The witcher 1

When does this get good?

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it doesn't

Witcher 1 is a few kino moments interspersed with one of the dullest 3PRPGs ever made. Sorry you got meme'd, but if you manage to make it to the end it almost makes up for the tedium.

The witcher games just get progressively better by about 1000 miles each time

the first 1 is not very good, the 2nd is pretty good and the 3rd is very good

sadly it doesnt
the actual gameplay is fucking pathetic, i dont even know how the fuck it made enough money to warrant a second game
youd have to be retarded storyfag that only plays for the story to actually enjoy this game

After the swamp. The atmosphere is pretty god tier throughout though.

>this is Yea Forums now
The game is great wish shit gameplay. Get some taste retards.

why the fuck are you playing a GAME if the GAMEplay isnt fun

I thought it kinda picked up after chapter three.
Or whenever it is that you get out of that godforsaken city

kys zoomer

After you get into the city, you should already be hooked. It peaks at Chapter 4.
The prologue is the worst part of the game.

>all this shit taste not appreciating the comfy, chill rhythm-based combat as you farm for materials and vendor junk.

unironically a little over half way through. the last 2 chapters make it worth it tho.

If you are farming for anything in witcher 1 you are doing something very very wrong.

Gameplay constitutes more than the combat retard.

Chapter 1
It becomes pure kino with investigation arc in Chapter 2

>this is Yea Forums now
>game is great
>shit gameplay
yep your right, this is Yea Forums now

it's full of fucking retards that think they can call a game great and say it has shit gameplay in the same sentence

gonna be straight. it doesnt

The first part is great. It's part 2/3 that sucks ass

I'm not a zoomer and I've played them all as they came out

witcher 1 was an okay rpg with shit gameplay and a decent story

witcher 2 was a good story and decent gameplay

witcher 3 has a good story and good gameplay

it's not rocket science

Just because a game has good gameplay doesn't make it good.

and if it has bad gameplay it can't be a "great" game

when your tastes do. chapter 2

vomit inducing post, W1 is the best witcher game, but it has the most flaws. Flaws worth overlooking due to its heights. By the time the series got to 3, it became a sterilized, homogeneous product

if a game has shit gameplay i'm inclined to call it shit, user. do they teach you the difference between necessary and sufficient in Poland?

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W1 story >>>>> W3 story

>good gameplay
W3 stripped out everything that made witcher's gameplay interesting. Potion commitment is gone/severely reduced and equiping oils/side items is worthless due to how effective the basic sword swings are, not to mention how busted quen/aarden became

>vomit inducing post
>proceeds to post the worst post I've seen on Yea Forums

I can't tell if you're trolling or actually retarded

When you're not a faggot zoomer.
Go back to fortnite.

I think you should only stick with Witcher 1 if you're interested in the story. Gameplay is some of the most basic boring shit in the world

>prologue and chapter 1 are good

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the ending is fantastic, but you only understand it if you played the whole game.

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I liked W3 gameplay more than 1 or 2 but I can understand if you prefer 2. But I can't understand the preference for the first witcher as a GAME, not just as a story.

Witcher 2 no doubt did some good things with the gameplay and if you're into that, great. I preferred the vastness of Witcher 3 because I like to get lost in a seemingly never ending world, which Witcher 3 did an amazing job at.

>Potion commitment is gone/severely reduced and equiping oils/side items is worthless due to how effective the basic sword swings
How is that unlike W1? The steel sword kills both monsters and human enemies equally as well and the game is easy as shit.

Act 4 but unironically

Witcher unironically peaked at 2.

Anyone that claims 1 was great remembers two scenes and forgot most of the game.

Anyone that claims 3 was best was raised on Ubishill garbage and got distracted by HD brothel tits and bloom to much to recognize how shite it was to play most of the game.

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from the very start. All the witcher games are kino and pleb filters

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opinion discarded

from the get go
It's largely superior to 2 and 3 in spite of what zoomers might say.

> But I can't understand the preference for the first witcher as a GAME, not just as a story.
because it's the only one that goes out of its way to make you feel like a witcher, playing through 2/3 feels like playing any other action RPG and the combat is not good enough to justify removing those aspects from 1

>I like to get lost in a seemingly never ending world
fair enough

>how is that unlike witcher 1?
have you played witcher 1? You can use 2, max 3 potions if you go through the herblore level route before having to wait a long time before you could use another. W3 has you scarfing down potions since the toxic bar goes down crazy fast

>easy as shit
not as easy as 3

>endlessly arguing which pile of shit is worst
They all suck. There. The truth is out, let's just agree to finally put this Witcher bullshit behind us and push for actual good games again.

the swamp is the best part of the game

the combat is great, action combat like in later iterations is cancer

I'm talking about the sword swings, not the potions moron.

sword attacks alone arn't nearly as effective in 1 than they are in 3, preparation is key in 1

>please fetch me 3 drowner brains
>10 dog skulls
>6 ghoul bloods
>5 white pedals
Interesting game you got there zoomers.

if you're not farming it means you're not playing on the hardest difficulty.
fucking retard playing games on easy or normal

They're still really effective even without preparation. I'm still in the outskirts but have barely touched alchemy, so who knows maybe it changes later.

witcher 1 combat is a lot more tactical, requires research, potions, oils.
A lot more interesting than dodge rolling like a meme faggot

what mode are you playing on? and yeah outskirts ain't shit

When you stop being a pleb

witcher 1 is definitely not easy.
You should always play games on "hard", it's the real difficulty setting.

No mods. Goin in dry

Why the fuck would you bother playing a game on hardest difficulty that has a universally agreed terrible combat system? I'm not a masochist.

Hard is for replays, normal is for the first time. Why would you want to play a game that just scales damage? That's a shitty implementation.

I meant what difficulty mode

Hard mode is where W1's combat shines the most since you need to bother with all the additional stuff

Normal + OTS camera.

>Hard mode is where the shit gameplay is the best because you have to spend the most time shoveling through it

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because that is the one where mechanics are necessary.
normal difficulty is casual cruise mode, like in all other games made after 2000. If you're not playing on hard you're just not playing the real game.

Also Witcher 1 is universally agreed to have a great combat system, it's just not casual friendly so zoomers like you don't like it.
It is understood they dumbed down the combat with 2 and 3 so that they could make it more casual and have wider appeal.

For me it got good as soon as I left Kaer Morhen in the prologue.
Everyone seems to hate the outskirts and the devil dogs but I loved that part. I loved how dangerous the path between the village settlements felt after dusk and I loved how there were village watch guards. I think I fell in love with it when I got the quest to escort that girl that works in the inn back home.

The combat is glitchy as fuck. Geralt constantly stops attacking and gets stuck on shit. It's mechanically flawed.

set that shit to hard

Have you ever considered playing Final Fantasy XV? It's right up your alley, all you have to do is hold O and occasionally use an item

>If you're not playing on hard you're just not playing the real game.
Says this about Witcher 1
>Also Witcher 1 is universally agreed to have a great combat system
In what alternate dimension?

Yeah, you're just retarded.

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