ITT: Genuinely good games that are impossible to talk about on Yea Forums

ITT: Genuinely good games that are impossible to talk about on Yea Forums

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It's too short imo.

You're thinking of the second game. This game was just straight up good.

I thought both games were fairly enjoyable, but the first had a more enjoyable plot while the second feels like there's been some nice combat improvements sans the constant 50 health.

Well yeah 2 is really good too, it was just the marketing and mediocre story that screwed it over.
People on here loved TNO and TOB until TNC released, and things got political

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>second game
pick one

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Wow I never knew WWII was about slavery! #thingswhitepeopledonttellyou

I already said the political crap is what screwed the game, the story completely shat the bed compared to the first one.
We're talking about gameplay though, which is actually really good in 2.

>"do your exercises and lay off the sugar"
No wonder this triggers Yea Forums

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not really. it's a high 6/10.

I'm playing it as an included title on Game Pass and I'm liking the gameplay for the small improvements made over the first game and the addition of a score attack mode, I just find things like the flashbacks to BJ's childhood to feel pointless so far and the story is a bit odd but I'm hating it like I was lead on to believe I would either.

>tfw TNO put way too much priority on stealth and if you try the run and gun on almost any difficulty you'll get completely obliterated.

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>no enemy variety
>shit super shotgun
>worst boss fights in any fps to date
i did not like this game very much no sir

Name a better single-player FPS released in the past 5 years

Beat the game on Uber multiple times while running and gunning, using almost no stealth.

Only way to have a thread about it is to make it into a religion bait thread. If not it devolves into that anyway

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Truthfully Titanfall 2, that game was excellent. DOOM was also enjoyable but more in terms of combat, the new Wolf games just do plot and worldbuilding far better.

Can't be worse than Halo 2's bosses.

I didn't enjoy it very much

I call bullshit.

the Prophet fight was great

Explain why you like this game
I thought it was really boring

do halo bosses even count? the only one i remember is the asshole with the gravity hammer and noseless from 4
regardless, TNO's bosses are probably worse because they're hyped to be super fucking cool and important but turn out to be massive letdowns
>london monitor
>giant weaponized surveillance robot teased in the intro
>second to last boss fight in the game
>fight is just go into a tunnel, press a button, hit the weakspot for massive damage, repeat 3 times
>the big bad that you've been chasing all game, makes you choose which squadmate lives and all this other shit
>fight is just throw a grenade, press a button, throw a grenade, press a button, and shoot him with 5 rockets and he just fucking dies
i was actually fucking pissed when this game ended like that, more than just cause 4's abysmal ending

Eat my ass homie
I played it a few more times on Uber but ultimately went back to normal because it's a bit more fun.
TNC has shit difficulty scaling so I haven't bothered with the harder difficulties on that one.

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>Titanfall 2 and Doom
True. These are probably the only 2 that I can think of that are comparable to NuWolf in terms of satisfying gunplay.
A couple others that come to mind are Shadow Warrior remake and The Darkness 2.
Rage 2 is also very good in the gunplay department.

Very satisfying gunplay with a better melee system than most shooters, and decent story
until 2 fucked it up

Is Rage 2 actually that enjoyable? I'm tempted to do what everyone says and wait for it to go on sale like all Bethesda games do months after launch, since I'm kind of liking Rage 1 I think. Feels like it aged better than most last gen console shooters for better or worse on a gameplay and technical level (minus that godawful texture pop-in).

>H2's final boss on Legendary
In theory hes pretty easy to cheese but he takes 2 billion pounds of lead and plasma to kill and has multiple reinforcements that show up that can 1 hit kill you with nade launchers. God help you if he accidentally hits the weapon racks off the stage

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The gunplay is second to none, most fun I've had in an FPS in a long while.
There is a lot of open world crap but it's honestly not too bad considering you get to shoot shit the whole time.
And if you wanna blaze through it you can beat it in less than 7 or 8 hours.
But I did a lot of exploring and finally completed the story last night, while being very over-powered at the end, took me about 25 hours.

But Yea Forums loves TOB and TNO.

>TNO's bosses are probably worse because they're hyped to be super fucking cool and important but turn out to be massive letdowns
Fuck you, Deathshead final battle was prime... if not only for the god-tier character design

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Yeah too bad that super cool mech falls apart when you blow up his magic super blimps with two button presses and you hit him with a few rockets

Eh it could've been better I admit that, but you still had to down his shield with grenades before running for the artillery to shoot down the zeppelins.
Although the actual boss battle was damn good imo. Sliding under flames and launching every grenade and rocket you have at him, while looking for armor and health.
It was reminiscent of the boss battles in RTCW.

Rage 2

>muh killing nazis
Fuck off amerikunt

Zoomer detected

you have to go back /pol/cuck

>mfw people keep saying New Colossus is the worst yet it plays the best and looks the best, and has the best action

Also gyro on Switch is legit.

Also reminder that if you post on Yea Forums Hitler would have most likely exterminated you, you dumb fuck /pol/smokers.

ITT: by definition not ITT

The Old Blood is the best

>2 is really good too
>rehashed enemies
>rehashed levels
>no unique weapons until the very end, which you only get to use for the final boss
>speaking of which, the final boss is terribly underwhelming and felt more like a generic enemy
>Angela Merkel is a QTE then the credits roll

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This. Same shit I heard on New Colossus. "Le forced stealth is bs" even when the game says you can run and gun or stealth it.

Literally just git gud. These games are like your shitty CoD or Battlefield games where you can just sit in one place and win. Enemies will fuck you up unless you move around and use the environment as cover and flanking opportunities.

Also just like NuDoom, the game gives you so much ammo to encourage you to actually unload on Nazee scum.

>Angela Merkel
>Not Hillary Clinton
Are you fucking retarded?

But Angela Merkel is German.

They can push white men only so far. Daily reminder we are the most well armed populace in America. Go ahead, try to punch or kill a nazi. You'll only create more radicalized martyrs like Brenton Tarrant. No seriously please do go out and try to punch a nazi, see what happens when Aryan men have had enough

Press E to win was garbage but what can you expect from modern developers?

Also literally no boss fight in these games is actually good or well thought out. It's all about the running and gunning of Nazees until the game comes to an end.

Also FUCK Bethesda for milking the IP.

But Frau Engel looks and acts almost exactly like Hillary Clinton...
Angela Merkel is just some old puppet ass hag, I could never imagine her pulling a gun or knife on anyone. She's like the Bernie Sanders of Germany.

Nazees were defeated in World War 2 by the Allies.

Any modern "Nazi" is just a role playing faggot, just like you're doing right now.

Not that user but I want my dick sucked by Engel during torture.

There are hardly any real Nazis left anyway, contrary to what you just said. Extremist liberals are the only retards on the planet who still genuinely fear Nazis