Play League of Legends.
Play League of Legends
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>white girls
I never understood KDA Kaisa's clothes, is that some weird thong she's wearing or something?
Looks more like a visualization of it.
That new KDA doujin that got translated is pretty good.
>here is -waifu-
>play her game
to think this actually works with all the gacha shit around these days
I wanna suck a BWC
Thanks for ruining my nofap streak.
Post in-game, canonical tits
Literally worst season.
me too
No play Smite instead
Well in past I played LoL like crazy at times before season 1 , all season 1 and 3/4 of season 2. Literally day without at least 4 LoL matches was a wasted day. And when I had opportunity I literally played even 10 matches or more in one day. It was fun at solo and it was even better if we made Lan parties and together with my friends played LoL. It was fucking awesome and fun. Game really was balanced(because riot cared about real disbalance problems not some kiddo whining or "Muh ESPORT") and was some good mix of power fantasy, heroic fantasy and dark fantasy + some spice of kawai when it was about champion design. It had soul.
But riven patch was a herald of shit what was about to happen. Mordekaiser was nerfed to ground for no reason by taking away from him the only way he could defend himself on lane (what of course could be bypassed by simply attacking him when he has no minions to charge shield from).
And the shitfest started. And then riot decided to make game "Muh fast action as flashy and shit" because "Hurt Muh it looks nice on "MUH ESPORTS" what means that shitfest even intensifies.
All tactical stuff became nerfed, turrets got nerfed, tanks got nerfed. WELCOME TO LEAGUE OF ONESHOTS. Teamfights from epic manfights turned into 2 teams camping waiting for someone make mistake just to burn all cooldowns and in 0,001 seconds is over, and dare to not wink or you will miss a teamfight.
Also design, every new champion is either edgelord, some gacha fag, or waifu. Maybe Kled was last exception from that rule and is actually a good design, but sadly he has really weak influence in game. And all champions who were not fitting the new LoL image got nerfed into ground or reworked from fun to total unfun.
I only fap to female LoL characters and I don't even play this game for many years.
I am trying out the game and it's pretty hard to learn anything when everyone starts so much shit over anything and when I run into smurfs. Some people don't even believe I'm new lmao
I want to breed Jynx.
I want to be Jynx.
Porn. The only thing League is good for.
Play my game, user.
So I can look like that image.
you want to right click and right click and sometimes hit q don't you user?
Not him but I feel the same way because it'd be fun to get failed 25/7 by horny nerds
My man
That's gay Anons, you sure you don't want to just fuck her instead?
He is gay who wants to taste dick of heterosexual men
My fault for phoneposting
No, I want to be Jinx and get fucked daily until I pass out. Then get fucked some more while I'm unconscious.
No, I want to be her. Just like what says
Fucking this.
>gay erp
the state of waifu threads
I do at the moment,but I plan to quit and go back to Dota 2 if the Karthus nerfs make it to live from the PBE
>unironically complaining about Karthus nerfs
I bet you think he's underpowered as well you fuck
Aatrox is good now, he won't be getting reverted.
Never will i play this garbage again.
KDA shit was the first thing to ever happen to league porn
I only play ARAM or whatever rotating game mode is on
I am a karthus jungle one trick and no I don not believe he is underpowered at all. In fact I believe he is perfectly balanced at the moment.
According to he is sitting at a balanced 50.47% win rate in jungle in plat+ matches if the PBE changes go live he will be completely gutted. -50 damage on all ranks of his ult and 75% AP scaling on it to 65% is completely over the top especially when you have assassin champions out there that can miss 2-3 of their normal skills and still 1 shot a champion with their ult.
Riot has 0 idea how to balance League they nerf underplayed niche champions but always allow the popular ones to go untouched even more so if the champion is a big tittied female.
Kai'sa is middle eastern
If you're just looking at winrate/playrate/banrate then you don't actually know what you're doing. You're just looking at the current statistics of a bunch of people who can literally only see direct buffs and nerfs despite the fact that he's had help indirectly for the past 4 fucking patches. Karthus isn't in a good state, but that's not because of his performance, it's because he's been reduced to pressing r at all times instead of actually being a control mage. He's not okay, he needs to actually be addressed to fix this problem, nerf his ult damage, give him more magic pen on his wall.
But they're not doing that, they're just nerfing his ult
what character is this supposed to be? kat?
Which is fine in and of itself, because he's ulting way more than he used to. Losing 50 damage doesn't change the fact that he's ult at a bit under twice as much as he did before the ult hunter buffs.
>bring back banner of command
it was my favorite item for a long time before the buffs hit and will always remain my favorite item
its gotta come back if im gonna be able to enjoy the game again
that, or riot could hire an actually competent balance team... which we know isnt EVER going to happen
Of course, but someone needs to be Jinx, and if and are both Jinx, then you got two Jinxes to fuck at the same time.
Two Jinxes to double-team your cock.
God, I wish I had two Jinxes.
From the porn i've seen, Jinx seems extremely tight.
>tfw I will never be one of those Jinxes
>then you got two Jinxes to fuck at the same time.
Play Paladins
show bob before i play
That sounds nice, but I rather focus all my effort and strength into ravaging only one.
I can be that one.
>tfw I lost my virginity with a blue haired punk chick
Literally the only reason I beat my dick to Jinx.
You'd have to be a pretty cute and small girl to pull it off.
How small?
I refuse to play league again, not after the years of shit I went through and the mental state it put me in. I honestly don't think anyone should play it