Dark souls is hard

>dark souls is hard

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Other urls found in this thread:


This thread sucks. Post the kids

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they suck too

To be fair I'd rather be a part of a society founded with principles of etiquette and amibition than be a shitskin able to tolerate extremely spicy food

Worthy trade-off really

Will mayobois ever recover?

Post the uncensored porn ones

what the fuck is this shit

minority: haha white people can't handle spicy food
white people:

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What does it look like?

>going to the bathroom is hard

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>the state of whites
time to man the fuck up, bitch

why is that dude in their bedroom?

>draws his self insert like a shounenshit side character
90% sure the autor is mexican.

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white people: *invents society*
nigger "people":

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Jesus all the characters of this comic are absolutely retarded and cringe worthy. Is the author 10 years old or something? If so at least the art is nice, for a child. If not it's fucking pathetic.

What by eating food of far higher quality than Nando's?

I already do that

no clue that's the question fuckfuck

>Casual racism is okay if it's against "white people"

concentrated tumblr cancer. but that's still a wide range of possibilities

>white people getting so triggered over food that they go on ultra racist tantrums because of it

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Is the long haired thing a woman or a man, and why the hell does (s)he looks like a crazy person?

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White people like spicy food, shut up mexicoid

>implying poltards stay in their containment board and don't invade literally everywhere
I wouldn't be surprised if these faggots legit break into houses to puke their dumb propaganda on random people

digital art is so subjective of skill these days. I mean you can trace any body you want and the program does all the filters and shading itself. Fuck You really don't need much to get into it besides a BASIC understanding of Drawing. And by that I mean understanding shading, lighting, Anatomy (This last one is subjective in western art) basic shit. One day I will stop being lazy and buy a cheap tablet and churn out porn for easy autisim bucks.

Who the fuck throws used toilet paper anywhere other than the toilet? It's even made to break down extremely quickly when exposed to water.

Unironically better than the original.


Enjoy your backed up septic tank and/or sewer lines

>american cuisine

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In some (third world) countries the toilets are not built for that and it clogs the system. Saw it happen in Chile, for example

I want to hatefuck that gullible moron into next week.

Attached: No, soccer balls are only my SECOND favorite type of nuts... Er- I mean balls. Sports balls. Yeah..p (700x967, 318K)

That's Mexican

Jesus Christ.

Some people browsing this website are fucking mentally ill.

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Not been a problem for me literally ever. You sure you aren't wiping your ass with paper towels? Because those are not made to be flushed, toilet paper is.

>white guys asks for spicy
>refuse to give him something spicy
>get mad when he isnt eating something spicy

what is the argument here

Why is Vegeta being a condensing jackass?

Why is Vegeta serving gyros?


Because he didn't get his daily dose

Top tier prison gourmet

just let them have this one thing

Self hating am*ricans trying to come up with racist remarks, it seems.

user that's the test. Third World sewer systems can't handle TP.

Ghost rider was a great movie though, so was the first 2 raimi films.

I see boobs. That's good enough for me.

Girl. Apparently she's "really cross eyed" hence the spirals. She can fix it if she strains.

I love that despite it being absolute trash food, she puts those chips one by one with these claws like it's some fancy food

The absurd abuse of seasoning clearly shows that ain't american food.

>we waz principals n shiet

Spic countries

What the fuck, OP. Unironically find a fucking hobby.

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>actually liking spicy shit

Fun fact. Spices like curry affect your natural body odor and cause you to smell like absolute shit.

It also makes you have the nasties and foulest shits you ever taken and will burn the shit out of your asshole.

he and bullma had a discrete split after trunks. He is never around and has to pay his own bills. Because of libiral laws enacted by west city leftist, he most now pay child support even though bullma is rich. And because of his upbringing and non educational background he could find no other work besides working at a gyro store.

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>Taking nasty and foul shits isn't great

Somehow I sincerely doubt the comic creator is actually a muscular DBZ look-alike with a badass scar over his eyes and is not, in fact, an overweight mexican that is shorter than your average white man.

Change /pol/ to tranny and you'll get nouveou-Yea Forums

It's a comic about pol though. They were the subject, raised by Try again next time.


What's the name of this webcomic


Pretty sure that whiteoid could have handled the Bobby Sauce.

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I tried to fix the joke. Still unfunny and not true at all though.

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>brown people getting so triggered over literally any of the millions of things that make them inferior to whites that they post this thread every day because of it


>wanting an itchy asshole all day

I feel bad for people who hate types of food. Imagine missing out on a whole world of flavors because you decided to get butthurt over spices..

We posting Rock Throw edits?

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>spics think they look like goku
Why are they so obsessed with dbz?

Im probably the whitest mother fucker around and I have one of the highest spice tolerances of anyone I know

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Someone dump the twincest comic fast

>he could find no other work besides working at a gyro store
Why not just win money as a fighter
Frankly I don't know why chichi never did that, could have been a nice way to fit in some low power level fights to keep things varied.

The sheer ineptitude in this picture blows me away.
You don't need scissors to open crisps.
Pull the bag open like any normal person and then shake around the edges of the fucking ramen

Because cartoon dubs are the only cultural legacy of south america.

That standard tumblr art tho

>he doesn't leave his spicy BO in his wake

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Samefag upset on this

Contrary to what you might have been memed into, tp doesn't magically break down when it touches water. If a certain amount of tp builds up then it becomes a messy glob and it clogs everything and gets stuck everywhere. Also sanitary pads make an even bigger mess when women wrap those suckers using half a roll for each used pad.

t. I literally had to poke at huge balls of tp with a stick at a water treatment plant because it gets stuck to everything.


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Of course the american has to add pointless sauce to anything he eats.

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Some i can stand, but i dont understand SEA who add curry to everything

But hey i bet your missing out on them Haitian mud cookies.

Hashim isn't the author insert or main character. His whole thing is that he's a muscle freak that loves extreme sports, cooking, and fucking midget clowns.

It's easy to play with something for a few minutes, like having fun in a rekt or weird porn thread, and then leave. But doing the same shit again, and again, and again, a motherfucker needs to have at least some degree of actual non memetic autism to do something like this.

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>curry is spicy
Do you also think that cinnamon and cocoa are sweet?

If you have to coat your "food" in spices to the point that it's all you can taste than your country's cuisine is trash.

That has nothing to do with food, you're just disgusting

>add curry to everything
based retard

Americans are to whites what Argentinians are to whites.

>haha nigger jews 13% of the population lmao its a joke bro
>"white people can't eat spicy food"
>mu-muh society! Muh culture!
Whit*oids utterly exposed as pussies

Brought a smile to my face. Better than the original.

Does anyone have the fucking rise up edit of this one? I can't find it fucking anywhere.

Actually not bad, nice job

>can't distinguish between spice and spicy

Where did this steretyope come from?

Because he's a cuck, like every /pol/tard. See that briefcase? It's full of estrogen pills.

The true ending is them dying of super gonorrhea.

1. Why do people think he's a self insert?
2. He's an arab in the comic.

I fucking love mayonnaise and there's nothing you can do about it.

>he doesn't like Haitian mud cookies.
Why live?

It's due to the fact that americans only eat chocolate, so they aren't used to spicy food.
Of course, like everyone in that third world continent, they think everyone is like them, while the rest of the world thinks of America, both americas, as the Earth's zoo.

But they do

That has everything to do with food retard. Spicy foods will make your shits so hot it will scar your anus and make it itch. Like a hemeroid.


>americans are so fucking fat that even their racism is about food

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Americans eating at foreign restaurants, that think anything on buffalow wild wings menu is spicy so they think they can eat real spicy food and hurt themselves in the process

White person here, I can't fucking stand mayonnaise unless it's the garlic mayo this one deli near my house uses for their sandwiches, and even then I have to specify they go light on it.

>implying british or scandinavians have any room to talk

>Earth's zoo
that's Europe now

I like how whoever edited this added their interracial fantasies

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Running a restaurant that serves ethnic food. Spice tolerance is trained, euro food is mild, and so whites are usually unprepared for the spice and complain.


Pretty rich coming from somebody that isnt able to disgest even fucking milk without nuking their toilet few hours later

>eating at foreign restaurants
Why would you do this, non-European food is complete garbage.
Oh look, raw fish and mild dog.

Heavy spices are only good for covering up bad food that's nearly inedible.

what's the difference at this point

Ennui Go. I like it. Everyone is a combination of crazy and awful.

This feels like its written by someone that doesn't have many friends

>All this Wh*Toid seethe

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White people are the ones crossbreeding the hottest fucking peppers on the planet.

So, this is an american problem?
Please, contain your cultural cancer within your borders.

Get some better taste.

There is a natural correlation between tropical/subtropical climates, spicy plants, and melanin levels
Traditional foods are based on what's available.
White people are from temperate climates with a low prevalence of peppers and thus peppers don't factor into traditional cuisine

i aint reading all that shit

Sorry, I don't want to die of ass cancer in my mid-30s.
All trash, specially kebab, which is made out of unused animal grease.

Don't buy the store brand.

>white guy comes to this poor place
>asks for the hottest sauce
>gets something midly spicy, doesn't even get a bit of red on his face from it
>tries to act as if it was spicy so the owner doesn't get sad
>leaves and never comes back
Woah, so hardcore, epic white people hate

>white people cannot handle spicy food
>makes the spiciest peppers on the planet

thirdies need spicy food because of the low quality of the food they eat

stop coming to Yea Forums so often
have sex

more like this

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I miss Amerifat as an insult.
Amerimutt is just too try hard.

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curry isn't a spice, you mouthbreather. you can't "add curry" to something. curry is a leaf, and probably 95% of the things you call "curry" don't contain it
if you're going to talk shit at least educate yourself first.

spicy food is utter shit

didnt you saw King of the Hill, nigger?
dont flush stuff that doesnt come directly out of you.

Post the earlier comic.

Sorry that you got offended.

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Why not just fucking not pay? What are they going to do, arrest him?

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/pol/ let the white supremacists in, even the europoor ones, and degrading others for not being white enough is their favorite pastime.

why is Hispanic Zack Fair working as waggie?

Brussels sprouts smell pretty fuckin nasty, didn't she try other veggies? Those would make for more compelling webms.

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classic americans. propably trump voters,too.

Britain literally fought wars over spices
What do you think we were doing in India, retards


yet those peppers aren't meant for white people

I miss Americlaps and Clapistan.

Remember when literally every thread was talking about how Americans clap after the end of a movie or when their plane lands?
It seems like such a long time ago now.

Most americans don't vote.

she does that dish at least 200 times a day, thats a shitton of experience attained and im sure she already discovered the fastest and easiest method for each step of the preparation of it.

TL;DR, dont tell woman how to do dishes, just remind her she has to.

Has there been any other instance like LoK where the creators last minute changed a character to suddenly fit an online ship that (outside of the fan ships) had no lead up or hint that it was going to happen?

>Curry(pluralcurries) is a variety of dishes originating in theIndian subcontinentthat use a complexcombination of spices or herbs,
>spices or herbs
>spices or

Practice what you preach, imbecile

>Black people banter
>White people banter back in a much harder hitting way
>”F-Fuck whitey”

Lmao grow some balls

>Amerimutt is just too try hard.
You're coping here
Amerimutt is perfect

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if you ask a white person for potato salad they would just add salt to it and add something unnecessary like raisins

Saiyan pride. Vegeta doesnt work or steal. Canonically he would spend his time in the wilderness, training and eating megafauna.

Move to Singapore then.

>I miss Americlaps and Clapistan.
Shit, you're right. I fucking forgot about those.
I'm not American.

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Ironic how /pol/ is the least white board.


Spotted the UK fag

Brussel sprouts are fucking disgusting. Get her some broccoli or cauliflower, and some carrots and onions. Saute them up with a bit of grilled chicken, some salt and pepper to season.

ok bud stick to your classic eurocuisine like blood sausage and sheep kidneys

Potato salad is supposed to be bland and inedible to humans

most people don't vote.

wow you sound like an amazing cook

>"A-at least muh white ancestors were successful" sputters the /pol/fag.

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>america is the only country with people who fuck people who don't look like them
>good insult
It's an absolutely shit insult, HOWEVER, it is an excellent meme. All of the 56% monsters and shit never fail to make me smile and I'm one of 'em.

>To be fair I'd rather be a part of a society founded with principles of etiquette and amibition than be a shitskin able to tolerate extremely spicy food

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>not burgerclapistani

I will.
Stick to your hamburgers, tacos and cheetos, american.


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That's just so obviously wrong.
You could open that bag in a single fluid cut with those scissors, she makes like 8.
Sheer ineptitude.

sauteed has too much salt and I bet she has high blood pressure
just give her the vegetables boiled

I wanna fuck not!Jade


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Imagine being American.
Imagine being so fat, that even when you are trying to be racist, you are still talking about food.

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TP clogs drains you faggot. Don't flush it unless you wipe your ass. Use a trash can if you're using it for facial hygiene or whatever

found a white person

Yuro countries are far less mixed.
'murka is one of the most mixed first world countries.
I'm not even that racist

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>he doesn't like brussel sprouts

shit taste

too much words

>Mexican banter
>white people immediately attack blacks
Fixed that for you. The OP isn't black

oh boy here we go

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>working in India
>didn't know any better, ate an orange in the hotel in Mumbai
>youtube.com/watch?v=OhT0g9jULpw starts playing
>end up flooding the bathroom in my hotel room because I clogged up the toilet shitting liquid fury and putting too much TP in the crapper
>boss makes fun of me for the rest of the trip, calls me "big tex with the big shits" to random curryniggers and tells them not to feed me or I'll destroy their plumbing
Can't recommend going to India, the place is terrible.

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>potato salad
Do americans call things made with potatoes salads to make yourselves feel less fat or something?

Why would a white person say potato salad is inedible to humans

Fucking pussy

Imagine being European
Imagine being so beheaded by muslim rape gangs

my secret is that I poop and immediately take a shower , that's how I clean myself

is this a real stereotype? i've never had any problem with a lack of seasoning in my life

As opposed to being beheaded by MS-13, which is half of your country?

Whats hilarious is that when i moved out of the suburban echo chamber all the white people ate the most insanely hot foods and blacks would steer clear because of heart issues. Real shit.


Posting crummy kids? You should be posting a pail of water!

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But it is hard you nerd

Not super-excruciating-wingsofvii-soulsucking hard, but still hard

anyone has the uncensored comic leak?
i remember the author throwing a huge hissy fit because people wouldnt support his patreon for the lewds. i wanna upload it to a buch of places and send him email links while taunting him that no matter what he does the comics will always be out there.

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It's funny enough to be worth a chuckle now actually, but the author would probably hate it since it doesn't shit on wypipo

Echoing here, too many words for an otherwise okay (if middling) punchline
Also, why does the chick get a sudden case of manface in the last 3 panels?

Good job I'm European then

Brave of you to assume americans are white.

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>Mexican banter

Whitey is being attacked from all sides Pedro

How many times a day is this posted?

the term comes from germany

>do americans
yeah man

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>ywn be as pathetic as this meta contrarian

Fees based lads

Salad in the sense that it's a coarsely mixed dish, like a salad.

Could it be that America is dozens of times larger than most yuropoor countries and thus has much larger amounts of people from much larger amounts of places visiting it, thus breeding?

>the colonial new world is less ethnically/racially uniform than the old world
wow champ, how long did it take you to figure that out?