Should playing videogames in public be shamed?
Should playing videogames in public be shamed?
No, but carrying around a shitphone that tracks you and rapes your privacy should and all you kids seem to have no problem doing that.
not really, it's not cringe if chad does it
what sad dilapidated third world country is this a picture of?
People do it all the time now on their phones, you'd know that if you left your house, incel.
based nintendi playing animal crossing
It only looks bad if you're unattractive
no because it's nobody's business what anyone does in public as long as they aren't interrupting everyone else. Like in this image, who the fuck cares if he plays a game in public, now if he had the volume all the way up without headphones, then yes, he should be shamed.
Stop making these threads
I was thinking Australia initially because we have a chain called World of Tiles here, but the logo's different, so I don't think it's our one.
it literally says ITALIA right there you illiterate nigger
if i ever see some gachafags playing on their phone ill fucking throw them on the trash can and force them to eat their own device
No need to care if you look like that.
ok buddy
At least he's outside
When Chad plays games in public hes quirky and nerdy in a cute way
It's not the game that should be shamed it's the fat fucks
You'd grab their phone, they'd grab you, you'd scream and throw it on the ground while trying to punch them, they'd push you down, and you'd run away crying.
>everyone shit chain and its dog includes words like 'Italia' to make it feel fancy
Honestly, I feel sorry for you. Really.
fuck amerisharts.
This is ireland
Being overly negative should be shamed. This also applies to shaming others. Basically, shut the fuck up and mind your own business, or perhaps make a friend.
Yes, when phone emulation goes all the way to the dreamcast without a problem there's literally no excuse to carry a DS around unless you're severely autistic and need "the buttons"
I never go outside or shower unless it's an emergency so you have to give guys like him credit.
how old are you?
whats your end game when your parents die?
it also says world of tiles.
imagine being so fat that you can't even tie your shoes
that's Sweden
>I never go outside or shower unless it's an emergency
do you smell like left over mac and cheese that's been in the refrigerator for too long?
if youre worrying about what other people do with their own free time then youve got bigger problems than judging others
What does that mean? 1
How? 2
What's shame? 3
How can the public shame any individual anymore? 4
Seriously, I need to know how to experience shame in public, it's important, it's constantly being asked of me to exhibit or experience shame and the public's behavior has out competed me so I don't know how to experience shame or exhibit shamefulness. Pic related.
Do I literally have to type out (LOL I AM BEING SARCASTIC GUYS DON'T WORRY) for you to understand?
Wtf is shame?
I'd guess UK
>i was only pretending to be actually it was really clear you were being ironic but amazingly the internet is filled with aspies and normies nowadays
Have sex
why would you post a picture of a guy looking at an empty shelf
Why do people take pictures like this?
Its not about playing in public. Its because if you are an incel everybody will laugh at you.
I've done nothing but masturbate, play games, and post here since I graduated four years ago.
>whats your end game when your parents die?
I'll be surprised if I outlive them. I don't need them anyway since I'm leeching off gubmint money.
Probably, I've gotten used to my stench so I can't really tell you.
bend over
>Normies sit around watching tv and browsing facebook all day
>Go outside and wait for the bus
>Continue browsing Facebook
>Some autist whips out his DS
>''Haha, look at this looser playing video games in public!''
To make themselves feel better about their own shitty lives.
>modern western society literally results in this and we're somehow all still happy about it
I will never stop being mad at the world we've been given.
shh it's okay user i'll protect you from these bad people taking your pics
What the fuck is he wearing?
Th-thanks but also fuck normies
Not really, but you should be shamed for being ugly in public.
kill yourself
ftfyfoc newfriend
negativity feeds negative people and gives their miserable existegive a sense of satisfaction if only for a short while
>phoneposter philosophy
And / or short. Embarrassing!
I can't, I broke my fronthole after dilating too much
You can tell just by looking at this guy he throws sperg fits
Inhale gas
Reminder, you can do just about anything in public if you have a somewhat athletic stance and are /fit/.
playing vidya on public transport would be nice, but i rarely ride it since i own a car. i have a ds emulator on my phone just in case, e.g. doctors office, plane ride, etc.
uh, sneakers, tracksuit bottoms, a polo, and a hoodie?
even grab women by the pussy
>morbidly obese people playing Bing Bing Wahoo 2
Yeah, nah Bruce
/fa/ would murderer that thing
t. Dude who lives like ten minutes from that exact bus stop
Dublin Bus poster is solid proof too
Why aren't the doors made out of wood?
how are you going the explain the 4 year gap when youre eventually forced to seek employment ?
What is the purpose of not showering? Even if no one else has to witness your disgusting self, you still feel like a grimy sack of shit.
Like, how do human beings live in places like this and not just aspire to throw their lives away frivolously? How can you feel invested in a place like this? How can you feel meaning or worth in such an environment?
I brought my Vita to college all last week to kill time, literally everyone in the CS department is an autist so nobody cares.
I'm not going to kill myself because it's a gross rainy day and I have to take the bus if that's what you're implying.
only if you're ugly
You sound like you're the one that needs to commit suicide
what the fuck? It's just a bus stop
Say you didn't need to work to support yourself? I don't understand this meme.
Dude looks (and is) based as fuck.
you mean you can't find any other reason to shame that blimp?
>normies watch tv (for social reasons) and socialize all day
>they make fun of you when you aren't social
this guy fucking rules. fashionable, yet comfortable.
T. Rex
I'm pretty sure that's an industrial or commercial area and they probably work there.
It's a long slab of concrete with prefab shops selling fuckall as far as the eye can see. How are you not depressed by this image?
i guess he just gets used to it
personally i literally cant function if i dont change my clothes daily, brush my teeth or shower
i mean some days ill skip a shower day every now and then, but i always feel guilt and disgust when i do
other than that, i feel greasy, itchy and irritable if i dont wash
can imagine the smell of urine and sweat of this guy through he internet
>obese autist
>nintendo console
like clockwork
Because I'm of sane mind. I don't look out the window see some rain and the sidwalk and start loading my shotgun.
Hiring managers will look down at this reply. They'll take it as you implying that when you reach a certain point of financial freedom in the job you've applied for that you'll quit. Why even bother hiring you?
Nigger it's early in the morning I don't give a shit about an image that has been posted multiple times on this board. Are you fucking high or something?
This is an industrial shithole and the people who actually live around it are honest to God scumbags.
Just drive ten minutes west and everything's way nicer
based euro
you shouldn't really give a fuck about what strangers think unless all those people that will see you gaming in public will play a major role in the outcome of your life
you're fucking autistic lmao
Idaho actually.
>the weather sucks today let me just kill myself
dude what
How does it imply that? People work to support themselves. If you don't have to work to do that then you don't have to. No one is going to work for the fuck of it just to say they did. Obviously if they're looking for a job then something changed. No one looks for a job just to quit it.