"You're my brother."

>"You're my brother."
>"I know. I know."
Will it ever stop hurting?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Which was the saddest moment, this or the horse part?


Scenes women will never understand

You are a gay baby and women are right to laugh at you

>want to replay mission
>gives you no weapons or ammo

Why do they do this?

Say what you want, these two games are my favorites of all time.

Ah... both.

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The horse I had throughout the entire game died on me a few mission before so I already mourned him and that scene didn't really work in my case but I could appreciate it for what it was trying to do.

Thread theme

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I seriously question if women understand concepts of honor the same way men do. Not hating on women or anything, but It's a real question. Scenes like OP and Pic related for example can prompt an emotional response for me more so than almost anything else. Same goes for other examples of self sacrifice and heroism.

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>John: GOTY
>Arthur: No GOTY
RDR1 is objectively better as a story and more fun as a game.

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Fuck wrong pic lmao

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If you didn't get a little misty-eyed at least, and felt sorrow in your heart at this scene than you lack a soul, and should probably just hang yourself

Literally wrong you nostalgia fag. Go back and play the first one, 2 is a better narrative by miles. RDR2 should have gotten Goty but a bunch of pretentious faggots gave it to GoW because of it's recycled 'deep' experience.

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Will we ever see single player DLC? I wish there was more to do in the postgame other than online, which I could give a shit about.

All you really have to post is the Snake vs Ocelot fistfight at the end of MGS4..

>The same way
No, but gf cried over this and the hard hitting stuff in Yakuza, so it's not like they can't do it at all.

Obviously crying is expected. They just don’t understand the deeper implications of it

I feel absolutely cucked by that scene. The Kentucky thoroughbred I had since chapter 1 should have been in it, i had max bond obviously, yet i didn't get the cutscene either because I ran off in the wrong direction or something, or I pressed a button and skipped it.

I didnt really care for my horse, I just felt bad for Arthur to see his own horse die.

>g pic lmao
they don't

>They just don’t understand the deeper implications of it
I don't think that's the case though. With the way media is consumed nowadays, internal emotions behind these things are more accessible and relateable than ever.

How can you really know how anyone else experiences anything?

Just one more insult to injury for Punished Arthur.

The fact we aren't getting singleplayer dlc

Do you guys think a prequel was planned from the start or it was shoehorned later?

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You fucked up, I feel bad for you son

100% planned from the start. It was the only way Rockstar could bring John Marston "back from the dead"

I don't think they could really make a sequel considering the wild west was pretty much done by the end of the first game.

Either way, I'm still impressed how much they managed to add to the lore without really changing anything.
>When Javier starts telling you about the girl Dutch shot in the first mission and you know her name before he says it
>Heidi McCourt

The horse I was using died right before this part, so I went and bought the most expensive horse I could find just for it to die in a cutscene

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>Arthur is never once mentioned or alluded to once in The first game
>John supposedly had a daughter

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Wait, what? Where do they mention about John having a daughter? You mean Arthur had a daughter that died?

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I think in in the original RDR John says Jack had a sister who died or something. Probably happened between the games.

my older sister texted me to tell me that she was shedding tears at the scene in the op. went on for like an hour about what Arthur did for john and shit

>two mass murderer piece of shits
It is sad we didn't see them hanging

Made later as an afterthought but Rockstar was so good at writing the game that it felt really natural and almost like the prequel was planned ahead of time. They tie into RDR1's story really well and it was absolute joy to see the gang interact with each other and especially Arthur's relationship with Dutch and his friendship with John.

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Arthur had crushed some teenage (19 i think) pussy and had a son

Triggered Pinkerton detected. Go cry to your gay daddies Milton and Ross. Oh wait, they're fucking dead. Ahahahaha faggot.

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When someone asks John if he has kids I think he replied ''a son in school and a daughter in Heaven''.

I feel like the daughter must have come first. Like they tried again and had Jack.

I dunno. John and Abigail basically got together because of Jack

Fuck, i missed that dialogue. It's a shame i can't replay RDR 1 since my xbone melted.

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I want to replay this, but my memories of the game just paint every little annoyance as "that part" and kills my interest every time. Same thing happened with RDR1. I've only ever played that one the entire way through the first time, and every time after I drop it at some random point.

Maybe they had a daughter between the epilog in 1907 and RDR1 in 1911?

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I don't think the daughter was even with abigail.

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Marshall Johnson wasn't in 2 was he? Or did I miss him?

Nope. Armadillo is practically dead. You can murder people and throw them into the fire openly, there is no law enforcement there.

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>Went back for the money the first time
Boy I did fuck myself up

>we've gotten to the point where normalfags want movies to be GOTY
Oh boy you and the GoW fags suck

My fucking horse I had all game died 2 missions before the final mission so I already mourned (ps you're a fag if you went for the money)

The scene where Elizabeth tells him he wasn’t good enough in the letter him me hard

Red dead 2 its a great game probably one of rockstars best but my problem with it is the same I had with gta IV, while the world is really well done and inmersive I feel like there is not a lot of things to do, its actually funny since gta V fixed this but had the opposite problem, gta v’s gameplay was shit and the world felt souless but you could do a shit-ton of things in it

It hurts guys. I was really hoping that due to the onlines poor reception we'd get some singleplayer dlc but R* seems really resistant. If nothing is announced by E3 then it'll be never ever tier

Considering how many of them hated Black Widow sacrificing herself for her (extended) family, I'm gonna have to say nah.

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Because they're antifun faggots, same reason you can't save after using cheats.

wasn't a movie, the gameplay was still extremely prevalent in RDR2. Just because it was linear and had a story does not make it a movie. Stop throwing around buzzwords you faggot.

I felt like rd2 had more things to do than iv did. Rd3 really tops the cake though in things to do. Although there are still short comings.

Sorry normalfag. The gameplay holds your hand because it cares too much about it's narrative than gameplay. So keep seething kek enjoy your movie games

Stoping giving Dutch so much faith, he’s getting too powerful!

>"I'm your brother!"
>"Put me back! I'm not done!"
Will it ever stop burning?

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The starting horse I had died halfway through the game and I was fucking pissed for a week since I was trying to do every possible achievement.

I looked up secret horses and I went for a white stallion like Dutch's in the mountains. It was a good fucking horse but I don't think I've ever felt such emotions as I did losing that first horse to some bullshit fight with some bounty hunters. Fuck.

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You mean Mary Linton?

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Now that's a based take

She wasn't wrong, it was the most emotional scene in videogames, come at me
Your sister has a soul, congrats

Man you're a faggot. Did you even pay attention to the story?
You sound like the kinda nigga who'd call the cops because you smelled weed

Damn, that's dark. Why is this the game most full of feels

You sound like a giant autist, just replay it it's one of the greatest videogames of all time I don't care what any fag says

i felt so terrible watching arthur's suffering and sacrifice. his death was sad and i felt bad for him. but it was nothing compared to what i felt when john died, like my heart was ripped out. now i cant finish the story when i replay rdr1, cant even watch videos of the last 2 missions without getting bitch tears. after all these years, my hate was still raging, i wanted to kill ross when arthur goes to van horn to rescue abigail from the pinkertons.

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Sounds good

God I forgot how cute she is. Arthur's a fucking fool

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If you talk about the fucking story more than you do the gameplay, it's not a game.
This shit needs to be in or its own fucking board. Sick to death of these goddamn moviegames.

>>we've gotten to the point where normalfags want movies to be GOTY
>Oh boy you and the GoW fags suck
You're a nigger, yes this game is Western kino but it is also a great game with fun physics and mechanics, kill yourself for being a contrarion for contrarys sake

Dare I say it, is this the game most full of feels in history?

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I like both games greatly and equally.

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I agree dude, I was probably the most sad Ata videogame ever when John died. It was so unjust, even his son's revenge didn't make it ok
Why did the Housers have to do this to us?
Its not fair

have sex

Literally kill yourself
Both the story and game were fucking superb
That's what makes it so great
It will be remembered, you won't

because they want to force you to play the multiplayer.

I still can't get out of Chapter 3. 2? Either way, I just feel obligated to do all the hunts, get my camp and gear fully upgraded, etc. It's actively killed my enjoyment and it really is a shame. The game's got some great stuff, though. I do think they could probably have tried a little less to pad out so much of the experience, however. Maybe a few less fucking pelts, for fuck's sake. Oh, would've really liked to change my holster configurations, too.

No one is going to remember any of these shit modern games in ten years. Old games will be remembered for eternity, these disposible moviegames you play once and forget about will not.
Once you kids finally accept this fucking fact, gaming will finally break free from the shitshow it currently is and we will enter a new era in gaming.

my horse was a piece of shit, it was the $2 Morgan at the start of the game


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The entire ending had it's moments and I know it's really popular, but nothing in a game ever hit me as hard as "I'm afraid."
It's such a simple phrase but the amount of emotion he shows says so much more than any more words could truly convey. It's so human to see him break the facade of being strong for a moment just enough to see who he is inside.

Anyone interested in replaying the game as a community sometime? I didn't think I'd miss it, but the more I think about the game the more I want to come back to it.

you're dumb and wrong. Try and live a happier life. Don't be another needless asshole in the world.

Had a "thing" for Tilly myself.


When my sister said she went back for the money I understood why we only ever speak over new year's.

It's weird seeing Arthur without a big beard and shaggy hair because I only ever trimmed it. Kinda crazy how its the same character but everyone does him their own way.

I cannot understand what would motivate someone to do a low honor play through for their first one. The story just loses so much impact.

>still no official release
Fuck R* for making me have a shitty YouTube rip on my library

This game was way more emotionally intensive than it had any right to be
I shot Micah in the head 6 times on instinct, one of the most satisfying kills in a Rockstar game to date

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John worked for the goverment. He had the license to kill

Weirdly conflicted about getting RDR2. The first was one of my favorite games from last gen, but I've had it up to my tits with R* and their tedious, slow as molasses bullshit they've done since GTA IV.

I'll probably just pirate it when it gets a PC release

You won't get to keep the money or anything anyway.

They stated that when they were working on the Backstories for Dutches Gang in the First Game that they slowly came up with multiple Adventures of the Gang that later lead them into considering making a Prequel even before the first game was finished.

Rdr1 was released in q1
Rdr2 was released in q4
Only reason.
Same thing happened to gow3/gow4


Seeing arthur being sad about the horse is what got me.
Also when he said with his dying voice:
>Ohhh dutch

>Yeah...just me

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I gave you all I had...

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>im sorry john, i need my red dead redemption too

RDR2 is one of my GOAT games, but it's filled with terrible gameplay choices that makes people from enjoying the game.

>Replay Mission
>Game nowhere displays how to get the gold requirements in a mission, so you don't get spoiled.
>Have to replay mission to do gold requirements unless you look them up online.
>Died in a mission. Forget getting gold requirements! The game over screen either has Quit or Restart from Checkpoint.
>No Restart mission option, So you have to quit, wait for load screen and reload mission.
>Replaying a Mission from Chapter 6 but Arthur has stats from Chapter 2.
>Have to ride to a destination with no option to skip to the action like RDR1.
>Some cutscenes are unskippable so you have to watch it over and over.
>Have to get an absurd amount of head shots some missions with 5 seconds of dead eye.
>No access to guns that you currently have.
>Arthur stuck in a default look (Clothes, hair, and beard)
>Low ammo and stuck with terrible guns.
>Replaying missions give you a shitty horse so it's impossible to do some time missions since you have no Horse Heroin to keep them running.
>Slow movement, gameplay, and shitty gun game play.

One of my favorite movies in videogames, but Rockstar really need to get rid of this slow "realistic physics" game engine meme riddles in their games, just fucking make them play like Max Payne. Also fuck Rockstar for not putting it on PC.

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micah was my favourite gang memeber

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The gold / silver ranks you should not worry about on your first playthrough, just do them on a second more completionist playthrough.

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Micah was the most based guy in the gang

Women just cant feel the same way as men, they cant comprehend some feelings and concepts, its not their fault, the way they were made.

I had the same horse at the start of the game, so I cared a bit but not too much.

>I'm afraid


>but Rockstar really need to get rid of this slow "realistic physics" game engine meme riddles in their games,
>They need to get away from what separates them from all the other copy cats on the industry

Nah, they don't.

They do, user. A handful of them, but they sure do.
t. got saved by a woman like that once. She was a firefighter so that definitely makes her an exception.

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What is it about RDR 2 that makes Yea Forums so mad? Is it just contrians who can't handle that it's one of the best and most successful games of all times? Mad Nincels?

People actually replay the missions in Rockstar games?

fucking this. as much as i love arthur and his story, his death (at least in the "good" ending) feels tragic but honorable. it stings, but you saw it coming.
john though. he just gets put down like a fucking pig. all of his journey to get back to his family, undone in a heartbeat. it's unfair and petty and that makes it hurt much more than what happened to arthur.

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Straight up because of how popular it is. Only games unique to this gen that's bigger is Fortnite and PUBG.

I may be auts but the gameplay cycle of this game felt so boring, not to mention there will always be a mandatory shooter section in any sidequest or mission, I just end up anticipating it every time, and it just ended up feeling so repetitive.

But as it sagged way low for me in the middle, I thought the ending was neat. and felt the pain come back again in the John Marston epilogue, FUCK. I guess opwm-world shooters aren't my thing?


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>base gameplay is just a bland TPS
>story can just be watched on youtube (or you can watch a real movie)
>p2w multiplayer

The gunplay is god tier faggot. Kys and never post your shitty opinion again.

Due to their role as sexual bottlenecks for humanity, women are designed to be as selfish as possible except when it comes to her children.

>Lies from someone who didn't play the game
Yikes. Back to the Smash thread you come from, jealous Nincel.

Anyone else been playing online on PS4 since it's free for a week?
I thought people were exaggerating the grind to buy everything you want but good lord it's real.

Horse part fucked me up because I had the same shitty Kentucky saddler for the entire game.

I love you and I miss you, Winkerbean