I for one can not wait to see how Super Nova looks in the remake
What are you guys excited to see?
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
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the world map,i wanna see it in the same scale but hd
I wonder if it will be a map like the old game or if it will be more like an open world map?
i've a bad feeling that every segment about the world map will be transformed into a cutscene and the game will be streamlined similar to crisis core
The music is all I care about, please be good.
They never fuck this up, user. Even the weakest entries have good scores. youtu.be
I would like to say that a 10 minutes long uncut scene to get rid of all the current gamers that can't stand to wait 1 second for something to work their way, but all of them will abandon the game before leaving Midgar and write game articles about how the game sucks
so it doesn't really matter, a skip buttom function would be fine, even more for KOTR.
>What are you guys excited to see?
That giant fucking laser that dunks Diamond weapon
They should do like Resident Evil 2 remake and have a option to toggle between the new and the original OST.
For a brief moment I felt rage.
Then disappointment.
Then I laughed, because that'd be so fucking typical.
Then disappointment again.
I'm conflicted because
>Advent Children was amazing
>Even FFXV was amazing
>But the HD OSTs for FF10 and 12 were awful
The best part is knowing the entire soundtrack will be redone, not just a few key songs we keep seeing repeated.
>10 posts in
>No mention of Tifa's tits
You guys are a bunch of fags
I wonder if they are going to expand on Midgar at all. Maybe it will become a lot more open with more areas? Bonus dungeons?
>What are you guys excited to see?
HD Crossdressing Cloud and all of the SFM porn made with it.
So, what really happened when Cloud entered "that" room...
The slap fight.
Can't wait for Golden Saucer with real micro transaction games
I can't wait for the week or so worth of salt from the faggot game journalist and on ResetEra
Fuck Supernova, I want to see knights of the motherfucking round.
>replacing field models
>cloud model doesn't even match
why would someone do this
Get over it Aerith
Yuffie in her turtleneck that exposes her shoulders, and her exposed navel and her short shorts. Fuck I love ninja girls a lot.
Also, they shouldve have gone full anime for the remake.
I want a Crisis Core remake but this time gave the Yuffie missions a romance subplot.
That looks wrong too.
I wanna see that flower prostitute getting killed again. But I won't pay for it. Pirating that shit.
Not to be that guy but dont be surprised one bit if lots of things are cut from the game. Esp the cloud crossdressing part. I wouldn't be getting yourself hyped up because I'm practically willing to bet everything from the original wont make it into the game
i just want to see tifa's tits bro
Well, of course not. It's not even certain whether dialogue options will be a thing or not, so they have to choose which one's to work with.
Congrats, you only got one thing right; FFXHD soundtrack is shit.
Wow that looks like shit.
It will in the Japanese version and that's the one I'll be getting. Fuck western trash.
I didn't see there was already a thread up
zoomer here, never played FF7, should I wait until the remake and then play the original after?
or should I play the original now. What would you do in my position. I love jrpgs
It just seems like it's going to be way too different to the original. I don't see the point, you're not experiencing FF7, you're getting fan fiction, I don't want any more extended universe garbage. Fuck the combat system especially.
I don't know how square is getting away with it really, shit like twin snakes got enormous backlash for fucking with stuff and even that looks more true to the original than this shit does.
Pirate the PC Port.
The weapons attacking
Will it be as good as this was?
How is the PS4 version? my brother already has it. I just thought maybe it would be cool to experience the story for the first time in high resolution graphics and then subsequently play the original. Most people will be offering their perspective in reverse
This almost made me want to play XV again..
Don't listen to Emulate the PS1 version
I'd recommend PC for mods, but I really enjoyed it on PS4. Switch version is the same. You could always emulate the original.
XV royale is a very very good game even if the ending isn't what I wanted. nobody wants to hear it though.
I can't wait to see an over the shoulder hack and slasher with worse loot than Diablo and a butchered FF7 inspired story.
The ending is the best part, nibba.
I wish the whole game took place in that city.
>worse loot than Diablo
>FF7 is about loot
>loot in a FF game
what loot are you talking about m8
The short gameplay video that was shown looks like a hack and slash game but that's alright because remake not remaster. A hack and slasher without decent loot is going to be shit.
Unironically, battle square epicness.
Ironically, trap Cloud with Don Corneo.
Fun fact. I had a flight at 5am and decided to stay up all night doing the Pitioss Ruins. I got to the end and had to leave. I left for vacation feeling fulfilled.
Well, I came home a week later. Turned my PS4 on and said there was an update available.
>Accidentally hit install
>Head in hands
>First anger
>Then sadness
>That feeling of knowing you're not going to do it all over again
Maybe enough time has passed. Maybe I can return. The platforming with the mechanics is enough to make my eyes fall out.
I'm just glad we wont have to play with ugly chibi models.
Pitioss Ruins are great till you clear the giant death wall. After that it becomes unfun as hell and progress is almost random, can't see shit.
Eh, at worse it'll be like FFXII. Unless they're really saving up on time and money (which I don't think they do), and make it like X.
I’m curious about how they will do the final boss. I kind of hope they make the final battle a real fight instead of Omnislash. Nomura and the team have some experience with Sephiroth boss fights thanks to KH.
I wonder if they are going to give some sort of "limit" to the Limit Breaks, can you imagine using the Highwind inside a cave...
Has it been confirmed Uematsu will be working or have some kind of influence in the Remake? So far, his new rendition of FFVII's music, is kinda a hit and miss. I don't like the new Cosmo Canyon music.
I don't really like the overuse of the flute and the lack of drums.
i will probably never see it as i don't play low iq button masher shit
There are changes that could make the game more awesome, for example the whole last part of Midgar is going to be so fucking epic on this Remake, if they do it well of course, the possibilities are there.
>A hack and slasher without decent loot is going to be shit.
KH2, DMC, and MGR:R have nothing to do with loot. Most good games, have little to do with loot.
I dare you to beat the Crisis Core on Hard Mode, you will quit crying on the first boss, faggot.
Any particular reason why?
>Cosmo Canyon
>no drums
What the fuck was he thinking
That sounds like a big reveal track, not a constantly looping area track.
You know, after some deep look into the Remake's combat based on the trailers, people shouldn't really expect the game to be as action based as KH. From what I've analyzed, the combat of the remake isn't focused on fast action combat with combot, but a more strategic wise. In two trailers, they never shown the same freedom of movement like a KH game would.
FF7 remastered looks like FF15 with a nostalgic shell. Loot would improve what will inevitably be a shit experience. Anons ITT and on this board delude themselves time and time again with each subsequent release.
Yeah I noticed cloud never seems to be able to move around very much at all like KH if anything I'm getting heavy vibes from back towards star ocean III's system
>Anons ITT and on this board delude themselves
So... (You)? Loot has never and will never make a game better. It's an artificial extender to the grind that should be minimized.
It does when it's a shitty hack and slasher with no soul. Enjoy FF15X2 electronic boogaloo.
I wouldn't expect it to be like KH and it shouldn't be. Original VII was fairly grounded and would look silly if Cloud was stringing together air combos.
uematsu's music on xv was kino though
Almost like the new combat system is simply an even faster FFVII combat. I'm not trying to sweeten the pot for ATB fans. But the two trailers seems to indicate that. They simply remove the need to wait for physical attack and guarding. But everything else, magic, techniques/command, are all locked behind an "ATB" bar.
the system in 15 is all soul though
It already has a demonstrable amount of soul.
Looters have never been good.
FF15 was alright, easily the best entry since 9. Combat is the LEAST important thing to get right in any of these games (or RPGs in general).
That's why this concerns me. If they really nailed the gameplay and managed to balance it around forcing the players needing to use techs/magic and etc, find. If they don't and people can simply steamroll the entire game with just spamming attack and heal, the entire game, then it won't satisfy people who expects it to be an action game. Square is still trying to experiment on the "mix of turn based strategic thinking and action based gameplay" which I both welcome and fear.
Final Fantasy was destined to be a shitty hack and slasher/MMO. It's filled with soul amirite? It should have stuck with the original formula instead of emulating WRPGs.
>Barry is now defending FF7remake because it has a similar combat to FFXV
What a world we live in.
Oh, don't get me wrong. The new rendition, is indeed lovely. A great piece of music. But, when comparing with the OG piece, the tone and feel just feels a little bit off.
I wonder who's theme will be next after e3 Cid,Vincent?
choosing words from menus is not soul its rpg maker tier soulless
rent free
That's a very Barry thing to say.
calling everyone barry is a very rent free thing to do
Whatever, Barry.
>hack and slash isn't soul it's diablo tier souless with no fucking loot
Ok. Loot grinding will be a natural progression for Square unless it decides that it wants to return to its roots or be outclassed by other genres its emulating.
>oh shit my hand hurts so fucking much heal me please
>except his hp didn't even budge during the entire process
What did they mean by this?
rent free
>an entire planet blows up
>game doesn't immediately ends
What did they mean by this?
have you even played diablo? point and click hacknslash isometric RPGs are not 3rd person action RPGs which are closer to action games but with stats.
that he wanted iris to touch him
You say this every time. It's time to get new material.
It's possible that they show all of the characters in E3. Didn't they book Sony's slot? But then again, I'm pretty sure they'll market this game just like how they've market KH3. With monthly or bi-monthly new trailers, showing newer and newer things. If that's the case, if we follow the trend that they're showing, won't Yuffie be next after Tifa at E3? It goes from Yuffie>Vincent>Cid?
One attack is metaphorical in nature that lets the developers attempt to show the audience that this is a stronger than normal attack (same with summons). The other is a man showing actual, genuine pain in the game's reality in real time until he gets healed.
It'd be nice if you could skip shit the animations for shit like Super Nova and summons though.
and the rent is still free
>Dull, washed out colors with stupid boyband hitting some generic crab
You know not what "soul" is. FF sold its soul to crate Spirits Within and the first Bravely Default was the only game to properly try and reinvent the series.
All the weapons, especially diamond weapon.
Why do you like sucking each other off? If you know for a fact he's Barry, just call him out once, and then shut the hell off.Why do you Barry lovers like to derail a thread over your petty little banter.
its not metaphorical
and he was stunned by hitting it so she healed him
So FF is basically emulating Oblivion and Skyrim very poorly? Great job, Square. Pokemon has been turn-based since its inception and it shits all over nu-Final Fantasy.
>all monk run
is that even possible,I thought all fighters or black mages were hard mode?
as opposed to the lack of colors on that 8bit boyband hitting some eye?
you don't even know what soul is
It will never be released
>It'd be nice if you could skip shit the animations for shit like Super Nova and summons though.
is this FF?
It's easily possible. Do yourself a favor and don't promote with the rat tail though, Black Belts have a much better magic defense growth than Master, with the same offensive growths. Solo Black Belt requires some grinding but really beats the shit out of Chaos once it reaches a certain breakpoint. Solo Thief is the essence of suffering.
have you ever played an action RPG before?
pokemon is literal kiddie shit
At least you can probably run more easily from those goddamn fucking wizard mobs in the goddamn fucking ice cave.
Fuck off.
How nu-square will fuck up the game. You know it will happen
I play Pokémon with difficulty mods, and gameplay-wise it blows every FF out of the water. The thing is that FF never really had good gameplay. Again, Bravely Default solved the issue with turn-based combat by giving you a myriad of options on how to take loans on turns and yet no game since has done the same, most opting out into a strictly inferior action RPG formula.
Wizards are an unrunnable encounter. You can (and should) run from the Sorcerers who are their palette swap though, since their physical attack has a fairly high frequency of instantly killing you.
>needs mods to make pokemon gameplay palatable
BD was going to be an ARPG but the devs said they didn't know how to make one so they just slapped on a generic turn based sysyem instead so the game could get made with minimum effort put in
People put a lot of effort into them. If I ever replay FF7 or 8 you can bet your sweet ass it will be with a difficulty mod.
>have you ever played an action RPG before?
I've been playing them since fucking Diablo 1 launched. I don't want FF7 to be turned into another third person hack and slash RPG since it won't even have the loot grind to keep it compelling. It'll just be a reskinned FF15 which was shit--I enjoyed JRPGs back in the day because they used to have a strong narrative with turn-based combat in some form. FF10's combat would be an infinite improvement over what we're going to get. FF6 and FF7 was the pinnacle of the JRPG format but Square wants to repackage it for new fans that don't give a shit about it.
Mistakes into miracles. FF1 was going to be their last game but instead of became a worldwide success.
Things have gotten a lot worse since Diablo 1.
oh so you just have shit taste
>he thinks action or real time combat appeal is the loot
top kek. Just how many real time or action based game have you actually play you fucking boomer?
>What are you guys excited to see?
All the disappointment about Tifa on Yea Forums
Why aren't you faggots simply modding Skyrim? It does everything that you want and it's far better than some lame hack and slash JRPG remake. You can even mod Cloud™ into it.
what the fuck is this trash and why did you post it
Feels more japanese than native american, not bad on its own but doesn't feel faithful.
are you braindead?
Considerig the remake will be an action game, and not a turn-based RPG, it will probably not be a minute-long cinematic again.
Play the original now. It's worth it for the memes alone, and you should have enough time left.
Uematsu is literally in the hospital, slowly dying from lung cancer. So no? Kind of appropriate when you see the rest of SE
Because I don't want to play Skyrim? And I don't think the remake will be as shallow as Skyrim? Are you nostalgiafags really this retarded? It's already retarded enough that you try justify your hate for real time combat simply because it didn't have the loot system of Diablo 1.
Right? It would fit Wutai better than Cosmo Canyon.
The guy is already out of hospital and already back to work though.
Despite being mmos 11 and 14 are far better than 15
Non-fantasy fags make me angry...
no they aren't in any regard
Well the Ryhthm Heaven composer had his larynx removed and is still dying so Uematsu probably isn't far behind. Stupid japs with their smoking habits.
>royal guards using barrier and weapon summoning magic powered by a magical king
>in a world of ruin because of daemons
uhhh... literally all that is fantasy
Just the fact that you can explore a true final fantasy world in hd makes them better than exploring 15’s shitty world
You know I mean high fantasy, especially Amano Final Fantasy games
Except you dont explore shit in the MMOs they're literally theme parks not true worlds, while XV is all exploration in a true FF HD world you dumb fuck
So like XV is which has the truest depictions of Amano's designs since FF4?
Amano never designed any worlds in FF, he only did monster designs on 1-4 and some in 5-6 which were mainly Nomura monsters. FF6 is as much "fantasy" as XV is.
Except Nomura-inspired Final Fantasy games have a completely different soul than true FF games, FF 14s look is far closer to the concept art and feel of the original games. And fuck you, yes you do explore instead of going by a car through a fucking American-inspired desert.
Not saying 7 was bad as a FF game, it retained the adventurous spirit of FF but it still had a different soul. FF games just became more irrelevant to the series as time passed on.
my glorious home Wutai
Why do you have to reply to the fucker. Why? Just fucking ignore XV-kun, for fuck sake.
That's CGI not the fucking game, the game feels nothing like that and the areas in 11 and 14 are literally empty deserts or empty grasslands with worse graphics and look nothing like older FFs, meanwhile XV had the same art director as FF7 did who also did backgrounds on FF6 and that is what XVs world feels closest to, also Altissia is an actual place you go to which feels like a true classic FF like location
He heavily inspired the feel of the games, his works had an affect of the general aesthetics of the games and even some influence on the story in a process I like to call Amanoprinzip. It may not be clear because it’s 2D, but you could see his soft romantic style influencing how the developers thought of Final Fantasy. This lead them to create stories including dark elves stealing crystals, espers and crystal towers. It’s his influence on the general perception of what Final Fantasy should feel like which counts.
Shut the fuck up you whiny retard
I never played a FF game, but is that all the locations you go through in this game? Seem like a small world.
That feels less like a dreamy fairy tale, and more like a facist Roman Disney city.
You can go to Ishgard and it feels exactly like that.
Oops, forgot pic-related
No he didn't, at all, he had no involvement in 1-4 besides monster designs and only did promo art AFTER everything was already designed and created by other artists like koichi ishii or kazuko shibuya, literally not a single fucking place or location in any SNES FF is based on any artwork amano did.
You fucking secondary you clearly have no idea who Amano even is, he had 0 involvement in any story aspects too and also no he did not design any FF characters, he only did promo artwork after they were already designed by other artists like Shibuya and Ishii, and he did that for every FF even 7 and 8 and 10 and even 15
Which FF has Dark elves?
Then why don’t the other FF games look like this. He influenced the perception and direction of the games indirectly
It literally is a fantasy city inspired by roman architecture built over a massive waterfall, your basic cathedral tower is not inspired at all, even Tenebrae is more fantasy than that. 14 is literally just a theme park
user, that's a meme edit.
FF7 has the highest amount of location in any FF, and probably in any jrpg (except MMORPGs)
It may not be even IN the game, dude. The lengthy one you're used to didn't exist in the Japanese version. Theirs was much shorter.
Because Shibuya and Ishii didn't work on FF7 onward? Are you fucking stupid or what? Amano doesn't even work at square and never did, he was only commissioned as an illustrator to draw the monsters and then after the game designs for areas and characters were done he was commissioned to do promo art, he was not the original designer of any of the in game designs or areas, shibuya and ishii and others like naora and takahashi and Nomura were, and people like Sakaguchi, kitase, sorya saga etc were the ones known for writing on FFs, amano had nothing to do with that and your own pic looks nothing like amano anything.
Do your fucking research.
That's pretty sad
The stuff I'm excited to see if the stuff that'll get cut.
Marching, the dolphin, CPR, Fort Condor, snowboarding, Honeybee Inn, "Let's mosey", etc.
Shut the fuck up XV retard.
>see this
>google it
>realize I beat him without ever seeing it
It will be a .png map for location selection like in FFX.
>screen splits
>the battle continues on the other side
>the other side shows what's happening in the solar system meanwhile
>planets torn apart
>sun exploding
>ground starts to tremble
>the trembling keeps getting worse
>image gets noise and starts breaking up
>screens merge, everything is covered in bright light and fire
>you take 3000 points of damage and carry on
Literally looks like Atelier games. Miss me with that shit.
>Remember being super nervous while fighting Safer Sephiroth
>Find out years later that he has a static 8 or so attack order that just loops around and that Super Nova can't actually kill you directly.
He uses Super Nova on his sixth turn and if you do everything right, he only has like 50k hp.
>pluto is skipped from the sequence because it's no longer considered a proper planet
why does this keep coming up? looks like absolute garbo.
The wall boss.
I immediately hasted the party and just went ham.
Cloud was counterattacking/attacking like a madman and someone in /ffg/ told me about a glitch to get Quad Magic early, so Red was pelting him with an unholy amount of space rocks.
>is this FF?
Yeah, it's the FF15 multiplayer. Where you pay $10 to Hold O online alongside other people who are also Holding O
Official remake tracks by Uematsu
models look good but their shading is flat, and that background looks like shit.
So what's the over/under on Red XIII having a native american accent?
I'm excited to see more of how the combat works, hoping it's as complex as Devil May Cry.
>I'm excited to see more of how the combat works, hoping it's as complex as Devil May Cry.
I'm just hoping it's better and harder than XV's crappy combat
FF7 is the only FF game I properly played, is 15 really just hold square to win?
>is 15 really just hold square to win?
Plus when you get to 0 HP in 15, you have like 10 seconds to use a healing item (which the game gives you a lot of due to a party member having a passive skill that gives you stuff after fights) to heal yourself and get back into the fight.
There is no cooldown on using items and no restrictions on how many items can be used in one fight. It is virtually impossible to get a game over during a fight in 15.
and from my understandings, the Royal Edition did not fix this problem at all.
Christ, well I'm still hoping in vein that FF7R is as complex and punishing as DMC.
They will include him right?
If the Motorcycle Chase song doesnt have a sick remix, im not buying anything SE related ever.
I cant wait to see the Weapons. By the looks of them in game, they should be kaiju sized and I hope the game can help me get the sense of scale.
If you play FFVII on pc, find a mod to get rid of the gaping open mouths. Any non party member has a black circle on their face, even Sephiroth. The switch port doesn't have that though
The FFVII PC New Threat mod is unironically good.
>The FFVII PC New Threat mod is unironically good.
What does it do?
>What are you guys excited to see?