

Attached: 1557606847793.png (751x607, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: file.png (751x607, 124K)

Attached: d7l6bya-8caaee01-19ec-48c5-b589-35ddf44731f3.png (751x607, 237K)

Attached: 1558675329817.png (751x607, 69K)


Attached: Art.png (1018x825, 167K)

Attached: Untitled.png (800x861, 120K)

Attached: 1558675329817.png (751x607, 166K)

Don't think I've played a game on a couch in 6 years.

Attached: 1558675329817.png (751x607, 111K)

Attached: image.png (751x601, 167K)

this, but 12 years

These weren’t drawn in this thread

Yeah they were
I made em right now

I've made them all

I unironically play video games with my penis out of my pants

Attached: meeee.png (751x607, 117K)

I also do this because I believe it intimidates the enemies, making the game easier

who cares

Attached: Pose.png (751x607, 148K)

big kek


>playing on a couch

Attached: play.png (1002x770, 53K)

have fun :)

fuck off

I've been trapped in the couch for three months
please help

Attached: 1558675329817.png (751x607, 142K)

What the fuck do you think the scat loli's for?

you dont like fun do you

I didn't draw this in this thread (but I did draw it) but no one ever noticed it before so here user

Attached: my gamepoes.png (751x741, 147K)

Attached: couch meme.png (751x607, 646K)

Attached: 1557606847793.png (751x607, 130K)

Attached: gmr.png (621x511, 135K)

Attached: 1547973211527.png (751x607, 113K)

>"who cares, actually making oc is for faggots"
Ruining the board singlehandedly

Post Roll's gamer pose
You know the one

The only time you'll ever catch me gaming on a couch

Attached: 1558675329817.png (751x607, 118K)

Attached: 1558675329817.png (751x607, 114K)

Attached: 1558675329817.jpg (751x607, 146K)

stop being such a fucking faggot then

literally not at all what im saying
reposting is just a bad thing apparently

Too real

What game? I don’t play gacha because I’m not a disgusting mess

Post Marie

Attached: Fuckingkek.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Attached: gamerr.png (730x596, 126K)

God, I wish that was me.

rock band 4 needs a special controller

Attached: anon.png (751x607, 181K)


Attached: .png (887x607, 225K)

Attached: anon's dumb drawing.png (751x607, 123K)

there we go

Attached: 1557615566713.gif (720x480, 2.35M)

whats with the girl squishing her tits on the left

Is that a tranny on the left?

Attached: 1557606847793.jpg (751x607, 112K)


thanks doc

pretty based

Attached: LAHEY WATCHING.jpg (313x262, 8K)

Attached: yeah.png (770x600, 115K)

you too

Attached: gaming pose.jpg (751x607, 78K)

why is lisa taller than everyone else


Attached: 1558369741306.jpg (595x335, 39K)

Idolmaster or SIF

Attached: gamer pose.png (853x628, 39K)

can't tell if he has mouse ears or if it's the chair

fucking lel. good job.

Attached: long.png (790x823, 127K)

>i'm not based
Fuck you user

Someone made a better version before.

Attached: VR Dose.jpg (751x607, 180K)

Attached: yourgamerpose.jpg (751x607, 213K)

Attached: Gag.jpg (2220x1080, 497K)

thanks user

l ilo it thread this funny becau they make funny positiosn lol :) ^3 he witting sittng weird!i

Attached: Gamer Pose.jpg (751x607, 187K)

Me on the left

The one making out with a dude? Yeah, I believe it queer.

Attached: 1558680000727.jpg (2404x1260, 536K)

Damn...Lisa looks like THAT?!


>Only having one scat loli
>Calling mugs jugs

I guess we all needed to start somewhere

Attached: aneros-syn-prostate-massager.jpg (700x700, 22K)

Attached: maximum comfy.png (751x607, 125K)

Attached: cuteandfunny.png (751x607, 162K)

>two blankets
>in summer

why are you part of the couch

Here's mine.

Attached: GamingwithSiblings.jpg (1448x1085, 325K)

Attached: 1548760446914.png (1224x609, 137K)

its not in summer in au
the blankets are covering me in the drawing

Attached: ausnumba1.jpg (606x608, 116K)

Did you draw that?

Attached: 19583927.jpg (900x709, 289K)

how can that be a gamer pose if there arent any videogames

oh i didnt look at the arrows
i thought blanket one was your arms

Attached: okay.gif (356x200, 1.95M)

I miss him bros

Attached: 1479449106002.jpg (751x607, 105K)

That's a big bitch

Hope this is in the movie.

Attached: 1524405321994.jpg (540x539, 37K)

who else /rippen/?

Attached: 1558675329817.jpg (751x607, 152K)

Attached: 1558675329817.png (1131x607, 134K)

How long before someone posts THE GIF and newfags praise the user who posts it as the creator, just like every couch thread?

Based rippenchad

Attached: 1558462464264.jpg (540x400, 36K)

Attached: 1393191199434.gif (500x343, 686K)


Attached: 1541156733844.jpg (583x432, 55K)

this but with blanket 3 wrapped around my legs and feet

my nigga
i forgot to draw the 3rd blanket and only realised after i posted

Attached: 1523366797426.jpg (680x447, 26K)

still one of the best images to ever come out of this god forsaken board

Attached: 1541203811006.jpg (1025x680, 71K)


Amazing. This should be in the national archives

Attached: gamer pose.png (751x607, 115K)

Attached: eboomerhumor.jpg (751x1200, 113K)

Attached: gamerpose.png (884x651, 112K)

i'm just a blanklet and have only one, but i admire you

Attached: 1547986211691.png (500x522, 116K)

Attached: 1533516417357.png (751x607, 117K)

i use inverted controls for extra fun. :)

Attached: 1558675329817.png (751x607, 115K)

Attached: 1479441627281.gif (751x607, 310K)

Attached: I have become the pose.png (751x607, 114K)

eat pant

Was waiting for op to post this

Thread was a set up everyone go home

Attached: Untitled.png (751x607, 114K)

Attached: 1518718043013.png (750x606, 175K)

first attempt

Attached: Draw your gaming pose.png (751x607, 230K)

Does anybody else do this sometimes?

Attached: Gamer Pose.png (1262x714, 279K)

Attached: ehh.png (886x1394, 1.54M)

Y’all niggas ready for 7 page muda today?

Attached: Me, Baby.png (744x606, 303K)

Good one

dont forget to like subscribe and upvote :^))))))))

Attached: 20190516_225217.jpg (614x582, 94K)

no, you freak

Attached: hangmanpose.png (751x607, 156K)

Haven't read the manga, so I'm looking forward to it!

Post the one where he mating presses a girl

Attached: 12369273787423.png (751x607, 119K)


Attached: 12973659874273.jpg (326x433, 22K)

Seeing that with youtube.com/watch?v=So54Khf7bB8 playing is gonna be fucking great.

Attached: 1556276064508.jpg (728x752, 97K)

Attached: pose.jpg (751x607, 99K)


Attached: 1512241941741.jpg (370x344, 61K)

What is the lore of this one?

Attached: memepose.png (1732x1400, 800K)

>spent 4$ grand on my new rig and room
>havent played any games just sit on youtube and 4chinz

what am i doing with my life

Attached: Untitled.png (673x591, 113K)

how big is that bottom's qt cock

Very small, like every bottoms should.


Attached: 1509430886835.png (451x451, 71K)

this art style is so fucking aggravating for some reason


Attached: download.jpg (268x188, 7K)

What a fucking waste. God damn.

legit based and fortress pilled

Attached: wah.png (350x462, 129K)

Attached: pose.jpg (720x388, 116K)

Thanks user, you flaming homosexual
But my post was honest so who am I to judge

Attached: 1409999598612.jpg (722x525, 153K)

thanks doc

Attached: genz.png (505x363, 253K)

>you flaming homosexual
so what if I am?
also post bunnysuit


Attached: 1401028807041.jpg (548x575, 83K)


Attached: pose2.jpg (720x388, 119K)

>also post bunnysuit
Okay I wasn't entirely honest, but I had the image saved and my attempts at drawing shimakaze cosplay to make it accurate would be shit

Attached: disaster.jpg (508x627, 196K)

that just looks painful for the knees

Awstrala is full of coasty hyper liberal faggots with no rights.

I'll get you out ones you found all the lost change.

Then post your cosplay in the /trash/ trap thread

stupid mutt

Dankjewel dokter!

>in the /trash/ trap thread
I could but there's many people that might recognize and shitpost me other places that browse there

Attached: vmombunny.png (751x607, 112K)

Back when /x/ wasn't just Scitzos

how e-famous are you that people might recognize you there? you an artist or something?
post it in my Discord PMs then

get a room

>someone replied to my post

Attached: 1536986261359.jpg (447x680, 153K)

Rock Band Unplugged doesn't.

Attached: Spicy.png (751x607, 182K)

Attached: 1482815378246.jpg (751x607, 132K)

more like shit-post avoidant from cancerous /vg/ threads
Discord's for fags but sure go ahead
>complaining about off-topic posts in an off-topic Yea Forums thread
Fine here's your 'content'

Attached: fine.png (751x607, 263K)

just so you know I am not a big titty girl as might make you think

>just so you know I am not a big titty girl as might make you think
I know girls don't exist on Yea Forums, queerboy

Based generation Zyklon

Attached: saved the princess.png (607x607, 115K)

Attached: sofa 2.png (751x607, 214K)

Did it excite you?

Attached: 1487848150287.png (680x588, 395K)


Attached: 1236298736423.png (751x607, 174K)


Attached: baker.png (1502x1214, 1.39M)

Attached: sofa.png (790x662, 102K)

Attached: 1558675329817.png (997x846, 157K)

Kill yourself. You represent everything that's wrong with this place.

Attached: anger.png (629x1173, 131K)

Attached: gamer_moment.png (800x607, 66K)

Maybe her butt hurts

Attached: 1558675329817.png (751x607, 133K)

Attached: hmmm.png (751x607, 66K)

Attached: gamesville.png (800x607, 115K)

Attached: partida intensa.png (720x734, 469K)

the hell is with that knee bending angle

Attached: draw your gamer psoe.png (751x607, 209K)


Attached: 1465036162170.gif (751x607, 1.73M)

Attached: Gamer pose.jpg (800x607, 174K)

Attached: yes mom I'm exercising.png (751x607, 223K)


Attached: file.png (720x480, 89K)



Attached: 1558675329817.png (751x607, 181K)

Attached: 1236298736424.png (751x607, 102K)

Attached: 1558675329817.png (751x607, 135K)

Literally me.

thanks doc

Attached: f3f.jpg (1007x768, 62K)

Reposting means you have a lack of imagination and talent, which means you shouldn't even post in these threads in the first place

Makes my neck hurt but its comfy

Attached: Screenshot_20190524-093409_Sketch.jpg (1074x868, 237K)

Yet im still gonna post em, drawfags btfo

help me

Attached: gamer pose for real gamers.png (872x595, 47K)

opened thread just to request this, thanks user

Attached: 1558675329817.png (751x607, 112K)

who the FUCK would even get this, why the fuck are you referencing an obscure SA meme from 2005, why am I so mad about this

Attached: 5VXooiZe.png (1375x607, 230K)

Attached: howdogblow.webm (288x426, 1002K)


Attached: ZeGSNYnCavM.jpg (1080x1517, 180K)

fuck thought this was gonna be a how hard i can pee thing

Attached: 1558675329817.png (751x607, 120K)

I'm not nearly that original my dude

youve losst me

Why are you sucking your foot?

Attached: 1558675329817.png (1086x577, 132K)

one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling

every time

Attached: 3583465464.jpg (259x194, 14K)

Gotta love a classic

that image and pasta came around 2 years ago max wtf are you talking about

I'm retarded and don't actually post on /x/

anyone believe that all furniture in your house is mimics and that you just have the special perk to keep them mellow


Attached: couch pose.png (751x607, 127K)

That's a great thumbnail

Cringe. Play Bandori