Excuse me shitlord gamers. Stop celebrating police.
POC rise up!
Excuse me shitlord gamers. Stop celebrating police.
POC rise up!
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Im a cop. Fuck you. Stop committing crimes.
Fuck you, pig. Stop killing innocent people.
I'm actually surprised they don't write some fetish article about playing Doomfist and beating up the female characters dressed up as cops.
Cops are my only protection from Jamal and Ahmed. As a white man, I have nothing to fear from the police.
You first.
I will when blacks do
Is there a way to bind chat commands in Overwatch? I want to spam DROP YOUR WEAPON STOP RESISTING every time I use Brig to stop a darkskin hero.
>tfw no Kemono Friends Overwatch outfits.
Remember kids, you can be too smart to be a cop (having a triple digit IQ).
im surprised they didnt went "that costume is racist"
I would like Brigitte's boots if she would give me a concussion and rape me with her calloused powerlifter hands.
This can't real.
Ignore the anarchists, police user. They are the biggest manchildren on the planet. The second things go bad for them they will be begging you for help.
i wanna fuck brigitte
>We need our guns to defend ourselves from the militarized gubb'mint police-state!
>Wait, the liberals don't like glorifying the militarization of the state-run police? Better flip-flop!
Why do conservatards completely abdicate their alleged core values so easily?
Of course it isn't.
Isn't vice getting sold for a few million because everyone got fed up by their clickbait shit?
>"The police are all murderers"
>"You dont need the second amendment, the police will protect you"
The only problem is that by the time Overwatch takes place, humanity is in perfect racial harmony and we as a united human race need police militarization to protect us from the ravaging hordes of those fucking omnic bastards. Seriously, just a bunch of automatic robot factories just start spewing out hordes of them to attack the human race for no reason. And for some reason some of these guys are "intelligent" and "peaceful". Well, you know that it's just a trap and they all need to die. DEATH TO OMNICS!
They do realize that Overwatch itself is glorified and militarized world police that literally was disbanded for human rights violations according to lore, right?
Racist cops aren't a police state, gun registration is a police state.
>has to bring up drumf
it's only racist when a white man does it, no one cared when a japanese man (genji) had an arabian costume or reaper (mexican) as Lu bu
are you black?
More like
>we have to ban guns because these kill people! also why would you need these if you already have the police to defend you?
>We can't trust in the police they target POC!
You can flip this statement and then mock liberals
>Tfw no qt policewoman to handcuff you to the chair, point her gun at your penis and then mock you
Is this real?
>gun registration is a police state.
Isn't overwatch basically world police?
Who was the cunt writing this? Patrick or Austin?
I swear those two fuckers are the worst.
>All police are pigs who abuse their power, you can't trust them and shouldn't glorify them!
>Dude why would you even need a gun for home defense? Just call the cops and hide until they show up lmao
That would imply they actually played the games. They just want to have them cater to them so they can write it off as another win for the LQTBRAAP+/diversity communities. They arent interested in actually playing them.
who cares
Holy shit.
>all law enforcement is tyrannical
>dude lmao what if we enforced communism though
You should unironically not engage a criminal in your home unless it is 100% necessary.
Do you have a family, do you have kids? Wow, so great for them you died during a robbery because you thought you were Rambo.
Fuck off and fill your monthly quota of traffic infringements so you can get a head pat and a new box of pens for the department you government stooge.
Why does VICE hate cops so much?
>Do you have a family, do you have kids?
>All law enforcement is tyrannical, I know this because I've seen some cops abuse their power online
Isn't Overwatch already a team of multinational super hero cops anyways?
Either your keyboard has macro functionality or you could use one of the non cheating macro programs
>Do you have a family, do you have kids?
No i don't have giant wastes of money.
*kills self at 32*
Yeah I always thought Overwatch was essentially fantasy sci-fi Interpol
>Hey so we're gonna go right ahead and destroy countless articles and information because fuck drumpf
>Who cares about what was on them, or the employees who spent hours writing each one?
>We're not doing this to cover our tracks, honest. We're doing it because censorship is cool now.
Of course you don't engage them unless it's necessary, but you sure as shit want to have a weapon to defend yourself when it becomes necessary. You cant take your family into a single room and have your gun trained on the door.
*sips* uh sir, when a nigger enters my house other than to fuck my wife he better be ready for some hot lead injection
why do niggers think everything is about them?
>thinking this blatant /pol/ bait is real
they used to be so good with their videos. what the fuck happened?
Blizzard did this on purpose to draw attention back to their dead game while their stock continues to plummet
Why does this make you so mad?
Also known as "when I should review a video game but can't stop constantly inserting my real life persona and my personal politics into fictional setting"-journalism.
Wew lad
Why are you desperately searching som literally who article to post on Yea Forums and be upset about?
Do you tell yourself "haha I get you's which is the meaning of my life"? Does it really make you happy?
t. robber
this is a bit of a strawman, because while liberals want to ban guns, they also advocate for police reform and justice reform, which conservatives are also against. So the idea is to have no guns/decreased gun violence, alongside a better trained, less militarized, and moral police force.
It started as a drug website, of course druggies hate cops.
Yeah, but what a boot dva's police skin?
I dunno, your average person is actually pretty cowardly in the face of danger. Even criminals who think they can prey on defenseless people. Even if they're armed you could easily just go berserk and either scare them away at the very least, or kill them at most.
Like fuck, if an intruder is ever in your home, just start screaming and throwing whatever shit you can grab at them and while they're trying to defend themselves, you tackle them and start bashing their head in with whatever is in your hand, or even just start ripping their head apart with your bare hands. It's not hard.
the wording in this one is suspect, but Vice did post something to this effect
when caught with bullshit, VICE is in the habit of re-writing articles without disclosing that they were modified at a later date
according to them, archiving "makes them look bad" and it's used by the far right to discredit them
Bad advice, always kill your opponents.
Overwatch itself is a UN police organization, the entire purpose of it was to stop robots from rebelling.
Quit your job then.
Japan does police better
Good goy, reproducing is for Jamal only.
>Police Militarization
>Just has a mace and armor
What is this, the 1200s?
they'll be out of business soon don't sweat it
why do americans think everything is about them?
Whoa you're so badass bro. Really feels like you know what you're talking about.
>right wing groups are using our own articles to discredit us
>implying vice ever had credibility
Give me ONE reason why we shouldn't nuke California and New York.
>Stop Making Cops Look Like Cops
I've never played Overwatch once and it took me all of 30 seconds to research the game and learn it was about an international law enforcement organization. Top notch journalism, Vice.
They're right about police militarization, though, I miss the days when cops weren't always strolling around in power armor and wielding giant warhammers.
>tfw American trust in police is ex-commie tier
whites have already lost, especially in the states. we hispanics are the future.
Because they make up a huge portion of the US's economy.
Because it is.
Ask any Yuropoor or third worlder and they’ll be the first to bring up America
Except liberals don't actually complain about actual problems with the police force. Instead they focus on very specific cases where the cops were obviously corrupt and act as if it applies to the entire police force in the US.
>Mike Brown robbed a store and assaulted an officer
>Gets shot, because why the fuck wouldn't he be?
Literally just finished robbing a store and tried assaulting an officer, yet the left completely ignores it and acts as if it was unjustified and the police must be stopped
Kys pig
I've only ever had pleasant encounters with the cops. I'm not even white.
there literally isn't a reason not to. the country would improve beyond belief if those two states just disappeared
It depends on where you live. Anyone that spends a year living in Los Angeles will hate cops.
I'm surprised it's so high in such a massive survilence state as the UK. Especially since all that shit came to light about them ignoring rape gangs.
Because I live in California and hate lefties
saunuoliai vyrai
fuck america and fuck donald trumpff
I suppose, but Los Angeles is a shithole so why would I want to live there?
Truly based
No they won't. Just how far up your ass are you?
I've lived in LA my entire life and never once had a negative encounter with cops. I know some people who have, but I've never even been pulled over before
All cops or piggers as I like to call them
I want these retarded SJWs to be forcefully relocated to countries where police are actually a fucking problem. see how fast they change their tone.
>we hispanics are the future.
Lmao! So in other words the US has no future.
Based and chicanopilled
Now they can learn to code and whip up a game that demonizes police.
Oh a video of criminals getting their Shit pushed in. This gives me joy :^)
>Most of them are niggers
really cool test scores for your people bro. i hope you realize what role you play in the future
They're half of your economy
All I see are cops being based? Is that what you wanted to show me?
I feel safe already. Good work occifer.
I hate this mentality of a fictional character getting a fictional costume in game with little to no story o meaning being considered "celebrating" anything.
Does Leoric's Space Tyrant skin in HotS "Celebrate" immortal interstellar despots? Does Mercy's devil skin "celebrate" Satanism? No, it just fucking looks cool.
Also what says. Overwatch as an organization is already an intenational paramilitary "peacekeeping" force.
We should get rid of cops, we would be better off without any laws. Anarchism is a vastly underrated system of society.
People are so two faced, we all know you'll be calling the boys in blue once you're in deep shit.
maybe you burgercunts shouldn't be so fucking autistic with guns that all burgerland cops should be wary that anyone they meet will shoot them down
I'm all for gun rights but you burgerclowns are fucking autistic about it
I like your home user, hope you don't mind if I just murder you and take it, no laws lmao
agreed there should be 6 month moritorium on all law enforcement
also i have some cool rendezvous points to show you on google maps where we can all show up to compare our doorknob collections
>this is a bit of a strawman
If the dress fucking fits.
Guy with a knife is more dangerous than a cop with a gun.
I see a ton of whites including women.
no it's only a good day when someone with authority worries they might not make it back home
Cats out of the bag, ‘getting rid of the guns’ at this point will only insure that only criminals will have guns
I would call the murder patrol as a last resort.
California is the largest welfare state.
New York is just kikes pushing imaginary money around.
Let em all burn.
fucking kek
If firefighters were known asshole dickheads, I'd still probably call them if my house caught on fire.
ITT: seething trannies
Based cop
He said most.
yeah last and only
I like the California beaches
Stop being a nigger first.
No even technically speaking is it 50% black unless you want to pull hairs and claim most of the whites or actually Jews and Mexicans which makes blacks the majority in the video.
lol, if these people dislike professional law enforcement wait till they see amateur law enforcement.
holy fuck based
>(13% believe the police is corrupt)
Total balance of payments: -$13.7 billion
Per capita balance of payments: -$348
No. They don't pay much in excess but they do pay more federal taxes than they get in.
This. They're all guilty of something
How else are they going to nerf doomfist?
That's not really comparable, since people are acting as if police are roaming death squads who kill minorities for fun, and yet still immediately call them at any sign of trouble
The policemen were too pussy to gun down the parkland shooter despite being on the scene. Better off with hoping a Samaritan wanting to exercise his 2A than a cop in this time.
What part of law ENFORCEMENT do you not understand.
>and yet still immediately call them at any sign of trouble
Not really, no. A lot of people don't call the police.
>fill the country with violent animals form 3rd world countries where civil war and genocide is the norm
>wonder why the people charged with protecting the peace have to walk around like an occupying army
really makes one think
>treat cops like shit
>be surprised when they snap like an ordinary person would
>the most diverse european country also has the least trust for the police
They're like two of 5 relevant states. The other ones don't matter.
Bald Tim Pool and the other guys who made Vice got elbowed out by lefty activist nutjobs.
Why do Americans worship Cops?
I dont even think guns should be taken away from people, Just that you should undergo mental checks and shit before being allowed to carry weapons designed to kill other human beings, but most burgers fume at the thought of even that