Will be epic for gamers
Microsoft saved everything they got for the past year for this one event.
Microsoft is going to do the same thing they did last year.
Announce countless games I'm going to play on anything other than a Xbone or Microsoft product in general.
I hope they call it the Xbox 720, I WAS FUCKIN PROMISED!
>no sony
>no ea
Already best one in the past decade
They don't care anymore. They still profit from PC gaming.
Who ready for P5R on Xbox
Damn right
>inb4 say mad port beggars
I'm not mad I'm glad I don't want normie SSD coverage clouding up the fucking news. I bet you Microsoft will be like "Expect better loading times with the PCI4 Nvme SSD" and Sony shills are gonna push that the SSD is gonna be magically better on the playstation. Because they don't understand the technical jargon they shit out their mouths
>Nintendo has nothing big planned
>Sony isn't even there
There is no fucking way Xbox loses this year. R-right?
>Nintendo has nothing big planned
We don’t know this. Xbox and ni
And they profit from xbox sales lol it's not like Halo 1 and 2 weren't released on PC back in the day Microsoft is back to their like 2003 mindset and not their 2011 mindset. I don't like talking about corporations like their my friends because their not, but Microsoft had it's ass kicked and still wants to hangout afterwards. Playstation fanboys do not understand the concept of non exclusively. As a used parts flipper I couldn't build a PC as small and as powerful as the 1X for under 400$ because ITX cases, Gpus, Mobos and PSUs tend to be quite expensive even used. Maybe I just barely could, xbox will do great if they are releasing a cheaper and around the PS5 xbox and a more expensive high end xbox, not many but some will pay 600$ For a "beast" of a console then xbox will be winning in the value sentiment and the benchmarks. Microsoft banning swear words aside Sony is dead next gen unless fanboys and Euros carry Sony on their backs
What's going on here? Is something wro
>We don’t know this. Xbox and Ni....gger
I can't believe you'd be so racist user
I'm a Idort. But there is literally nothing on the Xbone I want to play and the Devs Microsoft bought up do not incite confidence for good upcoming games from Microsoft.
What is the context of this? At first I tought it was his dad, but the meme shirt is not something an overly serious person would wear.
Exactly just don't buy the xbox then :) you'll be able to play with your friends that have Xboxes on PC, the future is bright until streaming kills the consoles. I hope Microsoft is smart enough to have discord make an app for xbox no matter how shitty because that would help push crossplay to the forefront even more. I was playing SFV on my friends PC and it has crossplay with playstation and their so bad or super sweaty no inbetween lol. I'm glad we are heading to a future free of walls.
Three Jap teens/young adults are about to play a video game. Disgruntled father comes in, Mad about his kid playing video games and destroys the PS4.
Japan is weird, the dad probably wants to be cozy with that shirt, and his bastards kids are leaking too much sound though the paper walls
>Just don't buy the Xbox then
and I guess don't buy any Xbox made games either because that was my point.
I don't hate the Xbox because it has no Exclusives.
I hate the Xbox because it has literally nothing worth playing. be it also on PC or not.
Seeing as they bought out Ninja Theory and a bunch of nearly bankrupt devs. The next generation of Microsoft games will continue to be shit that I don't want to play.
Maybe you're just a bitter faggot with a hate boner for xbox
Microsoft exclusives games sell much better on Xbox than PC, so I don't get this "If its on PC, why should I care" mentality. Just because you aren't getting it on Xbox, but the majority of people are.
Don't buy any games you don't want to play lol. I'll buy halo from them they don't need my money I give them windows 10 and Office sales. They may devalue their brand but many PC gamers don't buy consoles anyways so it's just entering multiple markets, if the PC version of gamepass included more shit for me to play (it will eventually) I'd pick it up for cheap.
Lol Xbox won last year win by a complete landslide.
Because it's on PC, so why should I give a fuck about how much better it sells on xbox than PC? It's on PC so it will look better and run better than the console counterpart and I can more easily download the game for free without paying a cent to try it out before even thinking about wasting money on it.
Yeah. On your fucking knees
>Nintendo has nothing big planned
That's wrong though, I can guarantee Nintendo's E3 will be 2019, 2020, and beyond games like Microsoft. They're not focusing on one big major game this time.
Why do people still root for Xbox when every other negative gaming decision was spurred by Microsoft one way or another?
>paid online
>timed exclusives
>p2p games
>micro transactions
List goes on. Microsoft has never been good for gaming. Only morons continue to support Xbox.
If xbox gets japanese games i might consider it. As it site right now, they stand no chance for me.
>nintendo as sad as it is to say, still looks the best
Won what?
>We are apologising to our fans and promise that E3 2020 will be better
Is he restraining his power level or something? Why he never opens his eyes completely?
Copy that
This is why you should just own one or the other, unless you really want the xbox in living room PC in other room lifestyle, because then your purchases will have parity. The fact you can get it on PC is irrelevant to someone who doesn't own a PC and owns an xbox. Because The fact you can get most Playstation "exclusives" on PC (not even counting playstation now) hasn't hurt their sales.
Most of them may be shit but at least the PS4 has games that actually don't exist on another platform. Your coping mechanism is fucking terrible.
cant wait to see what happens when Bethesda gets on stage
Who else here just watching e3 to laugh at the current state of video games?
>a bunch of trailers we've been seeing for past 4 years
>1 unique looking game gets announced
>8 years later when it's finally out, it scores a 5/10 and is pretty damn lackluster
>more than 75% of what's shown at e3 is indies that all look the same
>deep music performances, including imagine dragons
>giant empty open world games that all look the same
Yeah cause the companies that copied Microsofts shitty ideas are so much better. If you hate Microsoft for this then you should hate Sony too. I do, do you?
Oh boy, another thread where Xbros plug up their ears and go, " la la la la la. " Xbox has always been a piece of shit.
there's 2 good things that can happen
1. starfield gameplay gets shown
2. elder scrolls 6 gets a title
No one gives a shit about anything else bethesda done.
I'm actually expecting somebody to boo
>smash fags and Sony ponies stuffing the ballot box.
You can't trust these polls for much as some websites (Neogaf) have their inherent bias towards platforms. I don't trust polls on here towards topics that are muddied by emotions
>paid online
>timed exclusives
Are you underage? That was been going on since the 80s
>p2p games
Once again, another thing that has been going on for a long time.
Those video views count ad views, which is why doom and some others are up there
Doom will not sell 10 million copies
And gamefaqs is as bad as Yea Forums, are you retarded?
The answer is yes
But I can play bloodborne on my PC thanks to Playstation Now, does that make the Playstation irrelevant? To me yes. To the PCless Dark souls fan no. I can play Halo on my PC. Does that make the xbox irrelevant to the PCless Halo fan? No.
Rumor has it, fallout 3 remastered or as I hope they call it, Fallout 3: Liberty Edition
Except that you're playing it through some shitty internet service and not natively on your PC. This is like saying you actually play games by watching them on youtube.
Post his bitch tits
do you really think playing it on a good internet connection through streaming is the same as...watching someone play it? I mean, is that what you really, truly think?
It's still cheaper than buying a playstation 4 to play that 1 game and the inferior versions of all the multplats I own. Once again the Xbox isn't made for people who already own PCs it's made for people who want to play videogames. Since you are gonna bring up the power factor why would the console gamer ever consider playstation if it's gonna be the weaker console next gen like it was this gen? Especially if they don't like 3rd Person Action adventures
>playing a souls game through streaming when the games already have horribly amounts of input delay and bad queuing systems on actions
>can't play at 1080p or 60 fps because it's running on ps4 hardware being streamed to your computer
Big fucking yikes.
Yeah for real I used Geforce now cause they were letting beta tester play free shit and it was a perfectly good streaming service and I didn't feel any noticeable input lag. But I have 150mbs down so I guess I'm not the average guy. But the app recommend 20mbs for 1080p 60 I think
> Tfw you're closer to E3 than the last time you played a video game. March 23rd
> Tfw the last time you played a video game you seriously loved was in the summer of last year.
Yeah it sure would've been nice for Fromsoft to want free money with a proper PC port
>inb4 port begger
I didn't call Playstation fan girls port beggars when insurgency came to PS4 I was like "that's good"
All of that shit goes way back you underage fuck.
If they announce Dino Crisis, as I say every year, I will immediately buy an Xbox even if it's multiplatform
Dino Crisis is an ok series why do you like it that much?
Why the fuck people ask for ape escape 4 for this same reason
>3 sucked
>Capcom announced no major new releases until at least next March
It's not happening
Let it go, user.
Dino Crisis remake/reboot is definitely happening. I don't know if it will be before RE3make or not, though.
>Todd: "We may have had... a biiit of a rocky launch"
>Audience: "[Laugh track] [Applause]"
>Todd: "And we understand some of you, weren't exactly happy... That's why we're giving away Fallout 76's first expansion pack... ABSOLUTELY FREE FOR IT'S FIRST WEEK!"
>Audience: "[WOOOOO] [APPLAUSE]"
>Reddit: "Wow Bethesda is the only company that would own up to something like this :)! Might just buy Fallout 76 on the E3 sale now and snag the free DLC pack! Take notes, EA xD!"
Sony skipping out on E3 gives Microsoft a real chance to take the high ground with the next console generation.
The next Xbox will be called Xbox.
Should we screencap your post?
I hate Bethesda so fucking much
Dude this is exactly how it goes, everytime. EA has been the most hated company this decade and all the other big Publishers (Ubi, Activision, Bethesda) literally do the same shit and don't get the hate boners EA does. They all release the same quality of 6s - 8s and they all litter their games with Microtransactions don't get why they are not all universally hated.
>Todd gets on stage
>He has the balls to bring up Fallout 76
>Somebody from the audience rushes to him stabs him
It's time for a rebrand, could it happen?
Their only good console was the OG Xbox. Wish they weren't so hard to find.
Can you type like somebody with a functioning brain please?
Yeah they need to say fuck it and call it the Xbox 46 and Xbox 64 (for the CUs on the GPU for the 2 models what ever they may actually be) This way they could just make as many as they feel like and never have to launch a new gen
>Todd walks on stage in an outfit made out of canvas
>Confesses that the outfit is where the money for the bags went
>Crowd makes audible gasp
>Todd stabs himself
>Country Roads blares
>Kojima walks on stage
>The experience was merely the next trailer for Death Stranding
Considering Sony is planning on their next console being the last as they head towards a streaming centric platform for games.. there's potential for them to do something in a similar vein.
I'd love to hear some ideas of names. One of us have to be right.
>Considering Sony is planning on their next console being the last
Sauce, boss?
>the biggest Forza Horizon expansion ever in July
>Gears 5 in September
>Ori 2 in October
based Phil
First two games are great not "ok"
Gentle reminder
Speaking of forza horizon's expansion 2, wasn't there a rumor going around saying that it would turn the game into almost something new entirely and that it would be based on a globally known IP? Or am I just remembering things incorrectly?
>gamefags poll
In terms of presentation, Microsoft was certainly the best. Need I remind you of 'TOOOOOT'
Might be referring to this
Yep, this is going in my based and actually going to fucking happen compilation
Oh wow, it has a disc drive. Sounds silly, but we're getting to that point where physical is starting to become a luxury.
my guess is it's a halo themed dlc. like that showcase that's in the game already.
While I know and respect the value that physical has for people with bad internet and selling your games is a good thing (tho it technically hurts the dev). On PC disk trays have been long forgotten and the only people who still buy them are those with a legitimate reason like needs it for work or a shit load of old PC games to install. The nicest cases don't even have 5.25 quarter inch bays anymore tho I own an external disk reader to get around that. And since consoles follow PC trends I'm expecting consoles to ditch them soon. They could literally sell fucked up flash drives in cases to people in stores because they'd be able to transfer the game to their harddrive faster than a bluray. That and getting rid of the disk tray could make a smaller and cooler (temps) console
>he thinks that GameFAQs poll is worth a shit
Sony cronies will even vote that Sony won this year, they're completely blind fucking loyal. They had a smelly vagrant playing banjo in a church, an intermission, TOOOOOOOOT, and the same games they've been showing for up to four fucking years in a row, they had fucking NOTHING beyond the Resident Evil 2 reveal. Söyny lost HARD last year, harder than they have in a while. Meanwhile, as a bonafide Nintendo dicksucker who drank the koolaid and declared with the rest of the sheep that Nintendo won 2016 with one game and did indeed love the flood of Smash info, I will tell you right now that the 2018 E3 Direct was average at best and didn't have enough fucking games.
Microsoft put on one of the best conferences of all time last year. You can cry all you want about how they were all on PC as well and many on PS4, the point is that Xbox One owners were shown a fuckload of games they could choose from, and almost all of them were presented well, even the ones you couldn't pay me to pretend to give a shit about were presented well and didn't take up more than their fair share of time. It really was all about the motherfucking games, and that's why it was so goddamn good.
>Another drought
Based Phil!
>games are droughts
a gold medal at the special olympics mental gymnastics for you
>A game from series no one has given a fuck about for about a decade
>A sequel indie platformer that no one played
>Car DLC
As someone with an Xbone and no PS4, let's not be delusional and say we have any games beyond multiplats to play
Hows that 1 Kojima game and that Last of Us Sequel that hasn't came out after like 5 years I've been hearing y'all use a selling point this whole time not a drought
Don't bother I know what I did. I shouldn't be so gung ho. I just really think playstation fanboys are hilariously retarded with their shade throws. It better be more than that for it is a drought
Resetera detected. Go back there with the socially conscious Xcucks.
>MS announces persona 5r for xbone.
>Yea Forums goes nuclear for the month out of pure nintendo rage
Idort. But totally want this
I thought reset era was PS fans, that what I interpreted it the one time I went on there to read an article about the PS5 and the comments were beyond human understanding
at least it was before smelly brown feet were aired out and everyone got gassed.
Staged. Who the fuck just goes through the menus like that with their friends and not play games?
Doom Eternal release date. Please!
He just got the ps4 and was setting it up. The dad then comes in and smashes it.
nothing? HAHAHA... oh i made myself sad
YES!!!!!!! PS3 BFTO youtu.be
is right it actually is staged, it was a skit on youtube
This game looks cool but there's no fucking way I'll play as that ugly fucking lesbian. I hope it flops hard.
Gears 5 looks like GoW with guns lol
>Nu-GOW is a celebration of masculinity
Come on, Rod.
Yeah theyre trying that. But they forgot to put a good character in the game. Who the fuck wants to play as an ugly lesbian. She's not even ugly blonde, she's an ugly brunette. Who the fuck wants that
Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019
>Xbox Scarlet game development will allow games to be sold on Xbox One/PC at discretion of publishers
>Xbox Game Pass expanded - day 1 first party/second party games, third party AAA games a couple months after launch, indie games all the time
>More studios acquired, expect at least 3 announcements
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your Windows/iOS/Android device. Microsoft will offer streaming from Microsoft Azure by end of year 2019.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Windows, iOS, or Android device.
>New Xbox controller variations. Standard, Elite, and Hybrid. Streaming to phones and tablets uses adaptive touch controls
>More Backwards Compatible games from Xbox 360 and OG Xbox announced
New games being shown off:
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>The Outer Worlds
>Ninja Theory’s Bleeding Edge
>More than 30 games shown off
Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019
I'm not that guy I don't play 3rd person shooters with men or ugly women in it because I don't want a flat ass and broad shoulders taking up 40% of my screen. I respect anyone who lives by their own principles no matter how trill
I don't think anything can top last years trainwreck
unique looking game gets announced
years later when it's finally out, it scores a 5/10 and is pretty damn lackluster
This is gonna be bannerlord, isn't it?
All of them sold millions
Gears 4 sold millions, and who the fuck was talking about that a week after release?
If at least half of this is true the Sony Pony damage control will be hilarious "yeah well PC is full of hackers and faggots and now Xtards are the same, why even buy and xbox when you could just buy a PC?"
I can't wait to buy a new controller for my PC and have new people to play with. I just hope Microsoft let's you swear again. Because I'm going to be swearing at you.
I've said it before and I've said it again, you know Fortnite? Like that but in Halo where the whole Halo has a in the cloud render like Crackdown's cloud destructability.
wow it's shit
Where's my goddamn Perfect Dark sequel, Phil?
What do you want from them a shitty switch clone? That already exists it's called an android tablet
Prove it
supposedly it's being rebooted by one of their new studios. some say it's The Initiative, others say no it's another studio and The INitiative is working on something new
Are Sony going to break shitposting records after Nintendo and Microsoft have good E3 showings this year?
Real leak
>Halo Infinite
>Halo MCC PC
>Gears 5
>Gears Tactics
>Ori and the Will of the WIsp
>Fable reboot
>Perfect Dark reboot
>Killer Instinct 2
>Bleeding Edge
>Rare's new ip
>The Initiative's new ip
>Playful Rare ip reboot
>ReCore 2
>Mech Assault reboot or Mechwarrior 5
>Dino Crisis reboot
>Splinter Cell reboot
>Harry Potter RPG
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Forza Motorsport 8
>third party games
>Japanese games
>Game Pass PC
>Xbox and Xbox 360 BC
>Xbox Lockhart and Anaconda
>Three more new studios
>The Outer Worlds
>probably more
In before they do the unthinkable, announcing the first Xbox with free online play and turns the whole used play fiasco in reverse back on Sony but with online play.
It'll never happen, but it's probably the biggest upset I could think of in regards to E3.
>yfw it's just the Yakuza turn-based RPG they posted as an April Fools Joke
Nintendo will have a good E3 this year. Odds are based Phil will shit the bed again though.
This. I have never owned a single Xbox, but Microsoft clearly had the best presentation last year.
TMS 2 at E3!
Yes, Phil Spencer is actually Kenpachi Zaraki
>xbox is locked down PC
>PC Online is free
>Even with games on Xbox servers like gears is free on PC
Microsoft would really change the game if they started this shit and then were the first ones to abandon it. Not holding hope out but it sure would be smart and would make sense
>SEGA has one RPG listed for the Xbox booth
>Shining recently came back with a re-release of Resonance
>it's been 6 years since the last mainline game
it's probably a new Shining game if I'm being honest here. You guys ready for more of Tony's usually cute but sameface waifus.
Naw Phil is just high off his ass on percs like all rich people are
Splinter cell will be during the Ubisoft conference. Most of the other games you listed are highly speculated.
My list isn’t a leak. It’s always been a counter post to all the fucking sonygros shitting up the place.
You mean to tell me you don't feel his overwhelming power when you see him on stage?
Phil could destroy this whole world if he so desired. He has the strength of 100,000 men at his fingertips.
>checks the Square E3 listings
>Role Playing Game: Xbox 360
what the fuck?
>Admitting to being a butthurt fanboy of a dead console
>SEGA: Music/Dance: PS Vita/PS4
yep, I'm thinking she's back
I'm not saying he couldn't it's the percs keeping him stable
Nigga what's the playstation got besides Netflix and Movies and Fifa to play?
fucking cringe
this post is cringe
trips comfirms this
Does this mean no Dying Light 2?
I hope that hot mommy milf comes back
>Capcom is literally only bringing one game to E3
>it's probably Dragons Dogma 2 based on everything that's been happening
Speaking on that where the fuck is Dead island 2 lol
dying light 2 is for sure ganna be there and it's going to be amazing
they have chris avellone writing so the story won't be trash this time
Isn't it Iceborne they're bringing?
So many pubs are MIA this E3. I thought THQ would show up with the 80 games they're developing but even they have a lowish profile.
I wish based Nintendo gave me a reason to turn on my Switch.
they only have one game listed and it's under "Action/Adventure" so it's either DD2 or more Monster Hunter content.
>Fable reboot
>Perfect Dark reboot
If true, then thank you Phil.
youtube press the google button retard
Likely. What's also likely is that it will be Bethesda.shit exclusive. RAGE 2 launched on steam however, after previously being announced otherwise, so we'll just have to wait and see.
I've never wanted Xbox to come on top more than ever. I really hope they take the next generation. Fuck SONY and the bullshit they've been pulling as of late. SONY needs a fucking system reboot.
I thought it was the =3 guy for a second there.
Tell your mistress to loosen your cock cage, it's making you extremely grumpy.
I just want them to call it the Scorpio X, that's a fucking console name right there
Bruh they need to call it the eXtremeBOX
>Killer Instinct
I fucking wish they'd make another, but I wouldn't want it unless IG was continuing to work on it with a new engine.
They probably are. Been hearing lots of rumors that KI2 is happening.
Halo MCC and Gears 5 will be the first PC games to require Xbox Live for online.
I won't tell you why I know this but prepare for the shitstorm.
>Another Xbro cope thread
I can smell you rscottyg
I'm kinda cool with what Xbox is trying to do right now. Each of the big 3 doing their own thing instead of competing for the same space. That being said, consolecucks get fucked.
>action / adventure
It seems after Sony raping them for a whole gen with A/A games they realized they need some too?
Planet Zoo my man
Shaved that stupid square beard chin thing and get a life after you’ve gotten Conker in smash and then we may talk.
E3 is dead. Future is streamer reveals.
dofus nintendo isnt at e3
fear not hoofclicker sony will be back next year and then you'll change your stance
I'm not saying it isn't possible. But Microsoft seems to be smarter this Gen already since they put MCC on steam and not the windows store. Halo 1 and 2 are already on PC so if they fuck it up people won't buy we've lived without halo 3 on PC for over decade we can go forever at this point. Microsoft has to know how autistic PC gamers are they literally won't buy games for even stupider reasons than paywalls. Microsoft has tried this shit once with GFWL I don't think they have the gull to do it again
Ken Lobb once said that it would be interesting to bring Joanna Dark back in the year 2020.
>Splinter cell will be during the Ubisoft conference.
Scuttlebutt is that there is no Splinter Cell currently in development. In which case, let's hope Perfect Dark fills the gaping spy game hole in my heart and ass.
Nier becoming Backwards Compatible
oh man same cringe like that candlejack shit no one thi
Fuck no.
Bonnie Ross from 343?
Fuck yes. Just look at every new game.
It gets shilled by streamers. For example
>WoW: Classic
>Total War: Three Kingdoms
>Days Gone
They influence vastly more zoomers, because its far more personal and you will also be cool if you buy the game your favorite streamer plays.
Just sit down for now Phil, you can leave it to us
and soon they will even profit from PS Now and Nintendo streaming
Microsoft can't even lose anymore, the war is over, everyone buys from Microsoft
>Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019
>Gloating about no competition.
Based and mspilled
>Oh wow look at all these games
>So which ones are exclusive to Xbox?
where's the bingo cards, Yea Forums
I need them
It's going to be a bunch of literally nothing all over again and people will love it because the average gamer now is a mouth breathing piece of shit who consumers any surface level product they can find. You can look up any Fallout related page on social media and they're already shifting their discourse to "m-maybe it w-wasn't that bad"
You can predict which games are getting a sequel by how quickly Microsoft rushes their games to BC.
100% there is a new Splinter Cell because they added like 4 of them in a month.
God I'm so sick of cg teasers with a logo plastered on top getting endless praise. If you have no gameplay or information pertaining to it, then I don't care about your shitty teaser.
no, some other microsoft executive blonde milf who presented last year's E3.
>still no reach flights
>0% chance it'll release fully during E3
Thanks for absolutely nothing and announcing that shit way too early fagsoft.
Yes this and games that horribly downgraded from the E3 Trailers (Looking at you Ubisoft) should be universally seen as bait and swtcich and shouldn't be supported the last ubisoft game I bought was Watch Dogs 1 and while I personally enjoyed it and it's edgelord story the whole game was a shell of what they showed off
I don't think children give a fuck about total war, I couldn't imagine watching someone live stream a total war game. But you're not wrong that streamers are going to become "influencers"
stale, but based.
I think Microsoft will have the same conference they did last year, yet probably more lackluster; Some surprises and more of the same. Here's hoping that Dying Light 2 and Cyberpunk get release dates.
Though I cannot fathom how anyone can be excited or even remotely hype for Bethesda's conference this year. After FO76 and the sound confirmation that ES6 and Starfield will be using the same awful engine they've always been using I almost expect there to be a few instances where the crowd tries to boo the people off the stage, which will make some highlight videos.
Will Bethesda get their equivalent of this?
The audience at E3 is controlled user. Even during the Battlefield 5 Battle Royale announcement the best people could muster was just staying quiet or else they'd probably end up being blacklisted
Because Ubisoft at least tries, they fund new game ideas, they take risks on new IPs, and they listen to their community. For example, Assassin's Creed is constantly iterated upon so that the gameplay feels fresh and new (Just look at the leap from 1 to 2, Rev to 3, Rogue to Unity, etc), their systems aren't taken to shit just because of their inclusion of microtransactions and none of them feel like they're extra grindy or require you to spend money at all, their games get quickly discounted, and the DLC they do have is usually substantial enough to warrant the price (For example the AC3 DLC, AC4 Freedom Cry, every Steep expansion, and the Donkey Kong DLC) outside of random cosmetic stuff they throw in here and there. Assassin's Creed Unity also gave them a heavy dose of humble pie, they've started to learn to take things slowly, do more bug checks, and so on. They're also in the GaaS business so they're keeping titles like The Division, R6, For Honor, and Steep alive and supported years and years after the fact with new content.
Bethesda fans don't mind the bugs and the games are always praised for their world and scope because that's most important to them. 76 is the first time a game has done so poorly in everyone's eyes and Bethesda has gotten rightly shat upon for it.
Activision also keeps iterating on Call of Duty, look at the massive leap to Black Ops 2 and then all the games afterwards essentially turning it into Titanfall, they always have a campaign, and their major problem tends to be them milking an IP for all it's worth then casting it aside. Overwatch is probably their most egregious thing right now.
With EA they fuck everything up. They put mtx where it's not needed and then tweak the game to require hours of grind, they don't listen to any community feedback, they design games by committee rather than out of passion, they rarely if ever greenlight good games (Unravel was the last decent one), and they killed so many companies pettily.
>Though I cannot fathom how anyone can be excited or even remotely hype for Bethesda's conference this year.
Doom Eternal looks great. Wolfenstein: Youngblood looks extremely promising. We might get a surprise game from that team who made The Evil Within.
this will never happen again now that you'll be forced to have chinese botnet installed on your phone if you wanna enter
>winning a conference
what does that matter if there is nothing worth getting the console for? I want the next xbox to do well but i doubt microsoft will deliver.
I've NEVER EVER seen a video game brand go from well known to irrelevant in the span of 5 years
After Planet Coaster was a DLC ridden mess and hearing Jurassic World Evolution was kind of meh I have no hope for this at all.
Ubisoft Used to make some of my All time favorite like Rayman 2 and 3 and Beyond good and evil and the first 2 farcrys. Games as a service is awful ubisoft needed to make a RB6S 2 that had all the previous assets but a much better environment to destroy. Assassins creed as sucked ass and their only claim to fame is their historical settings. Since Tom Clancy has died those games have been worse overall with some outliers like Wildlands (a 7). The fuckers make me use uplay dispite buying the steam version and they literally sell preorders then take the game off steam fuckem the frog legs sold out.
The worse thing Bethesda ever did besides paid mods was instead of improving the quality of games they wore the bugs as a badge of honor when we let them get away with it when they were small now their too big to be so incompetent. Technically they publish better games then their competitors currently
Activision gor rid of guitar hero and Tony Hawk so they can blow me. They've been making the same COD game for a decade and what else? Idk destiny was pretty alright I guess. All horribly riddled with micro transactions.
EA is a bunch of greddy fucks but Titanfall and Battlefield are way better FPSes than what Ubisoft and Activision make.
All these companies are shells of their former selfs and all earned their place at the top for the games they used to make they just apeal to the lowest common denominator and fuck em all for it, they should all be universally panned until they improve
SEGA's downfall was worse. Microsoft blundered out with the One but it wasn't as bad as the PS3 from the 2.
Ubisoft are really good with their modern games, but they're annoying sloppy when it comes to their remasters. AC: Odyssey just got yet another massive patch full of awesome refinements and bug fixes, yet AC3: Remastered, while it admittedly got some heavy visual improvement, still has heaps of bugs.
I think they should unload at next e3 so people will be hyped to buy nexbox in fall 2020. If they blow their load now a year before nexbox sony will drop their usual "look at our games that are auuusum but are 5 years away" and boom MS loses momentum.
>There is no fucking way Xbox loses this year. R-right?
Xbox won last year with Sony and Nintendo there. Also Nintendo has a lot of heavy shit to show including pokemen and animal crossing.
Kek, it's funnier because it's so damn accurate.
>killer instinct 2
I don't think he went far enough to show just how pathetic bethesda fans can be. During the 76 shitshow people wouldn't shit on Bethesda for having trash standards and making broken games, people would just say "I hope the next TES isn't like this". People never learn
wo what proof
Regardless of your opinion on Ubisoft games they still make Rayman games, they make Rabbids games, they're literally make a BG&E game with an actual budget and bigger scope, they're constantly making new Far Cry and Assassin's Creed games, they're making The Division, they made Watch_Dogs into a franchise, they made that Starfield game etc. I agree with you uPlay is shit and we shouldn't be subject to it, and I agree with you that their formula for tower unlocks everything and then do whatever can get stale, but they put a shit ton of effort into their games even if they do end up buggy, and while I won't let that slide I respect them as a company. If you have time just quickly go and see the years and years of meticulous research they did into one of the more modern AC games via a GDC presentation, they're not just churning shit out on a factory floor.
Bethesda is definitely the least of the evils, they publish decent games (Though they invest in questionable choices like Rage 2), they support their mobile fans and their mobile games aren't really P2W nightmares and are very F2P friendly, their paid mods go free all the time so you basically never have to pay for anything anyway (But it is a terrible system still), and hopefully 76 really gave them a kick in the ass for the next game.
Activision definitely needs to get their head out of their ass, I agree. They oversaturated the market with GH, they barely gave a damn about Tony Hawk, Destiny and Overwatch are pretty much their only new IPs, and Call of Duty is really all they have nowadays. They really need to invest in more new games.
EA deserves all the hate they get. They force studios to completely change their game due to their investors and then when it fails they shutter them (Visceral), they sell a shit ton of DLC that is almost worthless and never worth it, their entire existence is basically "How can we monetize this", and even though BF and Titanfall are good that doesn't excuse them.
Babylon's Fall lads?
Sony buying Remedy? OH NO NO NO...
Most of what you said was true. But beyond good and evil 2 is gonna suck ass for 3 reasons. 1 no Jade, 2. Probably no one from the OG Team. 3 the like 1 trainer looked pretty lame to me, and I'm probably the biggest fan of that franchise, games don't need sequels 17 years later.
Shining franchise is worthless nowadays
Just like Xbox
Nah, Xbox has been improving since 2013.
Shining gets worse with every release
>Xbox has been improving since 2013
>Xbox has been improving since 2013.
>Xbox has been improving since 2013
>>>Xbox has been improving since 2013
> Xbox has been improving since 2013
Can you prove it, though?
>has been improving since 2013
Yep. Compared to 2013, now Xbox has
>crossplay with Switch and PC in some titles
>game pass
>backwards compatibility
>removed TV shit to focus more power on UI and games
>changed UI from Kinect shit to something better and buried Kinect
>released Xbone X, a great value proposition
>releases adaptive controller for incapacitated folks so devs aren't forced to water down their games even further with accessibility in mind; hardware is already taking care of that
>fixing their 1st party studio drought by buying devs and giving them proper budgets for their games
They still have a games issue, but they've improved upon pretty much everything else.