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Shut the fuck up


>wanting Sigma

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is black better? I've been wanting to play this gsme but idk which version to try out.

Black is superior but if Sigma's your only choice it's not that bad, Sigma 2 on the other hand is total dogshit compared to normal 2

I'm surprised they haven't given the relative success of the Switch.

>Black >= Sigma
>2 > Sigma 2
>3 < Sigma 3
What the fuck happened

picture of secret switch edition in the works

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based vita
check this out too switchnigger

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You can keep it.

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Did it get a TL or is it the PSone version?

how is black better?

it's bigger

Why the fuck does no nintendo fan think it's strange that the switch library is comprised of almost nothing but ports from games everyone played like 8 fucking years ago.

rachel missions just take me fucking out of it, man


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I wouldn't mind if the switch's battery lasted more than like 3-4 hours. It makes games unplayable when not only do they look and play significantly worse, but you can't even play for more than like 3 hours at a time without the system dying. Good fucking luck taking it on a flight or god forbid a road trip.

I played P3 and 4 on the PS2 back when they came out a million years ago so I don't particularly care. It's not a fun game series.

it's exclusive to a line of consoles nobody gives a fuck about so it makes people's e-peens hard when they can say they're part of le black sekrit club.

>3 < Sigma 3
What did he mean??

I mean I have the original, not black version of NG for my xbox, and I have sigma plus on my vita. But I can never find anyone giving a real reason as to why black is the definitive version. I mean they usually give no reasons at all, just "well it just IS"

flights usually have ac adapters. usb battery packs exist. there are even car plugs/adapters. this is a nonissue and i doubt you're having constant 3-4 hour sessions on the go. if you have your ac adapter you can charge anytime between play sessions.

there are always new games coming out and all the ports are just bonus games to play. at this point even if there are a ton of ports we're at the point where there are more than enough exclusives alone to make having a switch worth it(if you like videogames). its especially nice to finally have portable versions of games that have never been portable like dragons dogma and resident evil 4. ports hardly take resources away from development teams(they're usually outsourced) and shouldn't make anyone butthurt.

i dont know why i bother but consolewars shit is so stupid. maybe im getting too old for this place since i dont care and since growing up and getting a job have been an idort

>this is a nonissue
it's an incredible issue. My 3DS lasts like 6 hours without charging.
I shouldn't HAVE to lug around a fucking charger with me anywhere, the system is already enormous as is. If I can't keep it on me to play on the go, it's not very much a portable system.

Sigma might have more content, but it's divisive (new enemies and bosses, forced Rachel chapters, Rachel's moveset, revamped roll mechanic, etc. - it's mostly the Rachel sections that make it or break it for people). It's not as well though-out or balanced as you'd think. Black is more polished, no stuff felt tacked on. But it doesn't matter that much if you're not going for high scores and just plan to beat the game on Normal.

the charger fits in a normal carrying case. how do you even store and carry around your switch?

if space is an issue, you can always get one of the tablet cover things and carry the switch and joycon unattached. it's pretty easy to fit in any kind of small bag that way.

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Is 3 Razor's Edge better than vanilla?

most definitely

Black is the more challenging game from an AI perspective and the overall amount of enemies per encounter


General consensus, don't shoot the messenger

What the fuck was Tecmo thinking with Sigma 2

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that's sigma 2 you fucking monkey

Sigma 1 did remove some encounters, like the one when you go back to the locked room in chapter 2 on the higher difficulties.