10 attempts and I still haven't gotten to the 3rd phase. How do I beat this cunt?

10 attempts and I still haven't gotten to the 3rd phase. How do I beat this cunt?

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You're just bad, if you're quick enough you can lock him out of pulling the spear out on second phase.

>find attack with longest recovery
>(optional) bait that attack
>dodge it, punish recovery
>run around in meantime
applies to every bossfight in any fromsoft game
woah hard game literally unbeatable

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I don't know about you, user, but I simply gave up.

Just parry him all the time

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in the spear phases just run around nonstop and bait out the jumping overhead slam, get a hit (or two if you're feeling cheeky) and run away again. A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory.

>instead of strafing right
any posture damage you do is healed unless he's below 50%, in which case its faster to just kill him normally instead of learning parry timings

The only reason I still have the game installed is mods. It`s a good game but got boring really fast and has little to no replayability.

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it takes a couple of seconds before he starts healing posture, so constant deflection doesn't give him time to regen. Also when he does the jumping slam with the spear you can dodge and get a free hit.

Few tips for phase one: if he does a little clockwise run around you, a fast thrust is coming. If he sheaths his sword, get close to him to force a push followed by a sweep (deflect then jump). I'm not sure you can land an ichimonji afterwards but I think so. If he does his own ichimonji, deflect right as he starts to descend the sword and punish it with whatever you want.
I haven't fought him in ng+ again yet so I'm a little rusty for phase two, but try to survive his combos without breaking your posture and you'll be rewarded with a mikiri for his thrust at the end. Be ready to deflect when he jumps away with a swipe of the spear. You can also use firecrackers to get a few ichimonji in to build his posture faster.
Phase three is phase two with lightning to take advantage of

just a matter of memorizing his moves. phase 3 is easier than phase 2 because it's the same thing except he throws lightning at you and that's a free hit with lightning reversal for you.

retarded ESL

Nigga the fight is stupidly faster if you keep pressure on his posture. Dragging it on for a melee kill isn't only less fun, it increases the chances of you fucking up and getting punished

>retarded ESL

the fuck are you talking about? that sentence is fine

the second phase is the biggest hurdle, he falls for the lightning meme in the third phase which makes it pretty fucking easy. Just persevere.

well I wouldn't know
I've beat him on 4th try and uninstalled the game right afterwards

It took me longer to git gud against phase one, phase two felt natural. Maybe it's because I fucking love spear enemies in this game, shame there's only two Ashina spears while shadows get three minibosses

For phase 2 and 3, bait him to shoot at you and when he does pop your fan shield out. Wait for the shooting to stop, move towards him, and then hit him with your fan and repeat.

I think everyone agrees SS is the best boss in the game. How many of you think demon of hatred is the worst?

I agree only because it's a bloodborne boss that doesn't work well with sekiro's combat.

Double apes are not far behind only because of the tiny boss area.