ITT: Antagonists that could have been redeemed

ITT: Antagonists that could have been redeemed.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

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Attached: 1446130561584.png (300x377, 134K)

He was really only trying to do what was best for everyone, but his methods were terrible.

Attached: Baron_Praxis.png (340x610, 263K)


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...good attempt?

If you read it very carefully, it says mangos

What the fuck am I reading?

Attached: 15542157794.png (367x337, 306K)

I got that, but it seems like he fucked his spacing somehow.

I don't think you really understood the story

He didn't want to be redeemed, it's why he jumped off.

It was meant to look like this, but obviously Yea Forums can't handle the B I G M A N G O

Attached: THEMANGOSARTHUR.png (602x116, 11K)

Is it bad that I don't entirely disagree with what Armstrong says? Like, mostly in his whole 'dream' speech . Of course, that's ignoring the plethora of stuff he had a hand in like the whole "harvesting the brains of children and turning them into killers", but, still.

Attached: ccf.jpg (680x508, 38K)

It's got a very individualist/pure freedom appeal but the problem is that he ignores/doesn't care about the destruction his plan would cause.

He's a hardliner in that he doesn't really care about destruction or human cost, but the interesting thing is that he's not trying to build a utopia, but simply destroying the current system because he believes man naturally thrives in times of adversity and struggle. His speech and theory is overrall correct, but you need to be pretty desperate and disgraced yourself to think that he really is what humanity needs, you need to be in that disilussioned and blackpilled mindset where you think that the ends can justify everything.

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the real antagonist of the jak series is naughty dog for shitting out jak 2 and 3 after the masterpiece of 1.

>Is it bad that I don't entirely disagree with what Armstrong says?
ofcourse not

Attached: ancap 24.jpg (640x724, 119K)

why is his shirt so pixelated?

Attached: anon gets tricked tw(...).jpg (125x49, 1K)

Honestly loved 2 and 3 personally but not really a fan of the precursors being ottels, was actually enjoying them just being very mysterious beings that only show themselves through vessels / light

>Hard times make hard men.
>Hard men make good times.
>Good times make soft men.
>Soft men make bad time.
>Lets make bad time then.
Big brain play

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He's an accelerationist too, which is why he's running on the most jewish neocon position he can. The whole point is to fail so hard that people start doing shit on their own instead of buying into the government kool-aid, and I'm sure Senator Armstrong can survive on his own with those fucking nanomachines

Attached: 1445898384246.jpg (640x960, 55K)

Armstrong shows that just because you can make good critiques of the system, doesn't mean you have good solutions.

Why is this game so full of shit eating grins, and why does the police look like replicas of de gaulle?

Attached: hhf.png (1186x726, 1001K)

Attached: The Rebel and his Queen.jpg (1024x576, 140K)