Other urls found in this thread:
how was it woke
Mortal Kombat never went woke you fucking retarded autistic fuck, stop forcing this narrative
>he posts it again
>for at least the 6th time in two days
how many times are you going to post this?
OAG begs to differ.
>hheeh w-we were just joking! y-yeah all the shitposting about burkas was a j-joke, Mortal Kombat were always /ourguys/ right fellow /pol/lacks?
The absolute state of shitposters right now, holy shit.
He's not the one forcing it. Did you not see all the threads and articles and posts reee-ing about the outfit changes for female characters being a case of SJWs/feminism/trannies/liberals run amok?
>Already sold more units than SFV's entire lifespan in the first month
Yea Forumsappa on suicide watch
If the sales were so good, why do they never post numbers sold nor revenue earned? You think that would be the best way to brag.
Guys, do you realize this?
>Kingdom Heart 3 have sold 5 millions copies
>MK11 aims to surpass its previous game that sold 11 millions
>MK11 cant even surpass 5 millions
They are fabricating the narrative, thats why they are not releasing numbers. Prove me wrong, trannies
There is no need for crying, user. You embarassing yourself.
Trick thread, the game flopped hard because of its wokeness.
trigger the chuds, own the chuds
You know... This actually make some sense
>shitpost about MK11 for literal months because some titties got covered up
>MK11 literally on the way to becoming the best selling fighting game of all time
Welp, there's another series I won't be playing again.
>making the same thread over and over again instead of playing it
says much about your game
MKX sold 11 million after years retard, not in one month
Another tranny bites the dust
But you are crying. Im fine here on my own. Calm down, dude. Things are fine. Nothing is happening.
Dilate this.
>"Having fictional attractive women in sexy clothes is immature and demeaning to real women"
>"No woman would ever wear anything skimpy in a fight for her life"
>"You can still brutally beat the shit out of the women and slaughter them in gory ways, however"
>"Also have these eight men who still flaunt their naked muscle titties and rippling abs, wearing absolutely nothing that would protect them in a fight for life"
>"We're also going to have these women all wear high-heels because fuck you"
Not to mention the 3rd and 4th best games with most sales in 2019 are flopping hard
>we arent damage controlling with all these vague articles and vague stats guys i swear
Muh hijabs
But MK11 didnt have all this shitstorm around it. People who have not boughtit at this point (with all those discounts) probably never will buy it.
God i hate you incels so fucking much.
When is the crack?
Every day as long as retards like take the bait.
MK11 being a success always brings a smile on my face, the amount of incels seething is just so amazing.
oh who cares.
Have sex trancel
>SFV is PS4 exclusive
>MK11 sells more than entire lifespan in the first month
>That huge marketing investment
>Those day 1 discounts
>Not the best selling game on a year filled with niche games released
fuck mortal kombat 11, pol, racism, outrage culture, and thequartering
you werent here tard, it had a shitstorm for not much characters and DLC characters
NRSshill on suicide watch
Sales will be at least 30% lower than MKX more likely 40%
I call that a flop
That can be fixed with content patches and extends the profitability to well past launch. You can't uncuck this mess of a game, however.
Have sex and get AIDS
MKX is one of the best selling fighting games so not a flop
Yeah but MK11 have an even bigger shitstorm
>Terrible designed character
>Mobile features on a 60 bucks games
>DLC character that could be unlock without paying
>Treating workers as slaves
Have sex tranny incel
if you looked out in the real world not much people care that the females are covered up, grow up
Do you have numbers?
Yeah it was pretty cool
Well, i bet that MK11 had a bigger budget since they were expecting more sales. If it doesnt sell better, the next release will receive less funds.
Are people desperately wanting a Mortal Kombat game of all things to succeed solely to BTFO their personal demons, especially after the character designer specifically said he changed the female characters because of his "We must respect and honor these nonexistent women" mentality?
>incels keep saying the game would fail
>it succeeds
>Sekiro sold less than Anthem
>how many times are you going to post this?
are you new here
This user made a solid deduction
>/pol/tards go apeshit thinking that the character redesigns mean that MK has gone full SJW
>Come up with the 'get woke, go broke' meme to get everyone else to agree
>turns out MK fans were always in it for the gore anyway and bought it in droves
You idiots only ruin shit for yourselves.
the numbers are launch-aligned you absolute fucking retard
Shhh, Yea Forums doesnt want to know this
you understand the main reason why it sells it's because of name recognition, right?
>Terrible designed character
no one but incels say this, no normal person thinks this
>>Mobile features on a 60 bucks games
i dont know what you are even talking about
>>DLC character that could be unlock without paying
how is that bad
>>Treating workers as slaves
no one cares for wage slaves, literal every company does this
That's incredibly sad.
>tells user to grow up
>plays tasteless video games that abandon their campy roots and take themselves way too seriously
Do they assume the genders?
Its not like the outfits aren't sexy. Several women aren't sexy much at all, like skarlet. Some are like Kitana. But so are the men. Several aren't sexy at all either. Some are, like Liu Kang. For the women, the outfits in the previous games were flamboyant stripper gear. It'd be like johnny cage coming in just a jockstrap. I mean for fucks sake the first mortal kombat's women were about as modestly dressed as MK11's.
>"No woman would ever wear anything skimpy in a fight for her life"
>"You can still brutally beat the shit out of the women and slaughter them in gory ways, however"
How is this contradictory?
Men getting honest-to-god ANGRY over a game developer deciding to make their game's characters dress more modestly sounds like some sort of reverse jihad. Literally who cares. If people didn't actually like it the game wouldn't sell but clearly that didn't happen.
Thought experiment for the thread. IMAGINE walking up to any average MK11 player and try to argue that they shouldn't play the game because the developers didn't make the women naked enough. Just IMAGINE doing that. IMAGINE what kind of person would do that.
Cope harder please. There is a reason they are not releasing numbers
Yes. Go away, election nigger.
Are people desperately wanting a Mortal Kombat game of all things to fail solely cause a women designer doesnt want to make demeaning designs, I thought you people said only gameplay mattered
If it can't beat MKX despite having a bigger budget, the game failed in the eyes of investors. They also killed goodwill with players and their next game will sell even less. GET WOKE GO BROKE
except the game is still campy and stupid you nimrod
cope harder incel lmao
>implying MK gameplay hasn't always been shit
The presentation is all that's left and the reason the majority of people buy in. It just turns out that more people care about the gore than the sex.
When someone tells you they're changing something you enjoy not because of gameplay changes or experimenting with something new, but because he thinks that it's immature and demeaning to like sexy women, then of course you're going to be pissed.
Hi ACfag, as usual you're trying to take two completely different things and make a retarded load of fartjuice over it.
No you're stupid
You really think the people arguing for skimpy women in mk11 have sex
Not stupid enough to have skimpy females lmao.
you start out with the #RISEUPGAYMERS narrative, then try to push ~workers rights~ at the end lmaoooooooooooo make up your mind
It's hilarious how Yea Forums suddenly supports and cheers for censorship when it allows them to think they have a victory over their imaginary boogiemen.
Get pozzed tranny
>make ninjas look more like ninjas
Unironically prefer Smash thread #838929292929292 than this garbage thread. Grow up.
is that really all you think is campy and stupid
This isn't censorship, you pathetic fucking virgin. I haven't played MK since high school, I couldn't care less about the game even if it was censorship.
There haven't been other major new games in a few months.
I dont really care about workers right, but they pissed both the gamers rise up and the soiboys
It's what you think is campy and stupid. LMAO
>>Treating workers as slaves
so does literally every other AAA dev studio. indie dev studios are also shitholes except the people at the top are also suffering.
Really kind of sounds like you're the one crying my dude.
>grow up
>plays video games
>ctrl + f number
Thread was done here.
Nothing wrong with sexy women. But a game where people fighting to the death having their women dress like strippers is kind of weird. I don't understand why this pisses you off, I thought people liked MK because of its gameplay, not its scantily clad women?
>I don't care about something therefore it is not this thing you said it is!
If you don't care then why are you here? And of course it is, the reason the guy changed the women is because he doesn't want people to admire sexy females because of his own personal opinions. Imagine if a game designer for the Battlefield games or Call of Duty games decided to remove the guns because of his personal beliefs and all you could do was punch and stab enemies, would you still not give a shit?
Time to join the 40%
I'd buy mortal kombat if she was in it!
>I'm the real victim here!
Why is this the battlecry of the alt-right?
>But a game where people fighting to the death having their women dress like strippers is kind of weird
Yet it's perfectly fine for the men to be half-naked? Why aren't they also dressed sensibly? And why am I forced to stare at flexing man titties while being unable to enjoy the female form?
"Only gameplay matters" is only brought up when a game Yea Forums likes for annoying "SJWs" is criticized.
It is not censorship retard. The government didn't force them to cover the titties, they just did it of their own accord. Read a book dipshit.
>If you don't care then why are you here?
Because I'm here to talk about fucking video games, not politics. Way to out yourself as a newfag/election tourist. Take your gamergate horseshit and shove it up your ass newfag.
>no woman with big tiddies in mk11
Explain this gross underrepresentstion of the female body, trannies.
Doing stupid shit and then denying it later is /pol/ 101. Pretend it never happened, never take accountability for anything, then do the same shit again a day later. It's so tiresome. But it's a very effective defense mechanism, I'll give it that.
because then people could compare the numbers to other games shortly after their release instead of comparing sales only for the month of april 2019.
this thread is cringe and I’d rather have a literal who eceleb thread over this autistic shitflinging between the two most hated people on Yea Forums
They did it because they don't want other people to enjoy something.
>hurr you are tourist because you ask question of me fartabartawarta!!!
You knew exactly what this thread was going to be about yet you came in anyway, don't shit your britches in a rage when your stupidity is pointed out.
>h...have sex!
Having exaggerated characters is a big part of being campy yes. Part of the game is literally "more mature" versions of the fighters fighting their past selves as if there was something inherently wrong with them in the past. The game is all about trying to drop the campy, lightheartedness of the previous series in lieu of more diversity, prudishness, progressiveness and overall attempting to take a more serious tone on a game that isn't meant to be serious.
I'm a liberal and I think covering up the women because "hurr so demeaning and immature to like the female body!" is retarded. That's conservative thinking.
There really is no excuse to not at least have one. Unless you're tiddyphobic.
>They did it because they don't want other people to enjoy something.
That's not censorship you fucking smooth brained nigger. They can't censor their own freedom of expression by not doing what YOU want them to do.
>You knew exactly what this thread was going to be about yet you came in anyway, don't shit your britches in a rage when your stupidity is pointed out.
I made this thread faggot. I'm shitting on you retards because you whined 24/7 about censored tits then said the game would fail because of it. You were wrong. Kill yourself.
Adding on to my post, I also want to say that as someone who's never been into MK before, I could never think of their women as being cool. I don't think strippers are cool. I think they're actually pretty gross and depressing.
You think a man going shirtless is sexy/scandalous? Shirtless action men are cool, not sexy. Think kung-fu movies. A scantily clothed man would be one wearing a onesy or speedo or something that focuses the groin. Most of the MK11 men don't even go shirtless.
No ones forcing you to stare at their pecs by the way you sure you aren't gay? lmao
I never said anything of the sort, so maybe you can stop ASSuming things, fucktard.
Not him but your threads unoriginal and has already been posted serveral times. Get a life instead of yelling at people on a vietnamese basket weaving board
No sales figures. No sex appeal. Worthless.
Here you go.
Keep backpedaling, newfag. Next time don't use Yea Forums as a platform for your gay politics.
kh3 was just announced a few days ago to have surpassed KH1's life time sales so that's more than 6 million.
holy shit you're one obsessed loser lmao
>They can't censor their own freedom of expression
I'd call "I'm covering up these women because it's so immature and demeaning and in my personal opinion women would never wear these things i personally find silly, fuck you all" censorship. Especially when the male characters are still dressed in campy stupid fanservicy ways, what kind of double standard is that, hm?
As long as these seething tourists keep coping, I'll keep posting.
>I'd call "I'm covering up these women because it's so immature and demeaning and in my personal opinion women would never wear these things i personally find silly, fuck you all" censorship.
Good for you, but that is not what censorship is, so that doesn't make you any less correct or any less retarded you delusional fuckwit.
I'm convinced this board has finally become infested with kids who latch onto any controversy without knowing about the series in question. MK has managed to outsell itself with every single game. Including the absolute shitshows that were the 3D games, a metric ton of spin-offs, and numerous failed attempts at movies or shows.
Why the fuck would they suddenly fail now especially at this point where gaming is far more popular than it was back then?
>Next time don't use Yea Forums as a platform for your gay politics
do you realize how moronic and ironic you sound?
There are eight male characters who are topless by default or have topless alts. And if you're going to apply the "Someone would never wear X outfits in a battle to the death" logic to a game then apply it to BOTH genders, because when you only do it to one it's obvious that the "logic" comes from personal biased political nonsense.
>Next time don't use Yea Forums as a platform for your gay politics.
>makes an obvious political bait thread
Thanks for shitting up the board, not like it needed any help.
>As long as these seething tourists keep coping, I'll keep posting
You made this thread political, faggot, and it's funny how you call me gay when I want to see sexy women, which makes you shit your dookie so hard you're frothing up a fartfest.
So you'd be fine with violence being removed from games as well if it's the game designers' choice, no matter how political it is, yes?
April is the first time KH3 and Battlefield V have appeared on the 12-month charts (KH3 is ninth, Battlefield V is tenth). According to Wikipedia, Battlefield V had sold 7.3 million copies by the end of December, so for KH3 to be beating it on the 12-month charts, it must have sold more than this number of copies.
But there's a catch to this: Battlefield V is still charting month-to-month, while KH3 is not. In fact, KH3 hasn't charted month-to-month since February. So KH3 has actually beaten 7.3 million plus four months of charting (if low-charting) sales, even though almost all of KH3's own sales were in its first 31 days.
You do realize the more you post this /pol/ bait thread the more people are going to tell you to fuck off right?
is the cute and funny thread?
>implying this is politics
This is making fun of election tourists who were proven wrong. Do not misinterpret my thread.
Of course you braindead fuckwit. I just won't buy their games anymore. They're a privately owned company, they can do whatever they want.
Hopefully times warner gets a workplace shooting
have sex
>...with price cuts
> loss
>...still was outsold by nip games
>Good for you, but that is not what censorship is, so that doesn't make you any less correct or any less retarded you delusional fuckwit.
Maybe not censorship, it's more like regressivism with a very liberal dose of irony.
You are a shill who deserves to be shot, don’t pretend otherwise. Kill yourself abd your faggot co-workers.
mrs obama i did it i defeated /pol/
It's politics. Just because you're high off sniffing your own farts doesn't change the fact.
World wide. MK has only strictly been talking about US sales because, outside of the US they're barely relevant.
So if MK11 made less than what KH3 made in the US alone, then we are probably talking more around the lines of 2 million.
>This is making fun of election tourists
you, YOU made this shitty bait thread and YOU made it political you stupid faggot
fuck off you moronic brain dead retard, stop shitting up an already shit board.If you are so obsessed with political shit go to /pol/
Fuck off and KILL YOURSELF
It's relative. Sekiro's development and advertising budgets were a fraction of Anthem's. Sekiro likely made more money on less sales than Anthem made for EA with higher sales.
Holy fuck, you're pathetic.
>implying this is politics
Of course it's politics, dipshit. The guy changed the women because of his political views on misogyny and the treatment of women.
They won’t leave because this is their job
loling at how mad you are 2bh
>Of course you braindead fuckwit. I just won't buy their games anymore. They're a privately owned company, they can do whatever they want.
So you'd be happy if they completely ruined a game series you enjoyed, you'd just go "Oh well me no fuck a duck about what I used to like" and just prance away?
Females didn't wear revealing clothing, body shapes were not voluptuous. Included Ronda Rousey as a VA for strong female points.
>implying this is politics
>uses get woke go broke, a political message in the OP
>complains about electionniggers
>i-it’s not politics
You are clearly digging up old political nonsense so you are instigating more political shitflinging. Christ it's like cognitive dissonance or something
>we're living in an age where """""""commies"""""""""" and """""anarchists"""""" cheer capitalists on when they make more money
america was mistake
>best selling game of this month
thanks for nothing
>best-selling game of April
Is that supposed to be some kind of accomplishment?
Based. Fuck this gay thread.
Who the fuck cares how much it sold except for the people profiting off sales? It will have 200 people online in a couple months tops, like every previous mk and almost every fighting game in general. No reason to pick it up over a couple of actually good and alive fighting games. Its not about tits or lack of them.
No one ever said it would flop, just that you were most likely a nigger if you bought it, ugly game, too much microtransactions
What else was released on April?
Calm down sperg, the game and every nigger that bought it is still embarrassing trash
Days gone, MLB the show
The whole game is an abortion, if you support the microtransactions you are just a literal paypiggy and deserve to be ridiculed
The franchise is dying m8, the only people that really buy the game now in decent numbers are niggers
>face scan good
>creativity and modelling bad
Reflect on your shitty opinions
It really wasn't.
One non canon ending hardly makes something "woke."
So this... is the power... of denial...
Blessed post
>5 million
>in one month
How many games a year actually do this? Madden and Fifa?
Literally no one said the game would fail, they said they wouldn't buy it because your have to have really shit taste to do so, MK is only being propped up by getting black men aged 16-32 to buy it on reflex, that's legit all their sales and marketing
>fighting game
I fail to see your point here.
>8 million copies for a fighting game is a flop
Literally more than every other fighter released the past 3 years combined is a flop?
t. poorfag console cuck
>mkx sold 11 million copies
i dont believe that for one single moment, mortal kombat is barely played in asia the only place fighting games actually sell
Cawadoody used to. Same as GTA. I think Red Dead did, too, though I might be mistaken. Last I heard they sold 17 million copies, or something else equally fucking silly.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
I guess GTA 6 is fucked if it doesn't surpass the 90 million V sold!
That logic makes no sense. The goal is to turn a profit. Sometimes its damn near impossible to surpass the numbers of your predecessor. MKX selling 11 million copies was probably well over what WB expected. If MK11 reaches say 8-9 million copies sold, I doubt WB will count that as a failure.
Not him but they don't play mk over there, too many spooky skeles and blood
The vast majority don't play MK there because they can't even sell it there you fucking moron. Even then, there are still people that play it over there. Last time I visted Japan, an arcade I went to had a ghetto MKX set-up.
Sure, but from an investor standpoint, I'd drop focus in that franchise and have the publisher focus on other titles who can garner more buyers rather than games that just lose them
Why don't video game developers/publishers ever release their numbers anymore?
DOA 6 had sex did it sell again?
It's not even in the top 10 of best selling games of 2019. It may not be in the top 20.
And why can't they buy it?
>spooky skeles and blood
Your brain is working overtime today isn't it little guy?
MK historically does most of its numbers in the US. Hell its banned in several countries.
>doa 6 had sell appeal
Uh, are you retarded, so many people didn't buy it because of the virtue signalling online about them distancing themselves from that, then because pre orders were way down, walked it back but it was too late
Nice job at ignoring the rest of the post to project your insecurities. And you're thinking of China if you seriously think skeletons is gonna get it banned. Even blood doesn't matter with CERO, it's the over-gore that matters.
Only niggers play MK now, it's a nigger game like Madden and 2k20
Nobody bought it because it's a fucking Dead or Alive game. The series is being kept alive with paid costumes and Beach Volleyball.
>literally post that it's skeletons and blood
>no user you are dumb, it's because of the skeletons and blood
You are retarded, honestly, take a break
NRS literally makes only MK and Injustice. What other game would WB want them to focus on exactly?
because DOA 6 marketed itself as lowering the sex appeal(god knows why) which pissed off the fans.
People didn't buy it because no one has given a fuck about the series in like a decade.
Whatever. Beat it kid and don't reply since you can't finish reading the entire post without resorting to your tunnel vision.
>they don't play mk over there
They do.
DOA hasn't really done much in terms of sales in a long time. Stop fooling yourself if you think adding some clothes to the females is why it's not selling. The series has been irrelevant a long ass time.
>this is not politics!
>starts thread with "go woke" shit
You couldnt be more of a dubious snake if you tried.
>Game I don't like sells poorly
>"Yay! I win!"
>Game I don't like sells well
>"Oh no! I'm so upset! I have to make excuses!"
Why are you people like this?
Won't buy until Cyrax, it's not that hard Boon, just give it to me
People didn't buy it because it's barely 6 and didn't launch with any fucking online play. DEAD ON ARRIVAL 6
>on the way to become the best selling fighting game of all
I hope you are only pretending to be this much of a shill
Thing is there's no sales data on MK11, so everyone's making up fiction.
Meh i am a /pol/tard but i find the girls superior faces i good trade for the sexy outfits and the tards bitching about it was getting annoying soo good to see then BTFO.
Jax ending is still bullshit tough...should have be a american dream,not a wakanda rip off
>when mk sprites were literaly photos
Have you SEEN one MK game?
>making shit up
Fighting games are only good for being a casual game when you're at someone's house. They're not playing it for the waifus.
gratuitous gore > embarrassing titty-fest
Based Jerma poster
>a game developer deciding to make their game's characters dress more modestly
But only women. And then they lie and claim it's about realism and protection, when the men are still prancing about wearing next to nothing.
the amount of absolute coping in this thread is a thing of beauty.
>graphic destruction of the human body is better than admiring the human body
Americans, everyone.
That's male empowerment, completely different.
What does this "coping" mean?
post numbers or kill yourself sjw nigger
Best selling game
*of April 2019
Let's see some numbers and not blank statements
>shitpost about MK11 for literal months
Why did you shitpost about MK11 for literal months, you obsessive retards? Nobody considers OAG seriously aside form your tranny circlejerk. Every time he's been posted, it's you to blame
it wasnt, to call yourself woke is just a moron stuck in a fevered dream.
shows how retarded capcom is for making it exclusive. i wonder if street fighter 4 did better in the same time frame
>best selling fighting game of all time
Um, Tekken is still the king, baby.
It wasn't really "woke", just enough to trigger some /pol/tards, and that is not really that hard to do. You can't deny there was a huge amount of people on Yea Forums who tried to push the idea that MK11 wen woke and that it would mean the end of the series, but now that it turned to be wrong.
Whats left now is to either admit that "GET WOKE, GO BROKE" is a brainless fantasy, or say MK11 wasn't broke in the first place, and dismissing the former is always the better option in every circumstance, because you need to keep the fantasy alive.
jesus those are hentai-tier tits
they didn't buy it because no one fucking cares about DOA but porn addicted weebs and even then they only care about the extreme series
I love posts like this, because it's so easy to see that the poster is speaking 100% with his own eprsonal feelings.
>Implying its true
how would you confirm bit user?
shame they decided to be the same dumbasses that wanted to censor them way back when
even without the retarded design decisions the gameplay and progression was what suffered most
woooooooowwwww what a feat!
>markets are created by gods at finite size, and only allah make a game succesful or not.
-job choo choo
>still posts it without actual numbers
No, its long overstayed its welcome and it needs to just end already. MK is a product of its era. Its like your uncool uncle trying to hit on your friends while he's pushing his late 40's now because he thinks he's still rad and awesome.
The shit they're doing could be done without the MK title. It's not growing up and creating stronger general appeal; its simply being hacks with a flimsy vision of the world thanks to decades of erosion from creative fatigue. Its almost as if the guys in charge ran out of ideas long ago and cant let go of it all for some reason.
Fighting games literally cannot exist in todays market without brand recognition.
>this thread
Every other post is just fucking memes and buzzwords. Never change Yea Forums, never change.
>your game
He doesn't even own it. It's literally a tranny shilling for a game he doesn't own.
look at the retard
you sound like a retard
he's 100% right though. The reason they cling to "revenues" instead of copie sold is because the whale hunt worked for a month
look who is having a melt down now.
When you have bankroll for ads anything is possible
because the burden of proof is on your side, yet you never published numbers to prove that point, neither for you, nor for the other products in the ranking.
Care to explain or nah?
>/pol/ boomer has a stroke while typing
It's obvious you're raging about the very existence of MK solely because you don't happen to like it and you want it to disappear and stop making you upset with its mere existence.
Another retard talking out of his ass. I live in Singapore and you can find matches no problem. Already have 700 matches under my belt.
>nothing else came out in April
That's not really saying much.
>It wasn't really woke
>Scarlet, blood warrior who needs to have her skin exposed to use her blood and stab herself
>Red leather trenchcoat
>Jade, Amazon warrior who dresses ultra sexy
>Black chick with an ugly face, a big nose, and a green veil
>Sheeva, Monster girl with cat like face and absolutely huge tits
>She's just an ugly monster with the face of a black girl now
>Sonya Blade, military girl whose tits are about to burst out of her tank top
>Now an old lady (But the other characters didn't age, for some reason)
>Frost, literally an unfuckable blue haired girl
>Pic related
>Meanwhile all of the male characters are rocking huge six packs
>Literally every female character is NO-FUN-ALLOWED
>Literally every male character is a chippendale
For real, the only semi cute character is Kitana. Again, I could go out right now, walk in town for ten minutes and I would easily find a girl with bigger tits, nicer ass, and a more revealing outfit.
I can't even understand how people are having fun with the game, playing such disgusting character. And people will tell you that SJW have nothing to do with it, nah, it was all choices from the team. NO. CENSORSHIP. AT ALL.
The devs were gathered around a big table, and one of them went :
>I fucking hate how we've been designing ultra sexy females with huge tits during all of these years
>I can't sleep at night thinking about them boobies
And everybody else suddenly screamed
>OMG I was about to say the same thing, I hate it too, let's change everything, yeah. We're gonna make characters ugly, black or old, yeaaaaaah !
>Even the switch port
you sound like a fucking retard
> Black people ad trans folx deserve human rights
> Yea Forums literally REEEES
Never change, /pol/
What are the sales data? Saying it was the best selling game means nothing if we don't have the numbers.
April was quite barren in games
you literally are saying the game needs to go away because you dont like it fuck off fool
That's not how greentext works, retard tumblrina
tits were not exposed enough
What did you say about me ?
>a murder simulator
>black people's rights
I love how the leftards keep throwing all their pets under the bus for that game's honour
They don't.
>Jade, Amazon warrior
you are a dumbass good job
What people don't seem to understand is that the change is for sjw reasons. Let me tell you right now, everything done in this industry is for the pursuit of more money. WB has had Boon by the balls for 8 years now and they've been slowly squeezing so he can resign and they get to do whatever they want.
Which rights are they missing?
you both sound like you have no idea what you are talking about calling jade a amazon was fir first rad flag
>who needs to have her skin exposed to use her blood
this was never canon to begin with
It's not
Did you reply to wrong guy dumbass?
>A single hair on her left arm pit
Get Fucked Pitfags
no i replied to the right idiot
I legit never hear anyone irl talk about this game
What I said was completely right. WB after MK9 has slowly been testing the waters with monetization. Injustice was filled with paid costumes, MKX used more than one season pass, Injustice 2 did loot boxes, and now MK11 is pushing microtransactions while also making it easier to market with clothed women.
You're an absolute fucking moron. Get out and go back to wherever you came from phoneposter.
you are some kind of special retarded the only "microtransactions" are the same as injustice 2 and every fighting game has costumes and you are the phone poster you idiot
Holy fucking shit are you an ESL poster? Proof read your shit you mongoloid.
The microtransactions are inherently different because there is no Krypt or anything similiar to it. And I just said that WB was testing to see what and that's why with every new game they add new forms of monetization and why did MK9 only have 4 costume packs while Injustice had a dozen? I don't even know what you're trying to say at this point since you're fat fucking thumbs can't even type a coherent sentence. Get a bigger phone dweeb.
you dont buy anything in the Krypt you fucking idiot
SFV isn't ps4 exlusive
Why is MK11 so hard bros
This screenshot looks like Chad Baracka vs. virgin jade
>muh niggers
go back to Persona 5 you eunuch
MK X sold about that much at this point. The 11 mil was not at launch, but over time.
>USER Reviews R.i.P
>Discounted on day one
>Couldn't match MKX sales
This shill doesn't get tired of getting BTFO
Wait is the God of time ultimate plan is to change history to make white men bow to black men? What are we looking at here?
It's really sad you can't take that L. You don't look cool, smart or badass. You look sad.
Arcade ending. In Jax's ending he gets the power to rewrite time (everyone gets this in their ending, pretty much) and uses it to basically stop slavery hundreds of years earlier. Yea Forums calls it white genocide.
you ok son ?
Yea Forums is such a shit board, holy shit
I'm going to be using steam charts so get your
>lol pc
out of the way.
MKX's all time peak is 13,649, which multiplied by 60, and that's if everyone bought it for full price is 796,140 dollars which is completely insignificant when MKX has a lifetime total of 11 million. MK11 has an alltime peak of 27,301 which multiplied by 60 is 1,638,060 dollars. SO theoretically speaking even though consoles versions outperformed both, you can still infer that 11 has outsold X at launch. I doubt it'll beat 11 million lifetime since that's just completely fucking absurd. Also note that I posted this because I like shitting on both the shills and the faggots who are ignorant.
Really sad you push this propaganda like a retard and don't understand why lying and belittling a race will cause a huge backlash that will destabilize the current geopolitical state.
Reminder every single MK sells better than the last. Even the garbage ones.
They should give numbers or shut the fuck up.
Best selling of april means nothing, there was no competition. Tell me what other game came out that month
they're lying about sales numbers because the game fucking bombed on pc. sold 20k copies
This cope is legit fucking pathetic.
this is factually untrue since the PS2 era saw a huge dip in sales
>Sekiro outsold DMCV
Fucking KEK.
>"MK11 is gonna flop!"
>"Look, it didn't flop."
>"Well, I didn't say it's gonna flop..."
Delicious Yea Forums tears and delusin...Yummy!
MK11 couldn't outsell KH3 which is at 5 million copies therefore it sold less than 5 million copie guess how many MKX copies were sold on the first 4 weeks ?
You can seriously look up how Armageddon outsold Deception and MK vs DC beat that shit.
Show proof of you owning the game.
MKX sold 6 million in a few months
>still no numbers
Show proof of you having sex lmao
I can't even find info on it anymore since the 11 million dick stroking is prevalent. Even then I remember Boon jerking off how the game sold 2 million within the first month.
Because its 'competition' was non existent. Easy to be the top selling game of the month when there are no games releasing.
Trannies btfo.
Jesus fucking Christ it’s been hours and you faggots are still falling for ops bait instead of saging. No wonder this board is considered one of the worst.
user, you are aware that everyone's complaint about the Progression isn't that it's Microtransaction heavy as it is GRIND Heavy?
There's only one way to buy things and it has all the chances to not be what you want.
The coping is strong itt lol
It's ok Yea Forums, you are wrong (again)
sorry meant for
sorry meant for
>samefagging this hard
I’m 463293523, not both
All me.
nice try, tranny
Sure thing nigger
>look guys I can manipulate screenshots in MSPaint am I leet yet?
>resorting to the n word
I won the argument lol
Quit trying so hard to fit in newfag. The timer should've gave away who was who.
Whatever kike maybe you should quit projecting like the dumb faggot you are and go suck a baboons dick
I'm not your bro, bucko
Fuck off, 2016 zoomie.
politics were a mistake - aristotle
>samefagging within a second of eachother
youre a dumbass
Just popping into this thread to remind everyone that NRS fighters are shit. Even SFV is better.
You'd honestly get more out of playing better games like GG, UNI, and Tekken.
>You'd honestly get more out of playing better games like GG, UNI...
Shit netcode, like I'm starting to think Japanese devs are mentally retarded
weak back walkspeeds which removes strategy and leads to hyper linear neutral
no pushback which leads to shitty long pressure even at top level "Jap God" play
GG pros like Dogura, Kazunoko and Machabo are leaving GG for full-time SF
UNI struggled to grasp basic tracking
Take your shit opinion back to pleddit you ignorant weeb who doesn't even play games. Fucking casuals pretending to know shit and have any opinion of worth makes me sick. Beyond sub-human.
>trying to save face this hard
Yea Forums got destroyed, get over it
>he’s still going.
it’s past your bedtime billy school starts tomorrow
>he is still running away from the fact that he got rekt
lol poor shitposter
>Couldn't match MKX sales
>Designing modestly dressed women as a sign of respect for women.
>Not designing modestly dressed women since overly sexualised so players don't have to use custody of the eyes to avoid the sin of lust.
Why do MK Devs hate us lads
The only flaw Japanese fighters have is the lack of GGPO or something similar. The rest sounds like you don't know shit about movement or defensive options in anime fighters or about the basics of cross up protection.
You are such a fucking brainlet it's amazing. Defensive options in GG don't do shit for neutral and the movement aka dashing is fucking ass for backwards movement during neutral due to to it's long as fuck statup and recovery. It's designed to be used in very specific situations of rushdown and pressure since it does have invincibility for a few frames. It's simply too clunky to be used for deliberate positioning. I know anime players are neutral retarded, but you take the cake.
>or about the basics of cross up protection
cross-up protection has nothing to do with anything unless you're a retard who doesn't know about the UNI tracking bug
The lack of ggpo is a dealbreaker. Fuck japan till they get their shit together. I would love to be able to actually land my shit as much as I can on fightcade in the unlimited steam releases. Shit is unplayable though. It's dead for a reason despite decent sales.
>The only flaw Japanese fighters have is [literally the only flaw that affects how playable a fighting game is]
lmao weeb cuck bow to your asian bull
japs don't give a fuck about gaijin which is why they don't give a fuck about netcode. they do it on purpose to retain an advantage over the west, knowing their country is tiny so netcode barely makes a difference because everything is so close together.
>sold 20k copies
>had 27k concurrent players the other day
imagine being so delusional you'd just blatantly lie to people on the internet to make yourself feel better
go outside
>best selling
>still can't make bank without predatory microtransactions
The absolute state of game development.
Imagine being this fucking dumb
only on Yea Forums can you find people who are passionately anti-censorship while also advocating that game designers should not be allowed to have the creative freedom to cover up girls
>t.el goblino
Seems to be fake and edited but there is way worst trannies than the one from the webm, at least he actually tried to undermine as much as possible his masculine features
Now that MK11 is highly successful they've have to pretend they were just joking about being retarded.
She cute.
>Finish Him
not removed, not reworded
still there
still there, not the X combo shit but it's still there
>Sexy females still beautiful if not better?
>It's woke because muh Jax arcade ending
>It's woke because muh skins...
This is what the "woke" community thinks is a win. Worse than the Black Panther woke society that doesn't understand the irony of staying in their own country/nation > being an illegal immigrant.
I PM'd the girl who plays Jade if I could have a picture of her to send over my gymset.
that's not Raiden's plan it's Jax
>the only time anyone will care about FG is as bait for retarded /pol/ threads
Are these tranny topics the last push to hype this turd before vanishing into oblivion? It looks so
>Highest selling game of the month with nothing else on sale
>Sold so high nobody wants to say how much it was
>Everybody shat on it through and through
>Nobody talks about it a week after release
MKX sold around 5 million its first 4 months. So to get to its 11 million it had legs. We will see if MK11 can do the same.
SFV must definitely isn't better than MK11.
It sold under 4m on PS4 and under 2m on Xbone, where are they getting 11m total from
Only game in over a decade to be the top selling game on a Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo console along with PC.
>no one talks about it
There is a general on /vg/ where the game is actually discussed. Also this thread itself.
>of April
It's competing with nothing
One of the characters literally utters the word woke in the game in that sense of the word. So yeah it's obnoxiously woke. It's just that get woke go broke is a meme. There's no one more woke than Naughty Dog but they're not going broke any time soon.
"Get Woke go broke" has existed for years
Where are you getting your numbers?
A quick Google search basically confirms it sold over 11 million copies as of April 2019. Your numbers are way out of date.
According to Steamspy it only sold maximum 200k units. If you consider perhaps a similar number of console users across all platforms, maybe even double, it only comes out to be 1million - 3million sales. Still good in comparison to the old days where selling 100k was a best seller, but by todays standards? Pretty standard sales.
This list is depressing, what shit year for video games
>thinking a western fighter can stay relevant for more than a month
Oh my sweet summer child
There are no numbers for that, its just Boon saying in an interview "It sold almost 11 million"
I'm just asking how they arrived at that number
>3 million copies sold in under a month is standard
A lot of games would kill to move that many units it the games entire lifetime.
Sekiro got to 2 million in 10 days on March. 5 million a month seems unlikely, but possible.
For AAA games, it's standard... right?
>turns out MK fans were always in it for the gore anyway and bought it in droves
They were in it for the gore, then dropped the game in disgust because of loot boxes.
For a fighting game?
Because outside of MK and Smash, no it's not common at all.
This was the major issue, not how "woke" it was. Too bad incels and /pol/tards are focusing on the wrong issue with the game.
Well it had a price drop
Skarlet is pretty hot 2bh.
>i came here to suck you dry
None of those are games
Thread was made 9 hours ago, no sales numbers nor mods deleting it yet.
I suspect at this point Hiro actually takes money in exchange for astroturfing.
Men were sexy but the women aren't
Men are shirtless and exposed but they gave a shit excuse why the women were covered up
Women have the same tit sizes except Cetrion for some reason
The shir on their own past saying if they could do it today they would have never been the way they were
Censoring swear words(not just Johnny Cage's Fuck You Taunt)
Jax's stupid ass character breaking ending, Jax NEVER cared about that shit
Kano's ending pretty much labling anyone wanting to see women fight in bikinis is a scumbag
As far as the sales go, have any solid numbers been released or are we taking this at face value?
Any company can say they did good when they probably didn't.
Videogames are a fun business. Most of their sales are achieved on the first two month. By example, by february of 2019, RDR 2 have sold 24 millions copies, BUT 70% (17 millions) of these sales were made during the first two weeks. Things dont look so bright for NRS
After looking at jacqui in x then 11 she did get an upgrade in the looks department, downgrade in main outfit. 3rd outfit is better but I can't find pics of it
>best-selling game of april 2019
not much of an achievement if no fucking games came out to contest it
I'm surprised this thread is still up. What the fuck?
How mentally ill do you have to be to post the same thread over and over again?
Still no numbers and the game is still shit. Having said that, I'm sure it sold well. Normalfags are retarded and will buy anything as long as it has a famous name.
>stop slavery
Only european slavery though everwhere else is cool amirite? :)
it's not woke to make people slightly less slutty, if anything that's trad
except the guys are more naked than ever and the women are in burkas
I don't think you know what "woke" means but hey have fun .
>best selling game in April
That’s like selling the most Christmas trees in august
This just shows how fucking dumb the gamergate crowd is and how out of touch they actually are.
This is pure fucking gold.
have sex
I'm enjoying the game for the most part, I'm just sad that the women are all in burkhas. At least the men are 90% eye candy. I love the sluttier costumes for Shao Khan and Baraka, specially.
>month without game releases therefore no competition
>"l-look guys, were t-the best-sellers..."
Don't Care. Not buying it.
>keeps ignoring it's the only game in a decade to be the best selling game on every console and PC flopped...really it did!
I like Cassie and I love throwing with her because of the wimper everyone gives when they're about to get nut tackled by a drone. I always chuckle at the "N-No!".
> i find the girls superior faces i good trade for the sexy outfits
LMAO. son you need to get laid asap
>still no numbers
Also if you look at some of the concept art for the game and look at the final designs you know something changed, they went with the blandest female designs they had for everyone except Cetrion.
>he's in his 30's
>he thinks he's a women
>he shill a game he doesn't even play FOR FREE
>on Yea Forums
Are you posting that image as an attempt to counter his point? Why does everyone want to die on this hill? The game didn't even blatantly advertise its woke elements nor did they ever condescend to the fans. This has almost nothing going for it to meme the "get woke go broke" shit for either side.
gwgb is a meme.
/pol/tards would like you to believe that they are some sort of silent cultural force, but they represent the drying throes of an already lost culture war.
as long as product quality remains consistent 'woke' politics push sales upwards.
What a wild ride
And the majority of those sales came in the first few weeks.
woah they got good sales? epic bro. I guess league of legends is the best game in the entire world.
>Devs attacking fans on twitter
>Woke designer on poligon telling shit like "more mature and respectful" designs.
cool story bro
What was the twitter conversation? The polygon interview didn't seem very antagonizing.
>The polygon interview didn't seem very antagonizing.
you fucking kidding me is pretty much what started the whole burqa kombat thing
Cetrion had feet. But one lead artist was like NOPE. “Put her in heels!”
Always hated fighting games that pushed heels on female fighters
I hate leftist trash as much as the next guy but MK11 only has one power mudslime, one non-canon get woke meme ending from Jax (nu-sheeva is fucking priceless too), and a titty reduction. If you can ignore those and like 6 characters you get a shredded fucking fighting game.
No, you fag
I can look at shit like this or Rocket Power and go "yeah, this shit is dated and no one around today will actually get the jokes about it anymore." It's gimmicks and you eating it up doesn't make it relevant as their refusal to show hard numbers by now ultimately proves at the end of the day.
Move on to greener pastures because MK has been a turd field for over a decade now. You say im upset but the upset one here is you refusing to let an old dog die when its clearly been on life support creatively for the better half of the decade now. You're unironically defending a party game because the last 2 installments were "competitive". You wasted your time on a dying game, get over it.
No? The burka shitposting came at the reveal gameaplay event. You don’t remember the mentally ill sperg who created like 12 threads about “Muslim Kombat” off a single gameplay of skarlet default lol.
I'm not saying it flopped, I'm saying it's a shitty game regardless of being a best seller or not when it released during a "dry season"
bf5 tier
No, I'm saying that its a dated concept and held onto purely by fags like you willing to eat garbage like its wagyu
Well Yea Forums did say it would bomb since it has 3 blacks and hoods on females
>the entirety of Yea Forums thought it was going to bomb because there was 3 brown people and ugly females
Do you browse Yea Forums with your eyes closed or something? Or do you just purposefully misinterpret things in a way your peanut brain can understand?
It's so they can just copy her base from the other girls who are in heels. NRS is lazy like this and its well documented by now i'm sure. Jax has meat in his metal arms too and Frost randomly gets fleshy bits where solid metal and circuits clearly would be. This trash was rushed as fuck lmao.
Are you gonna say the majority of faggots didn't spam this board with threads about how it's sjw,Muslim,niggers,etc. and how it will bomb because it pissed off (((fans)))?
Jax has always had meat in his arms lol, it’s funny how everyone forgets 9/X/old Mks
But yeah I’ll agree with the rest
Now fuck off already, a single month worth of sales means all of jackshit when there's fucking nothing else for sale during that month because nothing else came out. Meanwhile the game gets a price cut soon after coming out for physical console editions. That says something really bad about how well it was selling and it says something bad. The lack of hard numbers also says something too.
It's the 2nd best selling game of this year user
3 million copies is really poor sales now actually. I find it doubtful the game made back development and marketing expenses at that amount of sales. It almost certainly did not achieve sales projections either.
>Are you gonna say the majority of faggots didn't spam this board with threads about how it's sjw,Muslim,niggers,etc. and how it will bomb because it pissed off (((fans)))?
>Are you gonna say the majority
Yes you imbecile. If you think the majority of people had this attitude then you must have some serious tunnel vision. I can guarantee you there was more people that did not care about the ugly females and brown people than there was people that did.
Based off of sales during one month when sweet fuck all else is on sale. Nor are there any actual hard numbers to back up the claim that it sole 11 million copies either. 3 million sounds more likely and that honestly isn't much now due to high development and marketing costs.
>best selling game
>of April
Congratulations on entering a competition with no other participants and winning, NRS!
Wonder how that guys doing honestly. So mad during that January event up until release and even getting pissy in the general at /vg/. Can’t be healthy for someone
majority is a overstatement but you can agree that they did piss off enough people to harm their sales i mean the game is lagging behind MKX sales and im sure MK11 was way more expensive to produce .
>sold much, MUCH worse than last instalment
hehe..w...we didn't go broke you guys!
u mad?
You would think after all this time they would fix it since there isn't a real excuse by now.
I don't even remember if when Jax got his bionic arms in the original timeline if it was because he lost them or not. I swear I remember he legit just suddenly had them and they just pretended like he always had them or something. I always assumed it was like sonya's wrist projectile thing, some Special Forces tech shit to just make him the biggest nigga.
>with no competition
>Days Gone
>and other indie and port stuff Nintendofags gobble
Not to mention that, even if what he's saying was the case, what the fuck would the autistic melodramatic response have to do with whether or not they were being antagonized? It doesn't change that the guy getting interviewed gave a pretty benign response to a question posed to him, rather than parading around how woke and progressive he was at any given opportunity.
>April's best releases
>MLB 19
>Days Gone
In other words
>>games based off of the tedious zombie fad that's almost as undead as the zombies in question and irrelevant garbage.
So no competition basically.
>implying that movies are games
I said "Congratulations on entering a competition with no other participants and winning, NRS!"
this nigga mad
it got the MOST sales than any other game did this year on a thursday. no other game has made as much money this year on a thursday than MK11.
Apparently MLB 19 is legit good or something. GI have it "Game of the Month" and I cant fucking fathom how when it was fighting with a bunch of other shit. It must have some retarded features they forgot to put in the hundreds of previous titles.
this dude is fucking fuming
>i don't like the games so they don't count
lmao that user was right. this is a big fucking COPE.
>gets told
>"lol u mad"
Oh shit did some digging and I laughed kind of hard
>Jax covertly prepares for the future battle with Kahn's minions. He outfits both arms with indestructible bionic implants. This is a war Jax is prepared to win.
So before It could be implied he was just wearing a bionic wrap-around or something(Maybe even just replaced the skin), meat and bone was still under there. In IX though those things get clearly shown to be decimated and replaced with solid metal hydraulics and the like. Goddamn, old Jax was hard as fuck
I actually like what I've seen of days gone based on what I've seen in various youtube videos of the game, so no. I simply recognize that most people are probably more then a bit sick of the zombie trend by now.
Off topic but I fucking hate any trend in video games. Goes to show what spineless faggots game developers are. Why try for something unique when you can just go with the flow and make a soon to be forgotten (zombiegame #9999999). Some nostalgia fags are right in saying that older games were better. They would throw shit against the wall and hoped it stuck, there was no guaranteed success, no faggot trend to follow.
Agreed, but this is something that is unlikely to end barring a major crash in the industry. In the meantime maybe checkout GoG? They have more obscure titles that aren't as trendy if you will, in addition all the older classic titles.
It's the dunning kruger effect of thinking you've figured something out but only scratched the surface of reality.
I disagree, but MK models always looke like shit, though. I think they had them in bikinis with their tits out so people wouldn't notice they were built like twinks.
did you just agree with the retard who thought some half assed comic is "propaganda"?
i'm glad
>Thinking you're seeing the dunning kruger effect in action because someone posted a comic
And the award for the most pseudo intellectual drivel post goes to you, user. Congratulations.
The fact that he thinks it's "propaganda" doesn't matter.
The comic can be interpreted as saying "black people would be living a worse life today if slavery never existed", which is a really shallow take.
Do you think the comic would work in a vacuum? Obviously there has been a discussion about how society would look if slavery never was a thing, and this is a response to that. Going by the archive, it even looks like it's a response to this specific game.
Or are you supposed to look at the comic and laugh because the nigger stereotype lost his KFC and watermelons?
>The comic can be interpreted as saying "black people would be living a worse life today if slavery never existed", which is a really shallow take.
but that's true? African americans wouldn't exist in America and would instead be living in mud huts with the rest of their 70 IQ brethren if not for slavery. are you dumb? what dont you understand?
the woke people consider ronda rousey to be a terf, so nah
Yeah, that's your take. One of many. If that's the only way you can see it going, you'd fit right in with your 70 IQ brethren.
Clearly colonialism is why they're held back in their native lands user. Dont you watch any of those documentaries on BET?
The dark humor is that a retarded nigger with a time machine fucks it up for everyone, not just himself yet he still only thinks of himself in the end result.
then what do you think would have happened wise guy? something tells me you're too dumb to articulate a more probable reality but i'm willing to hear you out.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to assume that this is gonna go nowhere with you, so I'll leave you with this real hot take.
>you can't utilize a workforce in any other way than enslaving people
Don't bother responding because I'm already gone.
WE already confirmed the devs call their trans employees 'morph'. they are based beyond comprehension and belief.
>If that's the only way you can see it going
That's literally the only way it can go. Unless the nig that was destined to find a magical stone that raises your entire races IQ by 30 points was enslaved before he could find said magical stone then you've not got a leg to stand on.
>doesn't provide another alternative
>"heh im done with you now sweetie"
a true intellectual titan
>I'll apply my modern, evolved, ideas to an ancient concept as my proof
lmao I guess running away is a good way to "win" your argument
Do you retards sincerely not understand that bigotry is most efficiently spread through comedy?
Comedy makes everything palatable and can always be used as a shield for criticism (it's just a joke, I'm not really a racist!).
Pretend you went through middle school long enough that you learned what "critical thinking" is, and exercise it it.
I don't know anyone who plays Muslim Cuckbat 11
You are actually dinosaur brained right now. Someone made a funny you didn't like and you sperged out over it. Take your meds and go to bed.
>Do you retards sincerely not understand that bigotry is most efficiently spread through comedy?
you're an absolute clown ass nigga if you think that bigotry spreads through comedy the most efficiently. I know for a fact you don't have a single citation to back up this claim you've clearly pulled out of your ass.
Clearly jokes are how Hitler got into power
I heard his "3 jews walk into a bar joke-" is a real zinger and what solely won him the peoples affection
Anthem flopped, but Division 2 did fine overall
I'm not the other guy, dipshit. I'm stating the objective fact that comedy makes edgy shit palatable.
Use some common sense, retard. Laughter is one of the most positive emotions humans are capable of expressing. If something makes you laugh, you're generally not going to question the motives behind it nor the message it's subconsciously drilling into your mind. Comedy masks whatever edgy shit you say and makes it both easier to digest and easier to defend.
Are you sincerely suggesting that, of all things, comedy doesn't perpetuate antisemitism? Pic related.
>Are you sincerely suggesting that, of all things, comedy doesn't perpetuate antisemitism?
I phrased this poorly. It's meant to read as "Are you suggesting that antisemitism, of all things, is not perpetuated by comedy?".
Oh man i'm so stupid. I thought his charisma and way with words did that, I totally forgot that 3 hour documentary I watched about Hitler's killer stand up routine and how it was the main competent in his rise to power.
>admits that hitler made antisemitism palatable because he was charismatic
You just shot yourself in the foot, user. Charisma and humor go hand in hand. The trick is to get people to think you're either smart, funny, or friendly. Then they'll listen to whatever you have to say.
I think it's hilarious that someone will say the retarded shit you're saying on Yea Forums of all places, where dogwhistles and racist memes are literally posted hundreds of times a day by actual /pol/fags. Maybe you're one of them.
>Use some common sense
If your common sense dictates that bigotry spreads through comedy easier than someone's environment then you really are irredeemably dumb. You think American rednecks earned their hatred of brown people through comedy you absolute dunce? I'm not saying that comedy can't make "bigotry" palatable but if you think it's the prime mover for bigotry then you're clearly missing a large chunk of your brain.
Cute how you speak of /pol/ tards but in the same sentence mention dog whistles.
>Charisma and humor go hand in hand.
No it doesn't you idiot. You can't just make retarded connections between things and claim that i'm proving your point.
>Maybe you're one of them.
I browse /pol/ some times but it's only to see if anyone can refute my infallible arguments. I'm technically left leaning.
It's still netershit.
Environment is important but you're a fucking peanut if you sincerely think that simply not being around black people is enough to think that blacks have low IQ and love KFC. That shit gets drilled into your brain by dumb memes and people associate black people with those memes if they have no actual direct association with black people.
Environment dictates this kind of shit a lot, but it all comes back to things like comedy or charisma making those ideas palatable in the first place so people start spreading them. I grew up in a 99% white community and I was genuinely a racist because I knew zero black people, and saw too many memes about black people loving KFC. If I didn't have the internet, do you genuinely think I would have just gone to sleep one day and just dreamt of KFC memes? Both the environment you grow up in AND the media you consume dictate how you process shit like this as you go through your formative years.
>Cute how you speak of /pol/ tards but in the same sentence mention dog whistles.
What are you implying?
>No it doesn't you idiot.
How the fuck does it not? You're just disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing now.
what are the ** for ?
God I want to lick her armpits
What was even released in April?
Mordhau was released the 29th and has double the reviews on steam, and is overwhelmingly positive in contrast to MK11 being mixed (mostly due to jank online and the extremely bad microtransactions) but, since it was released 2 days from the end of the month, Mordahau didn't outsell it in April.
comedy perpetuates because its relatable you cock goblin.
People find shit funny when they can understand its intent and purpose; when its relatable. Did it never occur to you why the onions shit took off? Its not because people hate them outright singularly. Its because the fucking faggots legit created stereotypes for themselves and made for easy edits and comedic imagery to be imposed on them. Stop pretending like jews and blacks only get this comedy treatment. Everyone takes part in it, including the jews and the blacks.
You actually have 0 understanding of the social context to humor.
Yes, that is what happened with Silent Hill, for example.
Investors want more and more money. Not only profiting, but profiting even more than ever before.
Profit to the max.
Big sums of money.
Swim in coins like Scrooge.
Not him but Charisma can go hand-in-hand with a sense of humor sometimes but telling a good joke doesn't make you charismatic user.
There are many leaders who were fucking batshit insane and couldn't do jokes to save their life. Only a few who could tell jokes became anything.
>blacks have low IQ
That's veritably true though.
>Environment dictates this kind of shit a lot
That's all i'm saying dude. More so than comedy or memes. Don't tell me i'm wrong just because of your own dumb anecdotal experiences.
>What are you implying?
Dog whistling is a ridiculous term for left leaning conspiracy theorists.
>You're just disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing now.
No, you're just being stupid. If what you said was true then 90% of charismatic people would be funny, and 90% of funny people would be charismatic, which isn't true at all. I'm actually black (not afro american) but you just reek of a white guilt. Especially so since you said yourself you were racist in the past. It's like your scrambling to atone for your perceived sins by going too far left.
dont forget wanting more money while also trying to screw the developers out of funds in the process to maximize their gains further and force a bubble pop
Fuck, I meant "verifiably true". Turns out it's not even a word but you know what i'm trying to say.
>game released on 4 platforms
>just barely outsold Days Gone, which is only on 1 platform
how often do you visit OAG?
actually, veritably is a word.
it just means true though, so you accidentally wrote yourself a tautology
narcissa webms are never fake.