Lobotomy Corporation

Trust the good Doctor edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for Cute Bird

fuck off
seriously, fuck off

what am I in for

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A test of how well-staffed you are once you realize what is going to happen after fighting.

I just have dudes from my security team lurking in my waw corridors for red noon
I'm guessing red dusk is more or less the same then


Pretty much. Clowns have layers like onions.

Could someone please explain what happened here?

Is it because I systematically executed everyone in the department because I need 5 WAW kills for a quest, and the only break out WAW I have is the Knight of Despair?

I'm kind of pissed because I have an aroused Mountain ALEPH now when I had been trying so god damn hard to keep the thing pacified.

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Imagine being so buttblasted that you falseflag as the fucking OP

If there are no more agents in a department, it gets a -50% debuff to success rate. You're essentially trying to order agents to do works in wiped out bloody departments full of blood, gore, and bodies without any live supporting staff when you send your agents in there.

a blob of fat just rolled over my level 1 control team

God damn, should have spread out my sacrifices between the departments then.

He's doing this on purpose isn't he?

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Imagine seething over being called out for making a /vg/ tier trash thread.

I dont get this image.

Finally someone caught on

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Sseth dropped a heroes 2 video and had a little segment with second trumpet in the background.

Why are you so sad, user?

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Previous threads:

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One of the easiest dusk ordeals.
Untill the two lard asses start to team up, synchronise their movement, and take out even your high level guys in two-three rolls.


Does your dumb falseflagging shit to get threads moved to /vg/ even work any more?

ultra based

>muh feelings waaah

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Who are you quoting?

>still coming back to the thread
jesus christ dude, just say seethe cope have sex all at once and move on with it.
Meanwhile, discuss why Angela did everything and why Bird is cute.

Not user, but op should cease the "edition" posting.


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Maybe he is gonna make a LC review in the future.


>on a good result, the qliphoth counter drops with a medium probability
>on a bad result, the qliphoth counter drops with a medium probability

fuck this pink flower-having bitch ass unicorn

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Thread derailed let's post lewds

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He's been trying to move Lobotomy threads to /vg/ since god knows when, and this thread is just another attempt. You'd do best to let it die.

What to use to kill Nothing There? I can tank him I just can't kill him.

Anything not red

I guess I just need aleph weapons or to get him before he transforms then. When he transforms I don't even see the HP bar go down.

>accidentally open welfare team when I was on 4th progress of disciplinary
>max disc. next day
>the abnormality I just pick didnt appear in welfare

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If you can tank him, you can kill him with anything not red

That's a rare tipphereth if i've ever seen one

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Rule 34 when

Yeah in how many weeks though

Somebody wrote one

I mean it's quite literally the strongest abno combat wise in the last form alongside QoH's fuck you form and maxed out mountain iirc
Read the tips user


It's perfectly possible to kill it in upgraded form.

>Read the tips user
Also the manual

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Yeah I just watched somebody do it on Youtube. No way I have enough DPS to do it without taking literal hours.

Learn to deactivate your bonus from panicking employees first you daft cunt

As soon as you have Hokmas core supression, Nothing there + none Red Aleph weapons, it's no art anymore.

by the time you finish Hokma Nothing There is easy to contain

Does anyone here play this on linux?

Yeah I have a little ways to go before I get there. At least I can keep it busy if I ever need to though.

Finally beat Gebura Suppression Took over an hour and was worried the game was going to memory leak on ending but it held.

No, because I'm not a cuck

>got [censored]
>the moment I send the guy in, damn thing breaks out and just wipes my entire base
Haha what

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Some user posted a link that at least seem to work to a degree
Go to options and make it clear every 5 mins while it's running in the background
Not perfect but better than nothing

Censored will instantly panic any employee that is not at least level 4 (or was it 5? I forgot) and reduce its counter. It's only got 1 qliphoth counter so it'll instantly break out.

huh, will check it out. Thanks user

Seeing so much censorship is deals fuckhuge SP damage and triggers escape on panic.
Even my Aleph geared maxed out workers lose more then half in first second, and black damage does not help.

>off all the sephirahs netzach is in
I'm glad the team is still trying to do unique concepts with their games.Wonder if we'll get to fight abnormalities in this
I hope we can get a lobcorp 1 type management game later on again though
Dont forget it making the same lv guys across the facility mad too :^)

Fair enough.

Still fluffy.

>also happens to have a really fucking good weapon
>also happens to have two of that said weapon
This is a dilemma if I ever saw one

That's not the reaction I expected nor wanted user

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That gay horse is annoying enough, but might resolve the problem of QOH temper tantrums.
The musician however...

SO has a rad ass armor and has a counter of TWO which means you can contently babysit it

I'm sorry to disappoint.

>Mountain of bodies gotta go fast rev up animation


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>McDonalds, McDonalds, McDonalds!

So how does your local serial murderer looks everyone?

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user tried to make a non edition thread.

>get to day 46
>old man tells me to restart if I wasnt ready
>I restart as I still had suppresions to do
>the first character I hire has the same name and hairstyle as my old first hire which made through it all, just with a different color and no longer thhe >.< face, finally opened her eyes up
This is a miracle, isn't it?Or was this an intentional thing by the game

I wouldn't call it just babysitting hen every time something goes wrong and his counter gets to 1 you have to
>create a squad of top tiers as tard wranglers
>trigger his meltdown o purpose
>engage in epic DPS race before he kills everyone
and you can't ignore him or he gets away with your energy the thieving fuck

Now Queen of Hatred
THAT is babysitting

Wow, his thread actually died


It's an accident.

It must be a sign.
She is the chosen one.
The prophecy is true.
Anoint her with the good Doctor's help.

>shoot three people


We're already at tard-wrangling Aleph's stage with Army in black and QoH, anons
We're gonna make it
Just gimme that fucking gift you fucking pink asshole I already got Binah's double chance shit fuck you


But user
QoH is just a WEW
That sure hits like an ALEPH

Supress her.

Get your information team leader to max temp ASAP
Intentionally let some abnormalities out from time to time
Good luck, manager
Her snek form is quite literally classified as an aleph user

Don't open.

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I actually did suppress her because i've been farming Der Blackguy for justice so I have a firing squad of justice V chads ready to spank her. Problem is she happens to kill enough of my clerks that Big Birb breaches and eats through my agents because QoH already killed all of the clerks

Do you have Der Shooty? The friendly fire drawback, both Ego weapon and hiring him, may not be such a bad thing

Keep someone in borb duty, you can at least keep him confined for a long time with enough good work

Because most already settled down on this thread.

W-wait you mean I can "Hire" Der shooty to keep QoH calm? H-holy shit user that's genuinely clever. Does Der shooty contract killings count as employee deaths for big borb?

It probably does but who cares, borb has a counter of fucking 5
Just shoot once and keep it happy for the rest of the meltdown

QoH and Borb both work off clerk deaths. To keep one happy you're gonna have to piss the other off

Yes. It's regular damage but Big Borb does not teleport compared to bitch of hatred.

Unfortunately the deaths do count towards Big Bird. Only execution bullet deaths don't count

Time to restart from day 1 again

Netzach brings into the fujobux, there's no way he wouldn't be shown first.

How much more red can Gebura get?

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I'm sorry i failed you all

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>friendship ended with seraphs now abnormalities are my best friend

It's fine user, see you all on /vg/.

is it normal to get burned out on this game within an hour?

Bowl of small Snow White's Apple's on the table when
Old hag by la luna when
Teddy in the same chair with a kid abnormality when

>man and his imaginary friends

What am I supposed to do with this thing? I thought you just needed maximum fortitude for it, but that's apparently not enough.

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it's normal to get burned out for a bit after failing a day or knowing that you fucked up, but I usually comeback pretty quickly.

>I thought you just needed maximum fortitude for it, but that's
My poor little user

Well, I'm a fucking clown it seems.
I figured it out

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I-I am still a good Sephira. R-right manager?

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search the archives im sleepy

>general falseflagging on both sides
>unironic e-celebs (PLURAL) flaunting their channels in the threads
>cringe porn
>namefags and notorious tripfags
They were right, you guys can't act normal for 1 week

>falseflagging is literally just (you)
>no e celebs in the thread at all
>using normalfag terms to shit on porn of all things
>tripfags tripfagging

>unironic e-celebs (PLURAL) flaunting their channels in the threads
I remember one and he didn't even link it
>namefags and notorious tripfags
There's more than one tripfag in these?

>>general falseflagging on both sides
Checkmate falsenegro

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