You may not like it but this is the face of classic...

You may not like it but this is the face of classic. Boomers need to get over it and accept that twitch culture is integral part of any successful multiplayer game. Now if you don't like it just fuck off to your stupid private servers

Attached: BnUUh5KE.jpg (512x512, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:[Embed]

Warrniggers will hang from the trees of moonglade
Warrniggers corpses will feed the earth

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innervate pls

Didn't he say a few months ago that he hates video games, and if he wasn't a streamer he wouldn't even play Classic WoW because he has no interest in it.

Fuck off you pathetic shill.

Kind of. He said he hates games as games, but loves games as vehicles for social interaction.

idgaf about multiplayer i just don't want to see his hug ugly mug every day

>this is the face of classic.

I don't even plan to play Classic, but thats incredibly bleak.

Attached: palps.jpg (1440x1080, 95K)

Put on the dress, faggot

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that you even know what this faggot said is already an indictment.I'm pround in saying that I don't have the least idea who that faggotty-looking scrawny assshit is.

spoken like a true boomer.

as opposed to dickshit?

seeing this faggots face is honestly the worst thing to come from Home threads.. god they were so comfy at first but then after Blizz officially announced the phase schedule it became overrun with zoomers and retards.. fuck me dude

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fuck streamniggers, i hope they all plan on playing on the same server so i can avoid them like the plague

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Where's the e-celeb option? How do you report these threads?

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>Yea Forums
back to Ieddit

This, we must convene in Chadglade with the elders to address the warrnigger crisis

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ITT jealous virgins

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Can I donate in game? We need twitch integration asap

>playan gayme
>zoomer with "ttv" "TTV" "" joins server
>spam chat with racists/sexist/anti-semite/queer bashing material
>they leave within five minutes, less if they have VOIP turned on
I like streamers. I like them a lot.

Attached: laughing-man-bar-having-good-450w-1020753541.jpg (450x320, 23K)

Whats wrong with her face? Does she use wax for make up

>”Go play private servers we don’t want you!”
Lol ok

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whats your combat level

Attached: runescape.jpg (300x168, 5K)

bitch would melt like the wicked witch of the west if you threw water on her lmao

probably filled her cheeks with her ass fat. it's relatively cheap.

All white people will stop playing private servers the moment Classic is online.

Twitch TV is the most popular game streaming platform. Indeed it is very related to gaming

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what an epic t-shirt!
Where could I get one?

nigger faggot

Sadly I dont have that option since youtube shills his videos to me constantly, and even though I dont watch them they all start with his name in the title + reacts to +whatever, and is face in the thumbnail.

>"Ass Mongol reacts to some stupid shit you've just watched"

Attached: 1527093762484.gif (200x200, 470K)

>worst healer
>worst ranged dps
>worst melee dps (because at least a ret can use nightfall)
>good for off tanking but only to soak the feral loot
Yikes! I sure am glad im not going to play a druid.

Average make up desu

I wish I had a real doll too.

Literally nobody likes asmon. His chat has been flaming him for the past 3 days and his average viewership is steadily dropping and being distributed to other streamers.
The only reason he gets viewers is because hes the biggest and all the newfriends flock to le biggest strim.

Do you have a fetish for early 2000s CGI models user?

Hey incels, how does it feel knowing Asmongod gets to wreck that ass every night?

Attached: Pink-Sparkles-nude-53762929_2353341001344971_3265548700111042340.jpg (640x640, 56K)

>still unkillable in pvp
keep seething as you fail to outdamage my heals and slowly die, warrnigger

Its nice to look at but big tits lose their novelty after awhile. Then your left with their personality...

Attached: AT-cm_295687150-preview-480x272.jpg (480x272, 21K)

Uh huh. Is that why the servers they stream on will be alive and the ones they don’t will die?

Imagine having so little game knowledge you can't do well with any class. It's been out for 15 years user.

>s-s-she’s ugly! i wouldnt l-let that thing get near me!
gotta love incel cope

She is a whore, I can easily pay for one and not have to put up with it afterwords.

lol? yeh u can kill warrs but any noob lock will fuck you up

Unironically right, WoW isn't dead because of his stream.

why is it spelled indictment but pronounced inditement?

This isn't tbc, good luck trying to outheal mortal strike with a rejuv.

Like him or not, he's redpilling the masses on how shit BFA is and how much more fun classic is.

her ass looks worse than my late grandma's ass, virgin.

Do you really think she fucks him? Woman latch onto e-celebs to sponge off their fame for attention. Look at this fucks room and tell me hes fucking her on that matress on the floor in his studio apartment.

>twitch culture
Being a cunt is not a culture.

>b-but I can be just as good as someone else of similar skill right?
Sorry sweetie but that's not gonna happen.

Not for free though

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Probably not, I saw her come into his room on stream and she just awkwardly side hugged him and left

You have it backwards fren. The SECOND streamers start getting bored of classic their realm will day. It wont last 3 days after they quit.

>Oh boy I can't wait to do epic heals on my priest, shaman, and paladin



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>not realizing that is just a persona he puts on for the stream

You can't seriously be retarded enough to think stream persona = real life persona

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this we need to name realms after streamers so we know where to go

IDK who the fuck this busta is but ain't got NOTHIN on mah nigga DSP

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God I love dabbing on stupid fucking WARRNIGGERS

Based druid reference dump

Tanking endgame content





Farming in heal spec


Farming lashers in dm


PVE spec = PVP spec


KILLING named quest ELITES SOLO /w appropriate gear @ level.


That is but a taste of Druchad power, let me know if you want more

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t. Zoomer who hasn't played any of those classes.

I haven't played Shaman since I was Alliance, but HPriests and HPallys farm perfectly fine.

And most guilds have materials for potions UFG for healers and tanks anyway, so it's not like they need to do anything too taxing to begin with.

Unless your raid sucks balls or is learning the content, you'll make money in raids. And you can always roll a DPS alt if you really need to farm anything (which you don't, since gathering professions and Enchanting are the easy ways to make gold)

>can't farm as good as a hunter or lock
>can't tank as good as a warrior
>this is somehow something to brag about


I used to hate this fuck because of all of his whining, deception, and begging for money, but lately i've been slowly finding myself rooting for him,
He's been through all sorts of scandals and controversies throughout the years, and yet he still keeps going. I respect his tenacity.

I doubt I'll ever find his content entertaining or watchable, but damn if I don't want him to keep doing what he does.

He really is /ourguy/
He's legitimately the only entertaining "let's player" and is the only one in the business to genuinely stick to his own principles, rather than giving in to the masses

Attached: DSP quality taste.jpg (1920x1080, 126K)

>Druids still have a persecution complex

The funniest fucking thing about Vanilla was how every druid considered themselves oppressed by Warriors and were always unbelievably salty about it. It was the strangest victim complex I'd ever seen, and hilarious reading all their posts complaining about how "the man" was keeping them down.

Click the 3 dots next to his videos and choose not to show it. You gotta teach the machine learning algorithm you don't like faggotry.

>Can kill 3/4 mara + herb
>Can stealth run trib /w rogue faster than anything else
>Can BRD arena farm, coffer run, incendius, and golem kill
>Can any pack open world something other healers absolutely cannot do efficiently to make it worth.

Looks like Druchads win again.

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Hprieet have lashers, that is all they can do solo
Hpallies have undead farm and that is all they can do solo
RShams have lashers, that is it.

Druchads have more farms than those three combined.

That's why it will fail. Dude said threat was a bad mechanic.

I was planning on playing Druid but if this is how they act I'm switching to shaman.

What the fuck...Yea Forums told me they aren't allowed to do anything but innervate...fuck...this changes everything bros

Alex is better.

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Based and naturepilled

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>thats true
>I totally agree

I'm afraid people who play video games are directly related to video games

This dudes face is going to ruin Classic just like fucking Arlo's puppet face is ruining Nintendo games

So you're fucking telling me..Druids have;
one of the better leveling experiences
can farm almost anything as a healer even
gets fed offtanking epics for free
gets an entire zone dedicated to them
can show up to raid in PvP spec and collect tier
AND probably has huge cocks too?

Fuck this game. I was told hybrids are shit but clearly that is not the case.

>starts dueling his guild mates in the arathi highlands
>he can't beat any of them
>starts to get mad
>paladin in his guild says he sucks
>gets more mad
>duels a priest
>priest runs out of mana
>melees him with their staff
>he still loses
>gets mad and doesn't realize there's a bonfire right next to him
>accidentally walks into it
"literal god"

>of any successful multiplayer game
multiplayer games and do nothing but damage gaming
opinions discarded

is asmongoloid a clone of jim henson?

gets teleport moonglade spell with no reagent cost and no cd

>sweaty losers getting mad at streamers
its as easy as not rolling on the realm he's on

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>You may not like it but this is the face of classic. Boomers need to get over it and accept that twitch culture is integral part of any successful multiplayer game. Now if you don't like it just fuck off to your stupid private servers
Zoom zoom zoom zoomer LMFAO!

Attached: 1552208092582.jpg (640x640, 126K)

This guy's face is absolutely stupid. He can't make a genuine reaction at all.

best zone to grief horde as alliance rogue, please advise.

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shimmering flats

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>mfw mind control cap teleport moonglade
Definitely private server jank code but it was very entertaining trapping people there.

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This is that guy who makes video reviews of other peoples' content to snipe them out of the search results.

I don't understand why people dislike him. He is a neet that still lives with his mom, is messy as shit, poor hygiene, has self harm anger problems, and still manages to have a girlfriend with the hottest streamer on twitch probably.

If anyone is mad they are highly likely jealous because a loser is making so much money. I don't understand why Yea Forums will hate him. I can understand reddit hating him.

I don't know who that guy is.

Based druidposter baiting people into playing the shittest class in vanillla

sounds like a faggot

he probably was a bullied little dweeb that never gave a shit about games and only used them to make """"""""""friends"""""""""" since he had none irl

homeshills BTFO by AsmonGOD

lmao. well at least he was a good sport about it

She cant even stand him touching her.

Watched a stream where they were bith sitting in a hammock, he puts her hand around her waist, and you can see the visible disgust on her face, and 2 minutes later she find an excuse to make him fuck off. He aint kissing, touching, let alone fucking her. She is a known golddigger.


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Too many redditors infiltrated Yea Forums

I don't know why so many people let him live rent free in their head. 90% of people will never have to interact with him or his fans in the game as long as they don't play on his server. If anything he's helping make WoW relevant again.

He's the one streamer that is friends with almost all streamers in the community. So much so he actually meets some of them in RL daily if they live in Texas. And most content creators on YouTube love him and constantly refer to him.

Even blizzard loves him and have even referred to him in blue post.

this guy looks so fucking weird, his eyes and mouth are fucked up. im sure he isnt even that funny, just a soundboard for retards to bounce shitty emotes off of. how do these people even get popular?

Get crushed shitter, stick to dungeons like the trash mob you are

If anyone is upset with him they are upset because a loser made it big.

Isn't his persona together with mconnell all just an act?

>Boomers need to get over it and accept that twitch culture is integral part of any successful multiplayer game
Players have enjoyed watching other players play long before twitch. The only difference is Twitch monetized it. It's funny that you think boomers need to get over it. I was watching Quake demos before you were born.

average proper raiding guild will bring along one (1) druid to their 40 man raids

If anything his constant shitting of BFA and retail wow have influenced so many people to want classic servers more and wanting to change BFA. He has only helped the community. Only retail shills would be mad at him for shitting on their favorite game.

Retarded newfags postne in a buttblasted spamem thread. Nice to know

He sounds like a massive faggot. Why even bother with a hobby if you're not actually into it? Of course now he has to because it's his """""""""""""""job"""""""""""""""""" but I'm talking before.

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Mconnel is an act. Assmongol is just flat out retarded. Couldnt beat the tutorial in an fps game

he has self harm anger problems?

>just ignore things you dont like bro
reddit post. also the reason Yea Forums is full reddit now

this is probably bait but he unironically was till ~2012 when he sold out and became boring

Swap vanilla with TBC and put WotlK at B+ and you fixed it.

Imagine being this fag and fading out of relevance now that Vanilla WoW is streamable legally on twitch

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ty, do you have any chris notre dame level niggardly spots? I wanna commit genocide. Should i stick to crossroads for max salt?

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>gets crushing blowed by raid boss because shit class cant become unhittable
>dies in one hit
>gets kicked from raid

Uh nope, every single guild I was in on pservers that cleared up to naxx did not follow this rule at all. The last guild I was in that killed KT had 8 fucking hunters ffs.

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I'll never sell out pussy

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a fucking retard made this list. WC2 is the first good game. Wc1 is fucking garbage.

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Dude makes thousands of dollars donations/subs a week. People literally donate him money to watch his stream and play video games.

People hate him because he's popular.

Imagine being this pathetic so you spam this everyday until jannie delets it, trying to get your overlord attention

Attached: at least you tried.png (1920x6747, 2.01M)

literally who and why is his dumb face "reacting" all over my yt feed?
seriously who is he?

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>letting your wife show off half naked pictures on the internet

Attached: why would you do that.jpg (295x333, 61K)

>defending unironicaly asminshitter

Im not sure if you're just dumb, new, or OP is just tryng hard at shilling

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Why is he in the wrong here? Both Classic threads and e-celeb threads are tolerated here generally speaking.

not swapping one of the best MMOs ever made with a DLC

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>Dies in one hi
Oh...god..*bites lip* his health pool is sooo much bigger than his father's!

Attached: Vanilla-WoW-Druid-Tanking-Guide.jpg (753x897, 660K)

its good because it started the lore/story that produced a social phenomenon for god knows how many dacades forward. respect your elders zoom zoom

Attached: 1544657477633.jpg (652x786, 96K)
ADHD retard. Funny how the sperg has patience for WoW, a literal life-waste time sink of a game, but not simple singleplayer games.

why go to a thread you hate moron?

>played classic WoW had fun with friends
>play on private servers have fun but miss playing with friends
>All my friends want to join in on classic WoW will be able to play with my friends again
I don't care about anything else. The chance to do DM with my friends again is enough for me. I don't care about sharding/layering/twitch shit/any other things Yea Forums cries about.
I'm going Home...... And all my friends are coming.

isn't he the resident /pol/ack?

>muh asmonfuck
>no skill in both pve and pvp
>pathetic manchild throwing a angry fit if someone doesnt do what he says
>act as a retard/angry kid when something doesnt go well for him
>unable to do more complex contant without orbiters help
>shits on vanillia durning nostalrius incident, only to jump on classic when blizzard annouced it
and finally
>op is buttblasted about shitendo threads, he doesnt know how to use filters and he spams his beloved guru in vengaence because hes a retarded manchild like his idol

Attached: 1558278570931.png (500x500, 41K)

fuck off shil op you're being obviou again

as long as you put pandas above cata, wod, legion, and bfa
we good


You are literally a zoomer faggot. Wc1 had barely no fucking lore. And it was all rercon. The game was supposed to be a Warhammer game but the asses ditched on them. They flopped it around and tried to make a quick buck on a canceled Warhammer game. Fucking retard. WC2 is when they started to give a shit about lore.

>its jjjust e-celeb thread b--bbelive me guys, im not retarded spammer! Its a bug jannie didnt pruned my threads!

Attached: retard collected.png (664x419, 140K)

Swap vanilla with TBC and put every other expansion in E. Also no one gave a fuck abour Warcraft 1 and Warcraft 2 was the only good Warcraft RTS game.

stop samefagging weirdo

stop defending a literal cancer spammer retard

we good
No wc1 no Arthas. fuck off zoom zoom, my priest is older than you.
TBC is properly rated, it would get above wotlk if it dident start the cancer that killed the game.

Attached: comfy berrens. home.jpg (1024x768, 127K)

is he missing a tooth?

>Wc1 had barely no fucking lore. And it was all rercon. The game was supposed to be a Warhammer game but the asses ditched on them.
You've never even touched Warcraft 1 in your life, LARPer.

>hate asmongold
>so obsessed with him I go to his thread daily
>he lives rent free forever

Howard stern did some research on stupid people. He found out his fans only listen to him around 2 hours a day. BUT people who Hate him listen to him over 3 hours a day.

Maybe ASMONGOLD haters are europoors obsessed with Americans.


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Sure, its just a normal threads about e-celeb, retarded zoomers

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Can you at least include your name, or say warcraft? I'm tired of making new filters for your self shilling.

>someone pointed out that its not healthy to spam sameface every time when thread gets deleted or archived
also this

He's very successful on Twitch and that's good for him, I don't personally enjoy his content but ignoring a single twitch stream is easy so it doesn't bother me.

However, his horde of clip monkeys and reaction videos has basically ruined any wow related searches, especially on youtube. Just as a quick example, Search for 'vanilla wow trivia' and take a scroll through the list, literally every other video is his dumb fucking face. And it's the same with most wow searches, you don't even have to include anything close to his name.

If it was his own channel uploading a couple of videos from his streams, fine, but there are dozens of channels trying to make money off his reactions and they simply flood the section.

No thanks. I choose the comfy thinking mans WOW streamer.

Can't wait for classic Machinima content.

Attached: crendor.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

>I'm one of the best, if not the best NA Warrior dueler

what did he mean by this?

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How old is this prick anyways.

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I love crendor but you need to be an idiot if you think he is a "thinking" streamer.

low quality content, styx tier

OP here, I am not even going to play classic I just like how this faggots face makes Yea Forums seethe

Attached: download.jpg (231x218, 5K)

Crendor is not a really thinking streamer, but he is so high levels of comfy and boring that it is almost an art form. No ADHD kiddie could stand watching him for 20 minutes so you avoid the sperglord crowd and can have actual conversations in the chat.

Now type "vanilla wow trivia -asmongold"

>lilzoom doesnt understand how crushing blows work

Cope and put on your healing dress.

Don't fucking turn this into a boomer vs zoomer thing. It's entirely a "stop posting this stupid fucking manchilds face" thing. Take WoW away from him for a week and he would kill himself

>look i can offtank patchwork

The only reason you are allowed to xo so is because patchwork isnt even hitting you, but is hitting the MT warrior, and you are just there to be a hp sponge to soak the cleave damage

Fuck that fucking faggot. YouTube wont stop shitting that assholes rat face into my recommended box on YouTube.

Yeah. I'm definitely off the WoW hype train.
my buddy got beta access and he joined his server, kept mailing this guy gold, it looked fucking retarded. The fact that some retarded Scot can steamroll an entire server is a big pass for me.

Attached: Reasons To Shoot Down The International Space Station.jpg (1200x1200, 133K)

he is so fucking ugly compared to her
good for him but they really shouldnt take photos standing next to each other

>can't win a single duel
>cries like a little bitch whenver something doesn't go his way
>"muh vanilla" yet knows nothing about it

I have a friend that watches him, from what I gathered he liked how he acts like a retard. Considering said friend is a retard himself, I am guess that's his target audience - literal retards who go PEPEGA OMEGALUL IRL.
Good thing I am from Europe so I don't have to deal with streamer bullshit once Classic drops.

>he thinks patchwerk can cb
can priest ot? how about pallies? maybe shamans? OH WAIT

>first time ever druchad tanking aq40
>cbs literally not even mattering

Attached: 1558030069862.png (600x600, 170K)

Anything with enough hp can ot patchwork lilzoom. Even a shaman.
>trying to shit on paladins when there are infinitely better tanks than druids.
Lmao. Atleast pallies can be uncrushable

actually not looking forward to having servers full of streamers, server will be full of fucktard fans when the streamer is on and then when streamer gets off server will be dead

I see the tide pod has fucked with your brain, god help you lil zoom

HAHAHAHAHAHA, now I know you are just retarded as fuck m8. How is a paladin going to keep threat or tank swap, what happens when you run out of mana in 20 seconds into a fight? How is a shaman going to mitigate enough damage? sure as fuck don't have the health or armor values, SURE as fuck can't tank swap.

stop seething and accept the fact that druchads are rising up


tank paladins have less gear options than a fucking bear you dipshit and they literally cannot rip threat from even the shittiest warrior tank. Totally fucking useless in raids.
>shaman tanking in raids

Childhood is watching Asmongold.
Adulthood is realizing Towelliee is the laid back, patrician's choice.

Hillsbrad fields, easily.

Asmon is entertaining to watch just from a side glance.
When you look at it though without the satire it's a real sad case of Blizzard chewing up this man's identity and getting ready to spit him out when he least expects it.
He's always loved to scam people though so maybe he has a hint on what they're doing.

>twitch culture is losing every duel and changing your mind about playing on a PvP server
Can you imagine? LMAO

spriest can mt mc/ony

Yes, he's just pretending to be a socially maladjusted freak with hygiene issues, IRL he's a normal person.

>the mold and mental break downs are just a joke guys

/ourtowel/ indeed

with a thicc gf that knows how to cook

This fucker shows up on my recommendations every single day, and even on Yea Forums. Now I'm tempted to play wow just to fuck him over.

2bqh sodapoppin is more /ourguy/ since he is actually good at the game and is deathly afraid of talking to girls IRL

fuck off asmonfraud
this post brought to you by alex's army

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Can we talk about how this shitter played through dark souls using only a broken, piece of shit longsword and only heavy attack just because he's too stubborn to learn how actual games work

Or how he's got worse coordinational skills than a 2 year old and managed to get lost in blight town and almost skipped queelag entirely because he thought the elevator was progress

Stop playing BFA

Attached: asmongold.jpg (700x426, 74K)

*phases in to your layer to collect gold tribute from you*

Attached: POGGERS.png (499x100, 13K)

>bear shift macro works in classic
>trinkets/potions/etc all now can be used
druchads just keep winning and winning

Did he pay youtube to always appear on the frontpage? I have never watched a single video of him and yet always see them on the frontpage.

>tfw fired from my job and about to be homeless but at least I can feel good giving my last $500.00 to you asmond, keep on rockin!

>yo, wowman9000 thanks for the 500.00, so anyways yeah back to reacting to threads made about me :>

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I think streamers should be able to accept trades from opposite factions.

asmongold doesnt seem to get triggered that much, but i watched him the last few days for first time and he does say some stupid shit

i'm happy for asmon but she looks kinda like she got stung by a bunch of bees

This is the true face of Classic. Zoomers leave.

Attached: ZQdtHCOo.jpg (400x400, 24K)

the stupid motherfucker can't cook eggs

are you not entertained?

The eggs were bugged, loser

Streamers are going to bitch when theyre camped and they cant just fly off

yeah he had really bad dental problems from drinking sugary shit and not brushing

I would say she is comparable to him with the amount of make-up plastered on. I never understood make-up it's like alright what else are you gonna lie about ?

Attached: 1558582131013.gif (355x266, 3.24M)

>some fucking tool "reacts" to some inane shit
baby boomers ruined the world and zoomers ruined the internet

They will have army of followers ready to come in Mr. streamers defense, and repeated grieving will get reported and banned.

just watch frostadamus instead for that

can someone translate this?

I just want to know what happened next.

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Will it though? If someone got banned for camping on vanilla it would be a PR shitstorm. And the virgins cant compete with an organised guild that can streamsnipe

this faggot is the epitome of WoWfags that hasn't played any other vidya except WoW

he's literally a turbonormie like most other WoW players

>studio apartment
he lives in a house you retard


Tauren or Night Elf druid? I'm undecided still. Probably leaning Tauren but then, pallies are better in pve.

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>face of classic
>never played vanilla wow

except he did user, he just didnt raid a lot

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>tfw Eurochad so I don't have to deal with zoomer shit streamers

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This is the second most disgusting thing I have heard in my life. Imagine such miserable existence, forced to play games you don't like and at the same time not being able to enjoy the greatest type of entertainments there is.

oi m8 you got a licence for that frog?

>he just didnt raid a lot
just means he never got to 60, he's a TBC babby

Honestly I don't mind asmongoloid or mccuck much but esfand is the most annoying stupid fat leeching self righteous faggot that streams classic. Heard he was hated on in the private server community. Not really suprised if true, both him and dicksout seem to be in it only for the money.

pretty sure that guy was being faceteous.

why was he hated?

Adam Lanza?

>Hey Asmongold watching the stream don't listen to them bro it's just the gear, i'll heal you no matter what let me suck your dick

Fucking hell the memes aren't a lie

cause he doesn't have absolute 100% knowledge of vanilla wow. that's all it takes for pserver faggots to hate you

Is this even a human being? Why females become disgusting whores when they turn 16?

he knows he's shit at classic pvp, he said as much, he wants to improve

who did this faggot pay to get all of the shilling done?

>test server
>everybody spams their

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>multiplayer games
When this meme will end?

Only frustrated wage cucks that hate their life will hate him

He literally does nothing but play games while being a disgusting piece of shit while doing it. Reddit hates him I'm shocked you faggots don't like him.

Who is Forsen.

Rent fucking free, tranny, rent fucking free.

Why twitch viewrs always use Yea Forums buzzwords and memes?

Someone who didn't even bother with beta
Someone who will get bored after one day or two and then go back to playing Lidl games

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>lel epic chad
>post pepe

You will fit right in faggot


Took Assmon 7mins to get asspain'd to the point where he started perma-banning people. Lol "Im just trying to get better" Ooof this is painful to watch

>Skinny af
>still a chad

Going to let you faggots know that he is a Yea Forums oldfag like myself around the 2006 to 2008 range when first coming here.

He's made it too obvious to tell and he's already called shit on all the 2016 election kiddies bringing traffic to the website.

this slut here even does that stupid meme s-s-stuttering, s-senpai

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I never played classic so I've got limited knowledge but I'm playing with a group of friends
So far theres confirmed to be one hunter and one mage in our group, two people (and me) are still undecided. I figured I should run a hybrid so we can atleast do dungeons together and not have us all be DPS.
Is Druid a meme class? I was going to pick that since its so flexible it makes for easy dungeon runs, but theres a lot of shitflinging in this thread regarding the class.
Any classic chads got any ideas?

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Fucking Preach fucking here guys, fucking come watch me fucking playing some fucking Classic and fucking telling fucking stories about fucking WoW drama.

guy's a solid 4.5/10 and that girl without make-up is a 5.5, maybe a 6 in america because she isn't an obeast. she also looks like a spic so he's dating down race-wise.
if you think he's a chad because of his income, unless its over 200k any son of a boomer with less than 10m net is probably making more from trust fund interest.

only way he's exceptional is his influence over thousands of people, but given it is only with regard to video games and they're all losers, it doesn't count for as much as you might think

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So they must have an """"open"""" relationship.

her face is shiny like tong po

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druid is one of the most iffy classes because it can't easily rein in its healing and it has some pretty fucked up gear dependency to dps or tank reasonably, paladin is probably a more solid alternative but it runs the issue of ret being completely absent from the dps meta

Druids can’t rez, you better play with a pally tank

>click on video about wow classic
>its a guy who only played on private servers
>they insist the private server world buff meta was an actual thing
>click off the video


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Who was that guy who green screened himself into the game as a video but then deleted it immediately because of the response?

>twitch culture is integral part of any successful multiplayer game
haha fuck no
plenty of games that have successful MP don't have any streamers at all

Private server fags think they can get all the world buffs in 10mins

she looks stank and smelly, and borderline fat too, also she has a shemale face

Ah, I played paladin in retail. Really don't want to do that again.
Druids can battle rez though, doubt we'd wipe that much in dungeons, especially since we'll all be on voice comms.

how can people value this faggots opinion in the slightest

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>they're all losers
It's the next generation. The whole next generation. The next Bill Gates is 8 years old and watching a twitch streamer act like an ass right now.

Is classic dead already?

How many more weeks until those autistic e-celebs decide to play something else, so their massive herd of mindless zombies can drop the game instantly, causing it to instantly die a well deserved death?

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this thread makes me thankful to already having been an adult and playing on true classic release. nuclassic will be a shitshow, everything is known, it will be a hardcore race to world firsts, new ui addons will be made, everyone will be leveling with joanas, tourguide, et al. nobody will play non-meta classes. have fun.