Mario Maker 2

The physical bundle is now up on Best Buy, Amazon, and GameStop.

Attached: DDB284A4-7554-4F29-B454-DC0827C9E758.jpg (926x1500, 250K)

Ok well I guess no one cares

the bundle isn't worth getting the inferior box art

Attached: Ds5cPfcXQAALnUI.jpg (979x817, 52K)

sure but you cared enough to reply

*finger hovers over buy button*

Is the entire game on the cart or does it require a download?

Probably the entire game it’s only 3 gigs

What’s the other box art?

same thing but lacks the ugly red bar

Attached: smm2.jpg (800x1296, 241K)

okay thanks, i don't have a Switch but I'll buy a physical copy to support physical copies

Oh, I don’t think the red bar is actually on the bundle it’s just promotional material

i don't recall any games from nintendo themselves that require a download (of course dlc and update not applied). i mean i could be wrong but i honestly can't recall any title

I was about to make a thread. I had been waiting for the bundle to show up on Best Buy and just ordered one for me and one for my sister's family.

I think the red bar is actually on the box art, but I'm okay with it.

why not split the money for the family online plan with your sister family, that way you can get up to 8 people

Is there one with the stylus or pen or whatever the fuck it is?

yeah, in japan and eu

We each already had individual online subscriptions, and I believe this offer can't be applied to an existing family plan anyways. I know the twitch prime extension offer can only be applied to individual plans. My sister just has the one kid, and they only do online play with one user account on their switch.

oh then it make sense

America doesn't get the stylus

it's a cheap ass fat tip capacitive screen stylus though, you can get ones without marios face on them anywhere.

Attached: STYLUS~1.jpg (950x475, 86K)

i bet the mario cover is literally just paper wrap over a normal 2-5 dollars stylus
the nso deal is actually better money wise, but i guess people want physical cutesy stuff

Yeah I mean I have a capacitive pen already, I was just hoping there would be a version that came with another one. The things fucking suck anyway, but it's still better than a finger. Thanks for the info, though.

I just want costumes back. And a random stage mode with difficulty selection that lets you skip levels, since it's doubtful that endless mode will allow that. I mean, they could just bring back 100 mario mode along with adding endless mode, but whatever.

Why wouldn't endless mode allow it? If you skip a level you simply don't get score up and get a new one.

why wouldnt skipping be allowed

I suppose, but it seems like having the ability to just skip any level you find too difficult would cheapen whatever score you got in the end. Having to beat every level you come across would have more impact over just letting you skip over any level you found too hard/bullshit. I suppose if they penalize it by making it cost lives it might work. We'll see how they implement it then.

dont you have to die in the first place to skip?

even if you dont, its unlikely a level that's too hard is going to not eat a few lives before it gets skipped anyways

>dont you have to die in the first place to skip?
IIRC, in the first game you could skip without losing a life if you're standing on solid ground when you hold the button, but my recollection may be a bit hazy.

Day 1 purchase, that's a very rare thing for me.

Dunno if MM2 is really a day 1 game. Many uploaded levels the first day will be just shitty tutorial levels edited a bit or whatever.

No you can just hold minus and skip as long as you’re not just about to die

hopefully story mode means we wont have that

Playing this with Yea Forums is going to be insane.