90% of the games bore me in 15 minutes

>90% of the games bore me in 15 minutes
uuugh, this sucks!

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Let me fuck your boipussy

Sounds like you just hate long commitment games. Try Dustforce.

Lets hear some of your recent games

So what are some of the 10% of games didn't?

>being an anime poster
>having the attention span of a fly
So how do you watch anime?

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This desu

10% of games don't? Well that's a lot of games. Enjoy, user!

>start new game
>10 minutes in
>"hey this is pretty good"
>30 minutes in
>"this game is boring as fuck"

Then ply for 16 minutes, stupid.


k, thanks

metro 2033, bayonetta and dragon age origins, give up all of them

bloodborne, persona, hollow knight, re remake, shogun 2 total war

it's still boring trying to find them tho

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Animeposters don't actually watch anime, they just animepost and suck dick

>he saves aya shit on his computer
isn't there a twitch stream you should be donating for?
fuck off and stop wasting threads on this

Sounds like you're just a faggot with no attention span.

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Dumb poster. Dumb posters get spanks

I'm a immigrant in UK, and UK is Very Cool, Karen represents the UK

Why do you think so?


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ive been enjoying ff12 for the switch recently

I love how anime gayposting is now a thing on Yea Forums

How new are you

how about you shut the fuck up I had enough of a bad day I don't need a stupid gay weeb telling me what to do

How new?

what did he tell you to do?


just shut the fuck up


He could actually be right. you may have some kind of attention deficit.
I remember I used to be in a similar position except it got so bad that could hardly stand to do any single thing for more than a few minutes without getting frustratingly bored. Not even video games were enjoyable. It was awful.
I fixed it by getting a prescription, don't know if you feel like you need to go that far

tranny thread