>Oh man, this VN has had a great story so far. I can't wait to see what's nex-
Oh man, this VN has had a great story so far. I can't wait to see what's nex-
This VN is shit and isn't really worth the nudy scenes.
Damn black bars.
>not appreciating some plot on top of the nice story
Why play a VN "game" when you can play a fulfilling game like FFX in tandem with your GF?
Ageha is the shittest heroine I've ever seen
Shouldn't of played the snoy version
name two (2) VNs that have got a good story
why can't anime/hentai artists draw big fat tits better? the nipples always seem too high, like the girl on the right should have her nipples in the water here.
Unless there are realistic Brap smelling parts I don't care
Fate/Stay Night
Katawa Shoujo
>Shoehorned sex scenes, pointless tragedy for the sake of tragedy, or over reliance on archetypes without adding anything themselves
Why do people "play" these fucking things
Like, read a fucking book nigga
this, you know what would make this entire VN worth playing through from start to finish? if one of the girls farted in the tub and created bubbles. instead, they have to be all "girly" cause gas isn't befitting of a "pure maiden".
Black-haired girl is so cute
Not when this bitch exists. I haven't played Ageha's route yet, but she probably didn't kill thousands of innocent people, so she's still better.
The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno
Dies Irae
Utawarerumono series.
die pedo
Worst girl and yet, her route is the best. Ironic.
>delevoped tits
she is 18 years old my man
Have sex
Yes. The rest are trash.
Why do all VNs look exactly the same?
Is it the same guy drawing thousands of them?
Join Islam
japs really know how to make exposition tolerable
Remenber 11
>that face
Nevermind then
Agreed. Even if you hate Sakura, moments like Nine Lives Blade Works and the Kirei fight at the end more than make up for it.
kotori is cute
nice bait
>"developed tits"
Sure user, whatever you say
Indeed she is
This. There are easier ways to masturbate
How come they all have tits?
Where the flatties at?
all cripples should be culled
Rare are the VNs that don't try to wring out every last bit of otaku money.
People who jerk off to VNs are basically retarded. The vast majority of big name titles aren't for fapping, they're story games that happen to have some nudity. If you're a horny teen, you might not understand that this is just the equivalent of an action movie having a bit of nudity.
You aren't supposed to get your dick out.
Now, there are a subset of VNs that are absolutely about jerking off. They're very obvious, because you get 5 minutes of story and then an hour of sex scenes, followed by 2 minutes of exposition and another hour of sex scenes, rinse and repeat.
In the 2000s there were fuckloads of VN's like the latter, whatever happened to those? Did they lose out to 3D sex games? People stopped translating them? "VN with fanservice" is pretty much the only style now.
>In the 2000s there were fuckloads of VN's like the latter, whatever happened to those?
They're still around, there are even more of them.
>Did they lose out to 3D sex games?
Hah, no. If anything, the 3D industry is fucking dead. People just stopped translating them, because the kinds of autists who do fan translations are more interested in doing work on story games so they'll get more recognition.
Sliver Case
The 25th ward
I doubt "niche budget porn title" is something that's going to be heard of overseas, much less have demand for a translation.
Why is she in a wheelchair?
she broke her non-existent ass trying to twerk.
>good story
underage faggot
You're on time.
>playing vns for the story
>no ending on purpose to trap the player to reread the routes
Remember11 is shit
came for the poop, stayed for the story.
The galge loser:
>Reads 50 hours of text for the sole purpose of jerking it to 5 panels of CG that he can just view online anyway
>Not invested in what they are reading, usually holding down Ctrl to skip through the pointless filler
>Plays every route just so he can complete his virtual harem, no true routes exist because they would offend waifu fags
>Has no standards whatsoever, consumes whatever trash kusoge is placed before him
>Ignores the soundtrack entirely
>Unironically owns a body pillow
>Doesn't play any video games other than gacha trash
>Hasn't showered in years
The enlightened plotge reader:
>Pursues the medium because of the unique experiences it provides, not to satisfy his sexual urges
>Carefully follows the story, jotting down notes and crafting personal theories, true routes offer proper resolution to the plot
>Only reads from a carefully curated selection of kamige, rightfully ignores the mountains of trash that cater to the lowest of the low
>Plays vidya on top of vns, values variety as well as quality
Why aren't you part of the plotge chads, user?
Nine Lives Blade Works is so fucking kino it could make the entire route best on its own.
>It's not "can you keep up with me"
>You keep up with me!
cool allule a cute
Muv luv extra and muv luv alternative
That's SRPG
Best boy
>Katawa Shoujo
Snatcher and policenauts
What would make them realistic
Hoshizora no Memoria
What if moot was a negro in a different timeline.
Only the twins route is good
BASED EOP that doesn't understand the size and power of the eroge industry in Japan and thinks all the trash "kamige" he sees on Steam represents the VN medium as a whole.
Fata Morgana
Dumb fatenigger
Amazing taste my man. Fandisc translation never ever.
fuck steam and fuck west cucks and fuck snoy
>nani kore
>WTF is this shit?
>on purpose
I thought they just run out of budget/schedule time?
Unironically this
>hey bro just be happy lol its all you just live happily its that easy bro its all in your head
>btw here's an entire chapter about an innocent girl being bullied to death for no reason remember to live happily
>Ruining FFX playing with Gf
Yeah, among other problems. I remember hearing rumors that the PSP version was supposed to have a "true end" like Ever 17 (Coco) or Never 7 (Izumi Cure) but the team lost what they had in mind for it. This lead to the game just being ported over, without any new changes happening outside of the Infinity timeline addition (which is the closest we'll ever get to a proper confirmation of what exactly happened in the game).
Well duh you fucking faggit, why you playing a vn if you don't want some tiddy
katawa shoujo
Sengoku Rance, its got tough grey moral choices
G-Senjou no Maou
Grisaia no Kajitsu
steins gate
danganronpa 1&2
>danganronpa 2/3
>its just a sim breh
>great story
read a book and have sex
man those tiddies are round and plump
Read the Quran and join Islam
>tfw I read Monobeno for the plot
I just love Japanese mythology and inaka settings, didn't even fap once. I can only remember 2 VNs I ever fapped to in the first place, why go through all the effort of reading a VN when porn/ero manga is so much more convenient? Now I know there's already some fag having a window up typing 'but you're basically just reading a porn script lmao' and to you I say fuck you.