ITT: games that reminded you Yea Forums has absolutely no taste and you should NEVER trust this board

ITT: games that reminded you Yea Forums has absolutely no taste and you should NEVER trust this board.

Attached: Sea_of_thieves_box.jpg (393x500, 173K)

>start game
>supposed to pick my character
>unfathomably ugly, morbidly obese old people everywhere
>no cute guys
>no pretty girls
>just fugly fat indian fucks
>lost 30 minutes just trying to find a good enough character and just straight up dropped the game
What a mess really, who in this board would even like this game?

>Windows 10 only.
>Released with no content.
10/10 made me reply.

But it has content now.

It has like 4 expansions now and it still didn't add any content.
Really doesn't.

Don't care, should have been professional and release a proper game.

i thought Yea Forums rightfully shat on this game though

Mother 3
The fact that reddit and resetera both praise the game should tell you everything you need to know about it
Yet this board continues to talk about how much they love it

I love Sea of Thieves, I've played the shit out of it, and I sincerely hope it continues to get more content and cool shit to do.

But at the same time I can't deny there's a lot of reasons it's not the game it should have been, the largest of which is it's pointless tie to the Xbox app and that it was rushed out literally a year or two early so that it's only now that it actually has the content it should have had at launch. And trust me, I played it when it had nothing in the game, and I enjoyed the shit out of it, but I get why people wouldn't.

Unfortunately, these "release early with no content, then add bits over time", even if you're doing what Rare is and making sure that you release content that works and is polished to shit rather than being broken and buggy, leads to a shrinking player base as people will only come back for the new stuff, but your intention is for it to be played alongside the old stuff, which everyone's already played to hell and back.

I love the game, I'll keep playing it every now and then, but I can't really defend it.

Sea of Thieves is easily one of the most fun games to play with friends. Yea Forums only likes games with single player content for obvious reasons. Playing solo or with randumbs in SoT is irritating because the best parts revolve around working as a team in naval combat and solving puzzles.

It deserved to be shit on at launch for sure. Absolutely ridiculous for 60 dollars. Now I’d say it’s a good time. I picked it up for about 30 during a sale and I haven’t regretted it. However, I have 3 friend to play with. Solo I don’t think it’s nearly as fun, but with a 4 man galleon I’ve had the most fun in any game I’ve played with my friends. But most Yea Forums shitposters don’t have friends so they’ll tell you it’s shit.

>it still didn't add any content.

Can you define "content"?

Hunt: Showdown is never talked about on Yea Forums and it's definitely because it requires a good partner to be fun. I think it's really just multiplayer games that don't get proper recognition, Yea Forums will talk about great solo games until the cows come home.

>Sea of Thieves is easily one of the most fun games to play with friends.
I never really had friends to play it with, not in a major way. I only ever played with random groups on the official and community Discord, but it was never an issue and never detracted from the game.

But if I had a group of friends as into it as I was, that would have been a lot more enjoyable. I tried to get my D&D group to play (they always try to get me to play Total War with them which I'm not a huge fan of) and they did for one session during the Free Week, but it didn't click for them.

Shit to do. All the expansions just pretty much added background noise but the gameplay loop is exactly the same as the base game. Just now there is a Giant shark roaming around sometimes and other miscellaneous shit that doesn't matter.

You need friends to enjoy it.

He means he wants there to be more in-depth features and a better gameplay loop but he's too primitive to communicate that and he's really just aping what he's heard from others so he can shitpost.

>Game's only rewards are purely cosmetic
>You can't even see your character anyway

>Shit to do.
That's not a definition. Can you give me an example? I'm not exactly sure how you define everything in the game as "background noise", I can't fathom what would fit your metric for shit to do.

Earthbound. Shit sucks

You can during emotes, but that's why I only ever cared about ship customizations and tools and weapons.

But the lack of progression system and cosmetic-only rewards are actually pretty good because the game is more interesting when you don't have to worry about being overpowered by other people just because they play more than you do. You are just as capable of sinking a Pirate Legend crew and taking their shit as anyone else, as long as you're good enough.

if you enjoyed Sea of Thieves you have absolutely no taste and should never come back to this board.

I've sailed with my crew who I ran a pirate RPG for 3 years so it was great being a pirate with them. I made a bunch of friends through SoT that I now play other games with but I had to sift through a lot of shit randoms before that.

Cool-ish game.

Phil literally just had them make a game for design nice water mechanics and fluid open world movement so he could use it for other games. Sadly the gameplay suffered bad on launch. Rare has just been working on another game during this whole content stream also.

Rare isn't banking on SoT, whatever their next project is what they've really been working on.

The water will look pretty sick in upcoming Microsoft games tho because of SoT.

Lmao, the fucking ship mode in Holdfast that literally no one plays is better than the entirety of Sea of Thieves.

Well to be fair SoT isn't a game I would recommend to anyone.

That said I love this game.

Nah, fuck you, cite some sources.

>I've sailed with my crew who I ran a pirate RPG for 3 years so it was great being a pirate with them.
Ironically, my campaign is coming to an end in the next few months (they're in the last big arc), and they all agreed they want to run a pirate campaign next so who knows, maybe once they get a taste for sailing in that they'll want to play SoT with me.

Was it homebrew completely, or based on any published books? I've been writing one based on the Razor Coast line from Frog God which is a lot of fun.

Crossplay killed it

I mean, none of this is true. Rare is a tiny studio now and they put basically everything into SoT, and it's been hugely successful for them.

the new story quests are really good, it's interesting how a stanced online sandbox game has the courage to make players think for themselves when every recent triple A RPG is ok with players following quest markers while skipping all dialogue
you can when you use emotes

It was a hot mess of a One Piece RPG using a fan made homebrew.

It's one of those games where you kind of have to "make your own fun."

It has shit to do but it mainly has only added more excuses to keep doing the same shit you've already been doing. The volcanic region does add a twist with the environmental hazards and the damage model has increased in detail. Your anchor and wheel can be damaged. Your mast can be shot down.

The Tall Tales update added what I think is the first legit new content and I'd say it offers around the same amount hours as you'd get out of your average single player campaign. There's also a new mode that's quick and pvp focused called Arena.

Yeah there should be more to the progression. I get that they want everyone to be on a level playing field, but they could offer something else to do with it. Like maybe you can buy your own island and have a sort of town building mini game thing to sink your money into.

>the new story quests are really good,

They really fucking are, and I so, so wish they were in the game from the start. But more specifically, I hope they have a development pipeline that would allow them to add them to the game on a regular basis because that would really be good.

It makes me sad that SoT actually has a little intro now on basic mechanics. Figuring out sailing mechanics and tricks in the game made it feel like a real adventure and give you a big advantage over brain dead players.

its a fucking pirate game not a korean mmo, ugly people are atmosphere

this was just boring and dumb

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Anthem, The Sims, Overwatch, anything by nintendo, WoW, Final Fantasy and the list goes on and on and on...

You're a funny guy.

They were always pretty common sense but I guess you can't count on the average gamer to have that.

gonna have to agree with you there, everybody hyped it up like a better fallout but in the end its just some generic isometric adventure game. the "rpg" elements were minimal at best, the world building was ok, the combat and quests sucked, there was really nothing that made it stand out to me, let alone anything that deserved the amount of praise it gets here

The lack of any hints made me realize just how much the average player needs constant guidance. Every time I hop on I'm sinking dumb kids, hicks and stoners who have no idea what they're doing.

what about games that Yea Forums got completely, unquestionably right?

Attached: rabi ribi.jpg (720x720, 129K)

Have never picked up this game, can my character look like this?

Attached: cervantes-soulcalibur-6-w7024-197x111.jpg (3840x2160, 1.08M)

They've added too big things from the Anniversary Update.

1. Tall Tales, basically story quests that chain into finding an Island of Gold

2. Arena, PVP mode. You will need a good discord group, because if you go solo, it's a crapshoot

Yes, I'm aware of what is in the game, I've finished my Tall Tales and gotten my gold body paint.

That's not an answer to my question.