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I got 8212, rated "extremely high" but there was some chop in the mass combat scene.
Also I really want to fantasia into a viera after chargenning one
Dragoon confirmed for the best job
wtf i love hrothgay now
Dragoon mains is the job fun? I don't care about doing the most damage or being useful or whatever, I want something that's fun. I tried Red Mage which makes me fall asleep and Ninja isn't fun at all. But Dragoon looks fucking stylish and I love the animations and the gear they get.
That's just AF2 again. Why are so many of these AF sets just repeats?
wow, that looks awful
Helmet looks good, rest is just another unnecessary buttcape slapped on for no reason.
None of the AF sets are standouts this time around. They all just look like they are retreading the same looks that the jobs have already had with earlier AFs, and most of the time not even as competently. SAM is maybe the only exception, it looks thematically different from their AF1.
I wanna fuck her
it's not fun since it's very static rotation-wise
I just realized, this move where a barrage of big shurikens is sent out is just a replacement for Hyoton because nobody fucking used it, right? So what's its purpose now?
>SMN still doesn't have Rydia, Garnet, or Yuna sets
>RDM still doesn't have a Terra set
>DRG still doesn't have a Freya set
>AST still doesn't have a Time Mage set
The fuck are these people doing?
I'm maining Viera DNC!
No, don't let the idiots fool you into playing DRG. It might look fun and the class might have excellent aesthetics, but its functionality is atrocious. It is by far the absolute worst melee dps class in the game. Dragoon is the epitome of style over substance, it has an abysmal rotation that deals no fucking damage, its skills look like they should matter and deal huge damage, but they do fuck all and while learning bosses and even fights well known to you, you will be dying to animation locks all the fucking time. Oh and last but not least, your class is only valuable in groups because of the buffs and debuffs it brings, so it's like a shittier version of BRD that deals less DPS.
That's Fuma upgraded by Kassatsu.
>no lop ear
yea fuck this race
There is a Yuna set.
Doesn't even have pierce vuln anymore so fuckin rip BRD/DRG. Hello SAM/DNC
Why do all buns have that slight alcohol fetal syndrome/down syndrome face when you straight look at them?
oh my god
stop making me want to buy a fantasia.
Why does DRG actually gets a helmet while tanks are yet again with circlets?
I really hope you're taking the piss user because you're breaking my heart here. The job looks so fucking good...
Gonna pretend this is Suzaku and not Gramps
I mean an AF set inspired by Yuna, not a copypaste Yuna set. Like how MNK AF2 is Yang's gear.
Also every hairstyle clips like crazy.
Who wins best AF4?
But he did Chi->Jin to use that which corresponds to Hyoton.
Post YFW MCH was the 3rd new job all along.
Maybe it's because you're shit at making characters you ugly ass nigga green hair lmao
same reason why most female Auras look like they got the downs if you look at them too long
You knew what you were getting into.
>SMN Yuna set
>instead of MCH/DNC
The future is now old man
Yeah, was talking about its current state, there's still a month and a half until SHB is released, DRG might as well be removed from the game now. The 500 potency jumps won't make a fucking difference when you lose both Heavy Thrust and Chaos Thrust. BRD is still a good support, so even without the 5% it will remain welcome as it also can consistently deal damage in spite of everything while buffing the group.
What the fuck happened to Scholar? That looks so fucking ugly holy fucking shit god damn
This game is all flash and no substance
X-2 is an embarrassment outside of the combat and job change system
PLD assuming the cape isn't stiffy bullshit like af3.
I'm not, I'm a DRG main and I'm fucking furious that the job just keeps getting worse and worse compared to all the rest with superficial bullshit being sprinkled on top of it while the actual problems are never addressed.
It just looks like a mix of AF1 and AF3?
Monk can store built up Greased Lightning. Can shoot projectiles from their hands. Just let them go Super Saiyan-like already!
Everything he said was 100% true. The benefits are you look dope, your animations are great, rotation is easy to learn and despite your shit tier personal dps your support buffs are really good so you're always welcome in raids.
I feel conflicted on one hand I want to wear the classic black mage attire on the on the hand I want to wear a dwarf racial armor on my tater.
>Oh shit nigga wtf you doing
Do... do females have beards too?
>summon phoenix
>confirmed you still do trances (with phoenix even) in the benchmark
so will there be a third Demi? Since Bahamut seems to correspond to Garuda and Phoenix to Ifrit
>currently play a dumb male hyur edgelord
>secretly a massive femdomfag
>have never achieved fulfilment of these desires
>legitimately half tempted to fantasia to an amazon viera because my dick is exploding
>everyone I play with will think I'm a tranny or faggot for randomly switching to a girl
Well would you look at that. Dancer confirmed for support/buffer role. Naysayers say what now?
Thanks for crushing my dreams, guess I'll look for another main. Need something other than PLD and AST to play
Yes, they showed Arbert's party including Lamimi when they were talking about the new role quests.
Yeah, except SHB will remove the debuffs and nerf buffs. He probably won't even manage to get to the endgame in a month and a half unless he buys a skip.
I like it. It's not a bad job. A bit boring as a "main", but I think the idea of a main in FFXIV is a bit silly. Like only using one weapon in MH.
My only gripe is that we have no Freya glamour still. What the fuck.
Demi-Alex when
When they talked about the role quests which showed the warriors of darkness, you see pic related in the dwarf getup, beard included.
I think she's cute.
>Boys will never get to wear this coat
It's not fair
So is Alphinaud a Scholar now? He uses Broil III in the benchmark.
I like all the sets, but Paladin and Monk stood out the most to me. Well, and dancer looks great.
Seriously surprised by how badass Hrothgar are in the character creator. Was expecting total trash but they are like badass beastmen straight out of He-Man and the like. The good old days, when beast men were fucking cool. Before goddamn furries ruined everything.
15317 points hmmm
I missed the whole broadcast, is samurai still big brain swish swoosh me hit with sword and bigdick DPS?
Best boots to level up classes?
I guess we discovered the most popular tranny hairstyle on viera
>that clipping
I knew it was inevitable but it's still horrible. I'm never playing this trash.
Meanwhile NINs looks to be beasting with the speed, the new clone mudra and Kassatsu now being storable.
The rest.
What kind of huge normie faggots are you playing with?
I had people in my guild fantastia into everything from male lalafel to female lizards and back to roe.
listen to your heart
I highly doubt they correspond. The showcase showed that the gauge transitioned directly to Phoenix's after Bahamut ends, and Garuda returns. There's no visual indication of change on the gauge when the SMN pulls out Ifrit to indicate Phoenix has been "unlocked" or anything.
>Alphinaud upgrades to a Scholar
>Summons 7 new fairies of the course of the expansion with new abilities you don't get
>Fairy glamours never
Oh nice dude I'm glad you like it but also its pretty shit and the guy should know before he fucks himself after hours of effort.
The other weapons don't clip nearly as bad. The Alex greatsword would clip with literally anything.
Is there a place to download ARR and HW benchmarks? I still had the SB benchmark and I kinda want to have those since it kept the characters I made from those I wanna redownload them
its a king though.
>so will there be a third Demi? Since Bahamut seems to correspond to Garuda and Phoenix to Ifrit
That's not true, the gauge changes to Phoenix right when Bahamut leaves, not when he summons Ifrit.
Telling you the truth is the least I can do, I picked that class for the same reason.
No he clearly does two mudras before using it.
Try google, you will probably need to do it through 3rd parties.
I want to bury my face here
>Meanwhile we get our own LB3 fairy to style on everyone
I can accept this.
Yes yes.
Too bad the AF is dogshit, but you can somewhat fix that with glam.
>Alisaie even more fuckable now
How does she do it
Hair is locked to the face
Some Hagakure equivalent that straight gives you 100 Kenki and doesn't eat Sen. You can now Midare again after your first Midare for free. New ST Gurren equivalent that uses 2 swords. New cast time? Looking multi hit attack that probably has full retard potency.
Looks like SAM isn't getting much in the way of change. Other than the big stuff like Role actions and no tp.
>it's pretty shit
Yeah, but that didn't stop me in FFXI either. I like DRG because it's cool. Jumps are the greatest.
But I also play a bunch of other jobs, so if DRG starts to feel boring, I just switch for a bit. If you play any job simply because it's mathematically the best (which, I think, will change drastically when ShB comes out), then things will get boring fast.
Status: Back on the menu bots!
Some of the horthgar look very wholesome, I might actually use fantasia on my alt.
>alphinaud summons a better one to style on you
>it's popular so it's tranny.
why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?
I really like those dragon camel birds.
Support the BLU Bois now because they're basically fucking dead.
Datamined info from the benchmark. Shows which skills are still there and which skills are either removed or significantly changed.
Looks like tanks really are losing their aggro combos completely, only Rage of Halone still exists for some reason, and that's without Savage Blade.
Those are probably Amano inspired dinosaur chocobos.
Some people like winning at the games they play. Knowing that you're playing a suboptimal class and could do much better if you switched to something that can actually make a difference doesn't feel like winning to many.
We better be able to actually get these and not just have them as porters like the SB hawks.
So, is it better being a main tank or an off tank?
Am I blind or do Viera really have bigger asses than the other female races? I mean, it sure looks like it
It is pretty obvious, yeah.
Well they're like, well girls, but we understand them a lot more and we share the same hobbies for the same reason?
I imagine anons also would be a lot better at sucking dick than pussy. Considering they never had one.
Holy shit fucking scholar.
Well at least the fairy abilities are still there I was expecting Eos to be murdered.
I'm assuming that's going to be the No Mou tribe mount. It looks dumpy enough
Yeah, I get that. Ideally, ShB will be balanced in such a way that no job is inherently bad, but knowing SE's track record I'm not holding my breath.
I am excited for a lot of the changes, however, but I feel bad for people who didn't get what they wanted.
Probably a MSQ mount, equivalent to the Yol bird in SB.
>PLD keeps Halone
>DRK loses Power Slash
mentally ill, desperate self-centered attention seekers, ruin everything.
It doesn't show new actions dumbass just ones that are removed or changed. We already know from leaks that SCH still has dots they are just new.
FFXIV has a staggering amount of trannies, or at least a moderate amount of very vocal ones.
How did Yoshi OK this??
This doesn't make sense. Why does WHM and AST get more damaging spells than Scholar?
That massive monster in the benchmark that easily towers everything else.
Is that a new S Mark, Fate monster do we know?
Anyone have a webm of NIN going Hayai!
So far I've seen threads ruined only by those obsessing over them and calling everything they dislike "tranny" in order to shitpost full force.
wtf bro
>They removed the tranny AST spell Time Dilation
The trannies won't be happy about this one
The disclaimer says it doesn't find new actions, just removed ones. SCH probably still has dps spells we just don't know what they are yet.
World Boss FATE going by the last benchmarks.
That's FF5 Twintania. Probably the new big FATE like Coeurlregina and Odin.
>he's never been to /xivg/
sure thing
I prefer being MT.
Playing OT essentially boils down to just playing a shitty DPS until adds pop up or you have to swap.
This confirms that they removed Selene's skills so that her and Eos are basically the exact same just with different skins
What's the fucking point of having two fairies with the exact same abilities just with different skins?
>BLM still the same
I guess it's fine if they were all changed thematically to match the rest of their "TARGET IN MY SIGHTS" visual effects
Why would I go there, I play the fucking game, not hang around generals obsessively.
I want to say fairy glamours but lol
It's probably because they couldn't justify just getting rid of summon 2
who here nin bro
for those thinking about buying up materia for 5.0 we're getting two new tiers of materia, not one.
gotta cut out cancer tumours before they grow and fester see
This really gives the impression that Scholar is being fully separated from SMN. Almost every Arcanist action is changed for SCH.
They've been dead since January
SMN losing Aetherflow and maybe even Bane?
For glamour, silly. Selene's abilities weren't useful anyway.
What seems to be the problem?
You're not cutting out shit, just adding to the pile.
>BLM completely unchanged
I suppose even Yoshi knows not to fuck with perfection.
im going to kermit sewer slide
So how does SMN work if they don't have aetherflow? is stuff like Fester and Painfllare just on cooldown or something?
Yeah, face 4 is just urgh. First two faces work nicely enough.
But they could have reworked Selene. Let Eos be the big dick healing Fairy while Selene gets actual useful shit instead of a 2s silence, a party-wide debuff clear and a barely noticeable 3% speed boost.
Pretty much this LBR had a fucking tranny also
I wanted to see something cool like Dark or Burst or some skill that gives you the shadowed face and glowing eyes, but at least they aren't ruined.
>complaining about people complaining about trannies
you too
/xivg/ hates trannies more than Yea Forums does.
>People used to use Selene over Eos because her healing abilities were kind of overkill and everyone wanted the haste anyways
>Fairy healing was nerfed and selene was made worse so now people use Eos instead
>now you don't have a choice, functionally
We still have aether stacks, but it all works differently. SMN is almost a new job now so we really just need tooltips. There's so much weird shit.
SMN's Aether stacks were reduced to 2 in the job trailer. It will probably just be changed to a Charged action and Aetherflow will slowly recharge over time.
>Never met a single fucking tranny in my life IRL even though I live in the pride capital of the world Sweden
>Always run into at least one tranny a week online, especially on Twitter where they're hairy manbeasts who demand others call them she/her
I fucking hate this world
BLM could definitely stand to lose Blizzard 2 and Freeze but either those skills are actually still getting removed or they're changed a bunch.
I think what they meant is they didn't get anything changed from prior, nothing lost, nothing trimmed.
BLM just stays the same except they have a single target flare an foul and a better enochian upkeep tool during downtime.
>/xivg/ hates trannies
LMOA /xivg/ is tranny incubator. Nice try penisless fag
Freeze was used in the skill video for swapping to ice in an AoE rotation.
News on GUN?
Anecdotally, it just looks like they're shaving off Aetherflow itself. Aetherflow charges are just built off other skills now. There's one new offensive spell that uses Energy Drain's animation which refreshed Aetherflow charges in the showcase
i like her so far but im not sure about this hair
Freeze is actually useful now.
Maybe it's just me but does anyone else think the Job Gauges for Gunbreaker and Dancer look bad? Compare them to something like the Bahamuth gauge or the Fairy gauge or Dragoon's job gauge and the older ones look so much better than the new ones.
How is the rotation abysmal? It's 1-2-3 4-5-6 7-8 with a DoT, debuff and a strong hard-hitting finisher that can be buffed to do 30k damage.
It's basic and static sure, but it's perfectly functional.
Blizz II and Freeze have niche applications and more importantly look cool.
All of the hairs are too long and will clip with everything. I do hope the benchmark is still limited and the unlocked hairstyles will be available from Aesthetician.
and that's how I know you don't frequent that shithole (that's probably for the best really)
It's GNB. Confirmed.
Everyone will just turn them to minimal anyway.
You will see hundreds of them failing in group content since they are the expansions 'cool' job that everyone will pick but only a few will bother to actually learn to play well.
wrong, /vg/ love catboys and hate female characters,
The game is extremely well balanced and DRG is obviously going to be buffed to compensate for the loss of Piercing synergy. DRG is one of the most fun and stylish jobs in the game, and I say this as someone who has everything at 70. Play it.
I use the minimal gauge on every Job so I don't give a shit
That's what makes it abysmal. There's no variety, if you miss one thing, it all falls apart, there's nothing to fall back onto and even with all the buffs, it's still the worst melee dps in the game. Don't forget that in fights you won't be able to constantly sit on target either, unlike ranged DPS, which will frequently lead to your rotation being disrupted.
Man, this sucks. I have shit I want to farm to be ready for ShB, but after watching the job actions video I don't want to play the game until it comes out, because the whole time I'm just thinking about how lame these jobs are compared to what they're going to be soon
Gunbreaker's explosion attacks look amazing.
Those blue ceruleum particles effect is also a nice touch.
I would suck her dick and swallow her delicious semen
>and DRG is obviously going to be buffed
Just like WHM is going to be fixed, right?
>Time dilation and celestial opposition
Just like SCH is going to be fun to play.
>start early-access
>blast through MSQ as DRK while the queues are still fast due to GNBabbies dicking around in the 60-70 content
>swap to my DPS main after MSQ when the GNBbabbies reach 70 and let them give me faster queues
My plan is perfect!
>pld still has FoF
>MCH's robot/DRK's shadow stands around for 5 seconds before hey start to attack
Why is this allowed? Might as well just lower the duration but make them attack immediately
>WHM gets mini-holy as their new spam spell because they didn't want to figure out what the 5th tier spell suffix for Stone V is in Japanese
TFW Power Slash looks a million fucking times cooler than fucking jump into the air shit.
We lose all our cool animations bros...
It doesn't "all fall apart." If you die you can just do the combo once and you're back where you started.
Sure it's more punishing than babbymode SAM or NIN, but that doesn't make it bad.
>you won't be able to constantly sit on target either
??? What do you even mean by this? Of course i'm on the target, I'm a melee DPS.
>Rushing through ff14's story content when there's not even raid content available for literally weeks
Based retard, i envy your genius
I want to fuck Titania.
>MNK loses tackle mastery
>Loses One Ilm Punch
>Loses Steel Peak and Purification
Fair, we're getting better replacements
>Loses Internal Release
>Loses Howling Fist
>Keeps Fists of Earth/Riddle of Earth
I'm fine with this. Conjury is gay.
Because it looks fucking cool faggot.
>1 GCD dps spell from 1st level to 70+
>No dots
>No AoE
So this golden palace we were granted was the cuckshed all along
>DRK loses Dark Arts
>aggro combo
>Dark Passenger(unless Edge of Darkness is the replacement)
>Sole Survivor
Looks like another 4.0 fuckup, unless Flood/Edge of Shadow have really good mechanics
Ironically I'm pretty sure that with all the changes, DRK has stolen Gunbreaker's thunder to the extent that DRK will actually be the "cool new job" everyone spams and sucks at playing.
The AF is same shit all over again, but that staff is sexy.
>get Greased Lightning 4 at long last
>no super saiyan aura
You fags better make a viera dancer
Scholar has consistently had terrible fucking AF gear since 2.0 launched.
Well what else would I do? Sit around doing sidequests?
I DO have other jobs to level once I'm done with MSQ, you know.
nah this is false smn still uses tri bind in the job actions trailer yet this spreadsheet says its removed
AF3 was great though
Objectively incorrect. Only AF2 was bad.
SS is the only one I'm bummed about losing
nah im gonna be a male midlander dancer
the blank is indicative of change, not necessarily removal, so SCH might get a bunch of new thematic spells to replace Ruin, Bio, Miasma, etc.
Even Summon is red on there because they'll probably make new icons for SCH so it's Summon Eos or Summon Selene (not that it matters)
Yeah sure.
Dumbasses said the same about Sam too.
The skill ID being gone doesn't mean the skill is removed, it can also mean that it's been changed so much that it needs a new ID.
Bunny bros...
Of course I'm gonna make a Hrothgar DNC
>we fuckingsummon fray
Sorry Lalalfell 4 Lalalyfe.
Are you pretending to be retarded or something? XIV raid design incentivizes dumping everything during the opener and cooldown windows because bosses frequently go invincible untargetable and shit out adds or aoe barrages for minutes on end that prevent you from approaching them as melee.
But I liked the gloves on the AF2
and nin
The HW Scholar gear is the best looking healer gear in the game. Fuck white robes.
Who here staying the same race? Also,
>new MCH
>that outfit
how many boxes of tissues is it now kotposter
DESU with the cards now on instant cooldown and being all changed to DPS the extension isn't as vital to ensure longer Bal uptime.
Are you retarded? That's not a comparable situation.
Gaudy steampunk shit doesn't belong on a military tactician of a maritime nation and the aesthetic doesn't match Nym at all.
DRG is pretty much going to be in constant LotD mode.
I am staying lala since bunnies look terrible. Their chins and noses are so fucking bad man.
>Fuck white robes
I agree, this is why AF3 was the best set SCH ever got
It's ok to play fotm job, no need to keep fooling yourself.
What in the flying dick shit fuck nuggets does this "Toggle Bangs" shit do?
I click it on every god damn hairstyle but it never toggles any fucking bangs.
Seems like the bent back ears will be the popular pick.
>SMN still has Physick
Learn2burst and heavy thrust, fag.
DRG is home.
i cant stop crying
>tfw suddenly want a hrothgar dom bf to pound me
fucking Yoshi
Easily the cutest ears.
Dragoon has not one, not two, but three gap closers. One of which is on like a 15 second cooldown.
Being in the right spot when a boss's invuln phase ends is super easy; I can Elusive towards the boss right after killing adds and be ready to go.
Elusive Jump is a great movement tool and I've had statics compliment me on my usage of it to maintain DPS uptime.
You have no idea what you're talking about dude.
It will stay until they split the jobs from ACN.
It doesn't really matter because LOTD doesn't offer any boosts and the cooldown of Nastrond remains the same.
After this benchmark, I'm more likely to switch to Elezen than Viera
Stop posting Lalafel art that makes them look more flattering and cuter than they actually are. Those are not accurate Lala proportions in any sense and you fucking know it.
If you're genuinely sincere about your feelings for them, you'd post them for the gross little disgusting potato jews they are.
It changes which side of the face the bangs are on.
>all blizzard spells cost 0 mp and can be cast after flare
>freeze restores an umbral heart
Guys, I think they finally fixed freeze.
Now to find out why they still haven't deleted blizzard II and sleep.
I mean do you want a mortarboard for the 20th time
Get out.
No but it should at least look like a tactician
Fine fagget
>AST, SCH, DRK, PLD, DRG and SMN all look fucking dope
>Literally every single job I enjoy looks amazing
Feels good bros.
>muh burst
>heavy thrust removed
>still dps below NIN
Back to the shed
You don't use your "gapclosers" to close the gaps, you use them as OGCD to maximize dps, if you don't use your abilities off cooldown you are doing it wrong and your already shit dps becomes even lower. Elusive jump has a thirty second cooldown and I don't give a shit if idiots in your static suck your dick when you play an inferior class.
But can I still use Surecast on SMN?
no u
Why wouldn't you?
Yes surecast is one of the 4 caster role actions.
looks like hyoton is a precise gap closer now, you you can save shukuchi for something else
Is blm really getting just three new skills? Seems like almost everyone else got at least 4 new ones
Answer: yes
>6 seconds now
it will be okay kotposter
120s CD though
>It’s basically fucking nuwow
>Gut all specs, can’t properly sync now
>Also gut the hardest and most skillful role, tanking so casuals can do it
Game is fucking dead
Can someone post the other three faces? I don't want to download the benchmark
>lucid dreaming
I've never used addle desu, but I guess this is fine. Shame about manashift.
>that MCH outfit
>more ass capes
fire this fucking gear designer already
In my excitement I missed that. Shit.
>the hardest and most skillful role, tanking
It's hard to improve upon something that's already perfect
Any DRK worth their salt wanted Dark Arts and Dark Passenger gone. Sole Survivor is a sham but the Aggro Combo is not something that will be missed.
You are, quite literally, retarded.
It would still mean we reenter LotD 30 secs after it ends if they remove mirage dive from ssd jump.
Heavy Thrust wasn't removed. Impulsive Thrust was. Get your facts right.
>elusive jump has a thirty second cooldown
Oh I'm sorry, my bad. It's only on the same cooldown as nearly every other gap closer. So presenting DRG as if it has a problem with gap closing when it clearly doesn't is a pointless argument.
>inferior class
You mean the second-highest in demand throughout all of SB after the Trick Attack dispenser? Yeah, very inferior.
>BRD Loses Foe Requiem.
Holy fuck thats huge.
>>muh burst
>>heavy thrust removed
>>still dps below NIN
>Back to the shed
>hurrdurr lemme talk about what this job's DPS will be like in shb when we don't even have fucking tooltips
Tanking was always the easiest role.
.t war main
>I've never used addle
Please don't tell me you play SMN
>hard or skillful
Confirmed for never playing tank
HT is removed too.
4.58 added Viera flags to all the universal hairstyles.
They're all flagged as unavailable (.raceVieraFemaleID = 0) in the Aesthetician. I'm sorry.
If you care, you can unpack 040000 dat2 to check yourself if you know how to do it.
>Alisaie is finally wearing red as a RDM
This pleases my autism.
>wanting Dark Passenger, literally the signature ability of Dark Knight since FFIV, gone
>wanting Power Slash, the move that lets you fire a massive laser out of your palm, gone
if you can glean anything new from this be my guest. Despair is 72, Umbral Soul is 76 and Xenoglossy is 80 so that's the 74 and 78 unlocks still missing, which could be traits.
>BRD isn't even getting new actions just upgraded ones
I really hate you S-E and
>quick knock hasn't been replaced
uhhhhhhhh how is it going to work now? TP is gone
Why didn't they show WAR new cleave in the trailer? Teasing assholes
I don't.
>he doesn't know you can get 12 ww without addle
Heavy Thrust is gone.
Good choice!
>wanting Dark Passenger, literally the signature ability of Dark Knight since FFIV, gone
Dark Passenger is not the signature skill. Darkness is, and if you watch the skill trailer you'll see it. DRK points their sword and a wave of darkness shoots out.
doesn't matter anymore, tri-disaster didn't proc wyrmwave in trailer, so addle and the others probably don't anymore either
Fuck Steampunk, Cyberpunk Scholar when?
Only mtf transexuals and disgusting fujos who self insert into their character pick Veena.
Chad woman fetishists with a healthy interest in the opposite sex and beautiful Stacey's who want to play an alpha female pick chocolate brown Rava with the height, bust, and ear sliders set to maximum.
It's good now, senpai, and part of an aoe rotation to keep flare-ing forever.
Staying elezen
>You mean the second-highest in demand
You're there not for your DPS, but for the gimmicks you brought. Now that the gimmicks are gone, your static won't be sucking your dick anymore.
They didn't show Fell Cleave in HW job action trailer either.
That's fine. Originally you could ignore just about everything in almost all content. 30s is way too short.
>only one hairstyle that doesn't clip with collars
Yeah, no. That's a dealbreaker. Such a shame.
Welp, guess i'll go suck a fat cock and kms.
Still, that doesn't really mean anything. Obviously they'll adjust potencies to make up for it.
Please fuck off wowfugees.
Tank should not be a fucking glorified dps.
Same here
Darkness is literally Dark Passenger.
>orbs of darkness flowing forward through multiple enemies
cry about it loser
bitch he did it like 4 times in a row
I love her so so so much
>10% damage loss doesn't mean anything
Are you for real?
based & lankpilled
Tbh the thing I'm most annoyed about is the removal of manashift. I actually love manashift, I consider it to be a standard part of my playstyle as a red mage. Lucid dreaming just came off cooldown? Check if the healers need a manashift. If not, wait for the bard to use foes. No bard and the healers are fine? Wait for the next holy spirit phase from paladin and manashift them. If I don't die, then I find that this allows me to make full use of my mp without actually worrying about running out. Of course, if things get really bad and I start needing to raise people then lucid needs to be used for that instead, but generally it's not an issue. It sucks that manashift is gonna be gone.
Goes in line with their mission to stomp out optimal party comps. It's fine.
Says the NINfag who literally only exists for TA and nothing else
They look way better now than on reveal but the extremely limited customization is just going to end up with every one of them looking the same and it's frustrating
No. Power Slash should've remained, and Dark Arts should've been toned down but still give interesting side-effects.
The new one is more faithful to the original Darkness skill. You even hold your sword the same way Cecil's sprite does.
That's what a wowfugee would say since tanks in WoW never dealt any damage. There's nothing wrong with tank being also capable of dishing out significant amount of damage if he manages his abilities right.
Did you read the second part of my post, buddy?
>implying I'm a ninfag
>he's still posting "play a dps" after being BTFO by today's live letter
Please just give up. Your vision of tanking sucks and isn't fun to play.
Forgot to make the freckles darker but I think this turned out well enough
>Want to play Viera
>Don't want to lose NIN AF masks, BRD hats, RDM hats, or Baron Helm on DRK during the DRK expansion.
>Don't want to lose all of my unlocked hairstyles.
Maybe I should just buy two fantasia potions and change back if I can't handle the loss.
Is phlebotomize back yet?
Does magick and mend affect these potency numbers?
And what makes you so convinced they will or that those changes will be sufficient? How about you look back at the history of SE fuckups and acknowledge that they've shit the bed with class design, instead of blindly defending those fuckups? You don't even need to go that far and perhaps just look at the current state of classes in game right now.
>Started this game like a week ago
>Started with DRG cause it seemed really cool and I still do think it's cool
>Reading this thread
I hate myself
>SCH can guarantee a crit adlo
>there's a 20000% chance they'll nerf crit shields because of this
Male Viera dodged a fuckin bullet
>people actually think they outright removed two actions from DRG and gave them nothing to replace them
>people actually think that now that DRG isn't a living synergy meme that it's just going to be a selfish DPS like SAM without the numbers to back it up
How can Yea Forums be so retarded?
>dark passenger is gone
wait what? they use it in the trailer, and i can't imagine it changed much
I'm with you on that one. I thought it was a nice thing to have as BLM to help out healers since umbral makes us the ideal battery.
Hopefully they won't need it in 5.0
>Max height Viera is only 6'2 without factoring in ears.
I was hoping they'd be a little taller.
>Viera without RDM hat
Not even worth it until they fix it desu.
Fine for you but these niggas are probably freaking out right now, its like they've finally been stripped away of being what groups needed most for 4 years.
Everything is now being thrown out the fucking window.
phlebotomize is the stupidest fucking word I miss it so much
why do you think they hide in the woods away from the girls
hey, as a pld player
it's really nice of you that you watch out for holy spirit and manashift the paladin but he has to wait for requiescat cooldown regardless of if he has mana or not, and by the time it's up he has regenerated all his mana anyway so the manashift is a waste
the only time manashift actually helps pld is when he had to cast clemency a couple times to bail out the healer or whatever
Lancers have the worst luck.
is it me or is there zero outrage over tanks losing the dps stance
Please give me big dick dps like SAM, i don't give a fuck about synergy meme anymore, i just wanna go back to HW
There are lots of posers posting right now, not sure what are you expecting.
>their mission to stomp out optimal party comps
well that sucks
because now you just...not be in tank stance. not much changes. WAR still spams ferr cureavu
Dang man why get rid of tempered will? I don't understand what they're doing with this expansion.
>No howling fist
>just look at the current state of classes in game right now
What's wrong right now? The game is probably the most balanced it ever was.
Me too DRGbros, let's see how it is in 5.0
I will play BLM if it pretty bad
Are they seriously not allowing vieras to use non viera haircuts?? What were they thinking? Has this been confirmed yet?
They're not retarded enough to drop a job's entire DPS by 10% and not compensate for it.
When SB launched and Phlebotomize was removed, every single one of DRG's weaponskills gained a potency buff. Why would they not do the same here?
That's because they didn't. If anything they lost tank stance.
They're just glorified DPS and interrupters now. Also see interrupt be completely useless on future Savage and Ultimate content.
It is cool. And it's pretty fun, too. Don't worry about what a bunch of spergs on an imageboard think (including whatever I say). Just go out and be the best DRG you can be. If you put in any amount of effort, you'll still be better than 70% of the playerbase.
Because they didn't, relatively. It's being rolled into the kit. Tanks do 100% damage, all the time. They take less damage, all the time. They didn't take anything away, and all the potencies will equal out in the end.
It's role action now.
Oh come off it you could dumb Tanks down to WoWs Tanking and it would mean jack shit because Tanking is stigmatized as being a high pressure job like healer and most people would rather do anything else but be in that position.
Quit being stupid.
Because tank will actually have to tank instead of pretending to be a DPS
You didn't pay attention. They removed stances in general. You still get the incoming damage reduction via a trait like old stance, but you no longer deal less damage. The new stances are ogcds that just add a threat modifier to all your moves without lowering damage.
>perhaps just look at the current state of classes in game right now.
>WHM is slightly suboptimal because it has more healing than necessary for most content without the rDPS of the other two healers
>DRK is slightly suboptimal because of its mediocre utility and middling DPS
>MCH is slightly suboptimal because it doesn't outdps BRD that much and is significantly harder to play
>all jobs not listed above are viable
>pretty much any party comp can clear any content
>the clear difference between a group with zero synergy at all and the meta speedrun comp is 45 seconds or so
The current state of "classes" (did you mean jobs?) in the game is fucking fantastic, it's almost perfectly balanced.
With how many jobs there are now (and in the future) it's good that they're taking action now. We don't want parties to be pigeonholed into certain compositions (example, brd with casters with foes, or DRG + BRD for pierce debuff) I'm sure BRD will still have support abilities in some capacity to make up for this change.
true but if you look at the job trailer they literally just straight up use tribind, same animation and all.
point being that take this list with a grain of salt cause it could either be false or the list in the benchmark could be incomplete or unfinished
we wildstar now
dont give me false hope user
what the fuck do you mean balance uptime i want to nuke piles with lightspeed for longer
>Y-youz zeee enmbiitty *Poooops diaper* is hard and not fun!!!1
>Dats why make tanks like WoW it good! Tank no admnfittf *shit diaper again because brain damage* it good! Now dps it fun xD
Literally fuck OFF. Tanks should TANK not dps.
Tank dps should have been nerfed so you raid trannies don’t parse...
They removed stances in general. the tank "stance" we have in 5.0 simply increases enmity gained. It will not do anything else or affect your damage output. It's simplified and you can focus on your damage output all the time, like you do now, but without having to bitch about people using diversion. It's all under your control now.
>They end up not nerfing adlo at all
>On demand 900 potency shield on the whole party every 2+ minutes
>He didn't play during HW with panicked BRD players having to silence.
>viera is a disappointment
Not after Fracture.
>calling jobs classes
>implying that the job balance is in anything other than a fantastic state
I wonder who could be behind this post.
that's Alisaie tho
With or without req, holy spirit is more powerful than royal authority especially when you consider RA is the 3rd step in a 3 step combo.
It’s from shitter retards, this alone turns the game from good into nuwow SHIT.
>I'm excited they're making tanking even more braindead
>I main a braindead role and expected it to suddenly stop being braindead
>No more reloading
>Heated skills might be upgrades now
rip rapid fire though
enm only tanking is fucking boring dude
I don't know man, looks to be that way from the benchmark. I don't want to lose my Gyr Abanian Plait. I loved that style ever since it was introduced in the hairstyle contest, voted for it multiple times, was disappointed when it lost to an objectively worse hairstyle, and farmed that shit like a mother fucker when it went live and got it early on before every thot on the server started using it.
Does anyone remember if the HW Benchmark allowed Au Ra to use non-Au Ra styles?
>WHM is slightly suboptimal
First fucking line in your post and you're being a disingenuous sack of shit already. WHM is near fucking useless in current raid content atmosphere because strong heals are not necessary, you either die to oneshot mechanics or you don't, if your group takes damage that requires WHM healing, that means they are doing something wrong, and if they aren't, then WHM is fucking useless because casting Stone is only the autist's idea of fun or good DPS.
>DRK is slightly suboptimal
You mean it's useless outside of magic damage heavy fights and inferior to the Warrior's kit in every way, including the death delay ability.
>MCH is slightly suboptimal
Are you fucking kidding me right now?
Are they actually trying to compete with WoW Classic? Ha, pathetic.
I'm a bit mad I can't walk around with my Darkside out anymore.
the new music is so fucking cool
>Tanks should TANK not dps
That's a WoW design philosophy, fuck off you infantile transsexual obsessed imbecile.
>only one hairstyle that doesn't clip with collars on half of the existing armor
>it's the tranniest looking one
Where can I read about all the job changes? I can't find it anywhere
It doesn't look like it's actually an important primal considering they will let you beat it in E3.
you dont understand that as long as a class deals damage there will always be people that are orange logs and others that are grey logs, since its an mmo and they need to solo content there is quite a few damage skills.
its not really hard to understand you will still be ridiculed for your shit dps
t. Wowfugees diaper shit mentally retarded no skill manchild
>this is your brain on FFlogs
same I was looking forward to being the only max height viera and towering over everyone
>Because tank will actually have to tank instead of pretending to be a DPS
But this is wrong. What this change does is drop all pretense and essentially admit that tanks are blue DPS. If you have tank stance on you aren't losing hate, and tank stance does not hurt your DPS at all anymore.
drk is still usable in most situations, like all tanks. when is the poser posse leaving?
Square enix at this point has embodied a goldilocks with food poisoning syndrome as much as Bethesda games have bugs and Battlefield games have bad latency. They constantly do something that is almost perfect or at least great and then fuck it up with something terrible, a mortal flaw. It's infuriating how the Hrothgar can look so fucking fantastic with the right design and colors but then you have hairs locked to heads. 4 heads with just 8 hairstyles would be limiting but I'd understand it but 2 hairstyles per head is unacceptable.
Yoshi mentioned Guin Saga and I didn't know until someone suggested it to me on /tg/ how it's this Japanese Conan the Barbarian with incredible influence (Berserk's author cites it as a primary inspiration) that for some reason is threadbare in the West. Only 16 volumes of +130 have been translated and it's been in writing since 1979.
Fucking sucks shit because the novels are such perfect archaic pulpy goddamn fantasy. I'll make a Hrothgar alt but the hair-face locking makes me unable to consider dropping my niglander.
Forever mad, hilarious.
Tanks do tank. They have damage mitigation abilities and in 5.x they're going to be designed around working as a team in 8 player content to block damage as well. They can nerf tank dps if they want the point is it's not fun to manage enmity.
Also saying tanks should tank is in itself wow design philosphy how new and grey are you?
How are tanks not still tanking with the changes? I don't quite understand the tank role besides being a damage sponge. Can anyone explain?
>want to level a job
>mfw the leveling is so bad you need to grind mobs 1-15 because hunting log isn't enough
>dude just spam POTD lmao so fun
>dude just spam FATEs over and over for hours to get levels lmao
I spend like 90 minutes getting this Arcanist to level 10. Finishing Hunting log, then because there was no quests, and FATEs are shit at this level, I had to literally grind mobs.
This is only level 10 so far, I still need to get another 60 levels.
This is even with 3 EXP gear items.
Why is the leveling in this game so fucking bad?
This post definitely screams "secure with my sexuality"
The leak is actually more clear than the poorly translated liveletter:
>WHM is near fucking useless in current raid content atmosphere
I assume you don't do ultimates.
Do they have someone else on the music team?
It feels different to what Soken normally does
yes but paladin will be using fof to buff it and unlike holy spirit's cancer cast time it actually lets him move/ogcd too
it's technically possible yes but nobody will do that unless you're in a static and planned it out
You don't raid.
DRK world first both Ultimates. They are fine and if you look on fflogs in certain fights they out dps war
Crit adlo will give you a buff (not galvanize) that you can't spread with deployment tactics.
Fuck OFF wowfugees.
Tanks in wow have no aggro post classic because of poopbrains like yourselves...
Meme aside, Time Dilation would be great now that they focus more on single target buffs. Weird they removed it and celestial opposition, both spells extending buff duration.
the clock is ticking XIV fags...
Job identity in terms of actual function is thrown out the window as a result though which is a shame. Everyone bringing something slightly different to the table to help them stand out in more than just a visual standpoint was nice.
It's the same for vierra desu. Only face 1 isn't a total car wreck so all vierra will look the same
>Black Mage is the only Job to not lose skills
Too fuckin bad nigga.
T.pre-buff DRK Main.
Tanks get arm's length as a role action
Go back /home/ and stay there while Blizzard collapses around your long coveted Classic servers.
Aimi-chan is cute but fuck does she suck at live translation.
it comes out before, ill play both but probably play shb more
Ast has more throughput than whm right now because of star and CU, this might have changed with the assize buff but that wasn't around when ultimates released. The guy you are responding to is mad dumb though.
There will always be jobs that aren't brought when the party size is only 8 with so many jobs to choose from. It doesn't make them bad, it just means some are, wait for it, 'slightly suboptimal'
Outside of UWU because of the limit breaks is there a single raid in this game that can't be cleared by a party of 2x DRK, 2x WHM, and 4x MCH?
Does that mean we have to rely on 50/50s for moving from one shot to another? or is it going to interact with our gauge somehow.
Tank stance adds enmity to all your skills but does not reduce the strength of those skills. Ergo, tanking now is just maximizing your damage and keeping aggro happens coincidentally as a matter of course. Squeenix is saying "don't worry about hate just focus on doing damage and tank stance will do all the work for you."
Let it go bro. It's fucking shit
the new music is so fucking cool
>tanks should not do damage waaaah
It's time to stop posting.
lmao fuck right off. I don't need tanking to be more braindead than it already is.
>no quest
Thanalan, Gridania and La Noscea all have quest in those level ranges. Your story questline gives all the exp you need. If you don't have story quest then fates will get you to where you to 16 for dungeon quing.
holy shit nigger step outside your discord bubble and actually play the game
I would play Final Fantasy Online if it was less anime, shame.
Remember to ignore the classifags trolling in the thread.
>game from 10+ years ago is somehow relevant
no one that plays classic wow is a potential MMORPG customer. those are there for a reason user; xiv competes with retail only
It's not really her translation skills, it's that she just doesn't have a clue about the context, so she gets ability names wrong or compeltely botches explanations about mechanics.
That's a valid concern to have and I'm hoping BRD still maintains some desirable support abilities that are exclusive and unique, just not selective ones like magic damage vulnerability.
>Trailer theme becomes the boss theme
>We are going to hear it during MSQ and end of every dungeon
Not to mention you get 20% damage reduction at all times now even when not in tank stance so living through attacks is even more piss easy than it currently is.
The damage would be pretty shit. I don't think you could make it past Twintania's enrage in UCOB or even make it past Savage enrages with crafted gear.
The people who get the most passionate about the DPS meta are also the kinds of people who just follow trends, and don't actually have much skill. On average.
I once had some people bitch at me back in 3.0 for doing bad damage. Their only evidence was my class--BRD. I had ACT going, and during that raid, I out-damaged everyone. I'm not particularly skilled or optimized, I just look up rotations. And that's all you ever need to do to perform well, is understand how your job opens, and its priorities.
That's so sick. Feels good to be a DRK Chad right now
>MFW People hate Veena.
I dont get it why ?
Post your bunny sluts so I can masturbate to them.
whm's still clearing raids to today, even if it's the lowest scoring class on fflogs (and just under sch and ast). that doesn't suggest that it's a useless class
>DRK animations still floaty and shit
one job
So the current way of tanking is better than this change?
The trailer showed the 1-2-3 combo being weaved together by OGCs, so they might be an actual combo now and they get upgraded from normal to heated like how Ruin I becomes Ruin III.
shitty fapbait
>Limited race jokes weren't actually jokes
I hate this timeline
probably because of the disgusting way your post is formatted
But translating people talking about XIV is her ENTIRE job. Also her translation skills really are kind of weak, she constantly repeats herself to give herself more time and uses exceptionally broad/vague interpretations to avoid making mistakes trying to be more specific.
That's incredibly stupid. What's the point of the defensive cooldowns anymore? If you'll easily live through everything it's just down to the healer to top you up and carry on, zero stress.
This, the game isn't like wow at all. Every class can clear the content even in prog. There is a meta and there are classes better than others but that doesn't mean they are worthless. Look at how wow does dps balancing.
Look at the dps disparity in wow classes compared to ffxiv.
no, new way is better
dont listen to retards crawling out of cracks with their warped perception of how the game is played, seeing as how most of them dont step into any kind of non 24man or dungeon content
What did they actually change?
>priest does highest dps
The only difference with the current way of tanking is that you pull in tank stance with lowered offense and begin fights by performing weaker aggro combos designed to build a lead in aggro so that your party members do not overtake your aggro before the boss dies. After you have a secure lead in aggro, you switch to DPS stance and never think about aggro again. With these changes, you don't need to worry about it at all because there's nothing more you could do to maintain hate anyway if you have tank stance on.
They're just kinda gross if you don't make a good one and everyone posting theirs is not very good at character creation.
without echo? any raid that needs tank lb3 for any massive aoe damage transition or any fight with aoes that need shielding/mitigation, like O12S in this tier
>shadow priest being that high
I always thought it was fun during my off time healing but I wonder wtf happened to make them that strong. Stopped after Wotlk.
I'm guessing they'll change VIT or DEF scaling to compensate, or kick up the damage in hard content, but that just begs the question of why make the damage reduction a trait at all?
damn, i'm sure they won't balance the shadowniggers raids around that or anything
you heard it here first lads, your permanent 20% defensive CD means all busters in the entire expac don't have to be mitigated at all
I like current way better. If they wanted to homogenize tanks, they should've made stance switching not cost a GCD and that would've fixed it mostly.
Is that for raids or M+, because I don't know if it's true for BfA but aren't WW Monks suppose to be busted for the latter?
In EX level content and above there's still going to be tankbusters that will blow you the fuck out that you will need to mitigate or risk the razor's edge (and exhaust your healer's MP).
Shadow Priest is a priest but he is a dps and he turned to the dark side
People justifying their jungle fever
It's a raid, look at filename.
Now yo have a cd that increases enm generation, so you arent bogging down your gcds by swapping. Not like 2/3rds of the classes even used their tank stance to begin with.
>What's the point of the defensive cooldowns anymore
Tank busters obviously. That 20% isn't going to save you from dragonboi's tail.
Post pics of the translator from the live letter.
It's a raid bro. I accidentally put 75th percentiles in that image. Have 99 and see the difference between classes
So no more stance switching? I'm good with that. I didn't mind doing it but I think I'd rather not have to deal with it if given the choice.
This is my main issue right now. Resubbed to the game but leveling is such a chore. Doesn't help that I've done POTD and FATE farming so much in the past that I'm still burned out on it. Just entering POTD makes me want to kill myself.
Makes sense I guess I dont seem to have that problem. No I wont post her.
Thats kinda a dumb reason.
All fights that require tank LB3 have adds that guarantee it's charged.
Yeah, stance dancing is dead which is good, it was clunky before and tank stances were shit with how good healing and your own ogcds were
Speaking of PotD. When are they going to let me do it as BLU? Shit would be fun
>All we can do now is pray
Horny Lil taytoe
Dope. Do you main a tank too, user?
Not ucob. I had lb2 when you need lb3 when bahamut showed.
Yoshi wasn't amused.
Yeah, I play all the tanks and have since 2.0
Stance dancing isn't clunky in the slightest on WAR. It is nonsensical that PLD and DRK have to lose so much just to stance dance.
How bad did they fuck AST?
Should I go back to NIN?
I want to play this but I can't overcome the fear of weebshit.
You can survive with lb2, it just requires a shit ton of healing
Hroth are so cool
>tfw tanks are now the undisputed brainlet role
>fear of weebshit
Who cares?
AST is fine, but play NIN anyway. it's better.
meta fags on suicide watch
Yeah that’s kinda what I was getting at, war can swap easily enough but drk gets fucked because of the mp cost and >shield oath
You'll get out of your inward high school "cringe at everything" behaviour eventually
You lost aoe cards and certain cards are locked to heal, dps or tank on you you give them to. So for example you can't balance yourself or a tank but you can a dps
I don’t get why people say aggro tanking is a wow thing since that was removed in cata or mop.
Every class in wow can clear content lmao.
>Shadow priests outdamaging melees
I'm dying for that eScape/Crystal Tower/whatever else arrangement.
>BLM completely unchanged
>YoshiP's main
I wonder why
>Types this while browsing Yea Forums
Where do these people come from
fucking shit that is amazing. I swear I'm not furry.
I dunno why logslaves would be upset by this. if anything they don't have to beg for that one perfect party setup to get their oranges.
>XIV tanking
>Now brainlet tier
It did allow au'ra to use non au'ra hairstyles, at least judging by old videos of it.
I'm really bummed out. Most of the hairstyles are fine but I would have liked using Form and Function.
I haven't had chance to look at the benchmark yet. Is there a noticeable difference?
Good. If you ever opened a Party Finder it's fucking 4/4D 2/2H 0/2T for days.
>SCH is the one with the most actions being modified/removed
is... is MCH really the one being fully reworked here?
I just want to face fuck the boss. What's wrong with that? The rest of you can have the booty
That staff almost looks good to be a sweet RDM weapon too,with the way the body of it looks almost like a blade.
Good get, WHMs.
It's not the cringe, it's different.
Yea Forums isn't full of cutesy weebshit.
the viera hairstyle thing is just a flag, it'll be easy for them to patch it in and even easier to mod in
someone convince me how the meta won't just be dnc+ast feeding buffs to a sam/blm now
Is it really saying anything if you can just get carried by the 4 out of 20 people in your group who bother to play the meta classes?
Those are all DPS so just expect simplified single target and aoe attacks to replace them.
MCH might get some buffs too.
The DNC would lose out on their own damage despite being able to hit for 50k after buffs.
Tanking was always brainlet. You NEVER used tank stance in any raid even ultimates
WoWfugee here I'mma be real with you. The story is actually more European then anything despite it being a Japanese game The only time theres even a huge amount of Japanese Humor is when you're doing these specific quests called Hildebrand and even then they're okay because they're meant not to be taken seriously.
Word of Warning though if you want to play this you absolutely have to commit to the world and the characters because if you dont the infamous "entry barrier" is going to eat you alive. I came looking for a new world to lose myself and and came away happy.
its definitely better then what Blizzard is writing.
Does the meta really matter when everything is so balanced?
>Yea Forums isn't full of cutesy weebshit
Where the fuck do you think you are? Yea Forums?
DNC is better partnered with a physical class. Unless it was a mistranslation they care about their partner using weaponskills. So it will actually just be SAM getting all the buffs.
gathering isnt too bad when you're capped on leve allowances
So is this going to happen next?
>Uggh I hate healing, it's so boring, just let me do damage!
>Just give me a permanent passive regen aura and if there's a part where big damage goes out I can press an OGCD to restore the whole raid to full
>All my other skills should be a damage rotation. Healing isn't fun, I hate having to cast heals and kill my damage, just let me deal DPS!
In 6.0 will they just give up on having roles entirely and have everyone be a DPS with an oGCD toggle they can click to make the boss target them or fart out healing automatically?
I get that "tanking" in 4.X was basically just a pointless extra thing you do at the start of the fight and then forget about (except in dungeon pulls but let's just forget about those), but that doesn't really mean it's better to just give up and make tanks DPS. You could actually try to make enmity and stance-dancing important and necessary. It's so weird that people in this game have a conniption if you try to suggest that roles should maybe be different.
I'm not mad, I accept that this is just the way things are going to be in XIV now. But like, I still kind of hoped people would see the other path.
No, but good luck convincing people of that.
no but FFlogs-addicted gilgacucks will shriek about it either way
I think people dont like their faces and skintone but if you work hard enough you can make a really nice Veena. Mine was mistaken for a Rava a few threads ago and I was wondering why people hated them.
Crucible is also a super stacked raid and retarded tier on mythic
>Just give me a permanent passive regen aura
WHM lillies do this now
Yeah, aside from a couple instances the game is pretty far from weebshit.
Still prefer my cat so I wont fantasia
Stone > Stonera > Stonega > Stoneja > Stoneza
We already have proof of -za suffix spells from Kingdom Hearts DDD when Mickey casts Stopza.
No. XIV is so balanced that autists had to come up with a whole extraneous system of speedclears and DPS rankings which only exist outside the game, the game doesn't care or reward them for this, just so they could push the concept of "optimal play".
That’s the big take away I had from the new interrupt system. How long will it take until every boss is immune to it?
wouldnt they give them a little bit more attention in the live letter then since most of their dps actions, a big part of their kit, are being 'simplified'?
we don't want you
There are some weeb stuff on Yea Forums but it's withing the acceptable levels, if you don't go to Yea Forums that is.
And FF14 is an MMO that is build around anime culture and weebshit is literally everywhere.
I mean good players.
They can normally clear everything but the last bosses in mythic if shitty tank (see VDH and kiljaden, but that’s vdh being a joke) or some over tuned bosses (Cabal, Uunat) that demand stacking, wow sorta moves away from it because leveling a char in wow is bullshit compared to xiv. Also because it’s shit balance.
>Oh no we don’t have 5 shamans to do this mechanic
I'm guessing that even though tanks now no longer suffer the DPS reduction of tank stance, their general DPS will be nerfed to tank-stance levels (relative to DPS jobs) all the time, and all of them will throw a fit because of it.
actually kind of cute I like
>hroths have 2 hairstyles per face
>stupid handclaws like catboys
>viera are allegedly only going to have the hairstyles they have
Considering how insanely powerful DNC buffs are that better not be true. It would be so unfair and lame to casters
They have to beg for dancer now
Wowfag here:
Better than blizzard writing is so low at every point in their history that i wouldn’t consider it an achievement.
Not really unless they're changing how SCH dpses entirely. That's not as big of a deal as tanks getting reworked for example.
I disagree, everything about it just screams anime, there aren't even any ugly beast races to play as like in WoW.
oh god you're right. At least it'll be easy to identify padding with a dancer in the party.
>going on a site created by a weeb for weebs to use to talk about the things that weebs like
>having a problem with weeb things
it's weaponskills or spells
>there aren't even any ugly beast races to play as like in WoW.
Uhh.. Rothgar? Roegadyn? Elezen?
But the z sound doesn't exist in Japanese, they pronounce it like j
What a cute retarded zoomer
What are Hrothgar?
And yeah there are more cute girls but that's about it. Otherwise the story is pretty grounded in a western aesthetic, sort of like the earlier FF games.
ok. What about after that?
>Tauren in general and male pandas
i can get into that way of thinking user. now hold my hand so i can feel safer
>The only time theres even a huge amount of Japanese Humor is when you're doing these specific quests called Hildebrand
Heavensturn events seem to be hellaciously asian because I can never understand them. But it's a very minor seasonal event anyway.
I went back to wow yesterday to get one of my old toons to 20 since i was bored and it unlocked something in hearthstone which i sometimes if rarely play, honestly i did not find the experience fun and my god it looks so much worse than i remembered, why people want Classic i do not know.
I know that Yea Forums was built around anime but it was a long time ago, it has changes since then attracting different kinds of users and not all of them tolerate anime.
And I say they should all fuck off. You have the other 95% of the internet to be a normalfag, go ahead and stay there.
It works with magic attacks too
And that's a bad thing!
And they are rightly told to fuck off.
the japs (and asia in general) have a huge hard on for New Year's. So the West gets Christmas (starlight shit) and the East gets New Year (heavensturn).
I wish I could clean up a filthy Draenei sheathe...
>No broken horn option for hrothgar
They made a race exactly for you, you damned idiot. I'am telling you the absolute truth the only thing Weeby about this game is the fucking community and you can avoid them like the plague if you want to. Let go of this preconceived notion that everything japan = cringeworthy because that'd be like calling shit like Dark Souls weebtrash despite being extremely European atleast until storm blood.
worst race
still going rabbit though
>probably not enough space on the SSD for SdB
Might have to go shopping.
>You have the other 95% of the internet to be a normalfag
Yea Forums has been a normie website for years now but somehow people like you still refuse to accept this fact.
>there aren't even any ugly beast races to play as like in WoW.
Good news, Shadowbringers.
It's called the meta (most effective tactic available) for a reason.
I aint throwing a fit. All is as it should be.
Tanking is and should be the easiest role to execute.
I'd rather fight the losing battle. Otherwise it defeats the purpose of being here as opposed to anywhere else
fuck off normalfag
fuck off back to wherever you came from
Oh no the trapfags are gonna be so fucking annoying with Viera
-Za was the 4th tier in KH, replacing -Gun from KH1.
5th tier spells haven't actually been made with suffixes.
Why are they all so dumpy looking?
I was already missing Heavensward this expansion. Now I'm going to double miss it come ShB. Sucks being one of like two people who aren't hyped.
>za warudo
im a brainlet in japanese and its not that hard to think about words with Z user
That's a hill I'm willing to die on.
So basically crit adlo is dead now? The dont give us a new healer and fuck the schs hmm
Shit they even named a building with a Z.
>wowfurgees this desperate to bring in more of their own kind
>the only thing Weeby about this game is the fucking community and you can avoid them like the plague
I'm starting to realize that the community is the biggest turn off for me, and avoiding it kills the entire point of playing an MMO.
It's a fucking weeb site.
What the fuck was this girl from?
Crit Adlo isn't dead, you have an action to force crit adlo in fact. SCHs panicking without even seeing abilities are cute, like oh no, SCH might not be absolutely broken for once
I mean it literally comes up everytime they write "za" in katakana for "the" for those sweet sweet gaijin style points.
You can find guilds/FCs with like-minded people and play with them.
And I'm sure WoW has a ton of weebs too
>you have an action to force crit adlo in fact
I was asking for this! Source?
pastebin leaks that came before the letter live and were all but confirmed by it
I don't like the change because it is for braindead dps who don't use their threat reducing abilities. Now gaining threat is just some passive shit that has nothing to do with my actions/skill.
You can say this about any website, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Yea Forums isn't any different.
Fuck you nigga I played an Orc Shaman before I gave blizzard the ol metal boot. I wont be going back to their shitty game until I can tank with rocks.
No, really, I've been looking for this game since I'm interested in learning jap.
Yes thats what I'm saying, if we can guarantee a crit no way the shield will be doubled.
anyone doing a new thread? i suck too much to be a good OP
But anonymous, Shadowbringers is being written by the guy who wrote Heavensward. Why aren't you hyped?
I hope they actually made WHM relevant instead of just giving us more fucking heals and dude angel wings lmao.
Maehiro's a dude as far as I know.
Viera are fucking ugly, and I feel pretty generic going for my typical template of dark skin with white hair and yellow eyes.
I'm not sure how I feel about DNC
I feel like on week one it'll be fucking abyssmal since not only will no one know how to play, but if you end up with 2 dancer's circlejerking each other they'll have even lower DPS than 2 of any other class comp
dark knight is amazing!
yep that image is accurate indeed.
It's not a game, it's just a meme that's been passed around Yea Forums since the dawn of time it might as well be. She's just a "character" from some textbook, and now used in memes to ridicule (or sometimes motivate) people who don't actually know their way around the Japanese language or to goad people into learning the language proper, rather than being a lazy ass/ironic weeb.
I care more about the combat than anything else in this game and honestly things are looking like a step down. We don't have the full picture yet, but, going further in the direction of homogenization and synergy removal is depressing.
and elections began the normiefication
Yea Forums is a normalfag website now and pretending to be different is just being a normie in denial
HoH 4 dancer parties will be fun.
Ah goddammit, I could have sworn it was from some educational game, guess I'm getting it mixed up with something else. Thanks anyway.
Explain to me why synergy creating optimal meta comps is good.
anki is such a waste of time, you wonder why so many people opt into using it. You could know a million vocab but there's no point if you don't know how/when/why to use them
I sticking with my smol mol cinnamon rol
Farewell, Yea Forums, enjoy your hrothgar and vierra! Just remember to fantasia back to the best race once you're doing playing around, ok?
I ain't moving from Elezen, potatoshit.
kys pedo
why is this game so good
Oh, you brutes. When will you learn?
Because the devs care.
Theory: Impact has been modified to be AoE and so that it now combos into Veraero/Verthunder to turn them into AoE if you previously casted Impact
This is why it has a new ID
because everything else is somehow worse
>devs care
I'm at least hoping DNC can solo PoTD and HoH, they seem like they could
If anything it's the other way around. Tooltips visible in the LL show that the new aoe veraero/thunder are the fast-cast attacks while Impact is the slow one you want to use your chainspell on.
>they made RDM even dumber somehow
They can't generate their resource solo, but even if they could there's no way the can solo PoTD. RDM can barely do it and DNC won't have healing anywhere close to what they've got.
It could still work that way
Scatter -> Impact (aoe)
and now you have the proc that turns your single targets into AoEs
Then give Impact only a chance to proc Veraero/Verthunder and you'll occasionally have to go back to Scatter.
>God Tier
>Acceptable Tier
>Shit tier