Risk of Rain host soon

Risk of Rain host soon,

Attached: Risk of Rain.gif (500x375, 595K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Risk of Reddit

Attached: 1553110197983.png (446x435, 79K)

host never

Attached: 1440101916661.png (472x472, 94K)

no acrid
no buy

He (not) cute
Host soon with mods.

Attached: 1558328848501.png (600x657, 13K)

Risky 1, not 2.

Attached: risk_of_rain__by_rocketpen-d7rb6hk.gif (700x682, 1.39M)

update when, hotpoop

i swear to shit if it's only like 5 items added i'm gonna be a giant pissbaby

I'd like to see 10.

Attached: Get the reds.png (650x450, 96K)

All healing. Frost Relic nerfed.

'Bout five more minutes.

Attached: 1455498114102.png (1330x748, 32K)

Here we go. Risky 1 players, download Mod Loader if you haven't already: rainfusion.ml/
Top left corner. Then download this:
Stick the contents of it inside Risk of Rain>ModLoader>mods

It contains Dead Drop, UES Prime, and a utility addon to aid in UES Prime's functionality. Dead Drop adds two characters from Dead Space, a technician, and Carver. UES Prime adds an imp, Providence, a plague doctor character, and a character who specializes in explosives.
>Sounds OP and broken
They're actually quite balanced and a boatload of fun. UES Prime also adds six artifacts we can potentially fuck with:
Every 90 seconds spawns a boss
Spawn at the teleporter, but double the teleportation charge time
Items are doubled during the round, but half are taken away upon next stage
Items are shuffled upon new stage
Player cannot jump for a short period after taking damage
Health never increases upon leveling up, but stats increase significantly more than normal.
Modloader lets you copy and paste ips, now. It also comes with a TAB menu where you can see everyone's item stats, including the clover count.

Note: You may have to edit the save inside ModLoader's directory if Engineer is blacked out for you. CTRL+F engineer until you find this line:
"Vanilla-unlock_engineer": X,
Edit "X" to be 40.

Note2: These are early versions of these mods. Not that they're buggy, but the guy behind them is making a final version with certain graphics changed (particularly for Rocket) which should be out in a few days or a week.

I'll be hosting for about three hours, periodically bumping if nobody joins right away.

Attached: 1445990797841.jpg (680x497, 103K)

Changelog: saturnyoshi.gitlab.io/RoRML-News/2019/05/18/release-notes-0.3.0.html

Attached: Commando4.jpg (746x1000, 94K)

Oh, shit, I forgot. UES Prime contains two characters that are BLATANTLY unfinished: Vanguard, and 4-TRESS. They are horribly unbalanced and completely break the game. Do not select them for multiplayer.

Dead game.

Attached: 1481162247496.png (300x300, 5K)

I'm going to wait for ROR2 to release so I don't get burnt out before all content is put in the game.

No RoR2 here, user.

Don't download this, it creates mustard gas.


this, can confirm, my cat died


Attached: 1527584609939.png (1907x887, 54K)

Attached: 1544593241310.png (1104x1542, 673K)

Attached: 1450593222339.png (1000x757, 80K)

>white jellies

Attached: ss+(2019-05-24+at+05.19.41).png (1680x1050, 70K)

2/10, still open.

Attached: Risky.png (1920x1080, 978K)

Still open, 2/10.

Attached: 1449502668118.png (1736x1346, 2.13M)

>still no new RoR2 content
Goddammit June hurry your ass up I'm getting bored

Attached: 12423546.gif (500x363, 627K)

Hopoo took the money and RAN

I can't believe Risk of Rain is fucking dead.

tell me when open pelase



Attached: 1554834224749.png (680x821, 30K)


Attached: 1545678495437.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)

Kek love those comics

it's late/very early in the only relevant country

3/10, still open.

Attached: oh fug2.png (777x658, 40K)

I'll be waiting user

Attached: DyrmiR_UwAARqN4.jpg (749x746, 50K)




Attached: 1463603708160.png (640x640, 28K)

Attached: 1558201468516.jpg (600x450, 12K)

Attached: Commando13.png (1300x866, 1.28M)

What did they meme by this?

Attached: ss+(2019-05-24+at+08.23.37).png (1234x109, 16K)

Attached: 1543467725166.png (800x600, 46K)

Attached: 1558244485992.jpg (636x452, 155K)

The launcher has detected a game crash.
Process exited with code CFFFFFFF
Loaded mods: Dead Drop, item-removal-lib, UES Prime,

Game output:
Attempting to set gamepadcount to 12
DirectX11: Using hardware device
Collision Event time(microsecs)=1024
Currently running a non-GMHyper build. Some things may not work as intended.
create stream 300000
create stream 300001
create stream 300002
create stream 300003

>it actually crashed
So that was peak modded RoR1 huh?


Attached: Screenshot_1.png (1912x1079, 149K)

The holy 4tress run can't be stoped

Attached: 1556412230267.png (840x510, 13K)

More of these names?

I have Possibility of Precipitation and Danger of Dousing, but I've seen people come up with others.

Mod round over, vanilla Risky

Attached: CHA-D.png (768x1024, 22K)

Im coming user, let me get some tea


Attached: Blazing Titan.jpg (680x738, 112K)

anyone want to play 2? I can host on eu

Next time lads.

Attached: 1557870112082.png (750x500, 80K)

>not miner

Attached: Risk of Rain miner.jpg (500x550, 26K)

Update will release at June 30th.

NA Risky 2 host soon.

is the lewd mod dead?

too many WORMS

action number 1
of Step Event0
for object objServer:

Variable oPrePlayer.free(100129, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_set_position
stack frame is
gml_Script_set_position (line 0)

>get friend into ror2
>he asks me to help him get artificer asap
>sure man, but why
>I read a tier list and shes the best
>I mean shes not but we'll get her unlocked for you so you can try her out
>I mean shes gotta be better than this commando I've got hes like the lowest on the list
What fucking clowns are making these tier lists?

Attached: wut.jpg (1439x1439, 97K)

Unironically drizzlets.

Attached: Shrine of chance.gif (218x350, 1.84M)