Shadowbringers benchmark thread
Thoughts on my Hrothgar? I feel like the skin/hair color could use some work
Shadowbringers benchmark thread
Thoughts on my Hrothgar? I feel like the skin/hair color could use some work
Hrothgar don't look bad in motion desu.
Try to use more difference between your skin and fur colour, just a few shades.
Easy way to take screenshots in the character creator? Printscreen isnt working for me, fuck
Let me just save you some time before you post your benchmark character in this thread - it looks like shit and you have bad taste and fuck niggers.
Who GUNchad here?
Here's the future of this thread. What a fucking disgrace these new races are.
Still no reason to change from femlala.
did the specs go up? I'm afraid my toaster won't be able to run it. It runs fine at about 30 fps outside of cities as it is
Give it to me straight, doc. Is she cute?
It didnt go up really much at all. I tried the SB benchmark for fun and its almost exactly the same score.
I wasn't really interested in Hrothgar when they were first announced, but after playing around in the CC and seeing them in action, they're not half bad.
>white hair
Was considering coming back since I was interested in viera, but they’re pretty hideous overall. The game is really really showing it’s age graphically and it just depresses me to look at anymore.
Post em.
I should pick up an i9900k for this game, my current CPU is starting to bottleneck.
Cute. Remove that blush thing though.
>grown man blush
>White viera
You grown men need to be banned from making them. All of them have been shit and you can't even match colors you dumb apes
A good start? Looking for some tips from people with an eye for looks.
Rate this rabbit
>XIV trannies still venturing forth from their containment general
Go back please
Eye makeup is WAY too think unless you were going for the 'Sae from Persona 5' look, also considering that your hair and skin are warm tones, consider using a warm tone for the lipstick as well
>only face 1 and face 3 Vierra are viable
thats a relief. thanks user.
now I can get back to pointless analysis of new job playstyles and spreading the Alisaie is Titania stuff
Pale vieras look weird. The round face is a pain in the ass to deal with. Yours look like an egg with a wig. Not bad but not my kind of thing.
Looks ok to me. Though I need to see her in other angles. That's also something that is driving me crazy. From some angles my bunbun looks nice but then at another it looks like shit.
I hope they fixed DRK/DRG. I dropped tanking completely in Stormblood. Beat the MSQ for it and immediately unsubbed. At least SAM was fun, imo.
Holy fucking shit. I want to fuck a Viera so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I see a Viera pic I get a massive erection. I've seen so many posts of Viera leading up to Shadowbringers. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Viera. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of a cute bunny's quivering ass. God I want to do a Ceremony of Eternal Bonding with a cute Viera because I know for a fact I could make her immensely happy by carrying her through Shadowbringers content.
"viera will be as tall as roes"
>my roe that isn't even maxed out has a full fulm on the highest possible bun height
Ears don't count, height stops at the head.
Remove the blush, you're using way too much
r8 me
h8 me
DRG seems like they made BoTD way less annoying to manage.
needs darker eyebrows and chill on the blush
How about this one? I am still having trouble with hair/hair color and eyes.
i didnt asked for a manlet, I want my refund
Is it true Yea Forums? Has Heat finally been solved and removed from the issues of Server Ticks and bad serer placement? Has my autistic view of only playing MCH finally been rewarded?
Not terrible but not remarkable
The skintone is too warm to make that hair/eye color combo look good; either dial up the contrast on the colors or cool the skin down a bit
Trying to decide between these 2
>benchmark with a lala
holy fucking kek
Alright thanks. I may have to calibrate my monitor or whatever, it didn't look that glaring in the creator.
I pray its fun to play
please god, the aesthetic change they've done is fucking amazing
Left is better IMO
I find that using the Gridania backround gives you more clear reads on colors; you can swap to the other backrounds to see how things look in different lighting.
I'm ready to build the wall one potato at a time
Left looks better.
Left is way better. Right nose is too ugly. I would swap the left and right chins though.
I don't think it's possible to make a remarkable Viera in this benchmark
That means it's impossible period since these will all be the same in a month
everquest npc/10
still playable i guess
We'll have more hairstyles, which might make or break it. The current ones look like booty
black qween
Bitchy 12 year old/10
Stole my bike/10
Probably plays on crystal as a highlander/10
are all the threads from now until early access going to be filled with people posting photos of their ugly ass rabbits?
can we talk about literally anything revealed today please
xiv's creation options were already pretty limited but viera and hrothgar are even more so. At least the bunnies look nice.
Obviously Arya Stark/10
Actually Somewhat Original/10, nice color combos
I can see your blusher and you've got way too much eyeshadow on/10
I tried
>can't preview other job armor
It's shit.
>DRK protagonist runs to protect the 6'3'' bunny DNC waifu who makes fuck me eyes at him if you get Extremely High
this benchmark was MADE for me
gerudo vally theme intensifies/10
actually one of the nicer ones so far, good job user
Can you not post pics of niggers?
They're dropping 32-bit support, but that's about it as far as I know. On the other hand, it means they want to be able to use more memory, so if you're a RAMlet it might become a problem.
Ok, just as a reference, I ran the benchmark at my normal settings on an i5/650ti/16GB/HDD, and there were no hiccups at all. I don't know how toaster your machine is; I run it at usually-60fps with dips to 50ish when two billion things are on screen at the same time, but I also turn off eye-searing pointless shit like motion blur and DoF.
Very nice color combinations, flows together well, the flowing lines of the bangs and front hair pieces mimic the drooping of the ears. Would examine in Kugane
So, do Male Midlanders actually get beards now?
cute and simple
I'm going to put him in a butler outfit on release
I already run the 64 bit client. I turn character models down to min and I can make it through crowded cities in 20-25. Some of the more intense primal ultimate attacks I have to alt tab through as I'm trying to be nice to my gfx card
did you guys use the lvl 50 fantasia as soon as you got it?
ive been keeping it since march when i started playing again when i heard about the expansion
My new character.
>Ronso with mustaches
It's insane, but I can dig it.
I have not used a single fantasia in my entire life and I probably never will.
I used both back in Heavensward sadly so now I have to buy a new one.
No. Somehow they made the asset and yet they still didn't give it to us. At best, they'll give it to a single face and leave the other 5 without it like gigantic faggots.
She's actually pretty cute.
it's nice
That skintone.........hideous, your rabbit looks like she's made of unfired clay, or like she's on dialysis
I like her .
>tfw only used a fanta once to change my toon's eye color one shade lighter
Fuck, I figured. I hope it's not going to be a cash shop thing. But it'll probably be just be for one fucking face like you say.
One of the best I've seen so far. GJ bro.
Again, pale skin looks weird. And freckles? C'mon...
This one is cool. Like it. Face 4?
Don't like the hairstyle. Rest is good enough.
Yeah face 4. It looked bad with the default nose and eyes but I like it now.
I really wish they'd also unlock all facial hair to be usable by all faces. Do they think beards can't be grown on certain faces or something? Are certain chins inept at it? It's retarded that is face 4 fags have some incredibly shit choices for facial hair.
Well dude. You hit the jackpot because I've tried to make that face looks good and couldn't at all.
Post score
I actually hesitate between this hairstyle and the other I posted .
How's this one?
I just woke up. What did they announce after the 25 minute break?
Used it on one of my alts, never used the one on main because his looks ended up growing on me.
Get this fucking shit out of here
I can’t decide between floppy ears or big ears
Leaks were real.
It looks good but at the same time nothing special either. I like it though.
I like this one better. Wish I could try the hairstyles I have unlocked in my char to see if they look good in bunbuns.
How can wow classic even fucking compete with this beautiful superior game.
I made a green bun!
Wish the benchmark let you choose clothing colors for the stress test. Oh well.
>rabbits don't get heels other than in Fran's outfit
Not even going to waste a fantasia.
My only regret is that we don't have an option for full lop-ears.
that was a damn good movie
If floppy went down to the shoulders I would have picked them no questions
Now try running it at maximum like everyone else, kiddo.
Why'd you slap a peanut butter and jelly sandwich all over your rabbit's hair
I might play ffxiv now that they have beast races. Although these are a little furry for me
They should have more faces and hairstyles available, especially if they're not going to bother to separate them. The devs moan about workload but just how long does it take to model a ps3 face? Slightly worse than average ps3 since its an mmo. Squenix may be struggling to hire mmo devs but they're the last company Id expect to be short on modelers.
Don't you want to ask me how I got my scars/10
>not downloading this mod
Turns all current armors boots into heels. Enjoy
maybe they're saving more styles for the full game?
Old Man Hrothgar are kino.
Might as well play a cat if you don't already.
Actually, my bun has no scars, thank you very much.
very much so, friend
The coeurl mustache is pretty kick ass too, honestly.
I gots a good machine, methinks.
Because as soon as they give up the details on Viera racial naming conventions I'm going to make up some bullshit that looks like it fits but phonetically sounds like "Peanutbutter Jelly" and name her that.
hrothgar turned out better than i expected them to, grandpa cat looks particularly good
Run it on max
Was that the case for previous benchmarks? I can't remember
I did. I imported my settings from my game and saved it as a preset. Pretty much everything is the same as max settings, except I have LOD off.
Come at me Yoshi-p, my body is ready.
I couldn't tell ya, I only switched to PC once this expansion came around, so I never used the HW benchmark.
I'm so fucking hyped to hear the music of Shadowbringers.
This had better fucking be the boss theme.
>lion butler and bunny maid retainer
the best of every world
wow I didn't know tate posted here
lol I liked being green before I found Tate.
SB was what, Doma Castle and Kugane Castle?
The eScape lyrics theme is great, i want that to be in endgame raids at least
Fun Bun
resting bitch face / 10
Wonder whats going to be more common, these safe small bunnies or these horrendous neon color bunnies being posted in this thread?
Korpokkur has evolved
how are you getting just 400 pts over me? i have the same cpu but a 1060 3gb
how the fuck you get 20k on max
>but a 1060 3gb
Thats why
The other bun is checking your bun out
Dunno. SSD maybe
>That DRK shadow clone
Muh dick
i7 9700k and a rtx 2080 ti
Omega Ultimate theme
I mean their score should be much higher considering the 1070 is quite a bit faster than the 1060 3gb.
I think I did pretty good
Here are some tips for editing rabbit:
All Viera Memory Float Values!
Value after float is the offset from the [Scale min]
Scale Min 1.110999942 (+0)
Scale Max 1.1890000 (+4)
Ear Length Min 0.75 (+8)
Ear Length Max 1 (+12)
Bust Out Min 0.9200000167 (+16)
Bust Width Min 0.8000000119 (+20)
Bust Height Min 0.8159999847 (+24)
Bust Out Max 1.080000043 (+28)
Bust Width Max 1.184000015 (+32)
Bust Height Max 1.200000048 (+36)
Tail Min 1 (+40)
Tail Max 1 (+44)
(Model does not have tail)
Unused Float 1 (+48)
Unused Float 1 (+52)
Veena: (Starts at +56 but same structure)
Scale Min 1.110999942 (+56)
Scale Max 1.1890000 (+60)
Ear Length Min 0.75 (+64)
Ear Length Max 1 (+68)
Bust Out Min 0.9200000167 (+72)
Bust Width Min 0.8000000119 (+76)
Bust Height Min 0.8159999847 (+80)
Bust Out Max 1.080000043 (+84)
Bust Width Max 1.184000015 (+88)
Bust Height Max 1.200000048 (+92)
[The remaining 4 memory address are truncated]
Ahhh, i9 9700k ***
Pretty satisfied with how good hrothgar look in armor
Yeah eScape is the name of the song
There are few things in life that are as annoying as Lalafells and the people that play them, and while I know saying this only spurs you assholes on, I still have to get it off my chest. You're some of the worst mankind has to offer.
it samples eScape, its not eScape itself
XD you show them bro!
Good enough for me
Name your offer and my Viera may be yours. Not exclusively though, of course.
God damn Behemoth takes forever to spawn, I just want his daggers.
whats your gpu?
Breddy gud.
Surprised hrothgar have some cool options but they'll suffer from sameface worse than highlanders
>8965 on my shitty laptop on max settings
Well I guess I can play after all
>all rabbits look good from the front
>looking at them from the sides they are goblins
How did they fuck up this bad?
seeing some benchmark results and setups you guys get makes me wonder how the fuck do you even play the game currently. my pc is cheap as fuck and it can manage it quite well
You know what, I respect you
Bonus bun. Sorta generic, but the blue hair will go good with dragoon armor. I really couldn't resist the fluffy looking hair.
Is that face 1?
What I want to know is, if the enmity combos now have their bonus enmity removed, what the fuck are they for? We know from the leaks that Rage of Halone is still in the game, so the combos still clearly exist.
Feedback please. Thinking about yellow eyes maybe. Or sticking with blue.
ayy lmao
imagine her giving you eye contact while sucking your shaft
>high desktop
Anyone else upload their current character into the benchmark just to see them kick ass? I was thoroughly entertained.
Are you saying Lalafells aren't serious enough to be Dark Knights and serious in the Benchmark user? Cause if so you're right, can't take it seriously
This benchmark felt way more cinematic and less canned MMO animations than the others, so props for that.
Whoops, didn't realize there was a thread over here. Have some webms.
needs bigger ears___
wheres the young elezen option for viera?
I don't think I saw a single character nod or punch their palm. Thats progress.
blue is nice, but too light
I like the concept overall, but the red patchiness you've got on him makes him look like he has mange.
Don't respond to me unless you have 7000+.
at least do the benchmark on maximum like everyone else does. your score will be lower.
I'm going to start leveling a DRK as my first tank class, what should I use for leveling?
Is Palace of the dead still good?
I noticed a palm punch in the scene where the alarms sound and everyone rushes out of the Crystarium
That island in the background pops out weirdly, wonder if it's an Adamantoise
datamine when?
>Genji and Omega gear are options
>Not Diamond, the best tank set of this expansion
I'm liking buns though, I'll probably swap, been sitting on a fantasia anyways.
Got any advice for this rabbit, lads? Feel like this one came out alright, wanted to go with a red haired rabbit but I feel like it just clashes too much
They have to drastically change the encounter design or anyone with a braincell will roll over the content. Healers are ridiculously overpowered. Tanks are overpowered. Dancer will most likely be necessary just because of those fat buffs.
It's gonna be even more casual than stormblood.
Someone make a black lion with gold eyes I know that shit will look kino
>Anything under 5 digits
Color scheme is very good overall, I like the warm tones. My only critique is that I feel like the eyeliner is a touch too heavy and it draws too much attention to her superwide nose bridge.
up to 50, remember to mix in the dailies. Then switch it up to HoH
It looks cute. The haircolour goes well with the eyes.
Like pure black?
It's been officially named GNB now nyigga.
You're going to hate 6.0 then because they've already declared it's going to be a number crunch. You can bet that means even less buttons too.
dark as possible
you're going to make me fantasia into her, aren't you?
At last the GUB/GUK/GNR/BRK/GKR/GBR shitposting will cease.
I can't get over how fucking slow this looks.
Got a new PC so having a benchmark to test it on is pretty nice.
hardware is
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070(VRAM 8031 MB)
Even on 4K i got a score of 7120
Ignore the bunny, i just hastily clicked something together to see their options.
>Preset 1
Not really comparable. Settings could be anything.
long ears!
None of the job showcases hammer skills one after the other like a player generally will.
Because he's not spamming Shinten between every other GCD like a normal Samurai would.
Asked on a different thread but it died. What do you think bros, do I fanta?
If leaker user is still around care to dump some skill info pics for whm?
I'm loving all these references to Seifer and Squall's moves.
So how do we insert the keys again? I totally forgot how it worked back in 4.0's EA, assuming it's still the same.
First we insert the Pre-order key to get the earrings and stuffs, then wait until June 28th-ish to get (and input) the EA code, then wait again till release date to finally insert the actual game serial?
I'm thinking of getting my key here
>SAMchads sending WARcucks to their shed but it cost them unique changes
her ears twitching slightly indicating she soaking wet while sucking your dick
Yeah, now come be my oral cumdumpster, dumb bitch.
I was expecting him to randomly die.
>mirage dive and a slightly tweaked nastrond with some irrelevant aoe at the end
Wow, Amazing.
Dancer is going to be required for individual parses, not for raid optimization. At least as they are presented now
Yeah and make sure to keep the glasses
You want any specific armor
They're letting the pretty skill animations play out instead of mashing oGCDs and shit like you do in normal gameplay.
Can I pound your red butt
it doesnt make much difference really
i dont play warrior, did they always have that like tornado attack?
I'm a little annoyed that we got so little information on GNB. We don't even know how the class plays.
Cutting the eyeliner looks nice too, good advice. I think the super wide nosebridge can't be helped on face 4, that face is seriously wonky, this is the only eye/face/jaw/mouth combo I found for it that doesn't give off crazy Bogdanoff vibes.
sure thing, long ears are nice too
So guessing SMN quests will involve Binding Coil, the Twins and Louisinoix right? Isn't Phoenix something that only you, Ali and Alphi have knowledge about at this point?
>microsoft windows 10
>faster Jump
What a fucking buzzkill user, what would have impressed you?
That's exactly what I'm saying
windows 7 support ends in 6 months user. It's time to let go
Which one? The one where they spin the axe over their head is new. The one where they jump around in the air is Steel Cyclone and is already in the game.
My cat.
No shit dumbass, they press buttons at random for the trailer.
Actual brainlet post.
forgot the pic, it's too late to be doing this. thanks for the help anons, pretty happy with this
>want to be hrothgar
>but little hair customization
wtf bros i just wanted pompadour cat
You didn't get a story reason to even get bahamut. It's going to be the same
>muh support
Windows firewall and defender cannot stop even college level test project viruses. It falls to you to defend your computer from any serious security risks by practicing common sense and having a separate antivirus and firewall.
So what are the chances we get to actually mix and match the hairstyles for Hrothgar?
Both my favourite face and hairstyle and on different presets and it's causing me to get immensely angry.
the one over their head, it seems so familiar
She looks cute user.
You're not meant to take a potato seriously, that's the entire point. They're the comic relief race.
this 100%. That battle theme is fucking kino. Also rate my viera
stick to a highlander. at least you get to choose hairstyle
>Isn't Phoenix something that only you, Ali and Alphi have knowledge about at this point?
It wouldn't matter because Phoenix's aether will be all over Eorzea for the same reason Bahamut's is.
>team already struggling to make helms for Hrothgar
>thinking they're gonna bother to make hair customization for them
LMAO-ing at your life senpai
>faster jump
>animation lock still present
Iframes on jumps would have impressed me.
EA code can be obtained and input now but it won't do anything until the early-access actually goes live. You do wait until release date to obtain and insert your game key, yes.
Did they say if ninja and dragoon are still forced to grind their own gear sets? Really don't want to spend three months of a raid tier again to get a single job at ilvl cap while the rest of the crew gets three or four.
Because Yoshi's a lalafell playing faggot DPS main. So not only did we see jackshit in the natural demonstration but he was spazzing out barely able to deal with a mob.
NIN had some other stuff but it was too long to fit it all in at once.
Looks better now, user. Sometimes simple really is best.
pls rate
Hope it's a "limited benchmark" thing, it certainly feels at odds with all the hair you can unlock in this game
xeno literally pieced it together for you
So the clone is basically a longer lasting Duality I assume? Looks kino whatever it is.
Looks alright. The lopsided ears work better with more youthful faces though.
>iframes on jumps
>just get to skip roomwides
That's never fucking happening and I wish you retards would stop asking for it
>You didn't get a story reason to even get Bahamut
Want to know how I know that you're a Post-2.0 baby user?
>not being referenced at being at the Battle of Carteneau
You do have a point user. Wasn't his transformation to a phoenix related to the people's desire to have him save him from Bahamut or something in that regard? Haven't done coils in a long while.
if the pastebin is to be believed, its like duality that last longer, and applies to all skills that aren't mudra at full damage
I really loved that eScape x Syrcus Tower remix in the jobs trailer.
I hope it means Omega's coming back.
Hopefully to give us a ride to the First.
Remove animation lock at least then, but that's never happening either.
Come home, user. It's time for 10 tan to take care of you.
how did this get here i am not good at computer
its about program compatibility user-kun. you have to be a literal retard to get infected by anything nowadays
I don't even understand why it's such an issue, this game has immense clipping. Who cares if there's a little more?
I can live with no helmets, but no good hairstyles and hairstyles locked to facial presets? What fucking monkey thought this was a good idea?
Probably pretty soon, character customization is a huge part of FFXIV, and there's tons of hairstyles that get released. most of the ones you see are probably Hroth only, and then you'll get access to all the limited store and event based ones.
So basically we'll receive 2 keys? 1 is both for PO stuffs (that we can use now) and EA (which is pretty much useless till EA date), and the 2nd one is the game key to be inserted much later?
There is no fucking story cutscene of you learning bahamut. You just fucking get it.
doesn't matter. phoenix aether spread throughout eorzea. i'm sure they'll find an excuse
>Wasn't his transformation to a phoenix related to the people's desire to have him save him from Bahamut or something in that regard?
Yeah, their wishes for him to save them fused all the aether at Carteneau into him, and he took the form of Phoenix specifically because he had the legend in mind at the time of Eorzea rising from the ashes like the legendary phoenix.
Maybe there's another version of Omega in the First.
Maybe source Omega helps us against it.
thanks it looks good
>no story reason
It comes up if you're a Legacy player
Just kill yourself.
Ninja AF looks like utter shit.
How is it?
>actually played that dumpster fire
>program compatibility
As long as it's 64x, 7 should and will run it, those demands are arbitrary. "Can only be ran on windows 10" is added by those that are in partnership with Microsoft to push their shitty new OS as hard as possible.
not cat/10
Do you have any reading comprehension user? It was made pretty clear that the question was if the Twins and people related to Binding Coil would come into play into the SMN questline for 70-80, not if we'll get a cutscene where we get Phoenix.
Thanks for the refresher user, I appreciate it.
im quite happy with my results given my system.
Too bad i'll be playing it on PS4 since that's where I bought Stormblood, and I don't feel like rebuying Stormblood for PC
>machinist is fucked what do we do
>well summoner worked out pretty good just make it like that
>oh ok gotcha
>wait what do we give summoner
>bahamut ... but with fire
It looks fucking cool but it is very lazy not gonna lie
the ears and the hair barely blend together, they look even more stacked on than miqo ears
A very important one.
my rabbit
So, has there been any confirmation on whether or not BRD is still going to be crit-proc-RNG based? I've seen more than a few claims that the class is changed to not be crit-reliant anymore, but nobody has given me an actual link/clip/picture/whatever that says so.
I'm worried guys. I love that controlled chaos as everything aligns and you're just mashing buttons to double weave your oGCD as Bloodletter and Refulgents proc like crazy
my Viera is super cute though. I love her.
>being a secondary
Now show us a standard angle
the steel cyclone animation is slightly different. like it's an upgraded version or something.
Is she narcoleptic?
>50% procs
>60s ability that gives you your procs
I did play 1.0 but only the beta so it never would have considered me a legacy player. It was shit and anyone who played 1.0 was scammed
You chose the worst mouth, good job.
>still animation locked
>takes the same amount of time to execute, just the jump animation plays faster
Do you anons love Toothpaste or something? Whats with all these toothpaste hair colors I see on Cats and now seemingly Vieras.
gonna try a not!ronso dancer
fair enough. youre entitled to your opinion i guess. i quite honestly dont care about using w10, at least in my country
Bros I didn't see Passage of Arms...
It's not an opinion, it's a fact.
So Umbral Soul is basically a "use this so you don't drop enochian during downtime" skill, right? While Xenoglossy and Despair are single target versions of Foul and Flare
it's the only way to get the white ear-tips. I wish they'd included some way to have normal colored hair and then color the tips of the ears, but they didn't
>all abilities are 50% proc chance
More like RDM
>no viera gf to make me her dance partner and give me big buffs
life is unfair
I don't want to go guys...I don't want to go...
I like it too user don't worry.
they didn't show every skill from every job. there's even new stuff that wasn't shown like one of PLD's new skills or WAR's supposed super fell cleave.
Shadowbringer comes with all previous expansions. So if you haven't bought that yet for PS4 just get it and the base game for 10$ for pc.
where are the datamines
Good riddance you piece of shit
Rate my 70s cartoon villain
only a little.
Leaks were real
Mr. Happy is seething
Tony is dead
Today is a good day
yeah it keeps umbral ice up and gives you +1 heart but it's on the gcd
Im inclined to agree
>30% DH+Crit buff
>you have 15 seconds to fire off all of your flourish moves, your two Esprit dumps (Devilment), and the four step dance
I sure hope you can use the buff right before the dance goes off so you have enough time.
That's a lot of fucking damage though.
wait.... does it? Seriously? I thought it required Stormblood. Well shit, this changes things, i might grab it on PC instead Still gonna play with a ps4 controller though
I'm not a fan that punchy mcnigbot is just a dps CD like summoner. If anything, they should've been a new form of turret. Or go the Wildstar route and have both a mech and a turret.
The worst reveal of the entire day was the fact that we won't be getting a full 70-80 DRK job questline
>Level 80 skill isn't called Northswain's Strike
>yfw they bring back pvp job actions for new frontlines maps
Will we ever get a new skills video where the BLM isn't pressing random buttons?
>Ali: Please don't mention my Grandpappy ever again
>We summon him anyway
You are extremely fucking stupid.
Animation lock is likely never going away in full just because of it involving the dragoon jumping off-screen. Severely speeding up the animation-lock is the best we can really hope for
God I love bangs and I love viera with bangs
Should've went for smaller fangs, 3rd tier fangs look like shit on all faces but the cheetah.
Blame SE for making character creation a washed-out, low-saturation hell.
I'm ready, lads
so does SMN not have dreadwyrm trance anymore? they didn't get any aethertrail when they used up their aetherflows.
chances are they increased the animation speed as much as they could without it looking too janky
Mostly happy with her. On the fence about the face 1 tattoos, I thought I liked them but I liked her more after removing them.
>Tattoos being tied to faces
The dumbest shit.
>His hair isn't crescent fresh
>Please note that the FINAL FANTASY® XIV: SHADOWBRINGERS expansion pack also includes FINAL FANTASY® XIV: HEAVENSWARD & FINAL FANTASY® XIV: STORMBLOOD, which will be provided at release on 2 July, 2019.
I also play with a controller on PC. I think it works quite well in this game
Please bully me.
SMN is butchered beyond relief. It doesn't have anything anymore. No pet, no Trance, no dots, only 2 AF stacks. At least that's what it looks like.
Fucking pumped. Don't even care that Phoenix looks like a barely different Bahamut mechanically. If anything it might be a more AoE focused summon going by the one extra spell with the Deathflare animation
No more TP and Ring of Thorns couldn't see it.
Northswain's Strike was already used as the move Agrias uses during the intermission part of her fight in Orbonne iirc.
are.... are you retarded?
I'll take that as a massive compliment.
Here you go.
>we can actually maybe get unique MCH weapon models now because fuck gauss barrel
seems like they took a lot of what it already had away to satisfy the pure summoner fags
So I tried making an Elezen for the first time and the Wildwood Face 4 just made me lose my shit.
I hope they delete SMN in 6.0 because you faggots will literally never be happy
This is what the summoners asked for
I'm going to be so cute in 1 month.
Thanks for making my day user
Elezen are the joke race.
>I'll take that as a massive compliment.
it wasnt. seriously though she looks pretty rad. good job
And? It's a skill literally for a job called Holy Knight (re: Paladin)
>DNC does heal.
What the fuck healerfags shut the fuck up.
no shit. Well in that case, I might grab it on PC and just play Stormblood on PS4 til the expansion launches. That way, I can actually fantasia my cat into my bunny with the saved data on PC, too!
its ok then i suppose, i dont entirely dig the hairstyle, but there isnt much to choose from
Two DRKs was too much for one webm so slowly lower resolution.
goddamn just stop fucking whining
why are summoners so FUCKING WHINY
you could get the best shit in the world summon a fucking uber powerful god primal and explode the fucking boss in one hit and you'd still be whining
Phoenix might just be replacing it or something
I felt that way when we lost HW SMN. Get over it fag. Just swap to brd
reminder that people defend this and dont want them to be remodelled
A SMN used Dreadbirb trance in the benchmark trailer.
>sticking with my au'ra
but im fucking jealous of the viera voice options god voice 2
not an argument
Ahhh some tank queue for castrum fluminis so I can get this done
Fuck you I didn't play MCH but I do know you ruined a TON of how guns looked in this game.
Glad you're dead.
>2 AM
good luck
expac isn't even out and i'm already tired of the rabbit sluts
>Alliance Raid
>30 NIN beating on the boss
what data center
Also, is there anything specific people wanted a webm for?
SMNs are always bitching, Jesus Christ.
honestly how did you expect him to counter-argument "youre stupid"? saying his IQ?
"u mad"
>not an argument
>thinking this beats the response after calling said user stupid
Maybe I should start asking more questions to trigger anons like you
It popped after being 0/2 1/2 3/4 for 10 minutes as soon as I posted that
I think my CPU is bottlenecking my score. 1440p is a significant step up in resolution versus 1080p, but the score only drops a little bit.
Zen 2 Threadripper can't come soon enough. I want 5ghz, dammit.
I've got one of the free fantasias left, should I swap back to my original Highlander, or keep my cat? I'm working on eventually having two characters as both of them, but only one is going to keep all my original achievements and stuff.
Are there any additional creator options that are going to come out in ShB beyond midlander stubble?
I'm pretty excited as a SMN main since 2.0. The job basically plays/played entirely different each expansion as opposed to other jobs which build upon themselves. Who knows, it might turn out shit, it might turn out great. But if I could grow to love SB SMN, I think SdB SMN will do just fine as well (unless they absolutely neuter/casualize the rotation). Part of the charm of SMN was the lengthy rotation
the absolute state of anti-leak faggots.
Unless you're running a pentium IV with 1080ti, there won't be a fucking bottleneck, even first generation core i3 cpu's won't bottleneck something like that, you tech illiterate fuckers are hilarious.
I like the cat honestly
The Chad Dark Knight
The Virgin Whirly Warrior
I didn't read what you wrote but that shit look gay as fuck
As a SMN main, fuck you. You're a genuine fucking retard and nothing would ever please you. They made us a real SMN and melded the clunky pet system into our own actions so it's actually fucking responsive and we actually use all our fucking egis. God, fuck you.
I wasn't surprised the image leaks were real, but I was surprised that the pastebin panned out. I expected that to be mostly bullshit.
The ones whining about SMN not being a "real summoner" are and were always the people who DON'T play SMN, retards.
Actual SMN players loved the job in Heavensward, complained when it was made clunky in Stormblood but eventually got used to it, and now it's being dumbed down so we have ample reason to complain again.
They should just turn in back into the HW summoner again and add Bahamut and Phoenix on top of it.
I think this might be a little smoother.
>t. casual who wants the game to be braindead and never did any real content
>Curing Waltz does 400 potency to the raid when your partner is nearby
Jesus Christ that's fucking absurd. They get their own Indom.
I'm leaning more towards cat myself, I can't seem to make a highlander that doesn't look like he has down syndrome, asian, or a child rapist. Doesn't help the benchmark is missing the hairstyle I use.
farewell you miserable cunt
not him but SMN and SCH to an extent are pretty messy jobs. they kits feel like a mess to play with despite them being well according to the meta most of the time
>job from day one has been a shitty DOT mage instead of a the expected FF summoner schtick
>every major change pulls from a grab-bag of weird random shit and still continues to not be summoner
NIN's Matrix dodge moves
that dark laser cannon where you hold the sword like a bazooka is more kino than the clone
It's okay.
Bottlenecking high framerates is absolutely an issue with low clocked CPUs. The difference in framerate between a 4GHz Ryzen and a 5GHz Intel can be significant.
>new changes seem to cater towards the people that wanted the job to, you know, summon
>still complaining
It's literally a summoner now you dumbfuck. Our gameplay is all about cycling through ALL our egis, manually managing ALL our pet cooldowns, and we have two big dick summons. What the fuck else do you want?
pretty sure healing potency is nerfed for non-healers, war's equilibrium has a huge potency on it but heals about as much as a medium sized heal from an actual healer
post specs
so there are no tooltips for the job actions? glad I didn't stay up for this
This one?
I've loved FFT holy swordsman attacks for so long and I'm hype as fuck that the level 80 skill looks like one
>visual indicator of shield durability on the HP display
>they put it awkwardly on top of the HP bars covering the text instead of layering it over the actual HP bar
What the absolute blue blazing fuck is this shit
and possibly a third since they said titan wasnt useless
That's running max load. You won't be fucking benchamrking your hardware 24/7 when playing videogames.
probably upset with wah where's demi Ifrit/Garuda/Titan
though my complaint is they still haven't given us egi glamours beyond carbuncles
People who aren't retarded want the job to be complex and challenging with many different aspects to it. It's obvious from the video that it no longer is. It's just big dick dps now. Might as well play BLM.
You think the demis are tied to which egi you have out? Will I actually get fucking Alexander?
Oh didn't notice it. Fuck that's cool.
It would depend. Equilibrium's potency is 1200, so that is massive for what it does.
But that 400 potency could possibly scale with its main stat, meaning it could very well be just as effective.
don't tell me what i'm going to do
>and now it's being dumbed down so we have ample reason to complain again
Look, all we have at the moment is the bloody Job Action showcase which is an excuse to beeline it to new Actions for the purposes of showing them off, not show how they fit into actual rotations or their interplay with the rest of the job's kit. We have no idea how the job is actually going to play in practice, nor how the rotation will look, no tooltips, no nothing. Wait until it's bloody out, played and tested and you can confirm the "dumbed down" mangling, THEN by all means go to town with your bawling. There is nothing "obvious" from the video
there is nothing challenging about reapplying dots just actually fucking down a bottle of bleach you monkey
>People who aren't retarded want the job to be complex and challenging with many different aspects to it. It's obvious from the video that it no longer is.
You're a fucking retard. You don't know a fucking thing from the video you whiny nigger. What exactly do you think has fucking changed? You're manually using your pet skills just like you should be now on Obey, except now you have to worry about properly cycling through them and lining up ideal pet skills per fight.
Info embargo is being lifted so you can probably find them on websites now/soonish and then people are screnshotting tooltips when they show up on screen.
BLM for example gets a 380 potency single target flare, a 750 potency single target foul, and a downtime enochian upkeep move that gives umbral ice and a heart
>You white piggue wantu dancer healer? fine here's heal for you now shut up
They didn't have to remove everything else just to fix Contagion, retard. And watch it still not be fixed anyway.
fairy to carbuncle first pls ty
Any PLD WHM or SCH webms?
Remind me, bros, was there a patch that introduced job system changes before Stormblood released? It's been a while.
Damn Dancer looks very fun. Especially how you can pick a partner. I'd imagine people would bitch about not being partnered or if you only partner one person the entire run.
Can people play Shdaowbringers already, thouhg it wasn't out til july?.
Well they removed it so now your summons actually feel like a part of the job. You know, like you're a fucking summoner or something. And now shitters can't even leave it on Sic. They're forced to manage their pet cooldowns themselves.
dont give me false hope user
I appreciate that MCH gets more machines.
>It's obvious from the video that it no longer is.
It really doesn't seem any less complicated now than it did with the Stormblood job-showcase, quit being a faggot. There were people like you freaking out with the Heavensward job actions and the Stormblood job actions, ZOMG MY JOB IS FUCKING BRAINDEAD NOW HACK YOSHIDA SHIT GAME
is this job for e-girls so they play a less demanding job than healer?
Nope. Everything will change on 6/28.
God that Umbral upkeep move is such a nice QoL change for dungeons. Being able to start each pull with full resources is so nice.
Since Titan can no longer tank, unless he gives you something like a 90% damage reduction buff, he kinda is. Hell, just losing the utility of being able to get a monster to fight your egi while you run like a bitch in a bad situation is going to suck. Hope you cleared all of Eureka before the expansion.
Thy final verse?
>tfw played SCH and had fairies on auto because I couldn't be bothered with that fucking action delay
>if this is fixed then whatever give me perma obey
nope, just switched them over right when stormblood dropped or during early access, i forget which
i get tilted when the drg doesn't give me dragon sight so yeah people are going to get fucking pissed
Now THIS is a true machinist, not just a gunner.
At low resolution and high framerates you're running your GPU at max load. Or, rather, you would be if the CPU can keep up. That's what bottlenecking is. It's why I said my CPU was bottlenecking my score. If I ran this at 720p, I would likely get the same score as 1080p, since my CPU can't crank out frames fast enough.
>That Final Verse rip off
Not sure which one I like more
What are the chances Titan gets shoved into a CC role rather than damage reduction?
The only players whinier than SMNs are people who whine about SMNs whining.
between instant-cast and garuda/ifrit both being single target that wouldn't be too bad for titan to be the dedicated AoE pet desu
Changes will hit on the day of early access, because we'll be playing the full game at that point.
Well he can't be used for tanking anymore so the fact that he'll be used at all is good
Please do AST + SCH!
Here just take the whole thing.
The bun is really good
I for one am glad they weren't afraid to take a huge knife and remodel classes where it was necessary. People who want gameplay in XIV to be some kind of rocket science project need to just uninstall and stop bothering everyone else. You aren't accomplished just because you get to be the best about an online catgirl simulator.
You think SMN whining is bad, just wait for the WAR whining when they're not the gods of tanking anymore. Happened in HW, happened in SB, will happen in ShB. And Yoshi caves everytime too.
good and unique rabbit
>Gets actual tools
>Gets a sick robot
>Still has fucking Wildfire
>Still has Overheat
So close... Why would Yoshi do this...
A lot of flashy looking skills this expansion. AST looks by the far the most visually appealing.
Garuda looks like the AoE though. The Egi Assault looked like the basic AoE spell it has
AST has always kind of been king of flashy particle effects
>STR player pulls off a sick read, but DEX build is unpunishable bullshit.
I don't think we're ever going to see CC used again. It hasn't worked for at least all of SB, and probably a good chunk of HW as well.
It's a shame too, I'd like to see the devs spice up dungeon trash by making it raid style with each pull between bosses having their own mini-mechanics to do, sort of like the Atmos in Lab/WoD, the allagan bomb in lab, that sort of thing. Something more than just a test of rounding up every mob you can and AoEing them down to get to the next boss.
It'll do.
You overheat and explode wildfire on command now, fuck off.
AST is the number one job in terms of visually spectacle and impressiveness. Happy to see this expansion is no different.
That seems contrary to what they were saying with interrupts and combat changes.
Wildfire was fine it just looked like shit.
The sad part is, replace WAR with SCH and you get the exact same situation for healers.
What a shame that both of those jobs are a cancer that gets catered to each time.
they had a specific slide for spell interrupts, so maybe cc is coming back after being non-existent since basically arr
I'm just going to split the healers up into two halves each.
Thoughts? Good or bad?
stop with the short ears already. long ears are sexy.
Well, we're getting a whole interrupt system so that's something. And owing to the fact that it's apparently meant for Tanks and Ranged DPS, SMN being the one caster with an interrupt might be a boon in terms of utility
user those are 50 length...
the best thing from scholar i'd say is the guaranteed adlo crit
That gpu upgrade was worth it
You can do better, Raimundo.
It's been like that all the way back to ARR. Leveling dungeon and overworld trash mobs can be CC'd, but all capped content things are immune except for a few specific mechanics cases(silencing the ADS mass-stun in Coil 1 etc).
You heard me. 70+ or bust.
Why is the Aetherflow green instead of purple?
holy fuck blingee is still around
can anyone post the pastebin with the leaks? the links i have were deleted
So it looks more Scholarish
Honestly probably just to provide visual difference/flavour from SMN
Because scholar is a full healer now. Stop pressing broil.
>We have discovered an issue wherein the option to pin favorite hairstyles has been incorrectly named "Hide All Bangs." Please note this does not affect the functionality of the feature.
Fucking hell, I spent forever trying to figure out what the difference was.
Custom because I turned off motion blur and DoF. Sucks not having a good computer, doesn't it?
oh shit is that a thing SCH gets?
You can only get Anisotropic Filtering x16 if you do Custom
Viera are fun
Is this how war of magi started?
Thoughts? Not sure about the haircut though.
Ha, I wish.
it was mentioned in the leak and right after the scholar used that action after aetherflow she used adlo and it was a crit (you can tell by the critical heal effect). im assuming thats what it is, since the leaks were accurate about pretty much everything
Are we getting a fantasia with SHB?
Change the haircut to the alternative at least and pick a fluffy ear, that plain one looks awful.
Mine is cute.
I really enjoy working with CC on pulls, shame the only dungeon that really benefits from it is Aurum Vale due to the close proximity of groups and relatively poor gearing of people doing the dungeon. I don't really know how you'd go back to regular CC use without making every pull a drag or bullshit in the way of TBC heroics. I guess they could start with making a minimum item level roulette so that you can't chain pull several groups and burn them all down without your group exploding, but still have normal leveling and dungeon roulettes.
looks like she gives good blowjobs
I was probably gunna use a non viera exclusive haircut anyways... Wasn't sure about the ears either
She's a pro at sucking cocks and giving buffs.
prim and proper bune
gay, give contact