spawning until you get the combo you want because RNG) and a flesh golem.

That's the undead faction, not actual necromancy.

Good thing you can combine necro with occultist and get twice as many summons. It will be like combining druid with necro in d2.

>'necromancer' class
>they just summon bones out of the ground to whack people as a damaging animation
every time

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>negromancer class
>they just summon niggers to do menial labor

Its good, the ai is actually decent unlike poe

>eater of the dead

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you should see what a travesty necromancy is in dragon age inquisition. All the spells are just fear, debuffs and curses. I don't know what these peole think necromancy means

No, statuses are checked after every ability resolution, and creating the token and putting the +1/+1 counters on it are both part of the card's effect

>muh ban carnival combo fest
>muh cancerous RNG meme shit
You can keep your "fun" formats. I'll be playing the actual game.

Are there any other roguelikes with fun necromancers?

I love necromancy in games but literally nothing even comes close to the Solid & Shade mod for Mount & Blade (original, not warband) You don't have to join the faction with necromancy, you can fight against the Evil faction. You can put together shitter zombies at the start which are missing limbs and turn corpses from fallen enemies into zombies which have a tree of evolution to become different things. There's also full on story quests for this mod and loads upon loads of secrets and hidden weapons/armor/mounts.

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GUILD WARS 1/2 (RITUALIST is more fun though)


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hey hey people

>I've only ever played standard
maximum pleb

you can also become a lich but it's a lot of work. There's also references to edgar alan poe throughout and many companions from his works like The Raven, Fortunado, Poe himself and I believe there may be one or two more but I can't remember. I have over 100 hours in this mod and still play it regularly. Here's some armor from it. There's a lot of progression through necromancy and you can create demons, shadowlords, Demilich's along with a few other things. You can also contract the plague and I think there's some kind of troop trees with it but I don't remember. It's a fucking HUGE mod made by 1 crazy dude that has been working on it for over 10 years and still updates somewhat regularly.

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Can't a guy just raise a family in peace?

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kys discord subhuman

Stubbs the zombie

Warlords fucking Battlecry

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HoMM5's necromancy is better though. They did it well in TOTE.