>Good or interesting changes
>Nothing special

Attached: 1535403101060.jpg (474x444, 203K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bravo, Yoshi, you somehow made Viera fucking ugly

>Shake it off is single target

Post your cat
Rate, give tips, don't be an ass.

Attached: Test.png (1284x908, 2.52M)

Attached: insufficient.jpg (1898x1047, 349K)

>BRD loser
why are you forcing this meme

Summoner actions webm where?

I sure am glad I wasn't planning on fanta'ing to either of the new races. Hrothgar's options are a joke and viera aren't much better. At least bunnies can pick hairstyles seperate from faces.

Attached: bench.jpg (1920x1080, 846K)

Bro.... WTF

>Viera look like garbage
>Hrothgar have less options but looks good

Attached: 1557889113277.jpg (514x615, 50K)

>Viera have the same wonky proportions femelezen do
>including the odd facial structure and large neck
>players seem to love them
I don't get it, is it because its okay when viera do it?

Because all their support is getting nerfed and they didn't get anything cool in exchange.

Nya Nya Nya! You have foolishly fallen into my dastardly trap!

Attached: Screenshot (103).png (507x269, 193K)

please...someone make Rengar from league, I'm but a desperate poorfag ps4cuck...

Attached: despair feel.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

what are the BLM changes?

What jobs are Hrothgar even going to look good as?
All I can imagine is WAR and PLD. Even the MNK in the job action demo looked kind of awkward.

Attached: DhwuSgPUEAAFezw.png (633x641, 199K)

GNB please. Also that PLD looks like a redux of 3.0's.

Attached: Fullscreen.jpg (925x533, 159K)

It's okay to admit you're a furfag

set your GPU power limit to 1% and enjoy the powerpoint show :)

What is ugly about them? Here is my future wife.

Attached: file.png (337x962, 614K)

They look fine, they are just like every other race in that it's easy to make them look really retarded if you are stupid with the options. But yes most of their face options are shit.

Attached: 1558668717346.jpg (1660x1031, 326K)

that's like 0.5 frames per second

Attached: the brave little toaster.jpg (933x496, 153K)

Whew, thank goodness I'm a summoner

based edgelord

>team forces in a race to satisfy a bunch of freaks they just cordoned off into the pervert playpen datacenter
>rush job results in realdolls with bunny ears
i'm sure we'll all learn a valuable lesson from this.

Attached: delita.jpg (200x200, 8K)

Not him but I agree
Also I don't like furries

Help me out bros, i don't know if i should fanta or not

Attached: dixcat5.png (1917x1079, 3.16M)

>benchmark was delayed for 2 unfinished half races
The absolute state of yoshi

Attached: 1550943719589.png (292x656, 254K)

>White Viera
>Look fine

Attached: 1548939570513.jpg (640x626, 187K)

Looks nice but the could try a different color for the marks
Looks like a weird kid first OC

this is literally the only thing i'll be able to think about when i see a bunny from now on
i hate you assholes

Attached: couldn't run away.gif (221x196, 410K)

What about an intentional trans bunny?

Attached: butunironicallythistime.png (503x821, 486K)

>have to level MCH now
What are some good looking mch weapons? Do the artifact weapons look good?

Attached: 1381216357757.gif (178x177, 1.03M)

>2 Fouls

You're in SAM tier nigga. MNK is in winners.

nah, you're just a furry.

what a dapper chap

Dont you talk about my wife like that you fag.

I love her.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11 2019-05-24 04-25-44.jpg (2560x1440, 1.62M)

makai pistol

>can't get full orange or full red lion hair

what makes them good now?

Ha, that sounds funny. Think I'll give it a try.

I had Dick Dastardly in mind when making it
It's meant to be hammy

Spotted the closet furry

This chad can be my tank any day.

what do viera dicks taste like just asking haha

>Want to fantasia
>Have to name change because feminine name
It's $10 and my midlander is cute so it's a bit of a dilemma.

Attached: hroth1.jpg (1299x1071, 463K)

The girl's mic was shut off during most of the bard portion

They'll add hairstyles right?

Attached: rate.png (1443x1041, 1.64M)

I love the gentleman's mustache.

WAR and that's it. Everything else will just make them look out of place doing super technical movements despite looking like unga bunga meatheads.

I don't like nigger bunny girls. I like Au Ra more.

nuts and berries



Why are all the armors tank ones? Also rate

Attached: listo.png (761x938, 996K)

>Trying to cope this hard you like a literal furry race
It's 2019, just accept it.

>they look fine, just make sure to set the same options as literally everyone else or they'll look like they have downs syndrome
Compelling argument

Attached: 1554333821527.jpg (320x401, 37K)

Your bunnies are beautiful I want to breed them

So with Heavy Thrust and Impulse Drive gone the DRG main combo is True Thrust > Chaos Thrust > Full Thrust or something like that?

If they weren't hunched over and were a bit less bulky I'd go Hrothgar instantly but god I don't like how stretched armor looks on them.

>play on ps4
>seems like it gets louder every week
>sounds like a fucking jet engine right now and I've been on maybe 3 hours
>I'm convinced it's gonna die on me any moment now
>to broke to go pc, or at least well enough to play this game

Attached: 1433547389576.gif (1200x900, 374K)

i like the fuckhuge revolver you can get with the PvP rewards

Attached: big iron on his hip.png (463x778, 288K)

Viera emotes look sad compared to Hrothgars

Femelezen player here, I'd like orange hair also but its only pale colors unless its blue or white.

They have to look like actual Viera to look good. If you make them pale, short women with blue eyes and red hair they're going to look like shit. Make them look a bit more like Fran and you get 10/10.

>Revolver of the Wanderer
>Suzaku's Gun
can't recall any others that stand out at this time

>They'll add
Yep, right after they add more SMN glamours, more glamour plates, hairstyles tied to armor sets, and the ability to queue for multiple roulettes at once

six FUCKING HUGE bullets, more than enough to kill anything that moves.

Damn these threads move fast.

Attached: Eleversa.jpg (1920x1080, 533K)

roast her. im unafraid

Attached: viera.png (1076x1009, 1.32M)

A robot. Ya that pretty much sold me, that AND a major rework accord to yoshi.

I'm ready for Shadowniggers.

Attached: 12613754sfsd35.jpg (928x538, 164K)

Sharpened Flame of the Dynast (HW relic)
Deathlocke Lux (HW relic)
Fire of the Fiend (the biggest gun available)
Seeing Horde Handgonne (for edgelords)
Revolver of the Wanderer (PvP weapon, simple but well designed)
Makai Hand Mortar (soon to be locked PvP weapon, smallest gun available)

this gun is a winner, for sure.
I cant think of another one better than it.

>hairstyle tied to face
>Can't even equip all head gear
Hrothgar are more half assed than we thought.

Attached: 1558669140350.png (2368x1348, 2.99M)

>dying on a hill defending Viera (also furry)
Check the mirror, nigger.

If you go back and listen you can still make out what she's saying. They're losing 2% crit on songs, Troubador is getting changed/nerfed (and MCH/DNC now have equivalents that don't stack), and all they really got was what looks like a new DoT and a new gauge which you spend on another lightshow arrow shot attack.

I don't like the MCH changes. Current MCH doesn't need that many adjustments to be perfect. I don't want to be some anime robot fan boy, I just want to shoot some shit.

>WE FALL is going to be the STORM OF BLOOD of 5.0
I'm not looking forward to it

I've seen some people really like the ghost baroque gun too.

anyone know how to make a cheap pc that can run it better?

Attached: Capture.png (924x537, 652K)

The robot is cool!

Attached: 1558653396959.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Your fault for buying a PS4 in the first place

i'm chuckling like an idiot
this is so silly that it is amazing
i'm unironically sold on mch just for this

That's a shame, they look cool. I'm sure all the furries playing them will ruin them though.

>shit floppy ears
>skunk hair

The floppy ear option looks like total trash, I can't see anyone using it because they think it looks good. All the ears look pretty bad because they are completely stiff, they do not animate at all with the character's movement.

What they doing to WHM?

Oh she looks like a pouty art student slut. I like it.

How'd I do?

Attached: THE FLINCH IN YOUR EYE.png (933x365, 423K)

Way too fucking pale. She's gonna look like a zombie in majority of the areas.

hair is tied to face like Au Ra.

Attached: nYM5fWy.gif (446x481, 3.1M)

I needed to play Bloodbourne. It was ALMOST worth it.

Still no reason to change from femlala.

Attached: bm.png (1319x1069, 2.29M)

Fuck off to vg with your ugly toons you fucking trannies

Pretty good, but DMC3 Dante looks like shit. Go for literally any other version.

What the fuck did you expect from an MMO dumbed down for 6 year old hardware?

Wildfire is now a gauge-spender instead of a cooldown so you have more control over when it activates, which instantly makes it 1000x better than current wildfire.

basically what im going for, thank you user

Oh shit is that an autocrossbow?

I got this one, lads.

Attached: unknown (1).png (1920x1080, 2.73M)


floppy ear is terrible

How has SCH lost?

can't wait for the lala nipple mod for that gear


I have a 4gb gtx 960 and AMD FX-8350, should be pretty cheap.

Attached: jej.jpg (1920x1080, 832K)

>being hrothgar


I like this

There was another one with the face tattoos under the eyes I liked too

Don't know if I will stay my smug jewish elf or go bun/buns/bunself like literally *everyone* for a bit

How do I import my own armour into the benchmark to get an idea for stuff like that?

Attached: chrome_2019-05-23_22-37-35.jpg (1315x915, 248K)

this one's pretty cool

Understandable, I'm sorry for your loss


The cheapest possible way for you to play this game on high (1080p) would be for you to buy the upcoming Ryzen 3600g processor with cheapest components. Probably around $500.

Bio blaster, auto crossbow, air anchor, drill
Just need flash, chainsaw, noiseblaster and debilitator to be Edgar

Those are some god-tier aesthetics.

Bioblaster, Auto Crossbow, Air Anchor, and Drill.

It's whatever Hypercharge does now that consumes the gauge, it's hard to tell because the animation is subtle

Move DRK up to Winners and your list is golden OP.

Oh fuck. An actual machinist. I may have to change over to this.

Attached: 1314778063969.jpg (718x640, 141K)

I expected for Hrothgar to have race-only hairstyles. Never thought it would be limited to faces though.

that looks really cool, fuck, i have no idea what to lvl first, i have everything @70 except MNK/DRG

Attached: 1539089641007.jpg (2092x3034, 527K)

You always had control of when you overheat/wildfire you retard

get a PS4

Just resubbed. Is it still possible to get the XV car?

Attached: lala_shorts_ell.jpg (573x853, 94K)

I knew deep down that they'd fix it. Now I finally have no regrets in leveling it to 70.

You can consume 50 overheat to gain access to Cooldown. Don't know if you get a specific # of charges or what, but that's what it does.

In what universe, try again retard

They won't be much different from roegadyn in that regard, who look good enough as casters and canonically have Hellsguards as very competent mages

SMN is a loser for everyone who isn't a shitter.

If you want jobs dumbed down, remove yourself from the game and from Yea Forums.

you got like 3 days to get 200k MGP

You have until Monday to do the quests and get 200k MGP

Are the lion ears tied with their hairstyle??
I want the ones with the black point ears

Change ears, remove tats and he will look amazing

All they did was make it an actual SMN and remove the clunky pet system. Nigger did you actually fucking like spamming Contagion for 5 GCDs hoping Garuda would cast it?

The black ears were in facial features, I think

>not DMC2 Dante

You're gonna miss the bash user.

Attached: 1557951870415.gif (624x335, 2.55M)

Wait it just costs MGP? I still have a million saved up!

Attached: 67530372_p4_master1200.jpg (837x745, 114K)

Not quite.

>God Tier

>High Tier

>Okay tier

>Forgettable Tier

>Bad Tier


Attached: WHM2.png (650x1011, 341K)

you literally don't even know how it works you fucking idiot
for all we know it's more complicated than it is now

Attached: 544FAD21-E0D9-4D26-84D4-AEFDC8A0D97F.jpg (640x360, 25K)

Calm down spastic.
By control it means you can delay it as long as you're not capping out on gauge. It's a DPS loss to sit on cooldowns but if it's a gauge spender then it makes no difference, you are limited by how fast you can generate gauge. It means you don't have to autistically sync cooldowns as much and it's less punishing for delaying or going out of sync to line up cooldowns better.


>Change ears
how? It just let me change the size

Attached: 1557434135726.gif (285x279, 2.05M)

>BRD mains absolutely seething


Attached: FFXIV_Dancer_Art.png (1414x2000, 2.35M)

I wasn't really interested in Hrothgar when they were first announced, but after playing around in the CC and seeing them in action, they're not half bad.

Attached: 2.jpg (1880x1079, 746K)

Roes at least look okay as Paladins and Dragoons. I can't imagine a Hrothgar as anything but a mindless beast.

You still have to complete the questline.

i agree, i think a lop ear style could be acceptable if they just flopped forward like you'd expect, but the weird swept back look makes it seem like they accidentally dipped their head in superglue

All of these "dumbed down" shitposters don't actually play this game. If they did they're realize almost every single change does nothing to impact the actual complexity of the jobs at all. The only wildcard is healer DPS at the moment, we need more info before we can make a solid judgement but it's pretty much a lateral change that removes some clutter for most of the other jobs in terms of complexity.

rate my bunny

Attached: cutebunny.png (802x1077, 1.63M)

yeah, complete the quests and buy it from the ironworks employee by the gold saucer counter

>heart tattoo for no reason
You were so close...


Yeah, go do the quests, then buy all the shit from the vendor in gold saucer

This cat is a total chad

I dont think you can do that at best all you can do is save the character appearance data to use later.

Attached: neat.png (1920x1080, 3.6M)

good use of grey tones with contrasting eye color

Thank you frens, I'll run through those quests tomorrow

thats kot


>you can't change the ears

previous toon had the same tattoo, figured I'd keep it

This is what the flopped over ear style looks like.

Attached: 8d24b63f4b104e241908c6297636c99d[1].jpg (500x377, 50K)

>Tank DPS removed
>Healer DPS removed
>FATE trains derailed
>Side quests actually relevant now?
>MCH is ???

7k and 127 sec loading time
Was I supposed to close my other programs?

Attached: 1462037244020.png (454x502, 238K)

hmm looks like displacement is actually getting its potency buffed from 130 to 200.

Roes look like inflated balloon people. Hrothgar with the mustache would make a dapper PLD, see

>>Tank DPS removed
>>Healer DPS removed
Neither of these things are true

>an actual Machinist now

Put the game in an SSD to reduce loading times by 2/3.

I fucking love Lala cunny.

Attached: 1553461822256.jpg (640x873, 48K)

tank and healer dps wasn't removed, it was made baseline

literally the only thing tank stance does now is modify enmity generation

I'd rather it and corp have no potency and a 10s CD so I could zip around like a retard more

How'd I do

Attached: Viera.jpg (1591x1238, 291K)

I think you're right. Wildfire is definitely changed somehow though because it lasts even less than the 10 seconds it currently does. Maybe it actually is based on number of GCDs like that one user kept saying it should be.

Jiggle-bones, which the game does have.
>dumbed down for 6 year old hardware
Retard confirmed

the way he flips the sword before sheathing is unironically cool as shit

>tfw your shitty CPU is still alive and fighting for it's life

Attached: ffxiv-shadowbringers-bench_05-23-2019_75.png (928x536, 654K)

I mean, they did literally say that White Mage would have some kind of new damage move that would use black lilies.

>DRK gets a stand
>NIN gets a shadow clone
>MCH gets a gundam
>MNK still doesn't get a punch rush
At least they got a hadoken, I guess

Attached: 1554992183911.png (328x363, 134K)

Did anyone DAT mine the benchmark and post results yet? If not, why not?

Attached: 1558657837855.png (380x380, 235K)

>Good casters
They look horrible in bathrobes

Attached: unsubscribe.jpg (320x466, 44K)

Did they ever mention adding more facial structures/options for other races, or am I gonna continue to have to have semi downs/skin cancer.

Attached: ffxiv_29122018_214143.png (1920x1080, 1.84M)

too busy jacking it to chocolate bunny

79k club here.

Attached: 1558671269014.png (1920x1080, 3.82M)

>manly tears plays F:NV

Play mnk more before spilling the nonsense that they have nothing but a fancy attack. GL4 and a way to maintain, plus the loss of global utility for other dps is a huge buff for mnk.

If it helps, the showcase showed that they also got a 4th Greased Lightning in Fists of Wind
If the leaks are anything to go by, it isn't as strong as Fist of Fire, but is faster.
So it's kinda better

>high desktop
>not maximum
don't count

>OG Twintania in the benchmark

Attached: 1553540672857.png (254x164, 64K)

What GPU are you using? The Tesla V100?

>>MNK still doesn't get a punch rush

They had one in 1.0.


Sucks that they'll be the most limited hair race wise, but the faces are pretty cool.

Attached: 79a2e6f09b04207efc03ff25fe5651ec.png (706x766, 972K)

I guess this translates into 'Very Low'? Lmao

Attached: Untitled.png (506x306, 55K)

i poked around and found the music, but that's the extent of my autistic powers

oh but contra sixte seems to be getting nerfed unfortunately. Right now it starts at 350 and goes down by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, then 50% but in the gameplay they showed off it says contra sixte does 350 to the first enemy and only half that amount for every other enemy. Should they really be nerfing RDM AoE? fuck yoshi.

>SMN Relic weapon in SdB might finally be based on a different motif than Bahamut wings again for the umpteenth time
mild excitement

How are you able to zoom that close up?

Looks like a prostitute so I guess pretty well

This time it will have 2 sets of wings. 1 is Bahamut's and the other's is Phoenix

Looks new to me.

Attached: Chad.png (710x856, 1.23M)

Because the Benchmark has the character be a Dark Knight.

They're adding actual aoe skills to rdm so it's surely fine

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-24_00-16-17.jpg (1920x1080, 1.02M)

sounds good to me

Attached: 1518773315762.gif (412x304, 2.59M)

How bad the fur options are was the worst. I notice everyone's just going with white-grey-black to hide it.

You do know we actually have ranged AOE now other then that right ?

>How are you able to zoom that close up?

Print screen and careful timing

Yeah, just made it be the same color as the skin really, as it doesn't look that grand.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-24_00-17-51.jpg (1920x1080, 1.38M)

>Paint it black actually coincides with everything in the Shadowbringers trailer and plot

Look man, all I was saying is that in an expansion where a bunch of other jobs are getting some anime ass shit, MNK still can't get the most basic bitch anime shit

N-not even worthy of contempt?

Attached: invisible.png (472x820, 482K)

The OG PS4/Slim run the game on High settings fairly well, usually 40-50fps in non crowded areas and 20-30fps in crowded ones.

If you can afford it, you can probably find the Pro on sale for $350 somewhere and it runs the game on high/ultra at 1080p60fps.

Music dump when

Seems close enough to a Doman face.

Eyes look too moe, should be more fierce!

Chad cat, but lose the pink undereye liner

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-24_00-18-18.jpg (1920x1080, 2.04M)

why does it look like the scar is floating on the fur

Postan my grandpa again since people liked it

Attached: grandpa3.png (702x900, 1.04M)

looks like a tranny

Attached: Viera Rava.png (1832x1173, 2.34M)

I mean if you were going for the tranny look, you nailed it

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-24_00-18-33.jpg (1920x1080, 862K)

Looks cool
You should keep that coat if you make him

The Pro is so much quieter and it runs the game really well. I sold my old ass original way back when. Shit sounded like it would explode any time I turned it on to play.

I only remember 4 face options but I could be wrong

Attached: file.png (1323x812, 1.71M)

>All this new job information
>Everyone avatarfagging

Attached: 1556817889347.jpg (663x579, 39K)

You're probably right. I've been skimming through the video and AoE impact does 220 damage to all enemies around the target and has a long cast, so it seems RDM AoE will be using veraero-AoE and verthunder-AoE (120 potency each) to proc impact-AoE. Total, that amounts to about 340 potency per enemy. Certainly a significant improvement over scatter spam.

Enchanted moulinet still does 200 potency per enemy but now costs 20 rather than 30 mana gauge. A full 100 mana gauge will allow you to use 5 enchanted moulinets for 1000 potency per enemy across a little less than 10 seconds of spamming it (1.5s recast on enchanted moulinet).


Attached: a5b5fa99a230cb2a8b315fd0f5a85baa.png (672x669, 579K)

Rate my bunbun. I wanted to go for a more tanned tomboyish look with thick brows. hair color is still TBD though.

Attached: Viera.png (1457x1080, 2M)

>viera racial clothes don't make them taller, it literally just shortens their legs by 5 inches.

Attached: 1529150030085.jpg (717x402, 32K)

Help. My computer is a toaster

Attached: 1558671830721.png (1898x1047, 3.32M)

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-24_00-19-35.jpg (1920x1080, 1.93M)

is this a meme list
I wish the info would've given me a reason to finish leveling BLM but it still looks boring as hell

Attached: unknown.png (378x465, 101K)

Who care lol

where can i see all the changes?

Attached: bun.png (1920x1080, 3.09M)

Midlanders have always had 6 faces.

Make the eyeliner a less gaudy colour and you're good to go Gramps

Attached: Hroth.png (1920x1080, 3M)

I'd have to rebuy everything though right? plus there talks of the PS5 coming out so wouldnt they drop that like ps3?

That's the Yoshi I know

Accusing male characters of being trannies doesn't work. They're just gay.

Cute, looks like a spitfire.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-24_00-19-46.jpg (1920x1080, 1.17M)

Holy shit. What theme does it play music wise when you FAIL that?!

>anime with animal ears

pretty forgettable tbqfwy

What manga is this from?

>8GB GTX 1070
>7.1k score
Bros the bitcoin miners got me

Attached: 1553040058406.jpg (368x349, 86K)

You wouldn't understand

And yeah, I didn't even mean that I was worried about them completely removing healer DPS or whatever. The biggest question for healers in my mind in ShB is gonna be if they're going to want healers to spend more GCDs healing instead of just shitting out oGCD heals constantly and spamming Stone as much as possible. I have a feeling that's more of what they're aiming for.

That's been in since launch.

Unironically one of the best I’ve seen, good job

I like the resting bitchface in left.


Attached: trump dab.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

I'm on business trip at the moment and I'm away from my PC, otherwise I'd check it myself, but do we have a collection of shots of he new AF gear from the benchmark?


Attached: kino2.png (1366x768, 2.11M)


>*cigar smell*
>hey dude, I'm dating your mom now and would like to be friends you if that's cool
>wanna buy some weed

Attached: stepdad.png (568x564, 462K)

>50 BLU
>70 MCH
>70 WHM
You're in no position to talk

Such a fine parade of potential Hrothgar daddies in this thread. Now, how many of you want to teach a vulnerable catboy who is the real alpha predator and dominant male...

Attached: OwO door.jpg (495x720, 37K)

this is my setup. a 1050ti and an i5 is pretty cheap i guess

Attached: good boy.png (928x536, 615K)

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-24_00-20-56.jpg (1920x1080, 1.37M)

It's Kengan Omega, the sequel series to Kengan Asura.

Attached: 1550181645969.png (1088x691, 772K)

Presumably they'd let you transfer your PS4 license to PS5 for free for a time, like they did for PS3.

PS4, Steam, OSX and Non Steam licenses are all separate yes.

Attached: D7R81Q0X4AErxUB.png (256x263, 91K)

>feet still animate like they're not in high heels

Attached: familychuke.gif (480x270, 81K)

Well the only way to make healers heal more is to make more damage come out

My dude, I don't even know what to make of my main's (SMN) changes. It looks like they've restructured a billion and one things that the rotation is going to be wholly different from what it's been so far. I'm excited as all hell but I really need/want to actually play it first. Phoenix looks great and I couldn't care less that it looks pretty similar to Bahamut functionally at a first glance.

Attached: 61512138_p0.jpg (750x856, 402K)

add a moustache, it will make you way better

Rate me

Attached: Mewoer.jpg (592x925, 174K)

>nerf bard for no reason


Attached: 1481178962935.jpg (493x497, 33K)

The idea of consuming resources to boost your attacks was a good one, they just implemented it horribly. Dark Arts could have been saved.

>not even 60
>thinks he had an opinion on BLM

Could be better.

Attached: f79z58.png (928x536, 654K)

I hope that 7.1k is in 1440p.

Holy fuck dude.

Attached: hnnnnnnnnng.png (666x1061, 353K)

>wasting precious seed on sub catboys

Attached: 1547945038179.png (288x415, 135K)

On the bright side the new skills look pretty great

thread. please. i'm begging you. i'm begging you all. no more bunnies with horrendous overbites and final fantasy tactics noses. turn your bunnies 90 degrees in either direction and look and see if you've made one whose skull is a fucking sphere.

Attached: jesus chichu how horrifying.jpg (275x280, 35K)

To make room for MCH's unstoppable bionic cock.

Crit meta was fucking stupid

Synergy is getting nerfed across the board.
>But dancer
Dancer will have low personal DPS to account for their high synergy.

With the built in defense buff they gave tanks I have a feeling bosses are definitely going to be hitting a bit harder than they have been in the past.

I hate how they hunch over instead of standing up straight, that kills them for me

This is the closest to an Oni I could ever try

Attached: o2jUGHI.jpg (1858x1057, 523K)

fucking niggers

Attached: 2019-03-06 11_50_43-Window.png (420x409, 122K)

Because you fucks have been mandatory for way too long.

t. MCH

Same, I'm a BRD/MCH main
BRD changes seem minimal which I'm fine with, he never used heavy shot before refulgent so I'm hoping that self buff is just a refulgent proc buff
Also hoping that somewhat normal skill is just Heavy Shot II since it's not crazy looking
MCH is completely different and I'm worried it won't be fun, just press your oGCDs to build gauge to summon robot
He def looks cool, but I'll have to see it in action to get a feel
Hopefully DNC is just really complex and fun

1080 and it was just on desktop(high)...

oof, and I thought you guys were into degeneracy.

Guess I'll make a Hrothgar retainer instead

Attached: Xg9Fm1q.png (640x904, 305K)

What the fuck. My rig is much worse than yours and performed way better. Are your drivers up to date? How long have you had your CPU?

>Dancer will have low personal DPS to account for their high synergy.
nobody tell him lololo

Attached: 1558660225884.png (2560x1440, 1.57M)

I've used it in POTD so I've used the 60 skills already. Then in PvP some of the 70 skills are available. Still dogshit

god damn it

Did they say if this true analog?

Attached: 1558667627418.png (1621x913, 2.05M)

Fixed eye color.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-24_00-33-16.jpg (1920x1080, 1.08M)

I guess it's time to upgrade this 390 bros

Attached: ffxiv-shadowbringers-bench_2019-05-24_00-30-30.png (928x536, 655K)

inb4 stock cooler but also overclocked

fix the lack of moustache

2 years and I think so, maybe i'll try closing everything and trying again because that's just depressing

Except for the fact that Yoshi P literally said that they would bring good damage.

This is legitimately the best Hrothgar I've seen tonight.

>The 14 button is printed with XIV
Yoshi pls

I'm in love.
Tell me how bad my taste is.

Attached: 11.png (1460x1080, 3.45M)

Fuck i just got here, did the job actions all leak with descriptions/stats or do we only have their looks so far?

>takes 5 casts to use

looks perfect like actually good
I approve

Attached: hor.png (1289x1021, 1.81M)

Can't expect a sub-100 IQ RPer to understand I suppose.

keep in mind that's with 433 gear

*removes shirt and shaves eyebrows*
*illegally immigrates to your city*
*bombs garlean free health clinics*
*summons a primal*

Attached: mhigga.png (928x952, 160K)

Is it possible for these things to not suck ass? The razer and logitech ones are so bad.

>WAR gets cucked
finally, DRKchads get to shine

Your GPU is fine. Your mistake is you're running Maximum, which sets the AO to HBAO+, which is Nvidia proprietary, and completely destroys AMD card performance. Change it to Strong and you'll see a world of difference.

Basic as fuck. Even the tranny looks better.

My laptop's 1050 managed that what in the heckins

>HrothGODs dabbing on Viera again
Oh no this can't keep happening trannybros

Attached: 1554340306165.jpg (800x450, 148K)

I unironically love the idea of dancer being a buffer because it opens to door for a possible Chemist/Enchanter support type caster

No racism please.

thanks i tried to make her a qt but still look tough.

Attached: a38abd95e487c633b8cb17040673c979ba32ec2d_5.png (530x298, 342K)

So what did MNK and SAM get? I don't have time for frivolities so can someone who actually cares tell me what they got? I've heard MNK finally got GL4.

10/10 will probably steal.

"Good damage" in this context just means "not fucking terrible damage". Even though I'll get a bunch of reaction image replies to this, they're not that stupid to say "we're cutting back synergy so some jobs don't feel mandatory" only to implement a job that not only has high personal DPS AND buffs everyone else's DPS by 30%.

Only looks and interpretations from the showcase so far

So, in summation

-WAR, SCH and BRD go to the cuckshed
-SAM, NIN, MNK and DRG are in a no holds barred free for all to see who can score DNC buffs
-BLM got buffed, as is tradition

Literal pan face

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-24_00-36-42.jpg (1920x1080, 2.08M)

We already have Alchemist though.

>1080p losers

Attached: 1549626856246.jpg (2566x1468, 1.31M)

Gaming keypads are a meme.

You're better off getting a mechanical keyboard that will surely cost less than this keypad.

Do you know what the S in DPS stands for?

If this is how they're going to approach it (by robbing another Job of it's buffs) then prepare to be fucking dissapointed.

>they're not that stupid

Attached: 1510012514628.jpg (640x640, 33K)

They look good if you go for a "savage/tribal" caster look

>they're laughing at us

Attached: 1558640360121.jpg (400x400, 20K)

Chemist is a different thing you secondary shitter. It was even almost the healer job for Heavensward but Yoshida wasn't happy with the potion system.

stay mad bardfags
dancers gonna be dancing on your grave

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-24_00-36-57.jpg (1920x1080, 982K)

I don't think about you at all

>when the best new content available is re-releasing the oldest content available

Attached: 32f.jpg (251x242, 10K)

"It was like she was looking at walking garbage."

These new Black Mage spells look neat.
Not shown:
>Blizz 3 now has either 0 mana cost when used from Astral Fire 3, or no mana cost at all

Umbral soul looks like your recover from being made to use Transpose, while fitting in any extra oGCDs.
Xenoglossy is just single target Foul, instant because that's nice.
Despair looks the most interesting to me. Single target Flare with a VERY fast cast time. Looks like the new BLM opener would need you dropping 3 of these in a row.

Attached: black mage buttons.png (341x593, 180K)

>only 8 hair styles locked with the face + limited headgear

Attached: ebin.png (209x240, 21K)

Not tranny-tier but could use a little work

>45s loading time
Imagine flexing running the game on a 1440p screen when you can't even bother with an SSD.

The twins' new outfits look good.

did he make it bros?

Attached: 1537253179674.png (800x450, 405K)

Dancin' is what to do
Dancin' when I think of you
Dancin' is what clears my soul
Dancin' is what makes me whole

Done for now.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-24_00-38-08.jpg (1920x1080, 1.14M)

>bards desperately trying to stay relevant.
You'll get your dues in 5.2

>The Chemist (薬師, Yakushi?, lit. Dispenser or アイテム士, Aitemushi?, lit. Item User), also known as an Alchemist (錬金術士, Renkinjyutsushi? or 精錬術士, Seirenjyutsushi?, lit. Refining Technician) or Salve-Maker

I've played every single FF game you fucking retard.

I do have an SSD, but I ran it out of winRAR so maybe that was why

shilling my wife some more lemme hear your thots

How is 22 seconds load time?

BLM in palace
everything in that place dies before you can even cast a fire, that doesn't count

>Try to have a dance party
>DNC shows up just to style on you

Yeah, we'll get a fuckin instrument thanks to soken. yosheep has no love for bards

ears are probably tied to face, like Au-Ra horns

I'm not a bard fag thought i'm going DNC 100%, also i just went back and YoshiP was doing 26k non crits fire IVs so that might actually be quite high after all

Is it true that WAR basically got a mini TA?
If so, I don't know how you guys are spouting cuckshed memes.

10/10, would follow this cat into battle

Leomon looks good for his age.

Extra GL stack while in Fists of Wind
New AoE breakdance spinkick which seems to be part of an AoE combo with Fist of the Destroyer and a new Hadouken attack.
New Rising Kick attack. Don't know if it adds any buffs or is just a damage dealer
"Meditation" type stance it can use during phases where the boss becomes untargettable to generate GL stacks

SAM got a two new attacks, one where it strikes with both its katana and sheath, and another one where it does a bunch of slashes. The latter looks like its used to exit Meditation. Looks like it got a cooldown that lets it use its Iai skills in a row even without having the proper Sen. Don't know much about SAM desu.

Then you should know that the Alchemist class is not in any way the classical Chemist job. The dev team acknowledges that too because they were planning the true Chemist job.

They could easily just make Umbral Hearts not affect Despair, you know.

He's so fucking hot, that armor is so goddamn cool, Gunbreaker looks so chad...

Attached: Thancred dadd.png (1024x576, 760K)

looks like you stuck her head in a trash compactor. where the fuck is her chin?

>even the fucking gremlin is cheering

rate me

Attached: cryinghrothgar.jpg (801x742, 402K)

Nevermind I'm retarded I ran it from my HDD

Tony had to be sacrificed.

>BLM opener would need you dropping 3 of these in a row.
but it consumes all your mp

Thanks I had no idea. That pushed it to 11025.

They were saying something about hagakure as well but I didn't catch it. Did you?

in a chinese phone book of course

Attached: 1528434087031.gif (400x288, 1.49M)

The rising kick refreshes GL, and doesn't seem to be a couerl form move. I'm guessing it's intended as a way to quickly build GL like current Riddle of Wind, and also as a filler oGCD.

Hrothgar look pretty cool actually.

Attached: H.png (409x619, 458K)

made me laugh/10

yeah, accommodate for autoattacks and the discrepancy is really not that big from BLM who is supposedly the most "greedy" of dps to DNC who is labeled as a fullblown "buffer"

Should I roll a Hrothgar or keep my Elezen?

1-5: Keep
6-0: Change

Attached: 1558545636377.jpg (2120x2440, 779K)

I think Hagakure is getting changed so it no longer consumes Sen in exchange for Kenki, it now lets you do two Midares back to back. Instead they have a new action which just instantly gives you a bunch of kenki for free.

it's funny how many hrothgars are being posted when everyone hated them on reveal, what changed?

I've been waiting for this.

They actually look great

Resetera left

>45 whole seconds loading

look at this chugger


I see. So, there will be no way to release Sen then? Might make lining up a higanbana up with Trick a bit, well.. trickier.

Despite their lack of customization it's pretty easy to make a good looking one.

trannies (who were gunning for male Viera) and SJWs fucked off

about goddamn time

They are trying shit out with the new toy. Same shit will happen on release too. After a month it will go down. You're still going to more likely see more lion men than female roes though.

That's fine. Around 20s or lower is acceptable.

Hrothgar faces aren't as bad as I thought, but they look really fucking dopey with their fangs poking out lol

Hairy manly features in an otherwise anime smoothskin game, good animations, and bunnies look like shit

because they actually look different from the usual "human + animal features" template.

Face actually looks cool, but their damn body is a shame
wish they had made them actually unique even at the cost of letting them have less glam options

that's fine by me

Attached: jeff.jpg (588x508, 77K)

Good news is that you can remove the fangs entirely if you wish

The only new shit worth seeing is Phoenix, and it's literally just another Bahamut phase seemingly.

Viera actually looks worse than Miqo'te. Not even the niggress clan can save it...

Attached: 1262461661676.jpg (754x469, 96K)

viera either look like fran or like they have a few bonus chromosomes, so there's not really a lot to be done there

It feels like that's exactly what they're intended for.

I don't know what it is, but Hrothgar with beards are just so much more charming than ones without, it just makes them look so much better.

Oh shit ive been wondering why my load times have been shit for the last 2 benches. Youre a hero.

Hrothgar actually look really nice as Tanks and I'm seriously thinking about changing my catboy for one

Attached: 1557462994238.png (790x455, 234K)

My only worry with Hrothgar is that they're going to look bad in anything that isn't Tank/Armor style gear. Aside from Snow's coat, all of the non-armor options for them in the Benchmark looked pretty bleh. The new MNK artifact armor doesn't look that great on them either.

Are you guys memeing or what? They don't really look bad. A couple of faces are a bit meh, but same with all races

If Umbral Hearts affect Despair then what's the point of Fire IV even existing?

That chocobo is fucking hideous!

Viera surprisingly have really stale emotes compared to Hrothgar

there's orchestrion rolls too from ironworks hand vendors in city states, bought with drops from the quest fate. just have to do it twice more after the first time you do it for all of them

...no? it's just a finisher you cast for 80 bonus potency before you shift to Umbral.

I loved the benchmark, my gf looked so cute in her red jacket :3

Attached: __alisaie_leveilleur_final_fantasy_xiv_and_etc_drawn_by_nat_the_lich__af77d9a5ee21a2ab4f6f46eb62918e (800x800, 473K)

All furries

I think you're confusing a bunch of bored people who have nothing to do for a month with the people who actually want to play Hrothgar.
None of these people (ok maybe like 2) will actually be changing to Hrothgar but it's fun to make a cool looking animal guy.

In terms of flashy visuals sure, but I still want to watch it over in repeat and pick apart things mechanically. Like wtf that offensive Aetherflow(?) spell is
>it's literally just another Bahamut phase seemingly.
Not even mad.

Attached: 50589828_p0.jpg (1600x2241, 2.66M)

They look good in armor. Actually surprised.

Attached: dab hrothgar.png (559x660, 325K)

I almost made it lads.

Attached: FFXIV_BENCH.png (928x536, 654K)

i want to mating press your gf and make half elf children with her

>he actually believes he'll see more female roe than lions in the newest expac

Its more likely they're just going to tone down the Potency on heals, HoTs, and Shields, to force more hard-cast heals. Makes them more heal focused, while still allowing good parties to have a HLR also DPS

So this has become a hotly debated topic among the faggots in my discord.
>'stache or no 'stache

Attached: stacheornot.png (1763x899, 1.92M)

Nice toaster.

how to screenshot in the bench?

She already has a retarded kobold child.

I feel like every single hrothgar should be voiced by Jamieson Price

Stache and beard. Duh.

>these are the retards playing this game

stache every single time

Attached: grandpa4.png (840x900, 1.12M)

>FFXIV fanbase is so mad gay they think Viera aren't hot and that WAR will ever stop being best job

Attached: 1549379466475.png (553x125, 53K)

definitely stache

stache all the fucking way.

Attached: file.png (1012x1399, 3.22M)

stache, for sure

ctrl + print screen

I don't have an appropriate reaction image for this, so you get Bob Ross instead.

Attached: 1527685965576.jpg (500x666, 67K)

Stache looks like he's getting ready to give you a firm lecture on the mechanics before pulling the boss in a trial that everyone should know by now.

No stache looks like he's getting ready to fuck your ass up. Literally.

If you're fine with how it goes now it's probably gonna be the same, don't sweat it too much.

The furries all came out.

I'd be okay with this.

Is the 2nd song in the job trailer a new remix of eScape? Is it up anywhere?


Facial hair is always the way to go.

Chuckled and fuckled.

Good job.

Left doesn't pull out, he drives through
Right just isn't as masculine

as silly as it is, it's the most normal looking of MCH guns.

Attached: file.png (1000x1300, 1.11M)


Attached: 2019.05.24-00.22_01.png (1920x1080, 3.52M)

I missed the LL
summary where?
particularly interested in AST, WHM and WAR changes

You just gotta use the right face combos.

It's eScape + Syrcus Tower. Really fucking curious where that's going to come up. A Crystal Tower dungeon I guess but then why Omega's lyrics?

Get proven wrong, retard. LMFAO.

Both are fantastic. Left is an absolute lad and unique adventurer extraordinaire, right is a sexy hotblooded hero.

Attached: Dante Cid.png (789x441, 535K)

MrHappy uploaded one already

I made a bunny. I'm not too good at character creation but i think she looks pretty cute

Attached: bunny.png (2560x1080, 2.66M)

Which is exactly what I was hoping they'd do honestly. I'm not anti healers DPSing but healers being able to go entire fucking encounters without spending any GCD heals is complete fucking nonsense in my opinion. If they tip the scales a bit more towards needing to heal (but not like forcing nothing but Cure 2 spam or some shit) then I feel like healers will land in a nice spot.

>lion men race that is supposed to look feral and brutish
>everyone will make dapper, well groomed, smooth gentlemen

Attached: 1558641804958.jpg (870x835, 100K)

Woah hol' up now, what's that last Ragnarok Buster-looking one?

which gun is 3rd from the bottom? the clean white with gold trim? i think that would look fantastic when I finally start to play MCH.
Or dont tell me these are all concept art, and not in game...

People crirticise miq;te for being hyur with cat features, but at least they have slanted eyes, tails and fangs. Vieras ears look like accessories you get from a FATE

She looks like she's taking it in the ass/10

I'd like to see her eyes, but looks good so far

More efficient use of your mana.

Every time you enter Umbral Ice form, you're in a state of downtime on your DPS. Your goal is to stay in Astral Fire and spend your mana as wisely as you can.
If you're just constantly using Fire IV twice and then Despair Twice, you're going to be wasting a LOT of mana that could have been spent on Fire IVs.
Then after that, you're forced to go in to Umbral Ice again, adding more downtime.

If it were possible to use Umbral Hearts on Despair, the only time it'd be worth using it would probably be in your opener when party buffs are all going out.

Additionally, Convert would be better used on casting 2x Fire IV over 1x Despair regardless. So once again, only used during your opener.

So where would you use Despair during your normal rotation? At the end of your Astral Fire phases - and only at the end.

But this is all just day 1 theory crafting, and Depsair could just ignore Umbral Hearts entirely.

Which do you prefer?

i wish they could, but they just look dopey and brutish

Zurvan I'm pretty sure

What gun is that?

Face 4>Face 1

Attached: bun.png (551x622, 425K)


Sophic Fire. Sophia's MCH weapon.

Zurvanite Fire, you have to clear Zurvan EX to get it
I'd wait til 5.0 tho, we'll likely get a crafted one with particle effects

From the moment they showed that one glasses Hrothgar you should not have expected any different. Dapper beastman >>>>>>>> feral beastman

the second from the bottom? alexandrian metal cannon.

>bunny girls
>no bunny tail

They do need to use GCD heals occasionally, the reason they don't do it more often is because they purposefully try to avoid it as much as possible so those GCDs can be used on damage instead.

Which is still going to happen even if they nerf healing output. DPS meta isn't changing, healers are still going to be scraping every opportunity to use damage that they can unless all damage skills are now oGCDs.

Ok, last one and bed now.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-24_00-58-39.jpg (1920x1080, 1.47M)

Just started this game (25 Thaumaturgist), is it worth it to continue playing, loving it so far

why did they lock the mp to 10k bros?

Too hard to balance?

oh fuck yes. Love the Warring Triad so much.

Shoulda been 9999

Whatever made this. Last time I'am gonna post her, used all the available lighting to make sure she came out just right.

Attached: Hel yes.png (1920x1080, 3.51M)

give him a fucking stache already ffs

Can someone post all off the tooltips we have right now? I've seen the RDM and BLM ones floating around. Do we have anymore?

you can buy or craft the Fire of the Goddess, same model with a glow effect if you like that sort of thing

Rate my bunnyfu

Attached: bunnyfu.png (745x706, 1.04M)

Not him but he can't give that face a stache.

Makes it easier to tell how much your actions use as a percentage of your total MP pool. Only healers use piety, so there was no reason to not have MP not just be a nice round number.


10K MP means they have a hard, set amount to make everyone work with, and can adjust costs to be flat instead of percentage based. Mages use more MP, classes that dont need it have higher costs to punish spamming stronger abilities, etc.

If you stick to it you become BLM which with the upcoming expansion is even more broken and yes it is worth getting through the slog that is ARR and its post content just to experience HW. You can skip SB if you want.

There's some Gunbreaker and Dancer ones as well. Those were the only jobs that Yoshida actually played live.

Yeah. Stick to the trail for now. Level all the shit as high as it can go. You'll save money and by the time you cap it, dropping 40$ on shadowbringers will feel good. Besides that, the first actual patch will be FAR out from release and you'll have plenty of time to catch up. In particular because they are re-working old story content.

You might have a Delta model fan which is overtime gradually sounds more and more like a hairdryer. Find a guide to replace it with a Nidec one (fucking eBay it) and I guarantee you'll hardly hear your PS4 ever again.
t. someone who did it 3 years ago and didn't hear a whisper while playing HZD

>another roundskull
where are your CHINS

Attached: I CAME HERE TO PUNCH AT YOU.gif (480x360, 595K)

I genuinely don't understand how someone can be so lacking in original thought that they need someone else on a vietnamese rice cooking board to decide if they like a videogame or not.

What the fuck is wrong with you.

that's the most tragic thing I have read tonight, a hrothgar with no stache is a very sad hrothgar...

She looks like she wants to fuck her dad.

Early levels are usually chore so if you're already enjoying it at level 25, then you should definitely continue

looks like a fem roe ogress with rabbit ears

Like me some goth gfs

>garlean third Eye


Attached: xvkWKlu.jpg (1920x1080, 194K)


Attached: file.png (640x439, 576K)

This isn't bad for a 6-year old PC, is it?

Attached: 1554153833984.jpg (1920x1080, 2.71M)

Oh no reddit is beating us to the memes

Attached: pika.jpg (989x758, 138K)

ya really good

Am I the only one sticking c@?

Attached: 1528070224437.gif (487x560, 898K)

based granDAD

Im a simple man. I see no need to re-roll my Mi'qote when I can just make my spare retainers into a dapper Cat, and a Amazonian Bunny

Attached: 7c5bf6c34a7a39a2a6c5a6fd1f851f13.png (458x515, 415K)

My character has been mine since 1.0, I ain't changing her now.

You can juggle fire 3 and blizzard 3 like a literal ten digit IQ retard and still kill almost everything before it can touch you

I'm probably still sticking with Aura, I just wish they'd give us more faces/less down syndrome. And more scales customization too


if you like early game then keep playing, early game is the biggest slog i've ever slogged through so if you're enjoying it you'll make it.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11_2019-05-23_23-24-10.jpg (1920x1080, 1.85M)

Maybe I should turn off my second monitor

Attached: shit specs.png (1948x1006, 3.13M)

Amen. My character reached perfection in the HW benchmark creator and hasn't changed since.

I swear to god if you lesser races get the dwarven gear i'm going to sil'dah your fucking hovels.

Why the fuck did they give them fucking wide torso instead this?

Thanks guys, I'll definitely pick it up and considering there was only one reply of the typical Yea Forums quality, that is even more of an inclination to continue.

Someone make Garfield.

there a pastebin/post/something somewhere that details most of the changes? I saw the skill video, but I need to know what my BRD is looking like

I told myself I wasnt going to fanta
but I love the look of them

Attached: 2019.05.24-01.09.png (1920x1080, 3.89M)

all you furfags disgust me

Attached: 1338914671550.jpg (320x240, 18K)

Jesus user your CaC looks more evil than the actual villains of FFXIV

Attached: Rude.png (317x266, 29K)

If you're braindamaged enough to enjoy earlygame, FFXIV is right up your alley.

Looks like I stick the landing, lads.

Attached: FFXIV_BENCH_2.png (1366x768, 2.23M)


>implying anyone but lalas can wear dwarven gear
stay in your lane inferior

Attached: 1557422303296.jpg (1920x1080, 397K)

Go back to /vg/ ERP shitter

She cute

Oh no no no

an attempt was made

Attached: 15188.jpg (1858x1057, 256K)

-Bard :
> New aoe skill : Shadowbite
> need to use dots to increase
> Troub is now on perma

god wanna cum in these potats

That reminds me, I had a hearty laugh when we got confirmation that Lamimi is a dwarf on the First.

Attached: lamimi.jpg (3015x2401, 1.02M)

No shit. I'm potato and proud. I don't want them wearing the traditional garb of my uninformed peoples. Soon too they will know their rightful birthright as the true rulers of their realm.

face 4 but soften it up with different features. default is gross

>plays actual subhumans
>calls others inferior
stay smelling my ass, shortfag

Attached: 1552684887012.jpg (353x400, 20K)

>Troubadour is perma
Do they mean Paean? I know that DNC has a skill that specifically states it doesnt stack with Troubadour, and if that's now a perma-buff, there's no reason for them to both exist. Unless each of the rDPS get a buff that only 1 can apply to the party, and they're aiming for comps to only have 1 rDPS

what's the matter boy? fraid of a little hair on your lady's parts?

I wasn't trying to say healers shouldn't try to get as much damage as they can, I was saying that the game should force them to spend more GCDs on healing than they do now. Obviously people are going to try and push the limits of what the game will allow them to get away with it, but if the game itself becomes more punishing with damage that is needed to heal through naturally more focus is going to be spent on healing instead of DPS.

i like it

>makes up an overwhelming majority of the parties of nearly every world first
>over represented at the top of pvp leaderboards
>ul'dah in lore is clearly the most powerful and predominate city state
>Even has the most lore in gereral
Stay salty lesser races.

they are better than mhiggers at least


Attached: 18156.jpg (1858x1057, 249K)

I feel like what they meant by the "Balance as a pure healer job will be made more consistent" is that you're not going to have the "shield healer + regen healer" divide; all healers are just going to be better at the healing part and tanks will be tanking care of the shielding.

>literally the same but got some new toys