Why is this 60 fucking GB?
Why is this 60 fucking GB?
number one reason I mostly play older games is because of modern file sizes, like fucking hell having more than 5 modern games will fill out a harddrive
It's a big game
for you
Because it has to download the multiplayer, which is huge. I wish I had the option to just download the single player campaign.
>not having at least a 3tb ssd exclusively for games
what are you, a gay? they're not even expensive anymore
It's dubbed voice work for other languages that you also have to download
You can delete a huge part of the multiplayer.
They kept adding content to multiplayer, despite the fact that its shit. Everyone wanted single player dlc but they never delivered. Eternal when?
You can? How? I wouldn't have uninstalled the game if I knew I could do that.
Does a voice track really add that much to the game?
The size of the game is linked directly to the engine used.
First I heard of this. Just like I heard one guy going on about "megatextures" like a year ago.
how much is that in crumpets and teabags?
Yeah it mostly the multiplayer. There is a pirated version where you can choose to not install the multiplayer parts and the game will only be around 30gb
Bitcoun mining
i dunno, how's the conversion rate on gigabytes to currency (GBP) to food
thats somehow better than gta v and ffxv, which is 72 and 100 gigs respectively
My install of GTAV is 85 GB. So close.
How bad is the multiplayer?
Mostly multiplayer, snapmap and uncompressed sound files.
its like quake kinda, but its slower and has loadouts, not finding weapons in the environment. played it for about a week, never looked back
What did he mean by this?
To keep third world pirate babbys at bay
don't listen to zoomers Doom MP is fun
reminder that Google Stadia fixes this problem
>2TB game size coming to a datacenter near you
Wasn't RAGE like 28GB or something insane back in the day?
Something along those lines, yeah. Tons of unique textures, compressed to fuck and back.
Never have I maxed out a hard drive with games. If I really wanted to download a dozen large games at the same time I might upgrade, but that has literally never been the case.
Because of the "POWAH OF MEGATEXTURRS!!"
even a zoomer wouldn't prefer wi-fi, they just don't have a choice
>there are people still missing the point of what Mega Textures was for
Guess they never actually listened to Carmack
Uncompressed audio because jaguar can't handle compressed on consoles.
Is there any game designer that still works in the industry that has Carmack levels of autism other than than the man himself?
mega meme textures
because all of the levels use a megatexture, which is a ground-wide texture that covers all of the level, allowing it to be more detailed, but it ends up being a huge waste of space
Max Payne 3 was like 50GB in 2012
Yeah it's like if they compressed their audio they could definitely save GB worth of data, but nobody knows shit about audio and the music people want uncompressed for audio quality so we take the storage hit