So props to this game for being hard. How are you guys dealing with the side missions, those especially are a pain
TSR thread
Honestly has some of the best writing in a modern game in literal years. I mostly got it for the story mode and I’m not disappointed, really hoping for some character DLC in the future. But Knuckles’ new voice really threw me off and Silver’s voice is actually fucking awful, doesn’t even sound like him anymore
Just got done beating all the platinum ghosts in time trial. Bizarrely there's no reward for it. 100%ing singleplayer got me a lot of customization stuff, but time trial has nothing at all.
I think the writing is weak as fuck actually. It's just still images with text, and the story itself is corny, feels lazy and shittily written.
how the FUCK am I supposed to use 35 wisps in 5-2, thats more than 3 full loops around the track, without getting a platinum medal.
If you don't mind using a cheese strategy, there's this.
Knuckles' VA is subpar but ive grown used to mediocre Knuckles
Silver's is ok, it's not all that bad to me.
Shadow is horrible, I wish it was better. How is it they dont' get we like Humphrey-esque Shadow?
Raming into the basic pawns will also destroy them giving you more time. This also works on the demopawns but you need to hit them from the side or the bomb will get you. You can do it to the blue pawns as well but they take two hits still.