>say gg ez
>they say "cope"
how do you respond against this?
Say gg ez
Other urls found in this thread:
"big cringe with a side of oof"
Just don't say gg ez in the first place.
how is it cope if you won?
Have sex
>have sex
Yikes from me
>using the chat at all
>not just dropping into games and leaving when you get your fill
How is "cope" a decent response in anyway? It begs only the response "cope?", because, what the fuck do you mean?
It doesn't matter. Cope overrides everything.
>not staying completely quiet while the enemy teams salt factories run at 100% production, and your lack of response only fuels them more
you must be new to this "online gaming" thing
Whenwill this normie maymay go away?
Nobody knows
That'll do, froggy.
That'll do.
Finally a good thread, none of that 'he's in' shit
call him an Incel.
Have sex
He's in
follow the chart
>no u
Sometimes the classics are the best.
>someone says 'gg ez'
>reply 'have sex'
is... is that it
is that the answer we've been looking for after all these years?
smelly brown feet
>minmaxing online banter
does it get any worse than this
The true answer is 'have sex with me'.
Here's the ultimate rebuttal:
Me? I drop a subtle 'nigger in his general direction.
This. Faggot deserves what he got.
Brown waifus are a gift from god.
why are brown feet so much cuter than sickly pale feet?
What kind of satanic pentagram is that
"lol u mad?"
Sneeeeeeeeeed my sneed! Sneed my sneed!
holy fuck i just noticed.
Why does the internet feel the need to come up with 50,000 arbitrary ways to say "fuck you"
I was here
It's actually a pretty terrible response and it never really works, but it's just so easy to say it because you don't need to think.
There are also no good replies for it so you either get ignored and """win""" or get a shitty reply like "have sex" and "win".
been great seeing Yea Forums go through virgin/beta/cuck/numale/soiboy/incel over the years and pretending its some epic new insult each time
me on the bottom-right
Do you even know how to read?
win. then you KNOW they gotta cope
Just say "projecting"
it's instant win for anything.
i miss when it was just "DESU" and hilarious images over and over
rip lungs
brown girlfeet are very smelly and toxic.
Bend over
>Click here
oh yeah that one too
T-thanks /fit/
And Yea Forums
And Yea Forums
But especially /fit/, which started all the worst memes
When will people wake up and realize that /fit/ has became worse than /pol/?
the bodybuilding community has been a disaster for the quality of exchanges on the internet
>gg ez
>u mad
>have sex
I mean that's the purpose. When you want to have the last word but can't think of an actual response.
c o p e
>barely win a hard match
>faggot in our team that basically did nothing says gg ez
this happens way too often
good one nigger
desu when dark skinned people have lighter skinned soles and palms its super cute
Who the fuck uses unbased?
cringe beats cope
just say "sneed" it beats most anything since normal fags don't even know what it is and moe is a faggot
Haha u got trolololled
>everyone in this thread forgetting about ol' reliable
"cope" writes as "sry" in russian
such cases
russians are funny subhumans
Still, world would be better if all russians died
I think you may be onto something here
>[ep[;e respond with "have sex"
>no one ever answers "bend over"
This. I'm too old to care if some salty teen throws a tantrum online lol, I couldn't care less. If someone annoys me enough with their low tier insults I'll simply spam ? in the chat and continue curb stomping them until they alt+f4
There is something about this beautiful symbol that makes seething kids go completely apeshit, and I love it.
>t. cockhole
It doesn't work if you say it to someone who has actually, you know, had sex before
You're probably talking theoretically, huh?
You won, what do you care what they say?
and just like that. GG EZ is defeated.
mein neger
question mark is the most elegant and efficient way to make insecure shitters seethe
:) is the superior smuggie.
literally nobody says this
Doing :3c usually gets people fuming. Especially kids
>enemy team calls me a retard
>tell them they got beat by a retard
>enemy calls me bad
>tell them they're ever worse for losing to me
Nah bro, that's cringe bro. Don't do that bro.
Bro, fucking cringing bro.
Suggest that they should perform sexual intercourse, of course.
Why is cope such a powerful word?
I miss old Yea Forums's memes
I need to ride the slippery slope and start pretending I'm a furry.
I've been a cisgendered ally of transgenders, an anti-racist, even a fucking feminist, but furry always felt like too much.
Can someone tell me what this image says, I can't read
They can be used in a combo.
First, stay quiet and fuck your opponent in the ass until he starts flinging low tier insults like "ur a fuckin virgin" or "have sex" at you. Now is when you apply the "?"
He will most likely start seething hard or shut up. This is the time to pull out the "????"
If he hasn't rage quit by now, stay quiet and win the match. Ignore whatever he says. He will most likely play more aggressively at this point cuz he mad af. When you win the match it's time to pull out the :^) face. Maybe also a ggez, re? or something like that. "A for effort" and "it's just a game bro" are also effective against seething brainlets
God I miss trolling shitters in for honor
this is just gay
Works like a charm in cs go, leaves people speechless
Not :^), you retard. That's a shit face. Just the classic :). Expressing simple joy at having stomped their shit in and a boomer-tier knowledge of emoticons that makes them feel even worse. Because who the fuck even uses :)?
"lmao" because its a shitty and unironically autistic response in this case.
>"it's just a game bro"
This kills the nigger
All their "have sex" combined can't beat the classic.
have sex on mic
>have sex
you first
Nah, I'd say there's a "ur mom" coming back atcha.
ez lay
Have sex.
Already did, with your mom.
>When you win the match it's time to pull out the :^) face. Maybe also a ggez, re? or something like that. "A for effort" and "it's just a game bro" are also effective against seething brainlets
For me it's gg wp, brainlet teens and autists will smash their bright green razer mice with rage and superior patrician boomers take it as a complement.
go tell that to someone that's actually coping, like your parents after they birthed a monstrosity like yourself
>gg ez
what does gg mean?
What emoji you use is up to personal preference you huge twat, don't overthink it. Just go with the flow. Find your own personal style. Be like water :3
you first
U mad?
Gringo gonads
git gud
it means git gud
get girlfriend
not as much as your parents after their failed abortion
reported = )
Thanks anons. I thought it was good game for the longest but it didn't make sense in context
Based Yea Forums Moeposter.
suk mai dick bruh
Goodness Gracious Excellent Zeal
Hahaha yes, a simple "gg wp" is also top tier smug
just answer "gg wp" or "was fun :)" after you destroyed them
like that coat hangar your parents tried to use
have sex
That girl was arrested for trying to rape her boyfriend when he didn't want to have sex.
too wordy, your comebacks need to be succinct.
>game has bots
>enemy/my team does poorly
>say "practice on bots" postgame
>guaranteed replies
no need to repeat what your mom says every day she looks at you
this is all incel talk. if anything people will just be embarrassed for you.
unfortunately I'm not that witty. im just having fun shitposting with the other guy
How do chads insult then
wtf /pol/ told me women don't get arrested for sexual harassment and cant rape men!
COPE and SEETHING are words for braindead people who themselves are COPING and SEETHING so they project it.
like this
We don't
Seething and copepilled. Have sex.
well, incel for a start.
>"gg ez"
>"have sex"
>"u mad?"
f-fuck... what do I do Yea Forumsros?
pppppfffftttt hahahaHAHAHAHA OH NO NO NO NO
"haha you too"
Improve so the next game isn't so ez, have sex, and stop being mad.
What's going on in this gif?
Unbased and bluepilled
Yugi has drawn the card [Pot of Greed].
He turns into Yugi Moto he is so pleased at his good fortune.
Pot of Greed? What does that card do?
give your TV the succ
You're mom lmao
What the fuck has happened to Yea Forums? "Have sex" is basically the same shitty insult as incel, virgin, etc in a slightly different wrapping. It only works to enrage actual virgins like yourselves, you goddamn mouthbreathing turbo autists. If you say have sex as an insult to someone who isn't a fucking virgin you'll just make him think of the last time he got laid and how much better he is than you. Fucking step up your bantz, it's embarrassingly weak. I thought Yea Forums shitheads were supposed to be good at trash talk but I guess those days are gone.
Also, have sex. Seriously
it uses permutative probabilities to remove one card from your deck.
What, it means 'Good game'.
>dont respond
>go to Yea Forums and make a thread instead
>also post dinogirl
have sex since college.
Have sex.
It sucks because cringe and cope are overused in the current meta
>uses the easiest method available
>everyone laughs at him
Children who are still in high school I suppose. Can't expect them to do what it takes to get the job done.
Perform coitus
Only actual incels think have sex is a good insult because they can't stop putting pussy on a pedestal and thus think sex is something special and hard to obtain
>ctl+f dilate
this is the appropriate response as of May 2019
This. It’s funny as fuck when they get all bootybothered and threaten to report you afterward like little bitch boys.
I don’t care, if you act like an uncivilized pieces of shit after a match, I’m gonna call you what you are.
It's easy to pay a hooker you know?
On the next day
>say word
>game stolen
>Yea Forums will defend this
>seething intensifies
Seems like I struck a nerve kek
I've had sex with a double digit number of women btw. And a couple of ladybois. And only two of them were prostitutes :)
More like have sex when you’re old enough to go to college lmao
do people really get this upset over fucking videogames? I've been called everything over the 20 years I've been playing CS and never bitched about it
kids these days are all faggots
prove it lol
>game stolen
It's funny how pirates are actually the only ones who own the game and you cannot steal it from them.
300 IQ there Steam and DRM, you made me pirate because otherwise I don't own my games.
I’ve been chat banned several times from Dota 2 and it’s honestly not a big loss by any means. Fuck that games community.
Thank god I don’t play overwatch anymore, that game is straight up fucking Orwellian.
>muh ""rights"" supercede others because i say so
I just thought it was appropriate to spam exactly what you were denouncing back at you, it's what Yea Forums would do, I agree with your point.
>be a faggot
>get called out
haha you stupid fucking asshole
call them a nigger or say that you're gay
I'm not gonna post videos of my dick inside someone just to prove to a bunch of retards that I'm better than them
Trust me, I am even more retarded than all of you faggots combined, but I'm also luckily very good at hiding my retard power level. I enjoy the smell of my own farts and I'm still better than most of you low IQ goblin people
>I enjoy the smell of my own farts
Who doesn't?
> I'm still better than most of you low IQ goblin people
Now that's a projection and cope
Just stop trash talking if you can't back it up you dumb frogposter are you a masochistic retard or something
Based chad dabbing on the raging virgins
>not 'debased'
idk what are you even replying literal scripted NPC - I am saying that you made me think of the whole irony behind piracy and how even if you pay the game it's an objectively worse product that will backfire the moment Steam and DRMs decide so.
True thinking man supports the devs but pirates anyway.
cope with winning?
is zoomer banter this cancerous and dumb now?
fucking christ
u mad
go gopulate
if its a script how can you not recognise it?
Have sex.
>gg ez
>have sex
Fuck you niggerboy
Are people really using this now? lmao
>when you piss someone off so hard that they actually start stalking you and sending you hate mail constantly
it was a weird experience in TF2
Banter isn't about winning the game, just a dick-weaving contest.
If you win then they will just say "have sex" and if you lose they will just say "u mad?".
The winning move is actually to just make the other sperg out.
gg ez
>have sex
*waits patiently*
This is the gayest way to internet fight that i've ever seen, I hope you faggots don't actually do this shit. You all sound like Chinese bootleg toys
Have sex incel
>Using cope outside of Yea Forums
I think it's time you learn the rules zoomers...
>tfw not annoying enough to make it happen
I'm trying, but nothing comes the way I want it to
i fucking hate this shit so god damn much
Give birth
not with you for sure
>lost my virginity a few weeks ago
>now i can rightfully call others incels, virgins, say have sex etc
no u
Give more birth
>"cringe and seeth and cope and dilate and yikes, discord tranny cuck incel"
There is no comeback to this
>*logs out with a smirk*
ok kid
>responding to literal whos online
>thinking about this at all
>caring about an image of yourself in an online game
underage shithole this place is
Tell them to stop being salty.
Need one of these but for Yea Forums
it works here because there are actually many virgins here, meaning you get free (you)s in almost every thread
>bends u over
>not acidic
>this is considered as intenet fight now
>say gg ez
>they say "cope"
you already won
passive aggressive arguing has to be the gayest shit to come out of the internet.
No one wins and they both give up by using these stupid computer tier responses. Everyone is so afraid to show the emotion called anger just to avoid being told they're mad, it's fucking retarded.
In terms of mordhauL
"It's a buckler not a shield you kike."
"You're just terrible needing dodge because you left your balls at home,"
"Take the shield off you nigger, and put on your big boy pants for daddy"
Some "slang" is pretty annoying.
The Yea Forums one is high in my shit list though.
Based. I couldn't agree more if I tried.
Aren't oof and yikes Yea Forums lingo though?
>say acidic
>get banned for toxic language
>have sex
not even close
My go to response when im not quite sure what to do with the other person is to call them a tranny
"oof" is roblox's death sound
"yikes" is not from Yea Forums but I can't remember where the fuck this one is used.
>it was a hologram
user, no normalfags and chads actually use incel as an insult
its twitter.
I always prefer to envision "oof" as a sound effect from SM64
>say debased
>ingame currency loses value and all item prices increase
>that one guy who gives you top class bantz with minimal buzzwords all game long and then adds you as a friend afterwards
>turns out to be an outer world god at the game and a fucking blast to play with for years to come
>playing games where you can encounter this type of faggotry
Your fault for playing mainstream trash mobas/shooters where you encounter such consolized retard brainlets.
She got done for assault lad
name one game
uncharted 3's multiplayer. it was fun
Dota has the best system.
Spazzes like you with low behaviour score get matched with all the other divas and drama queens, literal hell for them.
Meanwhile us 10K master race bois get sweet bants.
On the internet where you can't tell what people's emotions really are, you just assume they're angry and so any argument becomes a contest to see who is less bothered by some stranger on the internet who is trying to irritate you.
I just assume everyone is really turned on and the passive aggressive conversations become much more interesting
if you think about it, there really is nothing more alpha than being genuinely angry on the internet and not being afraid of "u mad" responses like a petulant child who needs to win every internet argument
>Yea Forums will never be genuinely angry ever again
it's like some sort of regression really
Which games do you play? Please enlighten me.
>any argument becomes a contest to see who is less bothered by some stranger on the internet who is trying to irritate you
And that is how quality dies.
Not with a death scream, not with a whimper, but with a "lol you don't even realize how not mad I am. But you sure are seething".
no we use it I R O N I C A L L Y, sweetie
I'm losing braincells from reading this thread
This really is the best way to interact with people online.
Stuff where I can make servers for my friends and play with them, or older games like Phantasy star online. I haven't played a mainstream "shooter" since Left 4 dead 2, and even for any of those games, I only stuck to my group of friends because the general population fucking suck at games for 1, and 2, they act like drama farming children well into their 30's.
It's not worth it to interact with people you don't know, randoms suck in general.
bra incels ha ha
Cope is a nonsense response because it describes them, not you
I meant everyone as in 'everyone else', don't use my own technique against me you fucker
What's wrong, user? Not willing to share your 'techniques' with others?
mud color feets are still the bee6
you just wanted an excuse to post an extra picture didn't you
>needing to respond
You already won, be a good winner.
my feet are dark now too because i inhaled too much nitocris feet stink
And you just replied hoping he'd post another one.
No, people are supposed to be amusing me not the other way around
I worked hard for this
pale feets
I'm sure you've worked really hard but what's wrong with sharing some of that amusement with others? Feels better that way.
stop figuring out my game user
They didn't earn it.
What do I have to do to earn it? Please tell me.
Go put in the effort to come up with your own 'technique' and I won't be berating you about taking mine, obviously.
But I'm not taking anything. I've been using that 'technique' for a while. I was happy to find someone else who does it too but your reaction to it disappoints me.
>for a while
Fine, you get off just this once.
I've never worried about disappointing anyone which is another good approach desu
Thank you, user. You're so kind.
I like to think so.
You've already won if they have to resort to just saying some random meme word. Just continue beating them and writing gg ez.
>Beat someone
>gg ez
>They completely embarrass themselves by saying "cope", cementing your win even further
>OP is such a loser that he still manages to somehow feel insecure in this situation
get a room you two
have sex
what!? People actually do that?!
Just drop the N-Bomb.
have sex, dude
With you?
Its been years and I still dont know what the fuck oof means.
Cope is the ultimate shutdown. There's no way to defeat it.
ugh, like, seriously sweetie?
That made me laugh more than it should have.
what's her story[/spolier]
Yes, I'm being completely serious.
yikes i cant even rn
You can't even what? I've made myself pretty clear.
just cope incel
But I just want to suck your dick.
OOooh shiieeet
They sure want to fuck.
Hear that? It must be the dripping cunt liquid or bitchboy precum.
>"*ggwp :)"
Unstoppable force vs immovable object
y u mad tho
The scaleless
My body temperature sure is rising. I'm begging you to fuck me.
You'll never be a real woman, you retarded tranny.
>peak soi
>muh boogieman
Be more polite, like myself
>thanks for the fairly easy game
Friend, please.
>thank you for allowing me to enjoy our intense yet a bit one sided game, better luck next time :)
I love how just by changing how you word things people are reacting differently and cannot see it's "gg ez".
Bully me some more.
> :)
This condescending piece of shit pisses me off more than any variation of "gg ez".
Fucking everything is Yea Forums lingo now that this hellhole is mainstream
>yet a bit one sided game
Scrap this part and it's really good
Sounds like an autist that's being just nice enough that telling him to fuck off would not fit
Just respond to everything with lmao.
no way fag
You can do better than that. Come on, user.
I haven't touched the game in like 4 years, but during my 1k+ hours of gameplay I haven't been muted once, and I admit that I sometimes said stuff I shouldn't have
You must be fucking cancer incarnate
"ur mom gay"
have sex
That's good feedback but I didn't actually aim at be very nice, just subtly "gg ez" and see if the libtard gets it.
what is dilate? I was gone for like one day and now everyone’s saying this
And the best thing is that you can't even report me because there's no "gg ez" or any other "bad word".
Leave now, user. You don't want to know.
That would make me fucking seethe, lmao
Good shit user
I found out what this means like a week or two ago and honestly, you don't fucking wanna know
Leave this thread and never look back before you're tainted
It's gross but it's when male to female trannies have to clean out their fake vaginas or else they get infected.
It also has the purpose of keeping the wound open because they body rejects and tries to heal at first.
wtf is this weapon wheel bullshit?
>clean out
More than that. They essentially shove a dildo up their wound to keep it from healing.
>be Bronze in Lol
>all my friends are plat or higher
>they carry me every game
>say ez ez while going 0-6-2
>the enemy literally SEETHES of rage
>Aready did, WITH YOUR MOM
Destruction 100
You ... putting together a korean basket weaving forum dex?
You're autistic enough that genuine compliment would be painful
Seething beats all unironically
What did he mean by this?
Good game
I used to think people literally mean that it was a good game, but its more politely ending a game by saying that, even when the game was unsided and absolute shit
On the other hand, if they add "ez" to it, theyre supposed to perish in a chemical fire
>Yea Forums meta some years ago
>just strawman and move goalposts
>Yea Forums meta not too much time ago
>draw a wojak edit
>Yea Forums meta today
>literally say one or two fucking words
How much abstract does this get? Is the next meta blankposting ?
I just did wit ur ass.
All I see is a pair of legs and underwear.
wait a fucking minute..
my friend, blankposting is already a thing on some boards (unfortuneatly)
u a virgin
stop making the new meta pls
"Dialate regularly" is a good counter
Not really
It is incredibly weak against non-trannies and reveals you as an incel.
Since you only ever get to use it against non-trannies, you'd be better off implying father left them or something like that.
dilate is a shit comeback desu, packs 0 punch
where's Oof?
oof is just a tech to spice up rotations desu
>Yea Forums endgame meta
>not answering
Yes it does, they get butthurt and tries to prove otherwise
"yeah, i can't cope with how easy it was to beat you!"
gg, ez op
Imagine doing something to your body that it's actively fighting against.
There's no way fighting against nature this much is gonna end well.
just show them your 5 and they can never recover
say goodbye to your five
the best comeback with no possible reproach is your mother will cope in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post
Foolish child. I'll show you how its done.
Initializing Quantum Editor.
Opening failsafe countermeasure.
5 get aquired........Success.
Rewriting Hex Dexa drive.
After you destroy them and they're butthurt link some random twitch streamer so they think other people just saw them get their ass kicked.