What game made you say "okay, this is epic"?

What game made you say "okay, this is epic"?

Attached: 1280px-Ben_Shapiro_42913418281.jpg (1200x800, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Metal Gear Rising
Ashura's Wraith
Shadow of the Colossus
Guilty Gear Xrd


Borderlands 3


chinese spyware

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bluepill me on Ben Shapiro

In short: an idiot

BBC News

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Kike that boomers love to death

Owns libtards epic style. And by libtards I mean college students half his age who have to try and debate him while surrounded by an audience who are already against them.

Spiderman PS4
The last and only game in a LOOOONG while to actually make me go "wow".
Super fun.


He's great at making fun of the left, not so great at serious political debate.

annihilates libtards with death-ray

he dislikes SJWs and trannies

why do you idiots post him here
his natural constituency is on facebook and is like 80

Donald Trump

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Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 unironically

Attached: pretty frickin epic.jpg (1796x1046, 386K)

Botw, Mario Switch, Spyro Reignited

Metro: Exodus getting delisted from Steam.

a hat in time is really fun Ben

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Going back to the Dark Ages.

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I don't even know you

The black market abortion buisness

Anyone who thinks Shapiro isn't good at debating is not intelligent enough to understand quality debating.

Well I've never heard of you until I briefed myself on this.

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Fag who regurgitates boomer arguments, talking really fast over college students and other groups who haven't had as much time to practice talking fast over others.

He's a part of the cottage industry of people that take advantage of peoples confirmation bias by pumping out low quality 'debates' that people who agree with him eat up, contributing to the death spiral of civic discourse in the western world that's going to eventually destroy us
At least he's not as bad as that absolutely retarded faggot Sargon

Evil Trump supporter just like every Jew

Except all he does is use strawmen or filibuster. The moment he debates someone who doesn't fall for those tactics, gets systematically dismantled.

Keep in mind the interviewer in this video is a hard line conservative who's known for playing devil's advocate in his interviews. Just watch how it pans out.

Lost Life.

>invite him over for an interview on a book they wrote
>say nothing about debate
>instead try to debate because you caught them off guard

Sounds scummy to me.

>implying zoomers matter.

The only good Republican is a dead Republican.