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Fuck video games.

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this was the last good scene in the series but arguably also when it jumped the shark

Fuck Miyamoto

nah, season 4 was kino

but unfortunately it was when the kino ended

Fuck the jannies

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Actually, I would argue the last kino scene in GoT still belongs to Hound.

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So we can all agree he had the highest power level right?

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i'm the greatest poster

someone remind me where this dude even went all that time?

>red wedding
>Jamie frees him
>show up at Brans beutiful rape recital

He was single handedly fighting the dayking who was invading the land of southos.

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Is hating on later seasons the greatest normie opinion one can have?
Season 8 also had good scenes, fuck any of you pretending you're in for the writing.

So George is gonna die before finishing the series isn't he

but not before ruining it even further

Someone should make an edit where he shoots again and it hits Rhegal. Pretty sure he tries twice to light the funeral pire thingy in the show

Already done

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Last good scene was Tyrion having a meltdown at his trial.

If anymore words come pouring out your cunt mouth I'm gonna have to eat every fucking PS3 game in this room

nah seasons 1-4 are great, 6 is great, 5 is boring, 7 and 8 are rushed and weak

What the thing that Littlefinger is wearing? A gambeson? Looks /fa/ as fuck.

nah a gambeson is a type of armor, more bulky

Pretty good work.

Jamie didn't free him. He got sent back to prison with the freys.

Then later goblin girl killed the freys and we never heard about edmure again until the last episode where he is apparently free.

>Be with me. Build the new world with me. This is our reason. It has been from the beginning, since you were a little boy with a bastard's name and I was a little girl who couldn't count to 20. We do it together. We break the wheel together.

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>tfw more sad that Dunk and Egg will never be finished
>no impregnating Old Nan
>No 3rd and 4th Blackfyre rebellions
>no kino duel against Lyonel Baratheon
>no passing the torch to a young Barristan Selmy
>no revealing the mystery of what actually happened at the tragedy of Summerhall

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Gambesons aren't armor, they're just thin padding that you wear underneath armor.

>Is hating on later seasons the greatest normie opinion one can have?
No, tolerating pure shit and saying it's just as good is.

>I liked it before I was popular therefore I think I'm better
Sorry my translator just set off.