
Attached: your town is under attack.jpg (225x225, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:




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tfw all your units are away

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This is fucking retarded, I doubt moving houses existed in the medieval ages. Also that little faggish wooden trunk would never demolish a stone wall. Fuck this game.

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wow man, you realized his post was bait. You must be some sort of fucking genius.

You fucking moron
you absolute fucking cretin
you complete shit for brains
I will come to your house and knock on your walls and there is NOTHING you can do
I'm bringing seventeen hussars, square up bitch

>I'm bringing seventeen hussars
lol, I am playing the Britons. Have fun, I am behind two walls.

I'll build a SECOND battering ram you silly bitch
maybe even a third just to show you what for

Good luck, I am behind 7 Trebuchets

I'm bringing an extra hussar for every time you reply to me you wet cunt
This close to building a castle right outside your walls

No one can banter anymore. It's all "haha i saw through you! i saw your bait! you baiter!" No sense of humor.


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Absolutely fucking based


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>haven't played in years, got HD edition on a whim
>bot is about to destroy my navy with caravels on grassy water
>bunch of pikeman I forgot about near the water start attacking the caravels
>their shots start going backwards and don't target hit my naval units
>destroy their navy
Okay then

how did they manage to make HD bot so good?

I'm assuming they just made it copy build orders from various players

Of all the games I've played and shit I've seen/heard, this is the most frightening sound.

Attached: FearorSmile.png (334x275, 151K)

>playing against britons as goths
>spam huskarls and rams to totally cuck their archers
>briton player ragequits

Is there a better feel?

By the time it was made and released, there was an established meta to take pointers from (ie boar luring) and help shape the AI's strategies around what civilization they picked. That and more than a decade of AI scripters in the community helps as well.

There was an interview with the guy in the Forgotten Empires team who did the HD edition's scripting.


>Play AoE 2 HD
>Have decent fun but get frustrated every disconnects and such right when they're about to lose
>Get voobly
>Want to play Black Forrest or some team game
>But the only lobbies open at the time are for arabia 1v1
>Play some random guy
>Get tower rushed immediately on my first game
>He goes into cav archers and crossbows
>Resign and never pick the game up again

About a month ago a friend and I began playing aoe2 again for the first time in a couple of years
My friend doesn't want to play online so we usually just play as a team against bots. I have a lot more time to play the game and though I don't mind playing online I always tend to get bored after one solo game regardless of whether it's against humans or bot(s)
wat do

It's weird because from what I've seen, it only has one real fight in it. Stop their initial attack and they refuse to try again, whereas the original AI sucks overall but will continue sending small raids against the leading opponent forever.

Not to mention it almost always ends up just building an army of crossbowmen and maybe some unique units


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Try playing above moderate.

That said I was literally monk rushed the other week by a moderate AI slav opponent.

That's a nice castle you've got there.
Shame if something happened to it...

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Which is your favourite post conquerors civilization?

For me it's the Malians. I like flexible tech trees that are strong at different things at different stages of the game.

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I would autistically surround the forest areas with walls(and sometime multiple layers of walls) and run out of stone for siege engines.

>and run out of stone for siege engines
But siege units don't take stone to build....

I only have the forgotten expansion so I don't have a lot of experience playing the other two expac's civs aside from when they're available for one week
That said I think I like the slavs the most, but they feel pretty situational to me
Not a fan of the elephant civs

making the goths player ragequit by fucking him up in feudal age

Slavs were buffed recently so they're very meta. Their farming bonus didn't work right before. Now they have the best farmers in the game.

My bad lol. It was a long time back and I remember surrounding my forests and that caused some late game problems.I don't remember exactly what and I assumed siege units because I though maybe the catapults(onagers, yes I looked on the wiki) required stone. Maybe it was a structure like guard tower or something and not a unit.

Yeah castles, towers and town centers were what required stone.

I like slavs

Real big dick time
Turks with Vietnamese buddy, turn dough into fire all day everyday

But turks and vietnamese seem like a shit pairing? The vietnamese team bonus doesn't even work on Turks.

How do I stop userpatched aoe2 from fucking up my taskbar icons?

Then I have the name wrong.
The team bonus that gives every extra gold.

Magyar Huszár spam for no gold is fun, but yes the Malians are the best post-Conquerors civ. Based Farimba.
(My favourites are still the Mongols of course, followed by Byzantines and Spanish)


That's a vietnamese unique tech that only works once. It's basically like a tribute and nothing super special.

The REAL Turk synergy is with Berbers, who give Turks mounted Genitours to fulfill the purpose of elite skirmishers, and even better as Turk Genitours benefit from their 'cavalry archer +20 health' upgrade

they literally had 20 years to improve the Ai


_______________ _______________________ _________ Oh. _________ ______________

just send in your archers, bro

they'll make short work of those little houses

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>tfw never ever going to even attempt to play AoE2 at a high level or learn meta strats despite loving it as a game
There's nothing wrong with that, right?

These are the type of fun threads that made me get Deus ex and dawn of war
Is age of empires 2 as good as those?

Absolutely not
The wonder of the game is that you can play it at pretty much all levels

If you like strategy games, sure

aoc is better, and yes.

i don't know how it is if you never picked it up before, but when it comes to nostalgic value, this shit here is pure gold.

AoE2 is so fucking good the whole RTS genre died because no developer could make a more perfect strategy game, including the ones who had made it in the first place.

Teutonic knight here
1v1 me irl faggits

Thanks, I like strategy games so I'll try it


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I downloaded a couple years back and after getting my shit pushed in at the feudal age by chinks I decided I was much more content playing against AIs

>Fire a bow
>Walk away at a leisurely pace

I play exclusively AI matches and make like three layers of walls and a shitload of towers and archers between them and just grind the enemy to dust with pure shootbang
Change my mind


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here's your infantry, bro

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it's peak RTS. the online is alive and well too, and the new civs are so much fun

youtube.com/watch?v=aK_BmWIDVdY is the best track in the entire game.

I play against the AI and build two towers near their gold before gradually encircling their entire base with towers just outside the range of their TC and watching their peasants dither around in confusion.


I raise you this

>BEST Trash unit
>Fully upgraded trash sans Halberdier armor
>Good siege that pairs well with their unique unit and Halberdiers
>Good archers if siege isn't your thing
>Fantastic Cav Archers and Paladins/Hussars
>Good eco
>Only weaknesses is mediocre defenses but even then they're not Goths tier
Fantastically well-rounded. If you want a jack of all trades and want a break from Spanish give Magyars a try. Just make sure to take measures against the spam of Halberdiers you're bound to face.

It is the best RTS game in history, like says, it ruined RTS games forever, because there cannot be another AoE2. It is a game whose multiplayer community is still finding new synergies and strategies 20 years after its release (yes that's a fifth of a century), which has new (and good) DLC 17 years after its release. It doesn't matter if you're a hardcore or casual gamer, it's simply impossible to hate AoE2.

Hold my fermented yak's milk

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God I wish that wall was me. My butthole specifically.


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You wish your butthole was a powerful siege unit with high resistance to piercing damage?

Controversial but they should tone down the bonus damage of Skirmishers and Halberdiers. They're too effective.

>halbs have like +50dmg or something against paladins
jesus christ

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It's especially annoying considering Camels are a great answer to Knights now. Halbs should be a weaker option against Knights than Camels.

>>BEST Trash unit
they are close second to malay, but nothing beats non-gold two handed swordsman. also honorable mention to berbers and burmese

Easy now Age of Mythology is still up there.

I think he wanted to be that wall getting rammed.

The game is 20 years old and still sees competitive play and has more players than many other 1 year old multiplayer games. What do you think people see in it?

>be huns
>constantly shit out units
>who gives a fuck about housing

I think it would fuck up certain civs beyond repair, civs that only get pike already struggle against FU paladins and part of the point of making heavy gold units is less about cost-effectiveness and more about mobility and using your pop efficiently
same with skims really, for some civs they are the only answer they have to gunpowder and archers
not many civs get camels tho
+32 actually

>banterfag getting mad

Their rate of attack is still pretty low and they're pretty much countered by everything else in the game. Camels are like a premium counter to cavalry too, and aren't widely accessible.

They're ludicrously cost effective and incredibly easy to mass. Attack rate hardly matters when you can easily have 4 Halbs per Paladin.

If it were up to me I'd cap Halb bonus damage to +20, +30 for Elephants.
You can also counter Knights with Monks, or your own Knights + Halb support. If they made Monks easier to micro I can see a Halb nerf happening. Have Camel civs resort to Camels, while non-camels resort to Halbs, Monks and their own strong Cavalry.

Church research
More inquisitors

What is the best player colour and why is it teal?

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>bored with multiplayer
>decide to tinker with some game files, make it so bodies take a lot of irl hours to "dry up and disappear"
>FFA vs 7 hard AIs and 500 pop on BF
>pick Byz and turtle hard while they go at each other
>lategame comes, start shitting out trash units in the thousands
>me and 2 other AIs left, absolute bloodbath in the middle of the map because they shit out units as quickly as me
>number of bodies on the map reaches a critical point
>PC crashes without saving
Legit the most fun I've ever had in this game, I rec everyone try this at least once, as it makes the battles feel a lot more impactful and bloody

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AoE1: green, yellow
AoE2: orange, yellow, teal

How do I change it? I've always wanted the skeletons to lie around for a bit longer

That relic sound is one of the most satisfying of all time. I used to drop it over and over just to make the monk pick it up time after time.

I am fairly sure there's a mod on the workshop that does just that, install it and run it as gamedata and you're good.
The problem comes when you wanna have permanent bodies while loading up any other gamedata, such as architecture mods or more diverse unit types, in which case you'd have to get Genie editor and manually edit each death sprite so that each frame takes 900k seconds to execute, which took me about a few hours to do, considering I had no previous knowledge of AOE modding beforehand.


>buy the hd release together with friends
>have a fantastic time playing together
>everyone moves away for work/university
>no more friends

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>If they made Monks easier to micro
depending on how easy you want to make it that could bring so many balance problems that entire tech trees would have to be changed. monks are already a pretty impressive unit in the right hands, if you make them easier to micro it could make every decent monk civ completely dominate in the castle age and every elephant civ completely shit their pants. monks are fine as they are, they basically pay for themselves with a single knight conversion and have among the highest range you can get in castle age.
>If it were up to me I'd cap Halb bonus damage to +20, +30 for Elephants
what about pikes? because depending on that some civs wouldn't have much of an answer to heavy cab, specially elephants. and if we take into account the previous change about monks you mentioned, you would have to see who gets block printing and faith to see if they need them now to replace their trash now, and even if they do they would be absolutely fucked if gold is short and someone makes a push with elephants(+30 is less than half of what they do now to eles) . to top all of this off, suddenly light cab would probably trade just fine against pikes taking inot accoun their hp is decent if they get nerfed, and now you could just spam that if a civ gets pikes but has decent monks due to conversion resistance. also cab archers+ lightcab suddenly is an unstoppable deathball to some civs, because halbs/pikes can't do that much and skims/monks get destroyed by lightcab

also, Cavalry's main selling point is mobility, they have a saying if they want to force an engagement most of the time.

these changes have way too many ramifications, the balance feels fine as it is.

EXTREMELY comfy picture

Black forest
You know the rest baby


That base layout makes me moist..

Is this from one of the new campaigns?

>friend asks you to play a game with them
>do so
>say you want to play again
>they say ok, tomorrow they will
>they're offline for the next week

Posting comfy

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>low iq so never went past having fun with cheat codes

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Cute, I love the scenario editor for AoE2

Retard :)

I wish I was more creative

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Beating the Attila the Hun's campaign without cheats for the first time a few years back after almost 15 years of reliance was a fairly big accomplishment for me. Didn't matter that I did it on normal because I was too dependent on the drug of cheese steak jimmy's at the time. Give it a try, it's really rewarding.

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Italians, the Genoese Crossbow is archer-kino

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I grew up playing Empire Earth, if I loved that as a id, would I like AoE?

are DLC worth getting?

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>yfw when the enemy monks convert your cheat unit

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shhh hah

>you will never travel to africa to meet alberto barbosa
>you will never wander through north central europe as a mercenary
>you will never travel to hidden himalayan temples on secret missions
>you will never be a a south east asian smuggler when the spice trade starts to pick up
>you will never live in a small, comfy riverside village with your big titty milkmaid wife
It hurts bros. I wish I was the Highlander and could live a thousand lives in a thousand places.

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Pikes would drop to +15. People forget that the Halb upgrade also bumps up HP and base attack, not just its massive attack bonus, so it'd still be a worthwhile investment. I'd probably drop the Halb upgrade cost a bit tho.
>Monks are fine as is
They're good against small raiding parties but in larger scale battles they're completely useless to the average human player. The AI can make monks work, I'd like to see some tweaks to make them easier to use in grander battles. Easier =/= buffing, the only "buff" monks need is an overall monastery tech discount.

What I don't like about the current meta is that Halbs and Skirms can push back against a much more costly force, when they should be a containment dike that buys you time to start pumping out more powerful units and shifting your economy around. I've legit won games where I've used nothing but trash units as Magyars or Spanish, and I don't like that.

Is there any mod that turns the game into a medieval sim city in terms of gameplay rather than a starcraft with knights?

I've heard the Anno games are just that, although I wouldn't know myself having not played them.

>mfw you will never be a squadron of fifty monks healing eachother

Viets, although I also like Burmese and Malay.
They're challenging to play and also love how rattans+skirmishers look.

Attached: RoR-04.jpg (1920x1080, 1.38M)

It's not even close to starcraft. Buildings, walls, castles, natural hindrances like trees which you need to cut down to get to certain places and so on play so much role in this. And game modes like FFA regicide and maps like Black Forest can take hours and hours. There can easily be 5 hour games or more if people don't get sick of it before that. Thats the whole appeal here as opposed to fast paced RTS types.

Aww, they're smiling.

I love the first anno games and the settlers as well. Was just curious if something like this exists.

Walling off with buildings is just like in starcraft. I know, the games in aoe take much longer, mainly because buildings are massive and you have a town center as strong defense.
But I was more talking about build orders and pumping in massive amounts of APM to be good.

>pumping in massive amounts of APM to be good

Attached: 1182600430_preview_Daut.png (438x438, 159K)

>aoe2 is one of the slower RTS games
>I still can't keep up

>pumping in massive amounts of APM to be good
user, I ...

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Attached: Horse.gif (417x250, 582K)

what a lovely wolf train

delete this

If you really think apm and execution don't matter, you should try playing something else than the campaign on easy.

Nobody said they don't matter, don't pretend that's what they're saying. But that user (who I assume is you) saying that you need APM to be good implies that it trumps every other factor to success in the game.

it doesn't, but you do

>wasted a good 2 minutes waiting for the horse to die before realizing the loop
cursed gif

>>wasted a good 2 minutes waiting for the horse to die
That's a weird way to say it took 2 minutes to fap to

Is there any hope?

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What are some other games with soundtracks that are literally 10/10?

I don't know, but I'm still miffed at the fact that photon man and e=mc2 trooper weren't alpha-tests for Age of Empires 5. Fuck my life.

Attached: 1503424427-age4et5.jpg (799x599, 114K)

depends. new civs are god-tier additions and the tweaks to the old ones feel just right. but if you are a campain only kind of guy you will be disappointed with half of the new campains.
for me it was totally worth it tho

>muh build orders, muh APM
every fucking RTS thread, without fail

For the campaigns, I feel like RotR = AoC > AK > AoK > FE

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Yes but they need to fix the population cap issue. AoE III was a major fuck up in that regard with some units taking up upto 6 population space.(heavy cavalry taking up 2 arty taking up 4-6).
They need to either increase the population limit or reduce population space per unit. It's pretty clear they'll introduce tanks and aircrafts for 4 and I hope they won't take up more than 2 pop space.

I'm glad to see FE at the bottom
I played AOK and AOC as a child and I think the memory of some of the scenarios would ruin the experience for me if I tried them again
So far I've only tried one of the FE campaigns (Alaric) and it fucking sucked; Too many segments where you just lead an army through a large map, bugs that range from mildly inconveniencing to game breaking, absence of voice lines and a general over-reliance on scripted events. Are the other campaigns the same way?


FE campaigns are half scripts, half being given only one path to do things; I want to say half of the missions dont even allow you to build a base. Like I get that the people wanted to be creative, but the good maps are ones that allow you a variety of options and strategies, give you reasons to explore, and make you feel accomplished--rather than just no longer frustrated.
Like, holy shit, there's even a stealth mission in the Italian campaign. It also had a bug that made me have to restart because it didnt trigger things right.
Then I get that they wanted to do their own thing, but there's a Bari mission where you're stuck in the castle age against enemies with elite flame towers, it takes you 3-4 armies to bust down their imperial age walls. The Dracula campaign has a "risk" mission of capturing certain towns (black), but the teal base has a long walkway the width of a gate, so your men have to march halfway across the map to bash against heavily protected walls with no trebuchets (pic related)
All in all, I dont think I'll ever replay a FE campaign with the exception of their 1-offs

Attached: Dracula_level_2_map.png (337x175, 105K)


The campaigns get progressively better, assuming you play them in sequence, but no voices altogether. The other expansions have much better scenarios, and are fully voiced.

the campaigns were tedious as fuck too, the enemy ai just fucking hurls units at you nonstop

Any steam workshop mods worth getting?

I had to get the one that changes food icon back to the steaks rather than lame ass wheat.

The Enrico Dandolo campaign is really good. The missions have a nice variety to them without feeling gimmicky

Will the remake be any good?

What remake?

Not sure what they're gonna remake this time around, I mean the graphics are fine as is and I'm not a fan of the desaturated brown-ish graphics in AoE1HD, and I doubt they'd remake it to look like this:
Not to mention that it'll probably be Win10/WinStore exclusive

Cataphract mod makes them look super pretty.


> Forgotten at the bottom
That's right. It was a fan-made mod so it's natural that the campaigns are broken, but they weren't fixed when Forgotten was made an official DLC.
> AoK that low
I still believe that Genghis Khan has the best campaign.
Overall, Conquerors campaigns are the best.

I remember how the wolf attack sounds were just the most horrific thing to my eight year old ears.

Anyone know of any mod that increases the unit cap of the campaign?


A good game but looking at pictures doesn't tell me that and a 10 minute YouTube review seems to just scratch the surface

Online is shit because no-one has read up on this 20 year old game and wonder why they get shitstomped

Bring back the old Yea Forums days where it was just 8 idiots making a mess.

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Is there a definitive version of this game?

god damn traffic congestion

Forgotten Empires campaigns fucking suck, but the African Kingdoms and Rise of Rajas ones are pretty good and more in line with AoE II/AoC ones, although probably tougher.

Depends what camp you're after. The HD re-release still gets officially supported and it's fine for casual play, but the original CD release still sees use and people still actively play it on Voobly. I think modding brought in the later expansion stuff over to the latter.

My mom used to play this game and taught me how to rush. many years later i get scathing messages because i spam archers and carvery literally the second i get feudal age.

Forgot to mention that the AoAK/AoR campaigns do have voice acting. Overall they're a lot more polished.

Attached: AoK HD 2015-12-19 20-31-26-57.png (1920x1080, 3.2M)

Reminder that shitty-ass Blizzard has done absolutely nothing to improve the bot AI with the Starcraft Remaster whatsoever and likely never will

a "definitive edition" is coming in a few years, but if AoE DE is something to predict what it will be don't expect anything too fancy
HD is fine for SP and casual play but the game shits itself on team games and big maps
Voodly version (you can use your HD version and the compatibility patch to use it) is a bit weird to use at first, but it runs like butter and it's the only way to play online without constant lag and drops

there's plenty of players on both, but HD has more casual play and scenario I would say, which, as I said, doesn't work very well. I stopped using HD years ago and I never looked back
>I think modding brought in the later expansion stuff over to the latter.
correct, wololokingdoms is the mod, you need the HD expansions tho

Imagine unironically playing this pozzed game

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So what? In African Kingdoms you can take control of the Portuguese and mow down Indians and Africans with gunpowder units in their campaign.

The devs/campaign description doesn't encourage anything of the sort. The entire Saladin campaign is one big muslim circlejerk at the expense of Europeans.

>i'll never fuck katie
>i'll never find a girl like katie
>even if I do she probably has a bf.

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It's narrated from the perspective of a European knight who was probably taught that the Arabs were vile inhuman demons and so he's surprised accordingly. The one glaring flaw in the narration is presenting the Saracen front as somehow completely unified (past the first scenario, I guess) even though they had lots of infighting between various lords just as the Europeans did.

To build a castle, you must first advance to the next age!

>be shitty player
>decide to try some aoe2 for some comfy gameplay
>play on the defaulty difficulty which I think is easy
>game is way too fucking easy
>raise the difficulty just one step
>get absolutely crushed
I just wanted some comfy gameplay man

Don't forget:
Keep exploring the map

They do in AoE 1


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Nah, only slingers do, stone throwers and ballistae cost wood and gold

How do I conquer China and get past that wall?

AoE 1 Definitive Edition had a rough, buggy release, and it took them like a fucking year to smooth out all the issues with unit pathing and AI bugginess, as of right now it's pretty good. They added lots of QoL features from AoE 2, like being able to walk over farms and re-seed them by right clicking, or just enable auto re-seeding at the granary. Also rally points for unit production and being able to queue up multiple researches on one building. It's bretty gud

praise the lord

Slavs. Their farming bonus is bad ass since they fixed the bug that made it not work.

Post the one with the fuckton of elephants and somebody saying holy fuck in the chat

Not elephants, but there are a few of these moments.

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You fool! I'll select a small group of villagers and make short work of your ram! Too bad I accidentally double clicked and now my entire economy is out of my walls!


That's not as bad as hearing the fucking jingle when you already lost someone to a monk and you were no where near it
>tfw ambushing the enemy when they sneak some monks into your base and convert them to the dark side

Is it me or GB far much more fun that aoe2? I think everyone should give it a try if they haven't yet. with the definitive mod.

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But goths excell at early game skirmishes

Attila! That boar would have killed me, had you not intervened. A pity that no-one will ever learn of your loyalty. ARCHERS, ATTACK!

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>your army is on the other side of the map
>lone killdozer rolls up on your fortifications
I always kept one or two guys behind for this reason

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They came from, BEHIND!

Attached: 3.png (1024x562, 623K)

>there will never be a city builder with AOE2 graphics

H-hey guys... can I play too?

Attached: 87277-star-wars-galactic-battlegrounds-clone-campaigns-windows-screenshot.jpg (800x600, 128K)

Attached: 2.png (1920x830, 3.36M)

I was impressed when this mod came with a Jakku random map with the derelict star destroyer in the middle as a cherry on top,

Attached: 4.png (1024x562, 301K)

I played the shit out of this as a kid, I didn't like how every race's units aside from uniques looked the same in AoE2.

They added a shitton of units, including unique units from SW battlefronts and empire at war, the put Zanns Consortium faction, I was impressed how detailed and complete this mod fell.

Attached: 6.png (1024x562, 1.3M)

>Play Senate
>Take any Jedi or Sith unit to upgrade station, bring a holocron too
>Stand on trigger point and pay nova crystals to increase unit max health
>drop and pick up holocron over and over
>Unfixed bug gives unit infinite HP

I wish you could build civilian buildings in rise of nations

Attached: 5.png (1024x562, 216K)

with halo on steam we have some hope of it not being ms exclusive

Attached: aoe.webm (600x450, 2.78M)

The games from Impressions like Caesar and Pharaoh are the closest you can get.

W-what mod?

Bruh moment

Expanding fronts

Attached: 7.png (1024x562, 177K)

Why the fuck are the goths in Finland, they should be were the Huns are.

Attached: 1488699272701.png (800x2700, 632K)

Rate my formation.

Attached: wfell.jpg (1920x1080, 2.39M)

WTF why is my theme Yotsuba B now, I had it set to Yotsuba

DuraArmor = Pierce armor in GalBat and probably the most important armor type, most units do blaster type damage, Melee armor only works against sith/jedi and wookie berserkers.


too bright

It's been 10-15 years since I last played the campaigns yet I can still hear them in my head
Is this a case of nostalgia or SOUL?


Attached: 1558125724821.jpg (686x813, 49K)

lol wut

Based and Winterfellpilled