What games does Yea Forums play when drunk?

What games does Yea Forums play when drunk?

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>getting drunk

>poisoning yourself with ethanol
Grow up.

I don't drink often but when I do I don't play video games.

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>"You drink alcohol? Grow up!"
See how stupid you sound?
Got me there

RDR2. it's authentic.

I love racing games and call of duty when I'm boolin, anything that requires proper thought or reaction is out.

Zoomers be gone

Add CSGO comp matches when I'm tripping. I'm always top or bottom frag in this mindset

>being muslamic


None. I can't sit still drunk. Weed is my go-to.

Starcraft 2 ranked

couch coop games like overcooked or sth. Lots of fun when drunk

Euro Truck Sim 2 multiplayer. It either goes really well or really badly.

BMX Streets Pipe, Dirt Rally 2.0 and shooters like RS2 or TF2.

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I get drunk and catfish desperate guys on MMOs. Voice changer + gender swap filter do wonders.

Stalkan, of course.

I kinda prefer being sober. I say really dumb shit to my online friends on VC if I get drunk, barely remember anything too.




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Halo 3 on the masterchief collection. Even retarded drunk and intentionally dicking around I usually pull decent stats

I've never been drunk in my life. I'm a good, pure, innocent boy.

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Imagine cumming inside her then looking up and seeing that face.

>phone-posting in an attempt to pose as a different person

I cant play video games even when im drunk just a little.

new vegas

I always drink when I vidya