It is really as bad as people say?

It is really as bad as people say?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Difficult content feels unrewarding
The rampant azerite hotfixes killed any motivation towards getting them
Getting azerite traits with the effects you needed was a BITCH during Uldir. Some classes borderline unusable (balance druid without 3x streaking stars = dead)
Rep time gating fucking sucks IF I WANT TO BE A DISGUSTING NECKBEARD AND PLAY ALL DAY THEN LET ME FUCKING DO THAT. Instead blizzard says fuck you do your dailies and fuck off.
Necklace sucks, earning AP for it sucks
Island expedition turned out to be a nothing burger

The only thing that has been passable about BFA was raids.

I'd have more fun doing pic related than spending one more day in BFA

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I guess I'm just getting the itch to play again and I don't want to wait 3 months. but I hear BFA is solo content to max if you want and I feel that would be boring in like 3 weeks.

My main issue is once you get to a cretin point in the story, you just have to wait for the patch, most of the people in the game now are just waiting for 8.2

feels like warlords of draenor all over again

this. the content drought is fucking real

What is going on in pic related?

"Battle" yet it's the most solo expansion yet

I don't care what people say

No, it’s worse

Story is a direct retread of MoP, but with FAR worse storytelling, gameplay, and progression.

They really shit the bed with progression. It has never felt less rewarding. Even WoD was better.

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Titanforging is an abomination of a mechanic and whoever pitched it in a design meeting should be drawn and quartered.

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imagine making an expansion about faction warfare and then removing PVP servers in favor of consensual pvp.

it's worse, considering most people still playing are less informed than they should be given how much time they're sinking into this dedgame without feeling pathetic for doing so

Where are the PVP servers?

Private server launch, people camping node respawns for first UD quest


t. someone so good at WoW I play it solely for money and even that couldn't keep me hooked after BFA

From what I've seen raiding is fine, but everything else is boring or unfulfilling. The story is shit, but WoW's story has been shit for almost a decade now.

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You need to realize that nu-wow isn't made by game developers anymore. It's engineered by psych majors to string you along as much as possible. RNG plays a big part in that. Daily login bonus, don't forget to open your daily lootbox. Remember that one time the reward wasn't shit? Maybe it's going to happen again someday! Don't forget to login and do your chores. They've made getting best in slot gear as confusing and micromanaged as possible for a reason. The lack of satisfying anything is by design. Those dopamine shots are delivered when they WANT you to have them.

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>want to play WOW because excited for classic
>want to play BFA but it looks boring as fuck


Yes, but Classic is even worse

There's always private servers. Lights Hope seems to work pretty alright. Could use that to help decide on a class.

Uldir was a garbage raid, but BoD is definitely top tier.

Is it worth playing for 3 months until Classic or will I lose interest?

Not really, most I've enjoyed the game for a while

There's no point arguing about it on here or reddit though, the meme's self sustaining at this point. I blame streamers

>Island expedition turned out to be a nothing burger
so much wasted potential, especially the pvp ai

BoD is far from top tier. It has some good fights, rest is mediocre with boring armor sets.

There’s definitely a bit of hyperbole relating to it.
It’s definitely incredibly flawed, but nothing will beat WoD for crown of worst expansion.
Really, I’d say BFA’s biggest issue is the choice to copy Legion’s content release schedule, even though it has nowhere near the same amount of content as Legion.
8.2 seems pretty promising, it’s just ridiculous that it’s taking this long to get here.
Ideally, they should’ve brought Mechagon+the Mega Dungeon with 8.1.

Yes & No

The overall content is solid, the art & music is always consistent for Blizzard, allied races are a nice addition, the story is presented better than any other expac

But the system built around all that is a mess, Classes have been dumbed down massively & despite this balance in mythic raids still sucks, guilds are stacking 10 of one class in some instances, 120 seems pointless as it gains you no new rewards & takes away your artifact weapon & it's progression, you don't even get single new ability at 120, the HOA amulet is boring & azerite gear equally so & the RNG makes it even worse, also titanforging RNG continues to be painful while making new gear feel less rewarding if it doesn't titanforge, Island expeditions & Warfronts are very boring

The most frustrating thing is Blizzard refused to listen to feedback in the Beta, they could have fixed this

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Firestorm has a BFA private server with a huge population if you wanna see just how bad the xpac is without giving money to actiblizz.

Yeah, that’s really my main problem right now. It just feels like after a specific point that I’m wasting my time playing my max level characters, and then I just go back to leveling my allied race alts. But now I’m nearing my breaking point even with that.

>leveling my allied race alts.
>Nightborne 120
>Void Elf 120
>Lightforge Draenei 120
>Mag'har Orc 110
>Zandalari Troll 65
>Dark Iron Dwarf 39
>Highmountain Tauren 35
>Kul Tiran Human 31
Is this hell?

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I thought it was fucking garbage, Azerite armor was horribly executed and every piece of gear you get is a dice roll now. No more class set gear looking different. All leather sets look the same no matter that class, same with plate/cloth/mail. Still timegating everything even though they know players hate it. Lazy implementation of the new allied races, could have made interesting quest lines for each one but turned it into HUR DUR GRIND DAILIES ISNT THIS SO FUN XD!!!!!!! Overall just a lazy fucking xpac. Only cool thing was I thought the new continents were well designed.

Yes, it's mediocre at best.
I played for 3 weeks at release, only to unlock Mag'har and did so, it was a no-life route for the 3 weeks but it felt rewarding. Any other piece of content didn't feel like that, BfA dungeons are a chore, world quests are trash and Island expeditions aren't about exploring, completely backfired. Warfronts really really aren't even worth mentioning. Azerite armor is another trainwreck, all these overhauls for it to be completely redone in 8.2

>It is really as bad as people say?
Ever play a game that feels more boring that your job/school? Cause that's this xpac.

Everything is a long boring chore.
>That's ok, I'll just go farm old mounts and transmog
Not if you plan on raiding. You will have to grind neck levels almost every moment you aren't raiding cause raiding guilds will set min neck levels for you. Minimum levels that also just happen to need to you do your world quests, emissaries and a few M+ each day.

>all MMOs have grinding, that's ok, I'm used to it
Its the worst grind it's ever been (imo) cause at least the old grinds had weekly and daily limits to how much stuff you could get each week like justice and valor. No limit for necks which means there is never a moment where you can't be sloooooowly grinding power

feeling like 8.2 wont fix this shit

Retail is shit but it has nothing to do with grinding for Azerite. You haven’t even played it and you don’t know what you’re talking about. Azerite grind is a non-issue at this point.

They knew this Xpac was going to suck.
>To sell Classic

>Private server launch
explain what that is/means?

Illegal chink server is running an old version of the game for people to play for free in exchange for their email and gpu to be used for farming bitcoin

Let's put it this way. The upcoming 8.2 patch? Thats where we should have been in the BfA PTR.

Thats how dogshit Blizzard has been for BfA.

>feeling like 8.2 wont fix this shit
What is even the plan with 8.2? Serious question.

I blocked all the WoW youtubers because of their nonstop dick sucking to blizzard. Based on past patches I'm guessing more reputations to grind, maybe pathfinder finishing, another currency to grind and class rebalances that will make people reroll their main?

The problem with modern WoW is that there is too much time gated shit to do. Where as if you don't do your world quests, weekly island, mythics, weekly mythic+, weekly 10 arenas, conquest cap, your raids, and grind out a certain neck level you feel as if you are being left behind. That makes all those mundane tasks feel like a chore, and that makes the game boring and tedius. Because no one wants to do fucking chores.

Thats why people want vanilla so badly. Vanilla was the ultimate freedom. You weren't forced to grind daily and weekly or else you'd lose out on progressing your character. You could do what you wanted, when you wanted, for how long you wanted. It didn't matter if you got rewarded or not, because you knew eventually you'd reach that plateau. Where as current WoW is an ever growing plateau that is designed to be unreachable by the player.

Current WoW is mentally exhausting with how tedious it is and thats not fun.

giving everyone a new big CD tied to the neck depending on your role, makes the dps powercreep insane

zones look alright, new dungeon looks fun for the second half but both nazjatar and mechagon are grindy and timegated as fuck

>Is this hell?
I did 3 before the xp changes to the 60-80 range. No fucking transmog was worth that shit.

1 new zone with story
1 new zone that is quite literally Grind the zone, purely a zone for aoe farming to get pets, mounts, and shit

Sounds like a worse tanaan jungle. Neat.

8.2 kind of feels like a catch-up patch for casuals. Revising the Azerite gear. Easy access to 430 gear. And then just grind collectibles and Pathfinder for flying, it seems like.

The dogshit story drove me away. Bad gameplay can maybe get better but the story is fucked
>pc helps knaifu cause lol plot
>horde pc takes it to sylvanas cause lol plot and maybe mind control
>dagger tells sylvanas, even though knaifu isn’t in it at this point, to send troops to nazjatar so the heart can free nzoth

>the horde player facilitates an old god being unleashed.

>The state of WoW fags

You guys really want to burn out the dev team honestly it's like you want all your content rushed out the door already. All you fuckers cant even fucking relax. FFXIV releases their patch updates in between 2-3 months.

8.2 sure is fixing up a ton of shit but the core system of BFA was flawed and honestly that was it because everything else has been great.

You guys got more story, More cutscenes, BETTER made raids etc. Yet, complain like a bunch of faggots.

>giving everyone a new big CD tied to the neck depending on your role

>Rep time gating fucking sucks
why i left that jewshit game

called essences, look it up. they're mostly the same boring stuff, different flavors of nukes with a passive talent on top

8.2 looks fun because mechagon is an exploration and puzzle zone. There's still no reason to focus on progression since you get full heroic raid quality gear without doing any difficult dungeons or entering a raid.

We got a dogshit story. With some really shitty cutscenes and the rare good cutscene. (Like really, NPCs standing in a circle spamming emotes while they talk, with the lower half of their jaw doing some deformed fucked up movement to simulate talking is not a good cutscene.)

Raids are good, yeah. But thats about it. Other than raids, its shitty world quests, the same fucking dungeons, and two shitty warfronts.

From what I hear there’s not even much story to the zone. There’s something like 4 story parts, one of which is just stumbling across the item needed to get into the palace
>the long awaited confrontation with Azshara
>it’s fucking nothing

Adding daily quests was an awful move since it led to all this shit.

I haven't played the actual expansion but instead I've just been leveling an alt to 110 and its boring as fuck. I get random epic weapons from quests at level 15 and absolutely nothing is a challenge.

I don't think vanilla was perfect, but you could be perfectly acceptable as a player with dungeon blues. You didn't have to be full rank 13 or T3 equipped and it was fine.

Now the game feels like shit when your loot doesn't titan forge. Making wow into phone game tier grind didn't make it anymore fun.

>everything else has been great.
Here is your (You)

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I like some things about it
Zandalar is neat, the Dazaralor raid has a few good fights (Rastakhan is particularly kino), the gear sets look better than 99% of what came out since WotLK, most dungeons would be pretty good if only the m+ affixes weren't the most unfun things ever designed
sadly the bad far, far outweighs the good

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Are they soft declining the thing? It's skeleton crew, players are leaving, no wish to improve.
I want to believe they can't be this stupid if they want game to stay alive. What if they are prepping ground for another MMO product?

>Complaining about the story when it's still unfinished.

You faggots are really retarded.

Not fucking bait when you WoW fags complain like fucking morons

>Deluding yourself into thinking this dogshit story can be salvaged.
You faggots are really retarded.

The most interesting thing with 8.2 is bringing back Resistance as enchants

Otherwise it's just another throne of thunder/tanaan jungle

I had more fun leveling 1-5 in the stress test than 1-120 in bfa

TBC introduced a lot of bullshit that people ignore

people have just outgrown the MMO system and refuse to move on.
>The grind is this game sucks! I hate daily quests
>*gets classic*
>*kill 12 boars*
>*collect ten gold dust*
>*kill ten raiders*
>*kill ten bandits*
>*mine 300 nodes*
>ah now this is a good game

>keep paying your subscription and this awful story will turn out great we promise
>we totally have a plot reveal that will turn this garbage around

There is literally nothing worth doing outside of Arenas Raids and Mythics

Fuck you, my favorite thing in an MMO was crafting shit to sell.
No other game type let's me be a massive Jew.

it just doesn't make sense.
Why don't you do it IRL? Start an etsy account selling handmade satchels for 50$ each with 5$ of materials.
You can make 300$ a day easily.

Its that bad. titanforging is gay as fuck, the story is a mess, and the time gates are insane. No one gives a shit about their gear naymore.

Glad to be heading back to classic. Legit excited to run Scholoamnce and feel powerful in a set of blues.

The gameplay of WOW has been on decline since the game launched way back when, it came to an apex of shit tier design with 3.2 and the game has been coasting through shitty "please don't leave" updates giving out free gear and ezmode content not knowing that designing the core gameplay for .1% of the playerbase and giving everyone else ezmode doesn't make the rest of the game fun.

Making every class 'balanced' only made it so you had 12 different colored character options that did the same 3 things

Making every peice of gear the exact fucking same except for trinkets and meme proc/use items that get nerfed next tier anyway doesn't make the gear rewarding

And balancing your PVP system around a system more basic then a fucking MOBA is the worst thing you can do to an MMO.

Imagine being the writers that made Warcrafts story shit the bed. This is the game that had dimension hopping time travel and the guy responsible for the enemy invading your planet part of the expansion end celebration but people just scoffed and moved on
BfA’s story is so shit

You're missing the key difference between BFA and Classic

BFA gives you 500 different goals to achieve, but only allow you to progress 1% on each of those goals a day

Classic gives you 500 goals to achieve, each leading into one another, and you can grind through them at your own pace, the only fucking cockblock classic has is raid lockouts, but you still have 100+ hours of gameplay before you even get to that point.

Wrath was a mistake

TBC wasn't perfect (nor was classic), but TBC had the right amount of balance. Each spec for every class was viable,but they weren't all equal. if you tone down Warlock just a bit, the game would be nearly perfect for me.

They had to make warlocks OP because the design philosophy for them was completely gutted with the CC changes in BC.

Excited to farm Scholo to try & get Headmasters Charge, because Classic had fun items that made a difference, not just boring stat sticks that hopefully TF so you don't vendor them

>at your own pace
Lies. Everybody who says this always ends up going down this rabbit hole.
>I love playing this game at my own pace
>damn I wanna do this dungeon, better level faster.
>I want this weapon, better start grinding
>oh shit I'm neglecting my proffs, better grind those
>that weapon is sick, guess I'm gonna start raiding
>didn't get my sword, better do the same raid multiple times again
>finally got it
>guess I'll PvP
>oh man that grand marshall gear is sick, better start grinding
it's a hamster wheel. don't fall into the WoW bottomless pit, you'll regret it.

I mostly wanna do flask runs for the dosh. Plus Scholomance has some fantastic loot for casters

at least warlords allowed you to get to endgame and fuck off, not continue to grind for small gains of your "artifact muncher"

You do all of those things on your own time.

In BFA you do everything on blizzards time, and if you skip a day you're behind a whole day because of time gating.

>Boy I sure want to unlock a recipe with timbermaw, better go grind feathers
>20 hours of bear farming later I am now revered and can get +agility enchants, and I can either nolife those hours on the weekends when I have free time or spread them out in 2 hour sessions over the week

>Boy I want to try out the new race
>2 months of logging in every single day to clear out all the available daily quests and I can finally play that class, and no matter what I do I can't speed up this process, just hope that blizzard spares me by spawning enough world quests

>Release raid
>Two months later upgrade all the gear in every dungeon so that it's both much easier to get than the raid gear, and way better, completely invalidating the existence of the raid
Why do they do this

Problem is unless you were raiding every night of the week you had nothing to do in WOD

And there wasn't enough raid content in WOD,

If WOD released with BC's end game model it would have been 10/10, but it was released with Cata style end game.

>20 hours of grinding feathers
wtf you can literally beat a single player game in less than half that time.
This is what I don't understand. How are you guys still interested in MMOs? The grind is unreal, just grinding for an hour makes me feel anxious and depressed.


They've been trying to force PVE esports into WOW since MOP.

Because it is. It's like they learned nothing from WoD or Legion, doubled down on the shitty systems and got rid of the things people found fun.

If you don't like it thats okay.

I like having something not everyone has and being able to share or covet it.

And the 'grind' is fun when its laid back and you can just chill and have fun and play with friends, something that WOW and modern MMOs forgot trying to cater to fags like you.

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>120 seems pointless as it gains you no new rewards & takes away your artifact weapon & it's progression, you don't even get single new ability at 120
110 to 120 you actually get weaker. This is the first time leveling up has actually felt like your character lost progress. You gain nothing new and old abilities were taken away.
Bra-fucking-vo Blizzard.

zero innovation since cataclysm.

I actually level locked my warrior 111 to keep my legiondaries.

>implying WoW wasn't designed to get people with addictive personalities and zero hope to get addicted to their online world and stay there for as long as possible to maximize subscription payments.
they literally had rehab facilities and news reports about how unhealthy the design of the game is because it's a participation award, not a skill awarding game. You succeed based on how much you're willing to sacrifice from reality.

you could also add that you need +5 ilvl every week in order to get invited to m+ so you better run a few more dungeons today instead of killing bears
if you feel like grinding, you do so - it also gives you some advantage because not everyone has/ does [thing], it's not mandatory like gear-upgrades you have to get so it isn't stressful.
>tfw farmed winterspring tiger over christmas holidays back in the days
comfy time

WOW was designed with the most basic RPG gameplay loop out there
>Go adventuring
>Complete quest
>Get loot

It wasn't just that Vanilla let you do whatever you want. It's that it wasn't this participation reward, log on and do you chores and logout shit. Everything in the game had a purpose, everything good had to be worked for, and even small stat increases were a big deal. Whereas in BfA you can get some huge upgrade and barely notice it in the gameplay. Maybe shit dies 0.5 seconds faster, but you just steamroll through everything anyway.

I was perfectly happy, desu, what I got from Legion was complete and utter burnout from constantly playing to even keep up, and I got to raid heroics(guild didn't want to do mythic, or touch mythic raiding you know how it is).
By the time third patch happened just couldn't stomach the game, where mentally just thinking about it gets me actual psychically sick looking at it.
What I'm talking about is doing world quests, doing mythic plus runs killed the fun I had, and the fact that you can get better gear from said dungeons than Raids.
One of the core aspects what I loved about raids was getting gear, and the accomplishment it takes getting here to get said thing.
I feel nothing from these things anymore, I don't want to grind one single resource to pour into one garbage disposal equipment that I need in order to be "raid" ready.

I wasn't going to argue that legion was better.

I was pointing out WOD was closest to BC we gotten when it came to end game, but lacked raid content to keep it afloat, in BC once you reached end game you only had to do a couple of quests and grind some professions to get your pre-raid BiS, after that you were pretty much raid logging every night, and if you felt like playing more professions weren't entirely gutted like it was in WOTLK onward, or leveling alts.

MOP, Legion, and now BFA is nothing but endless upkeep, daily grinds, and valor or m+ grinding, and the raids are so shit due to 4 fucking difficulties and only 1 of them receives 90% of the playtesting by blizzard

not to mention the scaling! the fucking scaling makes you feel weaker and weaker past 110 with each level, when you hit 120 normal mobs become a burden
all fixed with magical ilvl upgrades, fuck this system.

Maybe it's time to...dare I say it...try something new? FFXIV players in general have nothing but good things to say about their game, the worse we've had to go through was a "mediocre" expansion.
With that being said, people are nothing but positive about the way the new expansion is looking and the recent job changes revealed look amazing.
You could keep clinging to the gospel of your god emperor asmongoloid, and avoid this "weeb" game. But it's only growing, and you'd have something NEW to look foreword to rather than a re-release of a 15 year old game.

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How come that such a big company as Blizzard manages to hire writers that are incapable of writing entertaining story that would not make the characters appear dumb?

The scaling system is a big flaw, getting mythic gear should let you smash out world quests quicker, that's the reward, instead mobs get more HP & it's the same as before

Fundamentally, BFA fails at basic RPG progression

Why are there so many mounts now wtf

Is that an edit or do you actually see cars in FF14?

it'a an edit, but there is a car mount in the game.

The size of a company doesnt equate to quality. See Disney and EA.

Metzen was in his prime when he was at blizzard HQ's basement playing D&D while high on coke.

Most of WOW and warcraft lore in its prime was done by white wolf.

Mythic raiding is the only good content. If you don't like mythic raiding don't play. M+ is okay, but not worth the subscription because you'll just be doing a +10 each week and logging off.

Any time they try to add a stat or a new system in an expansion thats supposed to give players more "customization", it feels like they never fleshed it out enough or thought about how it would go down longterm.

Reforging. Garrisons. Artifacts. Glyphs. Various stats now removed. Azerite gear.

None of it has ever panned out how they said it would. It ALWAYS ends up being a solved math equation a few weeks into the expansion and you are effectively hindering yourself and by extension anyone you play with if you don't follow the math.

Player "freedom" is just not something Blizzard knows how to get right.

I get bored with FF every time I go back to it within a month after catching up and clearing content. I don't get excited by having to reclear it all multiple times nor do harder difficulty raid bosses appeal to me, and neither does crafting or gathering. The most fun I had was working towards a house with my FC but once we got that, it was mission complete and I had no drive anymore.

what years are we talking about?

at least draenor didn't fuck with your rerolling, you could boot up the game, create a character and level it up nicely
also in wod, blizzard didn't sneak patch old raids to make them drop less money to push their microtransactions
WoD was trash because it was a letdown with years of no content and a facebook mini game as its main feature, bfa is worse


Mythic raiding is boring as shit.

Ion Turning WOW into a speedrun meme doesn't make the game fun or interesting.

The fact that every fun item in the game has to be nerfed every single patch is just plain bad game design

They scrapped Path of the Titans years ago & it was basically just Azerite passives on a skill tree

They should have kept that but just not made it tied to archaeology

You just sound salty that you're shit at the game. No idea what fun items you're talking about either

on a scale of 1-10, and I don’t mean this disparagingly, how weeb is it?

it's a final fantasy game, what do you expect ?

It leans into it pretty good when it wants. The storyline is all standard anime melodrama and a lot of sidequests that are 100% unrelated are stupid jokey Japanese "humor" bullshit.

I would rate it a 7.5 with a 10 being something xenoblade chronicles.

>is an exploration and puzzle zone.

forced and designed like GW2. its bullshit

I did heroics all the way up to when mythic was introduced

Pandaren Golds as well

There is nothing more fucking boring then speedrunning in an MMO, especially when all your loot is turned into trash the patch after.

As for fun items, draught of souls in Legion is a good example of an OP as fuck I win button that was nerfed into vendor trash because FUN DETECTED NOT ALLOWED, which makes you wonder why the fuck you're even bothering to subject yourself to wiping 10+ times a boss just to have your loot nerfed or replaced by fucking normal mode titanforges a few weeks later

I got more fucking satisfaction running to SM with 4 randos and farming ironspine for my level 30 BiS then I have had doing any form of raiding since Ulduar

This, the way the game plays now all your effort is wasted and you get the MMO eqivilent of a free hat