Your T-1000 unit should arrive within an hour. Good Luck

Your T-1000 unit should arrive within an hour. Good Luck.

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Will the new terminator be ahit?

Imagine needing a Terminator to defend you

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>flaming bull from sekiro
well ok

Yes. Series should have ended at 2

>AT Luna
Sorry arnie but we have to hide now.

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someone more familiar with touhou lore will have to tell me.

How many LBs do we get?

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>The Devourer of Gods
Nah I’m fucked

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>A hat in time toilet
Considering how hat kid is a kid, it shouldn't be too bad

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The one Sand Which broad from Corruption of Champions.

Same but instead of the sand witch it's the Nameless Horror. I think I'm fucked

>Hand of the King from Dead Cells

Well, I beat him with a single gauntlet and some ice bombs, so I think I'll be fine.

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Yes, just like every Terminator after 2

>Some random PMC from Division 2.

Arnold will murder them in about 2 minutes at most.

oh no

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A big ass chicken from 100% OJ. Should be fine as long as the dice gods fuck off.

the Norsca Chief boss from Vermintide 2
I survive

>Arnold takes on the Arsenal Bird

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>the first boss in Dragons Crown, a low level harpy

I think I'm going to be OK

Just finished the first chapter of Danganronpa 2 so I guess Teruteru? I'd be fine.

i think im gona live

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Pretty sure I can just step on it and it'll die, considering your party was shrunken down when you fought it.

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All nine nazgul including the witch king. I think I'm fucked lads.

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vergil dmc3 im fucked

Nah dude they wouldn't be able to find you without the ring.

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The gray gargoyle in the end of the first chapter in Blood.
If my terminator can dodge and has a lot of bullets, we are fine.

Ehhhhhh I dunno.

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>Cleric Beast
I actually have no idea.

>Nyarlathotep from persona 2 ep

>Been most playing MP games lately
Some demon in nuDOOM, I think. I'm probably pretty fucked.

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What game were you playing?

>Malos and super form Jin
Unless Arnold can get a aegis I'm fucked

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Oh so can I wear him like armor?

Must be shadow of war

Unless my Terminator comes with a free Nero, it was nice knowing you anons.

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Dude, that game is so fucking good.

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Your Terminator was patterned after Nero and hand-crafted by Nico herself. Enjoy your little punk robot saying "FUCK YOU" over and over again while working out its daddy issues.

Nah, Vergil would beat it because it doesn't have the human spirit needed to push beyond the ultimate odds.

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I'll be fine.

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